C U LT U R E • S P I R I T • B E L I E V E • L I S T I N G S • V O I C E w w w. oht v. co. uk/ 2 get he r ISSUE09 Monique UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL! LECRAE THE STAR OF CHRISTIAN RAP MUSIC SELMA DR MARTIN LUTHER KING # 2 G ET HE RMAGAZ INE APRIL 2015 CAREER NUGGETS AN INTERVIEW WITH HOST MORENIKE AJAYI ISBN - 65 7569MI KOVE143 STEF 1975 ANDRAE CROUCH THE FATHER OF MODERN GOSPEL Helping people make the most of every moment. We bring happiness to the lives of migrant communities all over the world by providing products and services that make their lives easier, and keep them connected to their loved ones. Visit the Lebara stand at the Festival of Life for our latest offers including international calls from 1p/min. Always by your side lebara.com APR TWENTY FIFTEEN Pg 51 Pg 6 CONTENTS • PG 30 • LECRAE • PG 06 • • MO'NIQUE • • EMBRACING MY ROOTS • • PG 36 READ ADEOLA IDOWU'S EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH THE A-LIST STAR • PG10 • SUPERMALT'S GOT IT Pg 16 • FROM A FELLOW BRITISH GHANAIAN • OUT AND ABOUT WITH LOLA • SELMA Pg 28 THE ICONIC LIFE OF MARTIN LUTHER KING FINALLY HITS THE BIG SCREEN • PG 16 • Pg 36 Pg 12 LOLA OGUNBADEJO GIVES US THE LATEST SCOOP ON WHAT SHE HAS BEEN UP TO • PG 42 • CAREER NUGGETS • CELEBRATING AFRICAN AND CARIBBEAN INFLUENCE IN FASHION • PG 38 • PG 12 • THE HIGH ACHIEVING CHRISTIAN RAP STAR • MEET THE TEAM TAKE A STEP INTO THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH MORENIKE AJAYI • THE TALENT THAT MAKES OH TV • PG 46 • BRITISH GHANAIANS: LOST IN TRANSLATION • TOP 10 • THE DEBUT OF OH TV'S BRAND NEW DOCUMENTARY WITH ORTIS DELEY • PG 24 • BE INSPIRED: WOMEN OF THE FUTURE • PROUDLY PAVING THE WAY FOR OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS • PG 28 EDITOR'S NOTES: Hello Readers! Welcome to the 9th edition! May God continue to supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19). So excited about this edition! It’s a new year so let us come together and celebrate the success of others and remember the special people we admire. In this edition we feature an exclusive interview with A-list Hollywood Actress Mo’Nique! She is set to feature in the brand new season of Naija Bites! Find out what she has to say in this very open and honest interview. We also honour the life of late Andrae Movies Hair and Beauty Politics Music and Entertainment Fashion and Culture Food and Education Crouch; the father of modern Gospel music. We also look at the one and only Lecrae, top U.S rapper spreading the good Christian vibe all over. Speaking of which, Big Church Day Out is coming up soon and he will be there! Found out more in this edition. And lets hear it for the girls! We also highlight the women of the future, making waves in their respective industries. This also includes an interview with Morenike Ajayi, host of OH TV’s Career Nuggets. We take a look at the OH TV documentary British Ghanaians: Lost in Translation. Find out the latest from ‘Out and About With Lola’, UK Gospel News, Real Talk, OH Creative and so much more! This issue is jam-packed with lots to explore, so read on and enjoy! Stay blessed everyone. #2GETHERMAGAZINE • PG 22 • FEATURING THE TOP SHOWS ON OH TV • PG 48 • UK GOSPEL NEWS WITH BEE SUAREZ • FIND OUT WHAT’S POPPING OFF IN THE THRILLING WORLD OF UK GOSPEL! Adeola Idowu • ANDRAE CROUCH • HONOURING THE FATHER OF MODERN GOSPEL MUSIC EDITOR IN CHIEF | Adeola Idowu | PRESS ASSISTANT | Hanaa Coan-Ali | CONTRIBUTING WRITERS | Bukky Alabi, Erica Mahendren, Helene Kleih, Kola Oluwole, Lola Mosanya, Lola Ogunbadejo, Vanessa Sarpong, Zaina Kassim | ART DIRECTION & DESIGN | Axel Taylor | PHOTOGRAPHY | Cover Image - Press Association, Beachsoccer Online, Bella Naija, Ernest Simmons, LindaIkeji blog, SelmaMovie.com, Will Twort, WMC Client Get CDNC, Xltmedia, Wojexis | PICTURE RESEARCH | Hanaa Coan-Ali, Lola Ogunbadejo, Michael Ayo, Zaina Kassim | PUBLISHING MANAGEMENT | Contract Publishing UK (CPUK) Ltd | OH TV MANAGEMENT | Akin Salami, Vidal Juba, Patrick Campbell, Kristianna Paraskeva | OH ACCOUNT & PRODUCTION MANAGER | Garmei Chan | MARKETING MANAGEMENT | Kola Oluwole |BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT | Yemi Adeshina | OH CREATIVES | Andrew Webber, Daniel Ayo, Daniel Sosanya, Emily Hutson, Erica Mahendren, Marvin Brown, Pamela Sakyi, Simon Osunsade, Sam Blankson, Deborah Oluyemi | SPECIAL THANKS TO | The Bridge PR, Mo’Nique, Haven Homes, AFRIFF, Loveradge, Unasham’d, Ortis Deley, Morenike Ajayi, Mary Dinah, Afro Hair and Beauty Live, Big Church Day Out, Supermalt, Selma50.com, Adeyemi Idowu, Arinola Idowu, DMEG Family, Belinda McWilliams, Ekow Baisie Wilson -TLOML | 2GETHER is an OH TV publication. OH TV airs on SKY channel 199 in the UK, on free-to-air satellite across Africa and via UN1TY in the USA, Canada and Australia. OH TV WRN Broadcast Media Village, Wyvil Court, 10 Wyvil Road, London, SW8 2TG Tel: 020 7720 8210 | www.ohtv.co.uk | twitter.com/ohtv | facebook.com/ohtv.sky199 | Twitter @OHTV #2gethermagazine A Copyright 2008-2018. Except where explicitly stated, all content of this magazine is A Copyright Open Heavens Media Ltd, all rights are reserved, and content should not be copied, adapted, redistributed, or otherwise used without the prior written permission of Copyright Open Heavens Media Ltd. Any unauthorised publication, copying, hiring, lending or reproduction is strictly prohibited and constitutes a breach of copyright. This publication has been produced by the OPEN HEAVENS MEDIA LTD, All rights reserved. Production in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without written permission. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors in adverts or articles, although 2GETHER has endeavoured to ensure that all information is correct at the time of printing.Opinions expressed in 2GETHER are necessarily that of the publishers. 2gether Magazine always strives for complete accuracy in order to meet the satisfaction of our readers, however in the heat of meeting deadlines, mistakes can sometimes slip in. We are always happy to receive your comments and feedback. 6 | APRIL 2015 2GETHER | 7 Movies A Little Closer With MO’NIQUE WHILST ON THE SET OF NAIJA BITES MO’NIQUE TOUCHED ON A NUMBER SUBJECTS THAT GOT MY BRAINS RATTLING AND I FELT WE NEEDED TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THIS INFECTIOUS CHARTERER WITH A SEEMINGLY INTERESTING STORY. DURING OUR INTERVIEW, MO’NIQUE WAS INCREDIBLY KIND AND DELIGHTFUL; SHE EVEN WARMLY CLOSED THE INTERVIEW BY SAYING, "LOVE YOU SISTER, I AM PROUD OF YOU AND KEEP DOING WHAT YOU’RE DOING." MO’NIQUE, WAS FULL OF WORDS OF WISDOM AND PAINTED A VIVID PICTURE OF HER LIFE. MUCH TO MY SURPRISE, SHE HIT BACK AT THE CONTROVERSIAL RUMOURS AND STATEMENTS MADE TOWARDS HER BY LEE DANIELS, DIRECTOR OF THE FILM PRECIOUS. THEN AGAIN, RECENT PRESS SURROUNDING THIS SUGGESTS THAT MO’NIQUE ISN’T ONE TO BACK DOWN TO ANY CONTROVERSY OR CHALLENGE. READ ON TO FIND OUT WHAT THIS WOMAN OF MANY TALENTS HAD TO SAY… WHAT AN ABSOLUTE PLEASURE TO HAVE YOU ON OH TV’S FLAGSHIP COOKERY SHOW, NAIJA BITES! I CAN TELL YOU HAD A LOT FUN! WHAT WAS IT LIKE TO APPEAR ON THE PROGRAMME? Thank you, the sisters and I had such a great time. It was actually a blessing; they were so welcoming. It’s so good to know that the show will be aired over in the motherland and England. When you are exposed to places other than what you know it is always an honour to be introduced to a new audiences. I really appreciated it. ON THE SHOW YOU HELPED THE LADIES PREPARE A NIGERIAN DISH CALLED ‘EFO RIRO AND FUFU’ WITH AN AMERICAN TWIST; COMBINING COLLARD GREENS AND SPINACH. WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED ABOUT AFRICAN CUISINE SINCE APPEARING ON NAIJA BITES? Interview By Adeola Idowu Mo’Nique is one of six African-American actresses to win the Oscar in a competitive category. In 2009, she received critical praise and numerous awards for her villainous role as Mary in the film Precious including the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Listen baby, that meal was so delicious! Rasheeda told me it’s very important to use the bouillon cubes for flavour, so I need to call her to get the exact recipe. I don’t want to mess it up and have my family look at me like what are you doing? I haven’t tried it at home yet because I need to make sure I have the recipe. MO’NIQUE, IT IS NO SECRET THAT YOU ARE AN OSCAR AWARDWINNING ACTRESS. MANY ARE INSPIRED BY YOUR SUCCESS AND YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS THUS FAR. HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL? For the people that say “Mo’Nique I look up to you”, they don’t know that I feel the same way about them, anyone that is willing to follow their dreams is inspiring to me. When I think of the ladies on Naija Bites and also as I speak with you, it is motivating because we are in it together. We are all special. We have all taken this chance to do what is in our hearts. Any time I meet people that take that chance, I applaud them. WHERE DID IT ALL BEGIN FOR YOU? WHEN DID YOU REACH THE POINT WHERE YOU WANTED NOTHING MORE THAN TO FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS? When I got bored! [Laughs] To be honest, I can’t tell you when that very moment came; it has always been part of me. I’ve always been that little girl that wasn’t afraid to do it her way. WHAT CHALLENGES (IF ANY) HAVE YOU ENCOUNTERED IN YOUR PURSUIT TO ATTAIN THIS LEVEL OF STARDOM? There have been plenty of challenges and I think one of the biggest challenges was when I first got started I had four children. I have a son who is now 25 and three smaller sons, one who is 11 and the twins who are nine. The biggest task was trying to be a mother as well as chase fame and fortune. With my first son, we have a very distant relationship because I wasn’t the best mother; I chased fame rather than nurture him. I am grateful I got a second chance at 8 | APRIL 2015 2GETHER | # 2 G E TH E R MA G A Z IN E I hear that question a lot and I understand why, we have been conditioned to think that winning an Oscar is the be all and end all. I am really appreciative of every award that I’ve received. It wasn’t really a dream of mine to win an Oscar, the award that I envisioned was the NAACP Image Award. The moment they called my name for that award the little girl inside me said “Oh my dreams really do come true, they are calling my name!” I had to turn to the person next to me and say “did they just say Mo’Nique?” Winning any award is an honour. Mo'Nique as the character Mary Lee Johnston in the film Precious (2009) WHAT ABOUT THE BAFTA AWARD FOR BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS THAT DIRECTOR LEE DANIELS ACCEPTED ON YOUR BEHALF? I must say this, to those at the BAFTA awards; I was unable to attend as I had to be with my family at that time. I asked Mr Daniels to mention that I am so humbled and appreciative of this award. Though the first thing he said when accepting the award was that, ”Mo’Nique is mad at you all”. I do not know why that was said to all the beautiful people of the BAFTAs. I want to clear the record and show my sincere gratitude for being honoured with that beautiful award in Britain. CURRENT NEWS SUGGESTS THAT LEE DANIELS HAS SPOKEN OUT AGAINST YOU AND HAS PUBLICALLY REGARDED YOU AS DEMANDING AND DIFFICULT TO WORK WITH. HE HAS STATED THAT SINCE YOUR PART IN PRECIOUS, YOU HAVE ALLEGEDLY SOURED YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE HOLLYWOOD COMMUNITY. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SAY IN RESPONSE TO THIS? When Mr Daniels made those statements, no one ever took the time to ask him what were her demands? How was she difficult? He and I both know as well as the production team of Precious that there were never any issues of me being difficult or demanding. I think he had an issue with me not acknowledging him during my After watching the movie for the first time, my husband and I were quiet for a few minutes. I was at that moment that I knew I could allow myself to love my brother who molested me. When I watched the movie, I realised that it is a sickness. What kind of a person of a person would I be to judge a person so harshly knowing that they’re sick? That movie allowed me to no longer judge my brother and I could begin to wish him well in life. SO THE MOVIE BROUGHT YOU HEALING? Yes it did. I realised I cannot hold on to a past situation. motherhood because I realised that at the end of it all who will be there next to me, will it be the business or my family. WHAT ARE YOUR VIEWS ON DEALING WITH CHALLENGES? Everyday is a challenge, because you don’t know what each day holds. When faced with challenges will you bow your head down in defeat or do you keep your head up and say I am going to get through it. I welcome challenges, because they make us stronger and build character. Don’t be afraid of a challenge, face them head on. IT REQUIRES A GREAT DEAL OF STRENGTH TO BALANCE A DEMANDING CAREER AND FAMILY LIFE. HOW HAVE YOU DEALT WITH THIS OVER THE YEARS? I have an amazing husband; we’ve been married for almost 10 years now. He has been my best friend since the 10th grade. He knows what this means to me because he has been dreaming along with me since that young age. As he is the father to our children and the leader of our family, it is easier to balance family life. One of us is always with the children. When you have a beautiful partnership it takes the weight off. YOU HAVE APPEARED IN SEVERAL MOVIES AND TV SHOWS SUCH AS THE MEMORABLE SITCOM THE PARKERS (1999 - 2004) WHICH HAD A SUCCESSFUL RUN OF FIVE YEARS, BEFORE STARRING AS MARY IN PRECIOUS (2009). THIS WAS REALLY THE MOVIE THAT CEMENTED YOU ON THE GLOBAL STAGE. HOW DID IT FEEL TO WIN THE OSCAR FOR THAT ROLE? “When faced with challenges will you bow your head down in defeat or do you keep your head up and say I am going to get through it. I welcome challenges, because they make us stronger and build character. Don’t be afraid of a challenge, face them head on.” acceptance of the Oscar award. No one believed in that movie till it went to the Sundance film festival, so when I thanked my Precious family, I was acknowledging everyone involved. It took all of us to make that film. When people say Mo’Nique why are you speaking out, it’s because I have to. Staying silent doesn’t bring about change. WHO WOULD YOU SAY YOU LOOK UP TO? I have to speak of people dear to my heart, such as my husband’s grandmother and my own grandmother; they had to sacrifice a lot so that their grandbabies wouldn’t have to. I have to speak of Hattie McDaniel who was the first African American to win an Oscar in 1940. Robin Lee, that I watched have three babies at a very young age, whom despite all the odds went on to be extremely successful and sits beside me today as our executive assistant. I know the names people want to hear, but I don’t know those people, I have to talk about people that I know. I am obligated to recognise those people. WHAT WOULD YOUR ADVICE BE TO ASPIRING ACTRESSES AND ACTORS? YOU HAVE SUCH A WARM SPIRIT AND AN ENERGETIC CHARACTER, EVEN DURING THE TIME OF THE MO’NIQUE SHOW; EVERY EPISODE WAS INDEED A BIG CELEBRATION. DID YOU ALWAYS KNOW YOU WANTED TO BE AN ENTERTAINER? Don’t waiver from what you know is right and don’t ever put your integrity at stake because at the end of the day you will have to answer to yourself. The same way you would advise a young child “don’t let anyone take advantage of you, don’t let anyone use you or abuse you’” the same always applies to you. I always knew I wanted to be a talk show host from the time I could talk. I remember my mother’s friend once said “when you grow up you’re either going to get beat up a lot or make a lot of money with your mouth because you talk too much!” So okay I am glad I didn’t get beat up a lot! [Laughs] I REMEMBER WATCHING PRECIOUS FOR THE FIRST TIME WITH FLATMATES AT UNIVERSITY, WE WERE ALL QUIET FOR SEVERAL MINUTES AFTERWARDS. THE FILM TOUCHED ON VERY DEEP TOPICS. WHAT WAS IT LIKE FOR YOU THE FIRST TIME YOU WATCHED IT? Tell us about your new movie Blackbird which you have executively produced with your husband Sidney Hicks? We believe just like Precious, Blackbird will also heal. When I first got the script, I knew that if the story is told correctly it will save 9 Mo'Nique reveals that she was sexually abused by her brother Gerald from the young age of seven. For many years she held on to pain and resentment but after watching Precious for the first time she found healing and chose to forgive her brother: “After watching the movie Precious for the first time, my husband and I were quiet for a few minutes. It was at that moment that I knew I could allow myself to love my brother who molested me.” lives. It is about a young man trying to be accepted and how his mother deals with the trauma of her daughter being abducted and now her son is also coming out of the closet. The mother [played by Mo’Nique] feels responsible for her son’s sin and the father cannot take it anymore and he leaves home. You see the pain of this family. Perhaps it is now time for the world to change and talk about these things. It is in the Bible that we should not judge, so lets really take the time to love one another. That’s what this film is really about; it’s a beautiful love story. WHAT IS THE MESSAGE YOU WANT TO COVEY WITH THIS FILM? You’re a journalist and everything in you says that you want to write, and look at the choice you made. You had no choice. It is in the very being of who you are, but what if your parents said “we think you’re better off being a dentist” would you be the best dentist you could be? No, because that’s not what you’re passionate about. This is what this movie is all about, will you choose to be what you had no choice in being. BLACKBIRD IS DUE FOR RELEASE ON APRIL 24TH IN THE U.S.A AND ACROSS EUROPE IN SELECTED THEATRES THEREAFTER. MO’NIQUE WILL APPEAR IN THE NEW SEASON OF NAIJA BITES THIS SUMMER! TUNE INTO HER EPISODE ON MONDAY 8TH JUNE 2015 AT 1PM. DOWNLOAD THE UN1TY APP VIA YOUR SMART DEVICE APP STORE TO CATCH UP ON MISSED EPISODES OF NAIJA BITES. VISIT WWW.UN1TY.TV FOR MORE INFORMATION. 10 | APRIL 2015 2GETHER | Lifestyle and Well-being flow in your mother tongue. To them it is a presentation of extreme hilarity, I didn't care at times I would laugh along with them. I was determined that I would not be lost in translation; that would not be my story. I am proud that I can speak my language; whenever I go to Ghana I feel at home, I don't feel lost. I am an open-minded person so I didn’t mind going to the village, taking the ‘tro-tro’ [public transport bus], speaking to people, and going to the market. My aim whenever I go back home is to make sure I get the full ‘Ghana experience’. I am not ashamed of my culture, having the right mind set is key when learning the language. The ‘British’ title to me is just a bonus, which adds to my identity, it’s part of who I am. EMBRACING MY ROOTS The legendary Kwame Nkrumah said, “All people of African descent whether they live in North or South America, the Caribbean, or any part of the world are Africans and belong to the African nation.” From a fellow British Ghanaian Written By Vanessa Sarpong As a British Ghanaian it was not always easy speaking Twi, there is so much more to the language than the simple ‘ete sen’. Once you pass the basics, it's time to get down to the nitty gritty and start speaking in full sentences. My parents helped me to speak the language, and made sure I tagged along to parties, weddings, events, anything that had a Ghana theme attached to it, they made sure I was there. My father is a proud Ashanti man so he was very adamant on me speaking the language. “Why don’t we fuel the action to learn a language that is native to each of us, so that generations to come can also do the same.” IT IS NO SECRET THAT AFRICA IS A RICHLY DIVERSE CONTINENT BOASTING OF INCALCULABLE CUSTOMS, MANY CULTURES, VAST TRADITIONS AND BREATH-TAKING LANDSCAPES. AS THE SECOND LARGEST CONTINENT IN THE WORLD, PART OF THE AFRICAN PRIDE RESTS ON ITS RICH VARIETY OF NATURAL RESOURCES SUCH AS DIAMONDS, GOLD, SILVER, OIL, SALT, COCOA BEANS, TROPICAL FRUITS AND SO MUCH MORE. INDEED AFRICA IS TRULY BLESSED. As an African born in the UK, I have observed that a great number of third generation of Ghanaians in Britain lack the ability to speak their native language fluently. This for me is a concern as it has often made me question what this means for generations to come. Are we as Africans just content on what the textbooks are saying? Are we just comfortable in adapting and being content with the ‘British’ title whilst in the process losing our cultural identity? The documentary; British Ghanaians: Lost In Translation boldly highlighted some of these key issues within the Ghanaian community. During my childhood years I observed and learnt about the history. I learned how to dance the ‘adowa’ very well just by watching. I remember when I attended events I would be seated comfortably eating jollof rice and chicken and hiplife music would be blasting through the speakers, and I would just observe the cultural dance whilst mentally taking notes and soaking up the culture. At times I would be annoyed because I didn't understand why I had to tag along all the time to these cultural events. As an adult I appreciate the training in disguise because it has helped me and has added tremendously to who I am today. “It's a process but it starts with us!” I strongly believe that it is important that British Ghanaians learn how to speak their languages. I have noticed that many British Ghanaians understand the language but when they attempt to speak it there is a tendency to feel like they haven't fully grasped how to pronounce some of the words properly thus making them feel vacuous. I personally remember feeling like this and having family members laughing didn’t do much help either. They laughed simply because you have a westernised tongue and are yet to adapt and There is a light at the end of the tunnel, as it is possible to connect with the culture through music, movies and books. Dances such as the ‘azonto’ have successfully brought people together. Afrobeats, which has successfully transcended into mainstream charts is a fusion of western rap and African beats, this is a beautiful thing as it connects two societies together. Howbeit we do not need the western world to approve a certain element of our culture before we ourselves embrace our traditions and roots. I do understand that not everyone necessarily feels the need to connect to their heritage because the comfort of being British and the privileges that come with that title is sufficient. It is good to embrace being British if that is a major part of your 11 identity, it's your nationality, but I’ve often wondered if that British title was to be removed, what would be left? Then again who has the right to tell you what identity you are, and who should strip you of any title? Perhaps it’s best to appreciate every aspect of your life and background as it all contributes to who you are. Language can be a barrier, because not being able to speak a language native to your heritage could make you feel disconnected. You may connect to certain elements of the culture, but it could lead to an element of feeling lost, or yearning for a sense of belonging. When I studied in the US I experienced culture shock but because I educated myself about the environment I found myself and this enabled me to transition into the American lifestyle easily. “All people of Africa descent whether they live in north or south America, the caribbean, or any part of the world are Africans and belong to the African Nation.” Parents should therefore encourage their children to speak their languages. Being able to speak your language acknowledges you as part of a distinct culture, which connects you to a group with the same cultural identity. As Malcolm X suggests, “Once you change your philosophy, you change your thought pattern. Once you change your thought pattern, you change your attitude. Once you change your attitude, it changes your behaviour pattern and then you go on into some action”. In order for second and especially third generation British Ghanaians to refrain from being lost in translation is to fully and consistently keep in touch with their culture. We need to genuinely want to speak the language, remove any negative thoughts of who might laugh, or if the words do not come out right, or how long it could take to learn, it is a step by step process, the more practice the better it becomes. Speaking the mother tongue and fully embracing our roots is special, so why don’t we fuel the action to learn a language that is native to each of us, so that generations to come can also do the same. It's a process but it starts with us! 12 | APRIL 2015 2GETHER | Movies Black history Month SELMA #2GETHERMAGAZINE THE ICONIC LIFE OF MARTIN LUTHER KING FINALLY HITS THE BIG SCREEN Written By Hanaa Coan-Ali and Adeola Idowu EARLIER THIS YEAR THE PHENOMENAL LIFE STORY OF DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING HIT THE BIG SCREENS. WITH ASTOUNDING REVIEWS ALL OVER, AVA DUVERNAY, HAS UNDOUBTEDLY DIRECTED ONE OF THE BIGGEST INSPIRATIONAL FILMS OF THIS THIS YEAR, AND IS NOW RECOGNISED AS THE FIRST BLACK WOMAN TO RECEIVE A NOMINATION FOR BEST DIRECTOR AT THE GOLDEN GLOBES. THE MARTIN LUTHER KING BIOPIC TITLED SELMA, WITH CAST DAVID OYELOWO (AS DR MARTIN LUTHER KING), OPRAH WINFREY, COMMON, CUBA GOODING JR, CARMEN EJOGO AND ANDRE HOLLAND, TAKES VIEWERS ON A JOURNEY, FROM DAY ONE OF MARTIN LUTHER KING TO HIS ASSASSINATION WHICH LEFT THE WORLD AND ALL HIS FOLLOWERS DEVASTATED. This remake of King’s life and leadership connects with audiences on a completely different level. Writers, producers and directors haven’t feared from the truth of his story but have embraced it to re-tell it as true to the heart as possible. Director Ava DuVernay said, “For me as a woman filmmaker, perhaps as an African-American filmmaker, where the violence against the black body is so ambient – it’s all around, all the time – my interest was to go beyond the physical blow…” It is clear that DuVernay wanted to convey the real pain and trauma experienced by those who were attacked in 1950’s/60’s America and has successfully communicated with audiences the seriousness and reality during Martin Luther King’s leadership. It was no surprise that the film would receive heavy recognition and many film awards, the 2015 Oscars was just a start. However, who could have guessed that altogether out of the 71 nominations Selma won an astonishing 35. These nominations included two Oscars and four Golden Globes. This is just a testament of how much the legacy of Martin Luther King means to not only African Americans but also the wider world. The film depicts in sheer detail his life at home and his experiences in prison. Through this biopic we are taken on a journey and given a visual picture different from any textbook or printed biography. We are all given an opportunity to witness the legacy of a great leader, peacemaker and freedom fighter, a man that will always be cherished in the hearts of many. “IN 1965, THE EYES OF THE AMERICAN NATION WATCHED AS THOUSANDS OF ORDINARY PEOPLE TOOK TO THE STREETS OF SELMA TO MARCH FOR VOTING RIGHTS.” – Selma 50th Anniversary Jubilee (Bridge Crossing Jubilee Inc). 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SELMA TO MONTGOMERY VOTING RIGHTS MARCH 1965 According to history, the Selma-to-Montgomery March for voting rights ended an emotional three weeks and three major events that represented the political and poignant peak of the modern civil rights movement. On "Bloody Sunday," March 7, 1965 particularly, 600 civil rights marchers trailed across the town of Selma, Alabama and got as far as the Edmund Pettus Bridge, where they were attacked by state and local lawmen with dangerous objects and tear gas. Two days later on March 9, Dr. Martin Luther King led a "symbolic" march to the bridge. Then civil rights leaders sought court protection for a third full-scale march from Selma to Montgomery. March 5th – 9th 2015 marked 50 years since thousands of ordinary civilians from the town of Selma in Alabama, USA took to the streets to march for the voting rights of the African Americans. The 50th Anniversary theme titled: “Remember, Recommit and Restore” was celebrated as thousands from across the world and the USA joined civil rights foot soldiers and leaders of the Voting Rights Movement. President Barack Obama, joined by his wife Michelle and their daughters, walked alongside some of the original Selma marchers across the 1,200-foot-long, steel-andconcrete Edmund Pettus Bridge (also referred to as the ‘Bloody Sunday bridge’) to commemorate the bloody civil rights confrontation 50 years ago that transformed America. Former president George W. Bush and other dignitaries, activists, national personalities joined them. President Barack Obama delivered what is said to be the most poignant speech of his presidency. 13 THE BEST EVER FAMILY BANK HOLIDAY TRIP TO THE BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH COUNTRYSIDE FUN, FELLOWSHIP & INCREDIBLE WORSHIP!! 23RD - 24TH MAY 2015 WISTON HOUSE WEST SUSSEX ISRAEL HOUGHTON LECRAE BETHEL MUSIC JESUS CULTURE REND COLLECTIVE SWITCHFOOT PLANETSHAKERS WATOTO CHILDREN’S CHOIR LZ7 JASON UPTON THE ABRAMS BROTHERS GUVNA B MATT MAHER MARTIN SMITH GUNGOR NEEDTOBREATHE CHRISTAFARI KINGS CHAMBER ORCHESTRA What does Guvna B have to say about the Big Church Day Out? "Over the years Fred Hammond, Israel Houghton and myself have all graced the BigChurch Day Out stage with our expressions of Gospel music. The Big Church Day Out isn't a white event and it isn't a black event. It's a God event which everyone should have the pleasure of experiencing.” The Big Church Day Out is one of the UK’s largest annual Christian events that draws together more than 20,000 of all ages, from all denominations, for two action-packed days of fun, fellowship, music & worship. It reaches out to both those inside and outside the church, and has fast become one of the UK’s largest low-key evangelistic events. In 2015 Grammy award winner Lecrae, rarely seen in the UK, will grace the Main Stage along with Israel Houghton and countless other international artists and worship leaders. PLUS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE - FROM 5 TO 85! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MAY? JUST 90 MINUTES FROM LONDON! Head to the Big Church Da y Ou extraordinary family weeken t for an d worship, relaxation and ce of fun, leb in the beautiful English coun ration tryside! When Jesus prayed, He prayed for Unity, and the conversation about the church coming together just gets louder and louder. So often large events can miss out on the opportunity of creating an environment where the whole family can enjoy God’s presence together, and along with the incredible scenery of the Wiston Country Estate near Brighton, the Big Church Day Out really is the perfect family day out to the English Countryside on the May Bank Holiday weekend. There’s even shuttle busses running from Shoreham by Sea station all day long-just over an hours train ride from Victoria. “3 of our youth group responded to Jesus on Sunday and a friend of mine surrendered his life too. Amazed and full of praise for my Saviour. Thanks Big Church Day Out” - Richard. Discounted GROUP TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM BIGCHURCHDAYOUT.COM Every year more and more incredible stories like this are happening at the Big Church Day Out, and we hope that more will be written again this year when the event takes place in May! BRING A FRIEND Reg Charity: 1127987 The Big Church Day Out will be taking place at Wiston House, West Sussex, BN44 3DZ on 23rd & 24th May 2015 For more info and tickets go to www.bigchurchdayout.com 16 | APRIL 2015 2GETHER | 17 Career and Business Everybody has a dream. When you see yourself fulfilling your dream, that’s one indication of success. It’s important to have targets, I myself have another target and that’s becoming a chief executive. Another key thing for me is that in moving up the ladder, don’t do it alone, the people you have with you is a measure of your success. For me I feel I’m a success, if my team are doing well, we’re all doing well. Challenge yourself; even when people think your ambitions are not possible, choose not to see it that way. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SCHOOL LEAVERS AND GRADUATES EXPERIENCING A CHALLENGING TIME WITH JOB HUNTING? MORENIKE AJAYI The first thing I would say is when you come out of a university don’t see a degree as the end it’s just the start. People need to be adaptable to broaden their horizons. For example, somebody who studied Law, yes you want to be a lawyer but there are different roots to become a lawyer. You might not be able to get an instant traineeship but you can consider a role in human resources, you’re dealing with a lot of policies in human resources and that alone can provide experience and open doors in the legal field. Be is to be open minded and research other areas you can transfer your skills into. Don’t just wait, because the longer you are unemployed the longer you’re making yourself less marketable. Take a step in the right direction. That would be my main advice. Interview By Hanaa Coan-Ali HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR CAREER JOURNEY? (EDUCATION, BUSINESS RELATIONS, WHAT PUT YOU ON YOUR FEET TO BE THE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS WOMAN YOU ARE TODAY?) CAREER NUGGETS TAKE A STEP INTO THE RIGHT DIRECTION EVER THOUGHT ABOUT WHAT IT TAKES TO MAKE A TRANSITION FROM EMPLOYEE TO BUSINESS OWNER? OR MAYBE YOU KNOW SOMEONE FRESH OUT OF UNIVERSITY OR SOON TO GRADUATE LOOKING FOR THAT PERFECT JOB? OR MAYBE YOU ARE HAVING A CHALLENGING TIME MOVING UP THE CAREER LADDER OR EVEN SECURING EMPLOYMENT? READ ON TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT GETTING AHEAD IN YOUR CAREER AS MORENIKE AJAYI SHARES HER ‘NUGGETS’ OF ADVICE. In this interview successful director of finance and career nuggets host, morenike ajayi, talks on the positive attitudes and mindsets needed to climb up the career ladder and speaks about her successful career journey. CAREER NUGGETS IS AN EMPOWERING SHOW. WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO TRY AND COMMUNICATE TO THOSE WHO ARE STRUGGLING TO SECURE EMPLOYMENT? The first message is, there isn’t any struggle just keep on pushing, keep on going for it. Once you keep on pushing that wall it is definitely going to break down and you will have your break through. Be encouraged that the right jobs are out there. There are other avenues for jobs instead of the traditional roots. WHAT DO YOU THINK IT TAKES TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN BUSINESS OR YOUR CHOSEN CAREER? “I’m what you would call a bulldozer, I just go for it because when I look at the qualifications I started off without is not where I am today but I was very tenacious and knew what I wanted. I was very focused and I just didn’t give up.” I’m what you would call a bulldozer, I just go for it because when I look at the qualifications I started off without, I know I have come a long way to where I am today. I was very tenacious and knew what I wanted. I was focused and I just didn’t give up. In order to get my very first career training job, I must have applied for over seventy vacancies. I was constantly re-training and keeping up with what’s happening in the market place, making sure that my networks were relevant. Sometimes you get a network for a particular reason, you’ve got to know when to drop them and when to pick them up and when you need to discover things and I’m always learning and have a very inquisitive mind. YOU'RE A SUCCESSFUL SENIOR FINANCE EXECUTIVE AND YOU’VE WORKED WITH HUGE INSTITUTIONS SUCH AS TRANSPORT FOR LONDON AND PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS (PWC); ON YOUR JOURNEY WAS THERE EVER A TIME WHEN YOU FACED A CHALLENGING ISSUE THAT MADE YOU FEEL LIKE GIVING UP? When I transitioned into accountancy, I worked in very good establishments like PriceWaterHouseCoopers then I moved into another organisation where I found myself at managerial level. I wanted to progress to senior management, it took five years. When I eventually got the senior management role, only to be told about a year after that they’re going to restructure the department and wanted me to go back to manager grade, I worked so hard to try and get the senior management position. Everywhere I went in the organisation, I couldn’t get any jobs. I was at my rock bottom but then I thought, I can’t give up so I started looking for other jobs elsewhere and that was my break through. The lesson learnt from this is sometimes you can be very comfortable in the organisation you’re in but, sometimes stepping outside and looking at another industry might be an opportunity to find that the skills you’ve acquired are transferable and you can actually shine somewhere else. 18 HAVEN HOMES | APRIL 2015 ...live your dreams CATCH EPISODES OF CAREER NUGGETS EVERY TUESDAY AT 7.30PM WHAT ADVICE WOULD GIVE TO AN INDIVIDUAL WHO HAS AMBITIONS TO TRANSITION FROM AN EMPLOYEE TO A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS OWNER? Research properly. There are other things that you have to take into consideration, you won’t get paid if you’re off. The first few years might be a bit rough because you’re just putting in all the building blocks, be prepared for that and then be determined that this is the route you want and just go for it. Be focused and don’t give up, it all depends on the risks you’re willing to take so weigh the cost and get yourself into that mind-set that things are going to be completely different, then you should be able to make that transition. FINALLY WHOM CAN WE EXPECT TO SEE ON YOUR SHOW DURING THIS DEBUT SEASON? Everyday people who have started from very humble beginnings but have worked extremely hard. One gentlemen in particular will tell us how got to s a stage where he earns about £2,000 a day. Most of the guests earn six figures and for some it has taken them arounf 10 -15 years, they haven’t gone to your Oxford or Cambridge universities but they’ve worked their way up. All the guests have been really honest and open. One thing people need to realise is that these individuals are bringing sharing their experiences and giving insight into the basics and the soft skills needed to make real steps towards career progression. If people can tap into these nuggets of advice and apply them to their lives, they should see a difference in their career paths. ABOUT CAREER NUGGETS Career Nuggets, one of the latest programmes to make a debut on OH TV this year, is an insightful programme on a mission to inspire and empower people across the nation to push forward in their careers. This new business and career discussion show delves into hard-hitting topics surrounding employment and business development in the UK. If you are affected by any of the issues discussed in this article connect with us on social media via Twitter @CareerNuggets and @OHTV | Facebook: www.facebook.com/careernuggets and www. facebook.com/ohtv199 or alternatively email us at connect@ohtv. co.uk. CAREER NUGGETS: AN ONGOING SUCCESS! Following the launch of Career Nuggets on OH TV, Morenike has received several invtiations from organisations to attend seminars and events around London. Morenike told 2gether magazine that she has achieved a lot of positive feedback through e-mails and social media platforms. One of the biggest achievements through Career Nuggets for Morenike was the invitation she received from a local MP. The Career Nuggets host met up with an MP in the houses of Parliament and spoke about Career Nuggets and how it can continue to benefit the public. Morenike also recently spoke at the University of Greenwich for a student social enterprise event that supports graduates and students who are unsure about their future careers and facing several challenges in response to their future. Morenike was asked to share success stories and facilitate interview sessions for those wanting a one-to-one advice from her. CATCH MORENIKE SPEAK AT NICC 5TH ANNIVERSARY THIS MONTH The NICC (New Living International Christian Centre) have invited Morenike as the lead speaker at the 5th The Anniversary event. If you want to hear Morenike speak on “Getting to the top of your profession” head down to NICC, London E13 8AL on Sunday 26th April 2015. AFFORDABLE LUXURY HOMES IN NIGERIA CALL US NOW t: +234 809 522 1128 Haven Homesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss OFFICE AND SHOW HOME: ::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: : s s � s � s s s s s s � s s s : : � s s s � s s s s � � : s s s s s s s : www.thehavenhomes.com e: info@thehavenhomes.com 20 | APRIL 2015 2GETHER | 21 OH CREATIVE SUCCESS IN AFRICA & UK WE BELIEVE IN MAKING A DIFFERENCE AND ARE WELL ON OUR WAY TO BECOMING THE WORLD’S MOST TRUSTED AND BEST LOVED ORGANISATION, SERVING AND CONNECTING THE GLOBAL BLACK DIASPORA AND THE WIDER WORLD. Written by Adeola Idowu, Hanaa Coan-Ali and Kola Oluwole AT OH TV WE PRIDE OURSELVES IN PRODUCING HIGH QUALITY CONTENT FOR TELEVISION. DEVELOPING SHOWS THAT OOZE EXCELLENCE AND SUPERIORITY IN TERMS OF PICTURE AND SOUND IS ALWAYS AT THE FOREFRONT OF OUR APPROACH. OUR WORK HAS LED TO US TO BEING COMMISSIONED TO PRODUCE, FILM AND BROADCAST SOME OF THE LARGEST AFRICAN SPECTACLES IN THE UK AND AFRICA. OH CREATIVE IS A KEY STRAND OF THE OH NETWORK. OH CREATIVE HAS BECOME PART PRODUCTION COMPANY, PART CREATIVE AGENCY, WE PRODUCE ADVERTS, CAMPAIGNS, AND BRANDING FOR EXTERNAL CLIENTS AND CONTENT FOR ALL MEDIA PLATFORMS, BECOMING A FULLY INTEGRATED AGENCY THAT PROVIDES 360° CREATIVE SOLUTIONS. THE EXPERIENCE - AFRICA’S LARGEST GOSPEL MUSIC EXTRAVAGANZA OH Creative have managed the film production of “The Experience” since 2013 and have broadcasted it internationally to the UK. “The Experience”, is a live gospel music concert held annually at Tafawa Balewa Square in Lagos with host Pastor Paul Adefarasin, founder of the House on the Rock church. The concert features exceptional artists such as Cece Winans, Mike Aremu, Midnight Crew, and many more. AFRICA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL - THE BIGGEST FILM FESTIVAL IN AFRICA OH Creative have successfully executed production as official media partners of the Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF) in Tinapa, Calabar. Genevieve Nnaji and Chinedu Ikedieze were amongst the leading Nollywood stars at the event. OH Creative captured the entire occasion using state of the art equipment. NOLLYWOOD MOVIES AWARDS - CELEBRATING THE VERY BEST OF NOLLYWOOD The Nollywood Movie Awards attracts a high volume of dignitaries and celebrities from Africa and abroad. Last year the OH Creative captured all the excitement of the main event and red carpet. The show was broadcasted live from the Intercontinental Hotel, in Lagos, directly to viewers in the UK. The live coverage also featured an exclusive commentary booth led by award-winning OH TV presenter Lola Ogunbadejo. RCCG FESTIVAL OF LIFE - UK’S LARGEST GATHERING OF AFRICAN AND CARIBBEAN CHRISTIANS IN ONE PLACE The annual RCCG Festival of Life is a major event held twice a year at the ExCel Centre in London. This event attracts over 40,000 African and Caribbean Christians for prayer with a number of notable Christian leaders from Britain and overseas. Our live coverage has been able to expand the sphere of the Festival of Life audience. OH TV attracts in excess of 25 million viewers worldwide, with OH Creative’s live transmission service, RCCG Festival of Life has reached many globally. TIME2SHINE - UK’S NO. 1 GOSPEL TALENT SHOW WE BELIEVE THESE ARE INSPIRING EVENTS THAT TRULY LIFT THE ESSENCE OF BRINGING PEOPLE TOGETHER. WITH OH CREATIVE, WE WORK CONSISTENTLY AT DELIVERING HIGH END PRODUCTIONS IN AFRICA, FORMALLY MAKING A STANCE AS A TOP CONTENDER IN THE AFRICAN ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY. Since 2012 OH TV have broadcasted three successful seasons of Time2Shine. For seasons three and four OH Creative managed the production of the competition through every stage from auditions, right through to the grand live finals, which took place at the Indigo at The O2 in 2013 and the Hackney Empire in 2014. Time2Shine is the biggest televised talent competition in the UK and the rest of Europe focused solely on Christian and gospel music. COPA LAGOS – THE BIGGEST BEACH FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT IN AFRICA OH Creative had the pleasure of filming the Copa Lagos Beach Soccer tournament, the largest event of its kind in Africa. COPA 2014 was held at the Eko Atlantic Bar Beach, Victoria Island, and Lagos. A fun filled event spanning over three days with teams representing the nations of Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal and Ivory Coast. OH Creative covered highlights of the contest that not only featured football but catwalk fashion and entertainment. GIDI CULTURE FESTIVAL 2015 - AFRICA’S BIGGEST BEACH PARTY The Gidi culture festival is a major musical beach festival held annually in the vibrant city of Lagos in Nigeria. This year OH Creative was commissioned to capture the event attended by thousands and broadcast it live to an international audience outside of Nigeria. The popular event, which was established to with the youth of Africa in mind features a great selection of musical performances, live entertainment and sports tournaments. AY LIVE IN LAGOS – THE MOST ANTICIPATED COMEDY SHOW IN NIGERIA In recent years the AY show has become one of the most anticipated comedy events on the Lagos calendar. This show features live performances from Wizkid, Tontoh Dikeh, Iyanya, Chris Attoh and more The much-loved AY takes comedy back home to Lagos to share his well-known comedy experience with Africa’s funniest city. EKO ATLANTIC POLO TOURNAMENT - AFRICA’S MOST EXCLUSIVE SPORTS AFFAIR On the 19th-22nd March 2015, the OH Creative team was invited to film the prestigious event in Nigeria, the first ever Eko Atlantic Polo Tourney. The event was held in the breath taking location neighboring the sea, Nigeria’s Eko Atlantic City. Eko Atlantic, Lagos being the destination for Africa’s first ever beach polo tournament. Described as the ‘Game For Kings’, businesses, entrepreneurs and many more were invited from all over the world to attend the event at Africa’s most famous new city. CLOCKWISE: The estimated 700,000 crowd at The Experience in Tafawa Balewa Square, Lagos • OH TV Presenter Lola Ogunbadejo with Nse Ikpe Etim at Nollywood Movies Awards 2014 • COPA Lagos Beach Soccer Tournament at the Eko Atlantic Bar Beach, Victoria Island• Eko Atlantic Polo Tournament • Gidi Culture Festival 2015 • General Overseer of RCCG Pastor E. A Adeboye at Fetival of Life • OH TV crew behind the scenes on production of AFRIFF 2014• Genevieve Nnaji speaks with OH TV at AFRIFF • Grand Finale of Time2shine featuring season three winner Annastasia Baker • The African International Film Festival (AFRIFF) 2014 in Tinapa, Calabar • STRATEGY FOR 2015 - LET’S WORK TOGETHER OH Creative is expanding its reach and developing new marketing strategies that will enable us to offer our services to other organisations. We want to work alongside your organisation and help you grow by adding value for money services with the highest quality of production. We can film your live events, advertising campaigns, create branding and even provide a platform to reach your audience via our TV station, website, social media platforms and flagship quarterly print publication 2gether magazine. OH TV is here for you - Connect with us: OH CREATIVE 2014 | T: +44(0) 20-7720-8210 | E: connect@ohtv.co.uk | W: www.ohtv.co.uk Youtube Blog Facebook Twitter 22 | APRIL 2015 2GETHER | 23 MISTA SILVA, BRITISH GHANAIAN AFROBEATS ARTIST - “I think the rise of Afrobeats (in the UK) helps young people connect with their (Ghanaian) culture.” Lifestyle and Well-being BRITISH GHANAIANS LOST IN TRANSLATION THE DOCUMENTARY Written By Adeola Idowu Ortis Deley, also known for presenting The Gadget Show, Channel 5 THE RT HON. LORD BOATENG - “I’m passionate about young British Ghanaians and their right to know, to understand and to speak their parent’s Ghanaian languages.” ON GHANA INDEPENDENCE DAY 2015 (FRIDAY 6TH MARCH) OH TV FIRST AIRED THE INVESTIGATIVE DOCUMENTARY; BRITISH GHANAIANS: LOST IN TRANSLATION. TELEVISION PRESENTER ORTIS DELEY, WHO IS OF GHANAIAN AND NIGERIAN DECENT HOSTED THE DOCUMENTARY, AND SET OUT ON A QUEST TO DISCOVER THE ROOT CAUSES OF THE DECLINE IN GHANAIAN LANGUAGES, BEING SPOKEN AMONGST BRITISH GHANAIANS IN LONDON PARTICULARLY. INSPIRED BY HIS OWN LACK OF FLUENCY IN A GHANAIAN LANGUAGE, ORTIS WENT TO FIND OUT THE STORIES OF OTHER SUCCESSFUL BRITISH GHANAIANS, WHO AREN’T ALL FLUENT GHANAIAN LANGUAGE SPEAKERS EITHER. WHAT WAS MOST INSIGHTFUL ABOUT THIS DOCUMENTARY WAS ITS AIM TO ENCOURAGE GHANAIANS EVERYWHERE IN BRITAIN TO LEARN THEIR LANGUAGES AND THEREFORE FURTHER EMBRACE THEIR CULTURAL IDENTITY. The documentary was co-produced by OH TV and documentary producer and British Ghanaian Pamela Sakyi of Sparklelight productions. The idea was birthed out of Pamela's lack of fluency in her own native language. Pamela recognised the issues raised in the documentary as a prevailing reality. Pamela shared her reasons behind this documentary with 2gether magazine; “I wrote this documentary because I was intrigued by the frequency in which I would meet other British Ghanaians, who like Pamela recognised that this documentary would connect with many Ghanaians in the diaspora as well many other people from different backgrounds. She was able to relate to Ortis Deley’s experiences also; “Working with Ortis was great and I could relate to his story, because he also experienced a similar relationship to his parent’s Ghanaian language, as documented. I’m very pleased with how well both Ghanaians and non-Ghanaians have connected to this documentary. Second and third generations of people from different cultures all over the world are commenting on how they now want to strive to preserve their languages and pass them on to their children. After all, our native languages are so intrinsically linked to our cultural identity, heritage and the essence of who we are.” RESPONSE FROM PRESS AND SOCIAL MEDIA: KWAME OTTI - DIRECTOR OF CFAL LTD (CENTRE OF AFRICAN LANGUAGES) “I think this documentary is fantastic, we want to use this as part of an educational tool in schools and try and get Ghanaian languages on the National Curriculum.” Pamela Sakyi (SparkleLight Productions), and Ortis Deley myself cannot speak their parent’s Ghanaian languages fluently. Over the years of growing up in the UK, it has become increasingly common for me to meet many second and third generations of Ghanaians who lack fluency in Ghanaian languages.” When asked about her own personal experience Pamela explained; “Having grown up with a dual identity of British and Ghanaian, the themes discussed in the documentary such as languages, cultural heritage and identity are very close to my heart. I understand very well what it is like to often feel like you belong to your Ghanaian cultural side, but to also feel like an outsider when you are not able to speak a native language fluently, with other Ghanaians.” Ortis Deley, also known for presenting The Gadget Show, Channel 5, was intrigued by the topics the documentary aimed to cover and felt it was something that needed to be addressed; "Working on OH TV's Lost in Translation was significant for me as it helped me realise that my issue with not speaking my parents' mother tongue was a generational issue and not just confined to the Deley household. The documentary set out to understand what factors are involved in language endangerment; Ghanaian languages in particular. We found the reasons were multi-layered and are having repercussions both here and in Ghana." AKOSUA ANNOBIL - MY GHANA ROOTS.COM “Excellent documentary! I can completely relate to Ortis’ story. Time to call Ghanaian Language School methinks!” JUSTINA DAMTSEWA - AFRICAN CELEBS.COM DENTAA AMOATENG, CEO AND FOUNDER, GUBA AWARDS - “It’s part of our identity and culture to be able to speak in our Ghanaian languages.” “The documentary was brilliant. I’m Ghanaian and my children can speak my language so I totally support what the documentary aims to do. We need more programmes like this!” DAVID OSEI - ONLIRIS.COM “Congratulations on tackling this hot topic which is applicable across all diaspora communities. Looking at Twitter responses to the documentary, it seems to have struck a chord with the community!” RONKE LAWAL - ARIATU PUBLIC RELATIONS This documentary is providing a good history lesson; how indigenous languages are being lost in translation. I can totally relate to many of the stories of the contributors. I thoroughly enjoyed the documentary and I hope more people support it. 24 | APRIL 2015 Be Inspired: 2GETHER | Career and Business Written By Helene Kleih WOMEN OF THE FUTURE IN LIGHT OF THE CELEBRATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY RECENTLY, WE ARE REMINDED OF THE MANY INSPIRATIONAL WOMEN, OF ALL AGES WHO HAVE MADE AN IMPACT IN OUR WORLD. FROM AMERICAN OPRAH WINFREY TO BRITISH DAME KELLY HOLMES TO BURMESE AUNG SAN SUU KYI, OUR WORLD IS PROUDLY REPRESENTED BY WOMEN WHO ARE PAVING THE WAY FOR OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS. But what about female role models closer to home? Young businesswomen, Mary Dinah, Seyi Akiwowo, Eliza Robeiro and Bianca Miller each have inspiring personal journeys that have seen them defy odds, attaining success at a remarkable young age. They are exemplary of a generation of females proudly working their way up in otherwise male dominated fields whilst never once forgetting about their local communities. Despite their various professions, they all share one virtue in common - Perseverance. These women are testament that anything really is possible with determination and hard work. MARY DINAH - FOUNDER AND MANAGING DIRECTOR OF JOB LINK RECRUITMENT SERVICES bookings was still not enough for Mary. M.A.D’s human resource department soon evolved into Nigeria’s first private job centre, Job Link Recruitment Services, as it not only recognised Nigeria’s high unemployment rates, but the lack of information and funds available to even initiate job hunting. She graduated from the London School of Economics with a 2:1 in BSc Social Policy and continued to pursue her political dreams. Seyi’s experience is boundless, after being mentored by OH TV CEO, Akin Salami, she then went on to work for the EU as a Youth Activist, a position that surely elevated her standing in the local elections. Over 2,000 of the 9,000 people who voted supported her, a figure testament to the confidence the public have in her. Her dedication to the people within her community is reiterated in an interview with the Newham Recorder, as she states that she is “accountable to each and every one of them”. At 23 years old, Seyi is now the youngest Labour representative for Newham and Forest Gate and takes pride in the area that she grew up in. And her passions don’t end there. An avid education reform campaigner, Seyi frequently writes on the development of education around the world. With titles such as, ‘Why is education directed towards making a living rather than making a life?’ and articles probing the representation of girls in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) her input into the council’s education decisions will undoubtedly be invaluable. Her hopes of bringing a “new fresh perspective’” to politics are already certainly being realised. In 2008 Mary established M.A.D Hospitality, a London based hospitality consulting firm focusing on the management of boutique hotels. However taking international corporate hotel At only 14 years old, Eliza Robeiro founded the inspirational campaign Lives Not Lives in 2007 after observing not only the alarming rate of knife crime in her local area of Croydon, South London but the realities of just how many gang members in the UK were also in primary and secondary school. Born to Nigerian parents, Seyi Akiwowo has lived in Newham in the UK for 20 years and is the embodiment of the phrase ‘giving back to the community’. For over 7 years she has worked for the borough as a volunteer, serving Newham as a Youth Councillor in 2008. Seyi’s interest in politics became further apparent at just 16 years old when she became an active member of the Labour Party, strongly believing in their ‘social justice values.’ BIANCA MILLER - FOUNDER & MANAGING DIRECTOR OF THE BE GROUP Bianca Miller is most recognisable from her stint as a BBC Apprentice candidate in 2014, reaching the final of the series. However her successes are bountiful. After graduating from the University of Sussex with a 2.1 in Business and Management Studies with Global Economics, Bianca soon found herself as a HR advisor at Accenture, one of the world’s largest management and technology consulting firms. It was there that she saw the potential for personal branding; a tool that she felt could elevate career opportunities for individuals. SEYI AKIWOWO - YOUNGEST FEMALE LABOUR COUNCILLOR FOR NEWHAM / FOREST GATE Graduating with a Distinction in MSc International Hotel Management from the University of Surrey, she had already proved herself to be a woman of great intelligence. She then went on to be Food and Beverage marketing representative for all 49 Starwood hotels in Africa and Indian Ocean, whilst also maintaining a Head of Marketing position for 5 notable hotels in Nigeria: Four Points by Sheraton Lagos, Sheraton Abuja, Sheraton Lagos, Le Meridien Port Harcourt and Le Meridien Ibom Golf Resort. However it was only after receiving the Marriott Golden Circle Award for her contribution towards an astonishing boost in revenue at the London Sales Office that Mary knew that she had what it took to set up her own business. The demand for Lives Not Knives service is both reassuring and worrying, as Eliza states; “We are working with children as young as nine and twelve who sell drugs!” Fortunately, Lives Not Knives can provide the support that Eliza envisaged and prevent the fate that so many of her own friends saw. ELIZA REBEIRO - FOUNDER OF LIVES NOT KNIVES As Mary states herself, “The cost of calling and visiting individual companies can become extremely expensive. Therefore, based in Lagos, Job Link offers a walk-in or on-line application process that banishes these barriers, already placing many people into their dream jobs.” With community spirit at the forefront of her agenda, Mary is exceptionally fulfilling both her own career and that of her fellow Nigerians. Packing over 15 years of hospitality experience under her belt for world class brands such as the Hilton, Marriott, Four Seasons, Le Meridien and Sheraton, Mary Dinah was no stranger to the business world of hotels, be it anything from sales and marketing to event management. 25 At just 20 years old Eliza is a true heroine, using her experiences of gang culture to benefit and improve her local community. She has subsequently won a Diana Award, a Philip Lawrence Award, and a Community Champion Award for her efforts. Receiving funding from the Home Office and a £20,000 grant from Evening Standard Dispossessed Fund, Lives Not Knives is only moving upwards. Eliza didn’t follow the conventional path of education, kicked out of an all-girls catholic school at just 13 and then attending a Pupil Referral Unit she herself was involved with what is deemed as the wrong crowd. However, she soon realised the seriousness of the youth crime and gang culture that surrounded her. What started as just a single t-shirt which read ‘LIVES NOT KNIVES’ soon became an evolving campaign as the demand for their print and sale increased. Using the money raised from the T-shirts, Eliza organised a celebration combatting street violence, where 150 youth attended and signed a petition to ‘make our streets safe.’ Fast forward to 2015 - Lives Not Knives now has 76 volunteers who deliver workshops in 37 schools, having already addressed 7,000 children over two years. The voluntary grassroots group also works alongside the police and fire brigade to provide both general and personalised information sessions for pupils on knife crime. In 2012, after a brief period in financial recruitment, Bianca finally decided to create her own personal branding company - The Be Group (Be Styled UK, Be Employed UK & Be Branded UK). Offering interactive workshops, consultancy and personal coaching, The Be Group has worked with everyone from law firms and global banks to schools and small business owners. Bianca believes that ‘the personal branding agenda will not only help unemployed people and graduates but all individuals in search of career and personal fulfilment.’ Named as one of the prestigious start up 100 businesses of 2013, The Be Group has only continued to thrive. Bianca has hence received awards such as ‘Young Entrepreneur of the Year’ in the Precious Awards 2014, ‘Best New Business’ in the South London Business Awards 2013, and was also a 2013 finalist in Brand Amplifier’s 'Best Female Entrepreneur.' Yet, her skills don’t just lie in the boardroom. In her spare time Bianca shares her expertise as a Widening Participation mentor for students at Brunel University and also regularly facilitates workshops in schools in her local area of Croydon, South London. With her plans to manufacture a range of women’s tights that match every skin colour, Bianca will also soon be making waves in the clothes industry. AFro HAir And BeAuty Live 2015 SEE IT - FEEL IT - LIVE IT F or all you hair lovers out there, there’s only one place for you to be this upcoming May Bank holiday – the Afro Hair & Beauty Live event on the 24th and 25th May. Come along and enjoy the ultimate hair, beauty and lifestyle experience due to take place at the Business Design Centre in Islington. This is the only place where young black women can indulge in a mini spa experience, as well as seeing award-winning hairstylists at work, with a chance to see and buy designer’s work firsthand at Afro Hair & Beauty’s Pop UP Fashion Boutique. There will be many giveaways up for grabs on both days, where Pak Cosmetics are offering £25 worth of assorted hair and skincare products for only £5 on a first come first served basis. Many of the country’s hair, skin and beauty experts will make appearances, including Ophir Hair, who will be promoting their Brazilian natural Remy curls. On their stand, LA celebrity stylist Richard Grant, will be doing demo installs and styling on the day. Top brands will be launching products at the event, including Mazuri Shea Butter Naturals and Cantu, who will be showcasing their full range, which includes the number one selling leave-in conditioner in the US. The long-standing and popular brand ORS will be launching their new ranges Monoi Oil Tahitian Anti-Breakage, New Curls Unleased and Shealicious. Back again this year is the riveting Wahl’s Battle of the Barbers competition which will see barbers compete from as far as Ghana for the title of King Barber, while award-winning celebrity barbers Steve Sullivan and Pekka Ikomi, launch their new range of styling products, Diligence Styling Gel and Pomade. One of the longest standing skin and hair product giants, Palmers, have expanded to include a coconut oil formula, olive oil formula and shea butter hair care. You will be able to try out the latest cosmetics from favourites like Island Beauty and Mary Kay, as well as new companies Vital Make-Up Cosmetics and Ebony Pink – who will also be providing headto-toe massages. A host of seminars will be taking place to settle all hair and skin questions. Do you want natural straight hair without all the heat damage? Cocoa Mane’s Janel Sealy Smith will be conducting a hair seminar on natural hair straightening and how to achieve a better full head weave. There will also be seminars by guru Cathy Howse on hair care, hair myths and hair growth. Crystal Kassi, the creator of Christal Cosmetics, has developed Christal Botanical Care for ethnic skin and will be conducting a seminar about black skin care at the event. The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God will be on hand to privately guide and offer counselling. Healthy Lifestyle, run by the Seventh Day Adventist Church and the NHS are teaming up to provide free blood pressure, diabetes and HIV tests with the option to swab the mouth or prick the finger. They will also measure your BMI and advise on health, nutrition and alternative foods. For the naturalistas, there will be a host of new products to try and sample to achieve manageability and soft definition. Afro Hair & Beauty LIVE has something for everyone wanting to enhance their inner beauty. Come and unleash a beautiful you. Afro HAir & BeAuty Live 24-25th May 2015 Business Design Centre 52 Upper Street, london, N1 Doors open and close: 10.30-6pm Ticket prices: £10 in advance, £12 on the door Nearest tube: Angel Parking: Limited availability in the local area For more information visit www.afrohairshow.com GET A FREE HEALTH M.O.T AT AFRO HAIR AND BEAUTY LIVE 2015! 2 for 1 w tickets no 12 £ priced Call 020 7720 ww. 2108 or visit w om .c ow h afrohairs ow sh Limited offer A Health MOT is the best way to get a full picture of your health and overall wellbeing and spot potential system weaknesses, giving you the opportunity to restore balance. At this year’s event you can receive an in-depth assessment that looks at your diet, lifestyle and overall wellbeing in just 30 minutes! Not just that you can also receive a bespoke personal nutritional plan showing you exactly what you need to achieve better health and grow healthier hair, skin and nails. THIS OFFER USUALLY COSTS £65 www.pilatesharrow.com 9 2 B B & H a p r i l / m ay 2 0 1 5 a p r i l / m ay 2 0 1 5 B B & H 93 28 | APRIL 2015 2GETHER | 29 Music and Entertainment “JUST LET ME LIVE MY LIFE AND LET IT BE PLEASING LORD TO THEE AND IF I GAIN ANY PRAISE, LET IT GO TO CALVARY” MY TRIBUTE (TO GOD BE THE GLORY), ANDRAÉ CROUCH Written By Lola Mosanya Andraé Edward Crouch THE FATHER OF MODERN GOSPEL MUSIC / JULY 1, 1942 - JANUARY 8, 2015 EARLY THIS YEAR, AT THE AGE OF 72, THE SUN SET ON GRAMMY AWARD WINNING GOSPEL SINGER AND COMPOSER ANDRAÉ CROUCH. THE LEGACY THAT HE HAS LEFT BEHIND HOWEVER WILL ECHO FOR GENERATIONS TO COME, AS BOTH THE GOSPEL AND SECULAR INDUSTRY WOULD AGREE THAT HIS WORK WAS TIMELESS AND ALTOGETHER GROUND BREAKING. His career spans across 40 years, and what a fulfilling 40 years they were. With a gospel group backing him in the mid-60s he had his first mainstream success, together they performed as Andraé and The Disciples. After spending over a decade touring with the group, and three albums under their belt, the group parted and Andraé embarked upon a solo career. He offers a prime example of a musician that touched many lives through his music. Since their release, songs like Let the Church Say Amen and Take Me Back have entered our lives and stood the test of time. Not just records restricted by CD and download sales, but songs that made it into our churches internationally. This is perhaps the biggest legacy “I KNOW YOU'VE GOT MOUNTAINS, THAT YOU THINK YOU CANNOT CLIMB, I KNOW YOUR SKIES ARE DARK, YOU THINK THE SUN WON'T SHINE, BUT IN CASE YOU DON'T KNOW, THAT THE WORD OF GOD IS TRUE. EVERYTHING HE'S PROMISED, HE WILL DO IT FOR YOU.” JESUS IS THE ANSWER, ANDRAÉ CROUCH that Crouch has left with us. His talent as a musician was not just appreciated, but replicated by countless choirs in their everyday services. So the star, the icon and one of the few gospel artists to get his name on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, was also relatable in the most familiar of contexts. This connects to Andraé ’s roots as a pastor himself, as in his résumé we find that he was also a man of ministry. With his feet firmly planted in the gospel world, Andraé also made great waves in the secular industry. It is no secret that the world loves a gospel fusion, whether they are aware of it or not. How many times have you heard a Pop or RnB song taken to the next level by the unveiling of a gospel choir? In recent years it has been done by the likes of Justin Timberlake and Sam Smith for instance, but this transition arguably began with Andraé Crouch. His choral arrangements can be heard in Michael Jackson’s Man in the Mirror and Madonna’s Like a Prayer; songs that bridged the gap between gospel and secular industries. In present day, the gospel genre has numerous sub-categories. The traditional 50-person choir, with a host of sopranos and an army of tenors is no longer the sole distinguishing feature for the genre; and the steps Andraé took are undoubtedly a part of this evolution. Through bridging the gap between the gospel and secular industry, he paved the way for other artists to customise the way they glorify the Lord. Andraé Crouch and his life works will be remembered and sorely missed. At his memorial service were the likes of Bebe and Cece Winans; Yolanda Adams, Fred Hammond and countless others, all gathered to pay their respects to the gospel icon. He was respected by his peers, admired by his audience and accredited by the industry, testimony to his service in gospel music. This being said, at the core of every gospel artists work is their ministry for God as they reach out to people across the globe. Needless to say Andraé Crouch will rest in peace knowing that he touched hearts, changed lives and revolutionised an industry. | APRIL 2015 LECRAE An artist not at all concerned with being a "star", he writes to inspire and give hope to all. Lecrae is proving that the world of hip-hop rap doesn’t have to be promiscuous nor about drugs and violence to be successful. W r i t t e n “My music is not Christian, Lecrae is Christian” 30 CHRISTIAN RAPPER, LECRAE HAS RISEN TO THE HIGHEST OF HEIGHTS THIS YEAR ESPECIALLY AFTER WINNING A GRAMMY FOR BEST CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN MUSIC PERFORMANCE / SONG ALONGSIDE CHRISTIAN POP DUO FOR KING & COUNTRY ON THE SONG ‘MESSENGERS’. Lecrae’s career has certainly placed the Christian genre into the mainstream music industry. Once more this genre of music is making a stamp commercially thanks to Lecrae’s fundamental work. Earlier this year Lecrae wowed audiences as he appeared twice on the Jimmy Fallon show performing two of his biggest singles from his album ‘Anomaly’. It didn’t stop there as his single ‘Nuthin’ from his 2015 album ‘Anomaly’ appeared in Disney movie trailer ‘Bad Hair Day’ which premiered early February. MY Z a i n a OFFICE K a s s i m LOOK 2GETHER | 31 Hanaa’s Outfit STYLE In quite a number of occupations we are finding that the days of plain humdrum suits and typical office wear is a thing of the past. For this issue we caught up with OH TV team members, Yemi Adeshina and Hanaa Coan-Ali, who give some insight into how they sustain their personal sense of style whilst juggling a hectic work schedule. Hanaa shows how an interesting blazer paired with the right shoes can make any outfit look more stylish in this very edgy and trendy look. Written By Hanaa Coan - Ali BET’s and Grammy’s. Lecrae aims to convey his music as another form of care and enrichment to fans and listeners, he writes to inspire and give hope to people in any negative situations they may be encountering. In his earlier years, Lecrae mentored the youth population at a local juvenile detention centre. This along with his current musical success proves what an inspiring figure he is to the world. As Lecrae writes in his ‘Church Clothes’ blog, “Thank you for supporting me and helping the success of the mission and vision. I’m not concerned at all with being a "star". I got in this to bring hope and that's how I'm going out.” Black Turtle Neck UNIQLO £7.90 Blazer from H&M £29.99 Trousers H&M £14.99 Plimsolls shoes Office £20 Ladies Gold Tone Watch Guess £119.00 “For me there’s no limit to fashion. I believe in always presenting myself well because after all, most of the time the way you look is how people first interpret you. For work I always want to present myself in a neat and professional manner. Most of the time I opt for trousers because that’s what I mostly feel comfortable in.” Name: Hanna Coan – Ali Occupation: Press Assistant Yemi’s Outfit Yemi gives us a lesson or two on how to convert a simple outfit into a rather stylish and debonair look, by adding a touch of tradition to his style with his favourite timeless flat cap. LECRAE TRIVIA • Lecrae was born and raised by his Mother in Southern Houston Texas, and graduated at The University Of North Texas. His full name is Lecrae Devaughn Moore and was born October 9, 1979. Raised by his Mother in Texas, Lecrae lived without his Father his entire life. Lecrae explains ‘there were no Malcolm X’s in our time, just Tupac’. Lecrae was one of many children and teenagers experiencing the hardship of gang relations and drugs at that time. However, with God and his new outlook on life he was able to reform into a man of wisdom and inspiration. • Lecrae is the co-owner and co-founder of Reach Records. Lecrae wants to prove that the world of hip-hop rap doesn’t have to be promiscuous nor about drugs and violence to be successful, as he has proven this with his rise in music and various awards including y GE T TH E In his Grammy acceptance speech, the triple-nominee said, "You can't celebrate gifts without celebrating the giver of all gifts, so I want to celebrate Jesus." The rapper states, “My music is not Christian, Lecrae is Christian”, Lecrae’s music is a representation of his own journey in life. Many of his songs relate back to his child hood and musically narrate his struggles growing up and how surrounding people influenced him in his younger age. b • He has released seven studio albums and two mixtapes as a solo artist. • He has been nominated for five Grammys since 2011. • He is married to Darragh Moore and has three children. • Lecrae earned his first No. 1 on the Billboard album charts with his seventh album Anomaly in 2014. • Lecrae is part of the 116-clique, an American Southern Christian Collective. Members include, KB, Trip Lee, Tedashii, Andy Mineo, Canon and DJ official. Straight fit Chinos Reiss £95.00 Mens Grey Chunky Knit Cardigan River Island £32.00 Reebok Classic Rayen Mens USC £33.00 Plain Navy Blue Piquè cap Zara £12.99 “I work in a very busy environment with a smart casul dress code so I try to make my style fit with the work I do. My style is very laid-back with a hint of professionalism. If I could describe my style in two words I would say it’s fresh and edgy.” Name: Yemi Adeshina Occupation: Business Development 32 | APRIL 2015 2GETHER | be the police force of the people. Base their actions on fairness, represent justice, and represent the people they are supposed to serve. They should treat everybody irrespective of colour, creed or background exactly the same. It’s about respect.” Lauren Riley, Lawyer and BBC The Apprentice 2014 contestant also spoke on Real Talk and shared her views on the topic, “You are talking about a fundamental issue, a corruption within the police force but whether you give them Tasers, guns or batons, they are capable of misuse. So you’re argument isn’t necessarily against Tasers, it’s against the institution.” REAL TALK ROADSHOW Real Talk is on a mission to hear the views and engage with young people across the UK, as it returned for yet another hard-hitting, the live interactive debate show opened invitations to educational institutions all over the UK to take part in the series. Real Talk, which is commonly recognised for its striking studio scenery, moved discussions out to universities and colleges. City College Coventry were the first to take part then the University of East London shortly after. Students were given the opportunity to be part of the production team and get a hands on experience and valuable insight into the world of Television Production and live broadcasting. Written by Erica Mahendren REAL WORDS ON REAL TALK Erica Mahendren reports on the on the significant moments and words from those involved in season seven of Real Talk, one of the most controversial and successful seasons to date… respond when the media tells us to, following the lack of coverage on the Boko Haram attack in Nigeria that reportedly took the lives of a disputed number of citizens; numbers seemingly in the thousands. During the discussion Doc Brown stated; “What I find astonishing about the whole thing is that this leader [President Jonathan Goodluck] hasn’t commented on the fact that possibly 2500 of his own people have been massacred, it’s madness, it’s ridiculous.” Notably, when the notorious UKIP spokesman Winston McKenzie joined to panel and the discussion turned to the party’s policies, this caused a stir amongst the other panellists comedian Ava Vidal and National Health Action (NHA) Party Member Dr Bob Gill. Winston McKenzie spoke “If you’ve lived and experienced anything in life, you’ll know that racism and multiculturalism is not working today. I’ve got two protagonists here sitting next to me and everything I say is wrong because I’m UKIP.” Someone with recognised first-hand experience is journalist Stacey Dooley who has appeared in numerous BBC documentaries and spoken to those experiencing hardships of the world. Stacey Dooley told us “I think however depressing it may be I’ve spoken to lots of people in Africa... who will say outright; African lives are cheap.” There were various responses to the topic such as Kwasi Kwarteng, conservative MP who said “There is a massive responsibility on the Nigerian government to sort things out. I think these are disgusting crimes that have happened and they are crimes against humanity.” Another memorable panel included conservative MP Kwasi Kwarteng, investigative journalist Stacey Dooley and actor / comedian Doc Brown who questioned why the world only seems to The ability to network, communicate and work with a wide variety of people is key to gaining opportunities within TV and production and OHTV has played a huge part in pushing my dream to work in TV.” - Lorna Davis, Communications Assistant, University of East London. REAL TALK HOST TRISH ADUDU SHARES HER THOUGHTS… It is a great pleasure and privilege to present Real Talk. I cannot believe a show, which came out of such a negative incident as the London riots, has grown and risen to become a 'must watch ' topical talk show for a diverse TV audience. The team are exceptional and hard working. I have over 20 years in TV presentation and production but I can firmly say that this is the most professional and dedicated production output that I have worked with. The attention to audience needs is second to none. The team understand the viewers and it comes across in the pertinent topics that make it onto the show. It was fantastic to meet the viewers’ up close and personal; particularly coming home to Coventry and broadcasting the show live from there. Being nominated for Best TV show at the Screen Nation Awards was an icing on the cake and the show has been nominated for another Digital TV Award, which is testament to how well it’s being welcomed and received. OH TV STATION DIRECTOR VIDAL JUBA ON REAL TALK THUS FAR… THE WEEKLY LIVE DEBATE SHOW REAL TALK HOSTED BY AWARD WINNING PRESENTER TRISH ADUDU TACKLES THE WORLD’S BIGGEST AND MOST CONTROVERSIAL NEWS STORIES. WITH THE DIVERSITY OF THE PANEL AND THEIR DIFFERING OPINIONS, TO SAY THAT THE REAL TALK DEBATES WERE FIERY IS DEFINITELY AN UNDERSTATEMENT. With very strong opinionated personalities on the panel, an escalating debate did take place on the show. Continuous backfire answers were flagging up real concerns and issues, of which had to be spoken about between the various personalities. Ava Dival, comedian and writer said “The fact that you’re sitting there as a black man and you’re actually championing this man [Nigel Farage, UKIP leader], you should be ashamed of yourself to be quite honest” 33 “As a helper on the day with OHTV at the University of East London, I felt I was thrown in at the deep end in a very productive way. I gained an insight into the jobs behind the scenes. The season ended with the contentious journalist David Icke heading the panel at the University of East London. The conspiracy theorist had a lot to say about whether or not we should arm our police officers with Tasers and if the higher education system in the UK is in fact beneficial, sparking a fury of online interaction with OH TV viewers. The British author and conspiracy theorist expressed his views on the matter by controversially saying; “Within the police force there are absolute psychopaths. To play it out amongst all of them means you are giving 50,000 volts of electricity to turn on another human being. The police force should From a TV executive’s point of view, Real Talk has the core content that connects with TV viewers. Real talk posses the magical format that producers and content developers dream of because it is timeless, engaging and provokes activity across platforms, social, on air and online. It is a programme that engages its audience from young to older members of society. This show deals with current affairs, political matters and other topics of discussion giving the public a voice to be heard, as well as a platform to be informed. The variety of guests from celebrities to activists creates a spectrum of opinions and viewpoints, delivered on a quality production framework. “The 'Real Talk' staff were welcoming, polite and willing to generously impart knowledge to our students. By allowing our college media students to shadow the 'Real Talk' production team you enabled students to gain valuable experience, knowledge and information they would not otherwise have been able to get anywhere else.” - Shiloh Clarke, Learner Voice & Enrichment Coordinator, City College Coventry “UEL is university firmly based in east London but outwardly facing with a global perspective. 70% of our students are from BAME backgrounds, so it was great to be able to play host to an African based, satellite TV channel with an international reach. OH TV has a big following in Africa, so Real Talk was able to promote UEL to potential students on that continent. My job as a communications officer is to promote not only the University, but also our academics and our students so it was a truly great experience!” Lee Pinkerton, Communications Officer, University of East London. “I was given a useful opportunity to take part in a live production ‘Real Talk’ at City College Coventry where I am currently studying media. It gave me the chance to experience the realistic production environment. In class we talk about it and all the different factors so we understand but physically seeing it happen is up-lifting.” Samantha Caven, Media Student at City College Coventry. The positive press feedback about the programme on a weekly basis is a true reflection of the success. Also receiving numerous nominations is a testament of the hard work of the team behind it. Real Talk presenter, Trish Adudu works hard and understands how to keep interesting topics an on-going and interesting discussion. For me it’s a highlight on my annual calendar, its one of the strong pillars of programming. Real Talk continues to tackle the most hard-hitting topics affecting the black diaspora and wider communities. With viewer interaction at the heart of the programme, Real Talk is setting the agenda and fast becoming the pre-eminent arena for discussion of issues and concerns facing the black diaspora and wider communities. Real Talk is a live, topical and interactive debate show on the OH TV Network attracting globally over 25 million viewers, live phone calls and social networking responses every month. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON REAL TALK OR TO PARTICIPATE AS A CONTRIBUTOR PLEASE CONTACT OH TV. ALTERNATIVELY IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PARTNER WITH OH TV AND HOST AN EPISODE OF THE REAL TALK ROADSHOW AT YOUR UNIVERSITY OR COLLEGE GET IN TOUCH WITH US VIA CONNECT@OHTV.CO.UK. 34 | APRIL 2015 A F F O R D A B L E L U X U R Y H O M E S I N N I G E R I A HAVEN HOMES HAVEN HOMES CURRENTLY STAND AS ONE NIGERIA’S PREMIER HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMPANIES, RENOWNED FOR CREATING STYLISED, FUTURISTIC HOUSES AND BEAUTIFULLY CRAFTED ESTATES. SINCE THEIR FIRST RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN 2006, HAVEN HOMES HAS FLOURISHED INTO A UNIQUE AND LUXURY REAL ESTATE COMPANY THAT ARE BEHIND SOME OF THE FINEST RESIDENTIAL HOMES AND ESTATES IN LEKKI, NIGERIA. WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO BUILD THE COMPANY HAVEN HOMES? Richmond Gate estate, in particular, is one development by Haven Homes tagged as the place where ‘luxury meets style’. Developments such as this estate are a testament to the company’s success enhancing and leaving a mark on Nigeria’s real estate industry. Arguably Haven Homes is a business, but through their stunning designs and excellent architecture, this is a company who are adding to a better standard of living in Nigeria, catering for the future of real estate in the country, developing the land and building sustainable communities. Tell us about some of your successes stories with Haven Homes. Mr Tayo Sonuga, Managing Director and Founder of Haven Homes talks to 2gether magazine about the company’s success, his future plans and what we can expect to see as the brand continues to expand within Africa’s housing sector. WHAT YEAR DID HAVEN HOMES LAUNCH? AND WHERE DID YOU START AND BUILD THE FOUNDATIONS FOR YOUR COMPANY? Haven Homes started in Nigeria in 2005, although we had been operating as 'Haven Estates' in the UK since 1993. So we can say the foundations of the company were laid in the UK and a lot of our practices and procedures in Nigeria emanate from our experiences in the UK. My wife came up with the name 'Haven Estates' for our business in the UK which was set up to manage flats. 'Haven' means comfort and peace hence we had always desired to build homes where the eventual owners will find comfortable and peaceful! DO ANY CELEBRITIES OR NOTABLE FIGURES LIVE IN YOUR HOMES? We have a number of celebrities live in our homes currently but to preserve their privacy, I may not be able to mention names here! Our most recent success story is the 'Richmond Gate' Estate, started building the first 18 units in January 2012 on what was initially 5,000 square metres, but that rapidly expanded to a 125 unit estate with most of the units currently sold out. WHAT MAKES YOU STAND OUT FROM THE REST OF OTHER HOUSING DEVELOPING COMPANIES? The name 'Haven Homes' represents classy and beautiful homes! The idea of 'Quality' is engrained in all our developments; others are still facing challenges because of the lack of this. WHAT CAN WE EXPECT TO SEE IN A FEW YEARS FROM HAVEN HOMES, ANY NEW EXCITING PLANS FOR THE NEAR FUTURE? We come up with different Haven Homes designs every year and we're currently working on our 2017 designs as we speak. We are also planning to increase our presence in Abuja and launch out to other cities in Nigeria and eventually, the rest Africa THE BEST OF AFRICAN ENTERTAINMENT 36 | APRIL 2015 2GETHER | 37 Fashion and Culture SUPERMALT’S Written By Zaina Kassim GOT IT Guests were not only given the opportunity to witness a fashion show to remember, they also had the chance to indulge in chilled Supermalt beverages and exclusive Supermalt cocktails served at the supremely splendid open bar. The venue was a vision of art as portraits of models attired in African prints camouflaged the entire walls of the site, adding a sense of lushness to the theme. Supermalt Celebrates African and Caribbean Influence In Fashion The anticipated event welcomed over 400 guests from across the country including some of fashion’s up and coming designers, who were able to use platform to showcase their unique and opulent African inspired clothing. Amongst the long list of names of those who attended the event included brands and designers such as; Kiwi and Yam, Afrrination, Gravalot, Nomadic People and Soboye. To celebrate the tradition and heritage of Supermalt, the family oriented brand leader focused its attention on its younger consumers by rejuvenating the brand image to fit and appeal to the new generation. In its attempt to give back and say thank you to the lovers of the iconic malt drink, Supermalt presented The ‘Supermalt Fashion Showcase’ that welcomed fans and support from everywhere. The fashion show featured a two level catwalk and a live model display. Also used in the show were special pieces from the Costume Institute of the African Diaspora (CIAD) and some custom Supermalt designs from London artist Giovanni Muscat. The culturally inspired event that was part of Supermalt’s ‘GOT IT’ campaign, launched earlier in August 2014, and designed to celebrate the role that traditional African attire and retro Caribbean styles have played in modern day fashion trends. Kenneth Hansen, International Marketing Manager for Supermalt commented, “It was absolutely amazing to hear all the positive feedback from the guests on the night. Many spoke of how great it was for them to see the brand they have grown up with so proudly highlighting the culture they associate with it. Both fashion and Supermalt means a lot to our consumers, and us, and this was a way to simply say thank you in a way that would bring both worlds together.” East London based fashion designer, Honey Malaolu, commented, “My designs are African and Indian inspired with some elements of butterfly inspired patterns. I’m a huge fan of Supermalt; I’ve been drinking the drink ever since I was very young. I thought the show was very fresh and edgy and the vibe was fun. My reason for attending the Supermalt event was firstly because I adore the brand, and second because we share the same target market – We both appeal to the African and Caribbean target audiences.” Online fashion and beauty blogger, Jenny Jenkins also known as Beauty By JJ, commented, “I liked the different styles and the interesting combination of African prints that were used. Overall I found the show to be highly inspirational.” SUPERMALT – LOVED BY ALL GENERATIONS # 2G E TH ER MA GA Z IN E ON FRIDAY 13TH FEBRUARY 2015 UK’S NUMBER 1 MALT DRINK BRAND, SUPERMALT, TOOK THE CITY OF LONDON BY STORM WITH ITS INAUGURAL ‘SUPERMALT FASHION SHOWCASE’ WHICH TOOK PLACE AT BLACKHALL STUDIO IN SHOREDITCH EAST LONDON. Supermalt is loved by Africans and Caribbean’s from all generations – mothers often give it to their children from the age of 7 or 8, thus ensuring a natural development of new consumers. Many people talk about how when they were growing up, “Supermalt was ALWAYS in the fridge”. It is consumed for a number of reasons, including the reason that it gives older Africans and Caribbean’s a feeling of a product from the place they were born. Furthermore, Supermalt can almost always be found at any Afro-Caribbean party! The packaging has deliberately changed little over the years, as consumers tell us they love the heritage of the product and don’t want ‘their drink’ to change. Bringing Supermalt into the present day, the drink is still enjoyed by consumers of all ages at both big religious festivals like Easter and Christmas, community and family events and for every day general consumption and refreshment for many people across a growing variety of ethnic backgrounds. Social media has been embraced by Supermalt to allow them to develop an even closer connection with their consumers, who continue to provide valuable feedback on the brand that they know and love. STAY CONNECTED This year Supermalt have a number of exciting plans and initiatives in place to connect with young Africans & Caribbean’s in the Diaspora. Make sure you keep an eye out on social media to find out about the latest events and projects courtesy of Supermalt. To find out more about the GOT IT campaign visit www.supermalt. com. #GotIt #SupermaltFashion 38 | APRIL 2015 2GETHER | 39 BACK TO NAIJA! # 2 G E TH E R MA G A Z IN E Fashion and Culture OUT&ABOUT WITH LOLA – EVENTS! EVENTS ARE MY THING, SO HERE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVES THAT I’VE ATTENDED… BASKETMOUTH AND FRIENDS GT CREA8 LOLA OGUNBADEJO, AWARD WINNING HOST OF OH TV’S HIT SHOW ‘OUT AND ABOUT WITH LOLA’ GIVES US THE LATEST SCOOP ON WHAT SHE HAS BEEN UP TO! CELEBRITIES, TRAVELS AND EVENTS SHE HAS IT ALL! Then there was Tinapa! A gorgeous place in Calabar, Cross River state and home to the annual African International Film Festival (AFRIFF). This week long event was so much fun and extremely insightful, from directors to film enthusiasts; an array of people from all over the world came to Tinapa to network with industry greats. I just can wait till the next one! EVERY TUESDAY 9:30PM Hi Everyone About Lola Ogunbadejo Lola Ogunbadejo is one of the first names that come to mind when discussing prominent faces in the African entertainment scene in Europe. An award-winning presenter (Nigerian UK based Achievers – Best TV Presenter Award’ 2013 and Women4Africa – Media Personality of the year award’ 2012), producer, Lola has proven to the world that her brand is a force to be reckoned with. Her flourishing career started a few years ago, at the biggest BME channel in Europe, OH TV. She has interviewed some of Africa’s biggest celebrities such as Genevieve Nnaji, Omotola, Jim Iyke, 2Face Idibia to name a few on the popular magazine show ‘Afrika Rising’ which aired for 3 years on OHTV’ as well on Africa Magic on DSTV. 2012 saw the birth of her exciting magazine show ‘Out & About with Lola’ which sees the on screen personality attend the most exclusive and anticipated African related events. Described as ‘riveting’, ‘high quality’ and ‘extremely entertaining’– ‘Out & about with Lola’ has amassed a huge following from season to season. I recently had the pleasure of working with talented photographer Ernest Simmons and boy did I feel fabulous! I just love how the pictures turned out! Incase you’re wondering my face was all glammed up by Rayjeweled Beauty. CHECK ONE OF THE EXCLUSIVE NEW SHOTS: FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT WWW.OHTV.CO.UK | TWITTER: @OHTV & @OAA_with_Lola Hope you have been enjoying Out & About with Lola! Thanks to all those who tweet every week, letting me know your thoughts about the show! I value your opinions and it’s great to know your feedback. For those of you still not in the know; ‘Out & About with Lola’ is a vibrant African entertainment show filled with celeb interviews and juicy news. Keep your eyes peeled for a new season coming very soon! In the meantime stay tuned in every Tuesday at 9:30pm! Now I have to mention The Experience! What an event! It was great to witness this awesome concert which this year saw a whopping 750,000 people attend from all over the world to the famous Tafawa Balewa Square, all for a night of praise! It was great to see the legendary Don Moen, Israel Houghton, Donnie McClurkin, Micah Stampley, Chevelle Franklin, renowned gospel saxophonist Angela Christie and home grown talent, Frank Edwards, Choima Jesus, Midnight Crew, Nathaniel Bassey, Onos, Sinach, Freke Umo and many others! If you are ever in Lagos in December make sure you go to The Experience! Olamide performed monster hits such as, ‘Durosoke’, ‘Awon goons mi’ and ‘First of all’ to name a few. I must say Olamide had everyone dancing especially when my favourite track ‘Turn up’ came on! Then came Wizkid! Performing alongside an amazing live band, he literally took over and gave a mini concert with some of his hottest tracks to date! 100% epic! The ‘Starboy’ even did an encore of his popular song ‘Ojuelegba’ produced by Legendury Beatz. Quite a few celebs came down to have a good ol ‘dance and laugh’ at the event including footballer Michael Adebayor and producer Maleek Berry. Basketmouth also had one of my fave comedians, ‘Buchi’ on the bill who also told me that he would be doing his one-man show soon! I can’t wait for that! #2GETHERMAGAZINE So since my last column I must say I’ve been back and forth to Nigeria a few times. Firstly Lagos, where I attended the third annual Nollywood Movies Awards held at the intercontinental hotel in Victoria Island. The dresses, tuxes, and accessories were a vision of pure glam. It gave me great pleasure to host the NMA commentary alongside two special guests, African movie reviewer Adenike Adebayo and red carpet extraordinaire Wofai Samuel. I got the chance to catch up with actress Nse Ikpe Etim and director, Kunle Afolayan, actor Tope Tedela who won the Best Rising Star and many more. It was a star-studded event and I enjoyed every minute of it! Earlier this year hundreds of comedy fans flooded the Eventim Apollo for a specular show of hilarious comedy and great music! Renowned comedian Basketmouth started his annual valentines comedy tour on Friday 13th February in Manchester much to the happiness of his UK fans! Then came the flagship London show on Saturday 14th February. Not only did we see an array of new faces such as South African comedian David Kau, Ugandan comedian ‘Salvador’, and a host of new Nigerian comedians, we also saw two of Nigeria’s hottest artists Wizkid and Olamide come along too as part of the GT Creat8 initiative. 40 | APRIL 2015 A NIGHT WITH THE COMPOZERS I love live music, so it made sense for me to go to ‘A night with The Compozers’. I’ve been following these guys success for over a year and after seeing them play for Wizkid at his on man show in 2014, I knew that their event was going to be phenomenal. As if my own conviction wasn’t enough, all the tweets, instagram posts, and blogs highlighted that this night should not be missed, and boy were they right, the live music was amazing! For those who don’t know about this awesome quartet, they are a London based musical collective consisting of producers, music consultant and arrangers. They go by the names of Charles "BIGGZ" Mensah, David "MELO DEE" Akrasi, Nana "POKES" Ntorinkansah and the youngest of the bunch Steven "DrummerboySJ" Asamoah - Duah. The talented group has worked with the likes of Ed Sheeran, Fuse ODG, Dappy, Victizzle, Faith Child, Kano and many more. The night hosted by award winning comedian, Eddie Kadi, went on to the early hours of the morning and overall I can say that ‘A night with the Compozers’ was when of the best concerts I’ve been to in 2015 thus far! AP APOLLO EXHIBITION I was invited to fashion guru Yusuf Abubakar’s exclusive VIP exhibition Soiree held at the super savvy Salmontini Resto, the plush restaurant situated in Belgravia London, known for it’s delicious fresh fish and amazing cocktails. With a lovely drinks reception, the famous Salmontini canapés and a live jazz band, this event was luxurious. Known for his immaculate sense of style and extensive contact list, Mr Yusuf Abubakar, also known as Mr Aptumi, is a computer engineer, designer, stylist, personal shopper and a serial entrepreneur. He’s the founder of fashion label ‘AP Apparel Polo’ and has worked with the likes of Wiz Khalifa and Bobby Valentino as well as countless footballers. WHAT IS LOVE? The young designer, whose label is favoured by Newcastle United’s Captain Cheick Tiote, showed me the prototype for his exclusive highend trainers that will soon be on sale! The sole of the fashionable black high-tops actually light up and change colour and the battery within it can be charged via USB! I also got to see an array of blazers, unique glasses and shoes including his trademark gold top loafers! He did reassure me that his women collection is in the pipeline so don’t worry ladies! Quite a few fashionistas at the social event let out a few excited gasps here and there signalling to me that Yusuf’s items have already secured another host of fans. Also did you know that he is the new Luxury watch distributor for ‘Panzera’ in the African Market? Is there anything this guy cant do? In short it was an awesome night! For Valentines Day ‘OH TV’ created the ‘What is love?’ viral campaign which saw myself, Eddie Kadi, Lateef Lovejoy, Karen Bryson to name a few give their views on love! When asked the pivotal question I said that I take my definition from the bible 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 which says, “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” and I also mentioned John 3:16! For me it doesn’t get any better than that! Check out the clips on OH TV’s YouTube channel under ‘What is Love?’ CULTURE • SPIRIT • BELIEVE • LISTINGS • VOICE Emily Hutson M E E T TH E T E A M ! I N S I D E O H T V WHO WE ARE: OH TV is respected within the industry for producing quality and inspirational content. Behind the scenes at OH TV there is vibrant team of staff that include Editors, Directors, Producers, Production Staff, Graphic Designers, Press and Marketing Staff, Schedulers and Researchers right through to Internal Management and Administrators who all work hard to preserve the reputation of the evolving Open Heaven’s brand. Now six years in broadcasting OH TV is constantly growing with a flourishing team full of creative individuals. Here we introduce you to the selection of people that make up the in house OH TV family! Akin Salami Kristianna Paraskeva Chief Executive Officer Head of Operations “The best thing about being CEO at OH TV is that I work with a team that leave me free to paint a picture of what our successes will look like. I work as part of a great team and they leave me free to dream. I look up to God for ideas and my team for inspiration.” “Over the last five years, I have witnessed the channel grow from strength to strength. A major highlight for me was moving to our current premises in Vauxhall back in May 2010, where we have a contemporary hi-tech studio and outside broadcast system that allows us to broadcast live across the world!” Patrick Campbell Station Director and Head of Production Creative Director “The key to achieving success is to assemble a strong and stable team. Meet the OH TEAM. #DreamTeam” SOME DREAM OF GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENTS, WHILE OTHERS STAY AWAKE AND DO THEM. 2GETHER WE ARE OH TV. Garmei Chan Account and Production Manager “I have worked at OH TV for over four years and can honestly say I’ve enjoyed it thoroughly! Every day is different; it’s a very dynamic and fast paced environment. The best part of working at OH TV is the team; there are so many characters and creative minds in one place!” Andrew Webber Producer and Director “OH TV is an exciting place full of young passionate creatives. It is a melting pot of talent. My highlights have been editing two feature films that have gone on to win numerous awards around the world. I also pride myself in producing and directing ground-breaking reality programmes with cinematic high production value.” Programme Planner Senior Producer “I’ve been at OH TV about a year and a half and honestly every day is a different day. The team is great; they make it nice to come into work each day. Can’t think of just one highlight that sticks out in my head there are so many to choose from!” “I love OH TV because of the high level of production and the quality we are able to output also the makeup of the staff and their variety of backgrounds. My highlights this year have been the Nigeria Eko Atlantic polo tournament and also producing the Valentines Day idents." Hanaa Coan-Ali Press Assistant Esther Alade Acquisitions and Licensing Executive “I haven’t been working at OH TV very long, but I can already see how the staff are one big family. I’m extremely fortunate to be given the opportunity to work here and everyone has made me feel so welcome. I’m also lucky enough to have had input in this edition of 2gether magazine, I hope readers enjoy it! I’m looking forward to the year ahead at OH TV.” Neha Patel Office Supervisor “I’ve been at OH TV for almost three and half years! I love the people I work with, so many characters and there’s always something going on! There’s no place like OH!” Pamela Sakyi I’ve recently joined the team, and the one thing I like about OH TV is the togetherness, everybody feeds off each other in order to produce the highest quality of work. This is an integral part of our being and we pride ourselves on efficiency, quality and success. I look forward to the future of OH TV. "OH TV is a little creative hub with a family environment. I've been here for almost three and a half years and it's amazing to be working alongside an army of hardworking people. It constantly keeps us on our toes, especially in post production where we always encourage each other to do our best." Video Editor and Producer Social Media “The past year two and a half years at OH TV for me has been brilliant. I get to work alongside fun, vibrant and multitalented people. There is an eclectic bunch of people who all make an excellent team. My highlight has to be the vast majority of people I have met since working with OH TV.” Marvin Brown Deborah Oluyemi Production Assistant and Continuity Video Editor and Camera Operator “It's a place of opportunity and a place to be creative, you're never stuck doing the same thing which leaves you able to explore new realms of post and pre production. Being a part of the OH TV family really builds your skills, assertiveness and encourages you to be ready for any situation” Matt Benn Kola Oluwole Assistant Channel Manager “I’m fairly new to OH TV and I enjoy the variation of my role. It’s also a bonus to be able to work with passionate and motivated people. It is great to be part of a team that strives for the best. My highlight would be the fact that everyday is not the same!” Franklin Boateng #2GETHERMAGAZINE Vidal Juba Sam Blankson Social Media “Working with OH TV is always interesting, there is something new all the time. Coming up with social media campaigns for new projects and the live shows on the channel have to be the highlights of my work with OH TV.” “The people here are great and it’s a good working environment. From the time I’ve been here, I’ve learnt so much. I love being around young people who strive for greatness. It’s very inspiring.” Adeola Idowu Editor-in-Chief and Press Officer “I've been with OH TV since 2012 and I can honestly say that it has been a journey! I’ve witnessed the growth of the network and I’m glad to be a part of it. I'm really proud of how far 2gether magazine has come. We are now on issue 9 and it’s already 2015! Time flies when you’re working hard! Fist pumps in the air!” Michael Ayo (Faith Child) Lola Ogunbadejo Presenter and Producer “I love it at OH TV, everyone makes it interesting and enjoyable. I’m really happy about the progress of ‘Out and About with Lola’! The feedback has been great! I’ve been traveling a lot attending international events, interviewing celebs! Sounds glamorous but its hard work, not complaining though! I’m extremely excited to see what the future has in store.” Asten Regis Video Editor “I love OH TV because firstly the people, it has a family atmosphere, for me that’s more important than anything else; this always comes first in our crew. Secondly, I love what I do, I have two major passions one is martial arts and the other is film making. When I come to work I feel like I'm playing. “ Set Designer “I’ve been working at OH TV around five years now, I find it liberating and I love having responsibility over the creative directions for various sets. I enjoy being involved the pre-production stages and then seeing it all come to life in the end.” “I think it’s a great environment with a conducive atmosphere. I love the fact that I have the opportunity to progress and further the gospel scene. I like that OH TV have good resources to effectively execute a strong vision.” Simon Osunsade OH TV IS AN INTERNATIONAL TV NETWORK PROVIDING CONTEMPORARY ENTERTAINMENT, WHICH REFLECTS THE BLACK EXPERIENCE WORLDWIDE. BASED IN LONDON ENGLAND, THE OH TV NETWORK COMPRISES OF OH UK & EUROPE (BROADCAST VIA SKY CHANNEL 199), OH USA AND OH AFRICA (BROADCAST VIA THE UNITY IPTV PLAYER). THE OH TV NETWORK DELIVERS FAMILY FRIENDLY, ETHICAL PROGRAMMING WHICH IS INNOVATIVE, INSPIRATIONAL, AUTHENTIC AND ENTERTAINING; SPEAKING DIRECTLY TO PEOPLE FROM ACROSS THE INTERNATIONAL BLACK DIASPORA. Tobi Karunwi Presenter and Ambassador for UPRISE TV Junior Scheduler “I’ve been at OH TV for over a year now and it has been insightful. Everyone works really hard and is really good at what they do. They are the friendliest bunch of people I’ve met in a while. A great environment to work in.” Nicole Taylor Video Editor “I like everything about being at OH TV. It is such a unique place to work, with a lot of talented individuals. Everyone works hard and this really boosts your creativity. My highlight would be working on Unplugged. It’s really rewarding to seeing the work I’ve edited come to life.” 2GETHER | Yemi Adeshina Erica Mahendren Production Co-ordinator Business Development “I’ve been at OH TV for over a year now and I feel I have settled in nicely. My journey at OH has been amazing. I’ve enjoyed getting to know my crazy work colleagues. I’ve really grown and have learnt so much about the wonderful world of television production!” “The people here at OH TV are great. There are also good perks involved such as travelling to other countries and cities for productions. I’ve enjoyed project managing major events such as the successful Mali Music concert. Being at OH TV has opened my eyes to so much and provided many great experiences.” Zaina Kassim Receptionist and Administrator Daniel Ayo Oduwole “I’ve been working at OH TV for a year now and as the saying goes - time flies when you’re having fun. From day one I was made to feel like part of the family and a year later that has not changed. I’ve enjoyed meeting the many interesting faces that have walked through the OH TV office and I'm excited to see what the future holds.“ “OH TV is the best place to be, it has a free environment that encourages you to express your creativity. It has some of the greatest people I’ve ever worked with. I’ve gained a lot since working here and learnt so many new concepts about graphic design.” Graphic Designer Camera Operator Akpan Bassey Umoh Logistics Co-ordinator "I can sincerely say this team and company has developed me, I am always happy whenever I am on set or on any assignment because I know the result is always off the hook! Thank you God for making me part of this ever creative OH TV family.” “Personally, it's amazing to be working alongside an army of hardworking people here in Lagos. It is an awesome enabling environment where everyone is encouraged and motivated to do his or her best. I am looking forward to seeing where company will be in few years.“ Lanre Forward Hammed Jimoh Former Production Manager (Lagos) We at OH TV are deeply saddened by the untimely passing of our colleague, brother and friend who sadly departed on February 24th 2015. We continually extend our thoughts and prayers to the Jimoh family. We are grateful to have had to the privilege to work alongside an exceptional young man. He is greatly missed. We dedicate this page to you Hammed. Rest in perfect peace - OH TV Team. OH TV’S CULTURE: WE HAVE A CULTURE AT OH TV OF CREATING OPPORTUNITIES AND PROVIDING INDIVIDUALS WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF WHAT IT TAKES TO WORK IN A BROADCASTING NETWORK. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF YOUNG PEOPLE; UNDERGRADUATES AND POSTGRADUATES RIGHT THROUGH TO VETERAN MEDIA PROFESSIONALS WITH BACKGROUNDS IN THE BBC, ITV, CHANNEL 4 AND HOLLYWOOD. ABOUT US: LAUNCHED IN 2008, OH TV HAS GONE FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH AND IS NOW THE UK’S NO.1 BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TV CHANNEL VOTED THREE TIMES ‘BEST BLACK CHANNEL OF THE YEAR’ IN 2011 AND AGAIN IN 2014. OH TV BROADCAST 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK IN THE UK ON THE BSKYB PLATFORM IN THE HIGHLY COVETED ENTERTAINMENT SECTION WITH 700,000 UK TV VIEWERS PER MONTH AND AN ESTIMATED 25 MILLION VIEWERS WORLDWIDE. THE OH TV WEBSITE ALSO ATTRACTS OVER 9 MILLION HITS PER MONTH. ? 24 – 25 May 2015 WHY NOT ADVERTISE WITH Business Design Centre 52 Upper Street London N1 0QH GIVE YOUR ORGANISATION OR COMPANY UNPARALLELLED EXPOSURE . We can help you reach 25 million homes with 700,000 views weekly on air and 1 million online hits a month giving your company or organisation unparalleled exposure to your target audience. For further enquiries E:connect@ohtv.co.uk T: 0207 720 8210 INSPIRED BY THE CARIBBEAN. LOVED BY THE WORLD. COMING SOON Tickets £12 at the door, £10 in advance www.afrohairshow.com 45 Adeola Idowu, Em ily Hutson, G a rm ei Cha n, H a n a a C o a n -A l i Movies Hair and Beauty Politics Music and Entertainment Fashion and Culture Food and Education Unplugged showcases the finest underground artists, performing covers or their own songs at the OH TV studios. These gifted artists perform flawless acoustic compositions with a relaxed and chilled vibe, simply giving viewers the opportunity to focus on the voice of the artists. This show allows artists to promote their music on an exclusive platform. If you would like to appear on Unplugged send an email with a link to your material to connect@ohtv.co.uk. T HE J ADA G R A CE S H O W 11 year old Jadagrace rises to stardom when a music producer notices her music video online. Invited to Hollywood to be promised stardom, Jadagrace stars in her own TV show. The hilarious comedy show is jam-packed with music, magic and an array of talent. The young star experiences the showbiz industry in Hollywood and along with her cast mates lives the life of a TV sensation. Love Andy Mineo, Forever Jones, Flame and Jill Scott? Can’t get enough of James Fortune, Kiki Sheard or Tye Tribbet? Want to know about the latest music from the likes of Faith Child, Mali Music, Christon Grey, Divine, Daughters of Davis and many more? Well then, OH music is the show for you, bringing a playlist of the freshest music videos. This is the ultimate music video playlist show, brand new and exclusive to OH TV. EVERY WEDNESDAY 9PM EVERY MONDAY 1PM Out and about w ith lola EVERY MONDAY 7:30PM UNP LUGG ED OH M USIC SHOW EVERY THURSDAY 6:30PM The one and only UPRISE MUSIC TV hosted by chart topping gospel artist Faith Child and Co-Presenter Mercedes. Bringing you the very best of urban gospel music and entertainment. Look out for a host of guest presenters such as Liz AV, Sabrina Emmanuel, Deborah, Coco Dupree and many more. As always expect exclusive concerts, music videos, the latest interviews and inside scoop on your favourite gospel artists. Watch out for exclusive coverage of UPRISE at the Stellar Awards 2015! A drama series starring Adaora Ukoh, Kiki Omeili, Catherine Obiang, Keira Hewatch, and Chinonso Young set around 5 ladies in the posh bourgeois area of Lekki. Prepared to be glued to your screens with this interesting mix of females in a series full of salacious drama, shocking story lines and much more. Don’t miss out on the all new season 2 with the addition of a new fierce female played by the one and only Joselyn Dumas! LET US KNOW WHICH IS YOUR FAVOURITE SHOW! TWEET US ON @OHTV OR WRITE TO US ON FACEBOOK AT WWW.FACEBOOK/OHTV199 OR EMAIL CONNECT@OHTV.CO.UK Find out what award-winning presenter Lola Ogunbadejo is up to as she takes us out about. This is the fun packed show featuring glittering highlights from the most anticipated events, such as concerts, film premieres, live shows and award ceremonies in the world of African entertainment from Lagos to London. Enjoy the hottest reviews, celebrity interviews and ear- tingling celebrity news in ‘Gist Me’ with co-host Adeola Idowu. At Hom e w ith J oselyn Dum as The show where Ghanaian bombshell actress and presenter Joselyn Dumas invites celebrities into her home for a unique twist of interviews, fun and banter. This is just the perfect show to watch during your evening, giving you the chance to know your favourite celebrities. Join the beautiful hostess in her show featuring a host of personalities from Africa and the UK who share their interesting stories from the comfort of Joselyn’s comfy couch. EVERY TUESDAY 9:30PM Upri se Mu s ic TV RETURNING SOON Don’t miss the new season of Naija Bites! This time set in the city of dreams, Los Angeles! With a brand spanking new set of guests such as Hollywood stars Mo’Nique, Tasha Smith, Harmony Samuels, J Que and many others! Not only do you have this to look forward to but you can also expect to see a new presenter, Esther Alade alongside American TV chef Rasheeda Omolade! Hosted by award winning journalist and presenter Trish Adudu, Real Talk focuses on the weeks hot topics. Real Talk explores and questions the public on their views of the week’s current topics. The weekly debate show includes a special guest panel, discussing the areas of issues faced by Black Britain and the wider communities. Real Talk is your show, have your say and connect with the live show on social media or email realtalk@ohtv.co.uk. Lek k i W ives NUMEROUS EPISODES EACH WEEK #2GETHERMAGAZINE Nai j a B it e s RE AL TALK EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 9:30PM Career Nuggets is the brand new business and career discussion programme presented by Morenike Ajayi. This show delves into hard-hitting topics surrounding employment and business development in the UK. Join Morenike and her esteemed guests each episode as they discuss the issues people face when seeking employment or trying to climb the career ladder. Alos find out how to make the transition from employee to business owner! EVERY TUESDAY 7:30PM C ARE E R N U G G ETS EVERY THURSDAY 8PM HANDPICKED FOR YOUR VIEWING PLEASURE # 2 G E TH E R MA G A Z IN E TOP TEN TA K E A LO O K A T TH E TO P RA TED S H O W S O N YO UR F A V O URI TE NETW O RK . # 2GE T HE RMA G A Z I N E WRITTEN BY BUKKY ALABI (BEE SUAREZ) UPRISE’S 6TH BIRTHDAY This year marks six years of Uprise! How time flies! Recognised as being one of the biggest broadcasters of UK Gospel Music, Uprise has been raising the profile for the Gospel genre across the nation. OH TV has seen this flagship TV show grow immensely over the years! A special thank you to every team member behind the scenes and all of our guests and artists who have contributed to the Uprise shows. This one is for you Uprise! Happy 6th Birthday and may you have many more successful years ahead! THE ONE AND ONLY MISS BEE OF BEESUAREZ.COM KEEPS US IN THE LOOP OF WHAT’S POPPING OFF IN THE EVER VIBRANT AND THRILLING WORLD OF UK GOSPEL! WITH SPRING UPON US THE WORLD OF UK GOSPEL AND OVERSEAS HAS ALREADY BEEN BUZZING WITH NEWS! CHECK OUT OUR UK GOSPEL PAGE BELOW FOR MORE ON A STAR, MARY MARY, UPRISE MUSIC TV, FAITH CHILD, PRODUCER GP AND MANY MORE… A STAR RELEASES DEBUT EP A Star has finally released his long awaited debut EP ‘Revolutionary’. Alidor Gasper also known as A Star has always been known for his distinctive, thought provoking flow and top quality style. This EP has been a long time coming! From reviews on ITunes and tweets from A Star fans, the buzz over his new material is mental! We are excited about A Star’s future projects. Well done A Star! DOWNLOAD ‘REVOLUTIONARY’ NOW ON ITUNES TO KEEP UP WITH ALL YOUR FAVOURITE UK AND INTERNATIONAL GOSPEL ARTISTS DON'T MISS THE RETURN OF THE UPRISE MUSIC SHOW THIS WINTER AND TUNE INTO THE OH MUSIC SHOW, EVERY THURS 6:30PM GMT SKY 199. WIRED TO WORSHIP ABOUT MISS BEE Bukky (Bee) Alabi, is the brains behind one of the UK’s biggest UK Gospel news blog sites BeeSuarez. com. Bee is a graduate of BA (Hons) Media & Journalism. Now a fullyfledged Gospel Blogger. Bee has a deep-rooted passion for media. Previously a presenter on OH TV for a programme called ‘FYI with BeeSuarez’ which brought viewers up to date Gospel news, Miss Bee is passionate about the development and elevation of the UK Gospel scene at large. BEXSONGSTRESS LIVE “TRANSITION” GOSPEL EVENT Don’t miss Bex songstress this April! This gospel singing sensation is set to unveil her latest material from her EP ‘Transition’. Following in the singing footsteps of her mother Shirley Grant, Bex’s performance portfolio is extensive, with past performances at the Olympics, supporting act for Ms Dynamite as well as performing at the O2 and the Lovebox festival. The show will take place on Saturday 18th April at Muswell Hill Baptist Church. Special guests include: Leke, Melvillous, Shirley Grant, Rain Freedom, Volney Morgan and New-Ye. CONGRATULATIONS TO PRODUCER GP Congratulations are in order to UK producer G.P from legendary urban Gospel group New Direction Crew, GP shared with fans on social media that he had received a certificate that officiates him as a Grammy Award winning producer. Steven G.P Abramsamadu worked on ‘Rehab’ with Lecrae and ‘The Big Picture’ with Da T.R.U.T.H. Congratulations to G.P who recently got married, he has worked with a vast majority of the UK scene and is credited for being the mastermind behind the musicality of all of rapper S.O's offerings. MARY MARY: IS TINA GOING SOLO? NEW MUSIC FROM FAITH CHILD Uprise Ambassador and UK Gospel artist Faith Child strikes musical victory success again this year, after releasing the infectious single “Tunnel Vision” featuring Grammy nominated rapper Da’ T.R.U.T.H. earlier in February, we are now counting down to the video releases for the next singles ‘Take Off’ and ‘Ricochet’. It is likely that ‘Ricochet’ is next for release. We are so excited and cannot wait for the release of Faith’s brand new album ‘Airborne’. Knotted with this will be an exclusive launch party that will take place on the 18th May. Check out the amazing photography on the new album cover! KELECHI IFE: YOU ARE OUT NOW #2 GE T HE R MA GA Z INE Who has been watching the new season of the Mary Mary reality show? I’m so excited that the show is back. After the heartbreak of her husband’s infidelity last season, Tina is determined to show the world that she and Teddy are stronger than ever. Erica struggles with a busy touring schedule, causing conflict at home and a new power struggle seems to develop within Mary Mary! What will happen if Tina breaks out as a solo artist? Tensions are definitely at an all-time high. Yes, this isn’t UK Gospel, but the Mary Mary fan base in the UK is huge! They need to get it aired officially over here so we can also enjoy! For UK fans episodes are currently available for purchase via Amazon Prime Instant Video! Wired to Worship (W2W) is a free worship event that brings people together in an atmosphere of true worship not solely through singing but also via the impactful sound of the trumpet. Launched in July 2014, W2W has gone from strength to strength and has now expanded its borders with artists from across Europe and now an even bigger auditorium! W2W 2015 will take you on a journey, from high exuberant up-tempo music through to more soothing heavenly sounds that will bring down the awesome presence of God and His miraculous power. Special line-up on the night includes Loveradge, Unasham’d, Emmanuel Smith-Talli (from the UK), Mona Abel, Mekaddishkem (From France) and many more. Come and embrace the awesome atmosphere then take the experience with you! For more information email loveradge@googlemail.Com “You are” is the latest live recording DVD from the talented gospel musician Kelechi Ify. This new compilation includes 11 gospel songs written and sung by Kelechi himself. Kelechi Ify, is best known for being a renowned music minister, multi-instrumentalist, producer and also writer of the book 'Discovering The Unseen'. The multi-talented artist has played and performed on many albums. He was awarded the most disciplined guitarist of the Millennium in Abia State in 2000. In addition to this he was also awarded the Best Music Act by The Nigerian Young Achievers Award UK in 2009. Kelechi’s most loved music includes, ‘Global praise (Unlimited expansion)’, 'Solutions, 'Global praise 2 (Nation's therapy)’ and the current album ‘You Are’. ‘YOU ARE’ IS OUT NOW ON ITUNES | APRIL 2015 HOME SWEET HOME WITH ANGIE LE MAR THINGS TO WATCH OUT FOR! BRAND NEW-GIDI UP Pinpointed around the lives of four friends living in the pursuit of happiness, success and independence. Venturing life in Lagos together as friends, what could go wrong? Well, a few of their own choices made along the way may have turned their dreamy Lagos lives into a Gidi nightmare. Tune in to OH TV for this fresh new series starring OC Ukeje, Somkele Iyamah, Adeyemi Okanlawon and Titi Sonuga. NEW SEASON BEGINS WEDNESDAY 1ST APRIL AT 8 PM A HOST OF BRAND NEW CONTENT CREATED IN WEST AFRICA MAKING A DEBUT ON YOUR FAVOURITE CHANNEL THE INTERVIEW Follow the Job antics of Frank Donga as he continuously seeks to secure a job. A very persistent man, how long will it take him? This hilarious job seeker has to learn to be patient and balance action in order to get positive feedback from any of the many jobs he has been interviewed for. Look out for this hilarious comedy series starring Kunle Idowu. LAGOS FASHION AND DESIGN WEEK Don’t miss out on the Guaranty Trust Bank Lagos Fashion and Design week with highlights from day 1, taking you through the whole week of events. Watch out for all fashion key moments, with appearances from fashion designers- Lanre Da Silva, The Okunoren Twins, Tiffany Amber and many more! COMING SOON TO OH TV # 2 G E TH E R MA G A Z IN E HERE ARE JUST A FEW PICKS OF THE TV SPECIALS THAT YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS ON OH TV! Host Angie Le Mar says; “Expect to see Jamaica through my eyes, like being in Mandeville and buying Yam and Salt fish, going to Hellshire Beach to eat fry fish and festival. You will also see as I explore some of the places like the Rastafarian Village, Rose Hall and hearing about the white witch of Rose Hall. We have a great line up from Marcia Griffiths to Shaggy and the world famous producers Sly Dunbar of Sly & Robbie and a lovely acoustic rendition from Taurus Riley. There will also be an interview with people such as historian Dr Denton Rowe, artistic director Yvonne Brewster OBE, hand-writing expert Beverley East, film maker Justine Henzell, daughter of film maker Perry Henzell of The Harder They Come, a classic Jamaican crime film. These are people who we very rarely get to hear their stories, but we need to. It’s very inspiring to see that Jamaica has given birth to such greats.” HOME SWEET HOME WILL IS SET TO AIR ON OH TV IN MAY 2015. NAIJA BITES: THE REAL TASTE OF NAIJA! Are you watching the new season of Naija Bites? This award-winning daytime cookery show, officially produced and broadcasted by OH TV Sky Channel 199, is now back and more vibrant than ever, set in the city of dreams, Los Angeles, with a brand spanking new set of guests such as Hollywood stars Mo’Nique, Tasha Smith, Harmony Samuels, J Que and many others! FROSTBITE Watch out for a series of short films soon to premiere on the channel focusing on the reality of life in contemporary Africa. ‘Frostbite’ is the first in the series following a heart-warming story of a passionate love and how the realities of life interrupt the thrills of romance. Follow the love story and its journey through the actuality of the real world. Meet your new Naija Bites Host Esther Alade “I’m delighted to be the new presenter for Naija Bites USA. I'm a vivacious, bubbly, energetic and friendly person, but you will find that out for yourselves! Expect to be entertained and inspired in the wonderfully tasty world of Naija Bites! Look out for a special line up of guests and find out about their experiences. Don’t miss out on the special episode featuring Oscar award winning actress Mo'Nique, she was amazing and touched us all with her presence. The team and I had so much fun out in the USA, never a dull moment! As always Chef Rasheeda will entice viewers with a fine selection of Nigerian cuisine, this is all for you to try and recreate. Make sure you post pictures on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram page. I want to see how you spice up your kitchen!” COMING SOON TO OH TV Naija Bites is entertainment you can taste! Hosted by presenter Esther Alade and American TV Chef Rasheeda Omolade. Let this show tantalise your taste buds and show you how food is prepared the Naija way! BEFORE 30 NECTAR A drama story focussed on the relationship between three families: The Akanbis, The Adelekes and the Olowolagbas. All three families are at rivalry for several reasons, with themes of love, hatred, lust, betrayal, confusion and dismay. OH TV brings you NECTAR the drama series, starring Sola Sobowale, Keppy Ekpeyong Bassey, Fausat Balogun, Lara Akinsola and many more COMING SOON TO OH TV NEW SEASON EVERY MONDAY AT 9 PM 51 Soon to debut on OH TV is the exclusive television series hosted by British television comedienne Angie Le Mar. In this series Angie invites us on a journey back to her homeland Jamaica to rediscover the culture and life at home. Follow Angie as she interviews and engages with the movers, shakers and shapers of the land, whilst discovering her own love for Jamaica. Expect to experience Jamaica through food, culture, music, fashion, history and more. Check out the exclusive images during production in Jamaica. COMING SOON TO OH TV The much anticipated TV series Before 30 is a fabulous drama that follows the lives of four Nigerian women and the challenges they face in their personal relationships as well as their struggles with the societal pressures to be married before they turn 30. Starring Damilola Adegbite Attoh, Beverly Naya, OC Ukeje and more. This must watch TV series is only available to watch in Europe on OH TV! Make sure you’re tuned in and why not join in the discussions on social media #B430! 2GETHER | EVERY MONDAY 1PM UPRISE IN LAS VEGAS Yes indeed, the Uprise crew are filming exclusively in the glitzy city of Las Vegas! Faith Child and co-presenter Mercedes will be bringing you an exlcusive set of epsiodes all shot in the city that never sleeps! Also keep an eye out for them both at this year’s Stellar Awards also in Vegas, as they rub shoulders and mingle with your favourite U.S. Gospel artists! COMING SOON TO OH TV # 2G E TH E RM AG AZ IN E 50 OH TV IS AVAILABLE ON CONNECT WITH OH TV @ohtv @ohtv ohtv199 www.ohtv.co.uk connect@ohtv.co.uk CHANNEL 199
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