2SC-LSC Splice Connection Kit Installation Instructions Description The 2SC-LSC is a NEMA 4 rated splice connection kit for use with Raychem 2SC60, 70, 80 (-CT), 2SC/H60, 70, 80 (-CT) and 2SC/F60, 70, 80 (-CR) series heating cables in hazardous locations. This kit may be installed at temperatures as low as –40°F (–40°C). For easier installation, store above freezing until just before installation. For technical support, call Pentair Thermal Management at (800) 545-6258. Tools Required • • • • • • Approvals Additional Materials Required Hazardous Locations -W (1) Class I, Div. 2, Groups A, B, C, D Class II, Div. 2, Groups F, G Class III for T-Rating, see design documentation Diagonal cutters • Utility knife Wire strippers • Adjustable wrench Disposable towel or rag • Slotted screwdriver Solder tool or torch (with small tip) Thomas & Betts TBM5S crimp tool or equivalent (P/N P000000585) Thomas & Betts WT2000 crimp tool or equivalent (P/N 273435-000) Crimp tools can be ordered from Pentair Thermal Management. Ex e II T -W (1) • Glass cloth tape: – GT-66 for installation temperature above 40°F (4°C) – GS-54 for installation temperature above –40°F (–40°C) WARNING: This component is an electrical device that must be installed correctly to ensure proper operation and to prevent shock or fire. Read these important warnings and carefully follow all of the installation instructions. • To minimize the danger of fire from sustained electrical arcing if the heating cable is damaged or improperly installed, and to comply with the requirements of Pentair Thermal Management, agency certifications, and national electrical codes, groundfault equipment protection must be used. Arcing may not be stopped by conventional circuit breakers. • Component approvals and performance are based on the use of Pentair Thermal Management-specified parts only. Do not use substitute parts or vinyl electrical tape. THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS CAUTION: • Damaged conductors can overheat or short. Do not break conductor wire strands when scoring the jacket or removing insulation. • Keep components and heating cable ends dry before and during installation. • Use only fire-resistant insulation materials, such as fiberglass wrap or flame-retardant foam. • Soldering tools or torches can cause fire or explosion in hazardous areas. Be sure there are no flammable materials or vapors in the area before using these tools. • Wrap exposed conductors with supplied tape strips to prevent shorts. EN-Raychem2SCLSC-IM-H57839 03/13 Health Hazard: Hot solder can burn eyes and skin. Fumes during soldering are irritating to eyes and may cause headache and respiratory system irritation or damage. Prolonged or repeated exposure to rosin flux fumes during soldering may result in allergic reaction in a sensitive person, resulting in asthma symptoms. Consult MSDS VEN0043 for further information. Silicone rubber compound Part B, may generate flammable and explosive hydrogen gas if it comes in contact with an acidic, basic or oxidizing material. Personal contact with the silicone rubber compound may cause slight eye or skin irritation. Consult MSDS VEN0030 and VEN0031 for further information. CHEMTREC 24-hour emergency telephone: (800) 424-9300 Non-emergency health and safety information: (800) 545-6258. 1/6 KIT cONTENTS Item qty Description A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R Boxwithcover,gasket,and2screws Bushings Grommets Tapestrips(14required,3extras) Pipe banding kit ETL-SPLICE label Cablelubricants Bolt,lockwasherandnut Thomas&Betts#C10-14ringterminals Coils of Kester® 48 core LF solder for nickel Silverparallelsplices,spareincluded Bluecompressionjoints,spareincluded Browncompressionjoints,spareincluded KE 1204 silicone rubber potting compound Part A KE1204siliconerubberpottingcompoundPartB Stir sticks MaterialSafetyDataSheets(notshown) 1 2 2 17 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 Heating cable construction F A G H I J K L M B C D N E O P 1 Heating cable types 2SC60, 70 and 80 (-CT) 2SC/H60, 70 and 80 (-CT) 24 in. (60 cm) Outer jacket 2SC/F60, 70 and 80 (-CR) ea dh on ec g tin le b ca S Tinned-copper braid Inner jacket Conductor insulation Fiberglass braid (2SC, 2SC/H only) g tin ea h st Fir le b ca • Allowextraheatingcable for a service loop. Plated copper conductor WARNING: Ensure the cable does not cross over itself to prevent damage to the jacket and shorting. 2 3 Hex side of bushing Narrow end of grommet • Foreasierinstallationapplycable lubricant inside grommet from each end. • Slidebushingandgrommetontoheating cable in order and orientation shown. • Repeatforsecondheatingcable. THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS • Positiontheboxonsecondheatingcableasshown. EN-Raychem2SCLSC-IM-H57839 03/13 2/6 4 3 in (76 mm) • Lightly score outer jacket around and down as shown. • Pull braid to same side as small hole in side of box. • Bend heating cable to break jacket at the score, then peel off jacket. •Twist the braid to make a pigtail. • Use a pointed object to separate the braid from the heating cable. •Repeat for second heating cable. 5 2 1/2 in (63 mm) • Lightly score inner jacket around and down as shown. • Bend heating cable to break jacket at score then peel off jacket. • Twist the braid to make a pigtail. 6 • Use the Thomas & Betts WT2000 crimp tool to crimp the ring terminal to the braid. • Repeat Steps 4 through 6 for second heating cable. THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS EN-Raychem2SCLSC-IM-H57839 03/13 3/6 7 8 First Heating cable only Second Heating cable only • Cutheatingcableconductorpositionednexttobraidas shown. • Cutheatingcableconductorpositioned farthest from braid as shown. • Remove3/4-inch(20mm)insulationandfiberglassbraid toexposebareconductors. • Remove3/4-inch(20mm) insulation and fiberglass braidtoexposebare conductors. 1-1/2 in (38 mm) 1-1/2 in (38 mm) 3/4 in (20 mm) Fiberglass braid Fiberglass braid 3/4 in (20 mm) 9 WARNING: Using the wrong splice can cause overheating. Use only the splice specified for the cable type. • Smoothdownanysharpwiresaftercrimpingtoprevent wires from poking through tape in Step 11. • Overlapconductorsinsplice. • Crimpheatingcableconductorstogetherusingtheappropriate splices and crimp tool (see table). • WhenusingtheWT2000crimptool,crimpthesplicetwice. Heating cable (1) 2SC60-CT 2SC70-CT 2SC80-CT Thomas & Betts (T&B) Splice Splice catalog no. description C10-PS-D Small 54610 Blue 54620 Brown crimp tool WT2000 TBM5S TBM5S crimp tool die Non-Insul Blue Brown (1) The above table is also applicable for 2SC/H60, 70, 80 (-CT) and 2SC/F60, 70, 80 (-CR) heating cables. For replacement splices call Pentair Thermal Management at (800) 545-6258. 10 WARNING: Fire and Health Hazard Soldering tools or minitorches can cause fire or explosion in hazardous areas. Be sure there are no flammable materials or vapors in the area before using these tools. Follow all site safety guidelines when working in hazardous areas. Refer to solder material safety data sheet packaged with kit. Do not overheat or char the conductor insulation. Inhalation of fumes can cause polymer fume fever, flu-like symptoms, irritation, and difficult breathing. • Useonlysolderprovidedwithkit.OnlyKester48coreLFhasbeenqualified with SC cables. • Heateachspliceusingasolderingtool,orapropaneorMAPPgastorch. Note:MAPPgasmayberequirediftheconnectionsarebeingsolderedat temperatures below –4°F (–20°C). Heat the center of the splice until it is hot enough to melt the solder placed at both ends. Allow the connection to cool before proceeding to the next step. THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS EN-Raychem2SCLSC-IM-H57839 03/13 4/6 11 IMpORTANT: To ensure proper electrical insulation, use the specified high temperature Teflon® tape provided withthekit.Donotusecommonvinyltapethatdoesnot haveadequatetemperaturerating. •Usereleaselinertoguidetapewhilewrappingthetape stripsaroundtheconnection.Wrapeachconnectionseparately with five strips of tape, covering splice and 1/4-inch (6mm)ofconductorinsulation(approximatelythreeoverlapped layers). 1/4 in (6 mm) Release liner min. (remove and discard) 6 in (15 cm) tape strips •Wrapeachbraidwithtwostripsoftape. 12 13 IMPORTANT: Do not damage outer jacket of heating cable • Centerconnectionin thebox. • Allbraidwiresmustbefully containedwithinbox. • Applycablelubricanttotheoutsidesurfaceofthe grommet, heating cable and end of bushing. • Slidegrommetsintoendsofboxandseattothebottomofthe threaded section using a screwdriver or blunt instrument. •Positionlockwasherandnutonoutsideofbox.Fastenbraid ring terminals using bolt. • Removeanyslackincable. •Pushbraidwiresasfarawayfromtapedconnectionaspossible. • Slidebushingsintoendsofbox.Screwintothreaded section and tighten with wrench. •Positiontapedconnectionsoitiscenteredandnottouching surfaces of enclosure, braid wires or ground screw. 14 WARNING: Health Hazard Refer to silicone rubber material safety data sheet packaged with kit. •Openthetwocontainers:onelabeledPartA,andtheother PartB. •Useseparatewoodenstickstostirthecontentsofeachcontainer until smooth and homogeneous. THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS •PourallthecontentsofthecontainerlabeledPartBintothe containerlabeledPartAandmixthoroughlyuntilthecoloris uniform. EN-Raychem2SCLSC-IM-H57839 03/13 5/6 15 16 Cover Gasket • Pourthepottingcompound mixtureintothebox. • Securethecoverandgasket using the two screws provided. • Pottingcompoundmustfillthe boxandcoverallconnections. 17 WARNING: Fire and Shock Hazard To prevent cable damage, do not position pipe banding over the heating cable. Ensure the cable does not cross over itself to prevent damage to the jacket and shorting. Glass cloth tape • Usepipeclampbandingandfastenerstosecuresplicetopipe. • Secureheatingcableserviceloopstopipeusingglassclothtape. Pipe banding (under heating cable) • InstallETL-SPLICElabeloninsulationcladding. • Leavetheseinstructionswiththeenduserforfuturereference. WWW.tHerMal.PeNtaIr.COM NORTH AMERIcA EUROpE, MIDDLE EAST, AFRIcA ASIA pAcIFIc LATIN AMERIcA Tel: +1.800.545.6258 Fax: +1.800.527.5703 Tel: +1.650.216.1526 Fax: +1.650.474.7711 thermal.info@pentair.com Tel: + Fax: + thermal.info@pentair.com Tel: +86.21.2412.1688 Fax: +86.21.5426.2917 cn.thermal.info@pentair.com Tel: +55.11.2588.1400 Fax: +55.11.2588.1410 thermal.info@pentair.com Pentair and SC are owned by Pentair or its global affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. ©2005-2013Pentair. THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS PNP000000127 EN-Raychem2SCLSC-IM-H57839 03/13 6/6
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