OKANAGAN ATHLETICS CLUB REGISTRATION PACKAGE SPRING/SUMMER 2015 DEAR PARENTS AND ATHLETES, Welcome back to another exciting and busy track and field season. We will be holding a registration session for the Spring/Summer season on Thursday February 12th from 6:00 – 7:30pm and have included in this package the forms you will need to complete your registration. Also included is our 2015 schedule. If you are unsure which group you or your child should be training with or if you have any questions, please contact our head coach Pat (eledding@shaw.ca) who will be happy to advise you. SEASON DATES. Our Spring/Summer season begins on Monday March 30th for both the J.D and Senior Athletes and ends on Wednesday July 15th. For the Track Rascals the season begins on Monday April 13th and ends on July 6th for the Monday group and July 8th for the Wednesday group. SEASON GUIDLINES. Athletes are asked to arrive for practice on time. If, for any reason you will be late or cannot make it to a practice, please inform your coach. Please be aware that early in the season it can get quite cold at the apple bowl, especially when the sun has gone down, and athletes should dress warmly in layers and bring a water bottle. We recommend gloves for the Track Rascals and younger J.Ds Parents: please collect your athletes on time at the end of each practice. COACH CONTACT DETAILS. Pat Sima-Ledding (Head Coach) – eledding@shaw.ca Stefanie Hatch (power/speed) – stefanie_hatch@hotmail.com Dave McLeod (throws) – dam_macleod@hotmail.com Robyn Griffin (J.D and Track Rascals) – robyngriffin9@gmail.com PARENT INFORMATION MEETING Once the season begins, there will be a welcome/information meeting for all parents. This meeting will be held at the Apple Bowl during one of the early practice nights – a date for this will be emailed before the start of the season. NEWSLETTERS Newsletters will be sent regularly by email. Please ensure your email address information is kept up to date with the club as this is an important method of communication. If you find you are not receiving emails please check your spam/junk files. The newsletters will also be uploaded to our website. 2015 OKANAGAN ATHLETICS CLUB PROGRAMS Track Rascals (ages 6-8) There will be two separate Track Rascal programs this year. Athletes can choose one of the two programs listed below: 1) Mondays 5:00-6:30pm, beginning Monday April 13th and running until July 6th ** There will be no Track Rascals practice on Monday May 18th. 2) Wednesdays 5:00-6:30pm, beginning Wednesday April 15th and running until July 8th ** There will be no Track Rascals practice on Wednesday July 1st. Junior Development (ages 9-13) Mondays and Wednesdays 5:00-7:00pm, beginning Monday March 30th and running until Wednesday July 15th ** There will be no JD practices on Monday April 6th, Monday May 18th, and Wednesday July 1st. Supplemental Training for JDs (coach recommendation required) Saturdays, beginning Saturday April 11th, from 9:00-10:30am. ** This program is intended for competitive athletes and therefore practices may be cancelled on competition weekends. Major Competitions. JD Pentathlon Championships - May 30th (Chilliwack) JD Provincial Championships - July 17-19th (Kamloops) Senior Power/Speed (Midget, Youth, Junior, Senior, & Masters) Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00-8:30pm, and Saturdays from 9 am-noon beginning on March 30th and running until July 15. Practices after July 15th will have to be arranged with event coach. ** Practices on holiday days will have to be confirmed Supplemental Training (coach recommendation required) Thursdays 7:00-8:30pm and Sundays 10:00-noon. ** This program in intended for competitive athletes and therefore Sunday practices may be cancelled on competition weekends. Senior Middle Distance/Distance (Midget, Youth, Junior, Senior, & Masters) Mondays and Wednesdays 5:00-7:00pm, and Saturdays 9:00-11:00am, beginning on March 30th and running until July 15th. Practices after July 15th will have to be arranged with event coach. ** Practices on holiday days will have to be confirmed Major Competitions Canadian Junior & Senior Track & Field Championships - July 2nd-5th (Edmonton, AB) BC Athletics Track & Field Championships Jamboree - July 10-12th (Nanaimo) Canadian Legion Youth Track & Field Championships - Aug 7-9th (St Therese, QC) Western Canada Summer Games - Aug 7-16th (Wood Buffalo, AB) MEETS. Attached is a list of all meets available to our athletes this season. MEET INFORMATION. All athletes must register for any track meets via the club meet registrar. Teena Russell. Details will be sent out via email before each meet. Please note the entry deadlines as late entries incur a large fee. In addition to the meet fee for events, there is a coaching fee of $15 per athlete (maximum of $25 for a family with 2 or more competing athletes). Please hand your completed meet registration forms complete with payment to your coach. Meet registration forms are available on our website www.okac.ca or at the track (registration table) VOLUNTEERING. Volunteers are important to our club and we require all athletes/parents to be involved. A list of volunteer opportunities is available at the track. Andrea O'Neill, our volunteer co-ordinator, will be happy to assign volunteer spots. She can be contacted at a0neill@telus.net A volunteer bond of $200 in the form of a postdated cheque to September 30th 2015 is required at registration. This cheque will not be cashed if the athlete/parents volunteer their required hours of 20 total(10 at the Jack Brow meet) JACK BROW MEET. The club hosts the Jack Brow memorial track and field meet every year at the July long weekend. (This year – June 26-28). In order to host this meet we need hundreds of volunteer hours. We require all families to commit a minimum 10 hours over this weekend. A volunteer sign up sheet will be available at the track and online. (Further information will be sent by email) Again, Andrea will be happy to guide you through the process. UNIFORMS (SINGLETS AND TRACK JACKETS/PANTS.) Singlets are required for track meets. They are available to order via the club at a cost of $40. An order form is attached. N.B. The singlets take approx. 6 weeks to arrive after the order is submitted. Track Jackets/Pants can be ordered on our website. The link is on the home page www.okac.ca As always please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. We are looking forward to another successful and enjoyable season. Karen Hatch Okanagan Athletics Club Manager. www.okac.ca kelownatrackmanager@gmail.com 250 862 6039 We have created a facebook page where we will post all sorts of updates and information about events happening in the club. You can 'like' our page by going to our website and clicking the facebook link. It's a great way to stay up to date with all our club activities. REGISTRATION FORM SPRING/SUMMER 2015 New Member □ BC Athletics # Existing Member □ BC Medical # Date of Birth: Month/Day/Year Surname: First Name: Citizenship: Canadian □ Landed Immigrant □ Female: Male: Initial: Student Visa □ Other □ Country of Birth: Aboriginal: Yes □ No □ Address: City: Telephone: Postal Code: Cell/Bus. Phone: Email address: Mother's first & last Name: Tel: Father's first & last Name: Tel: Emergency Contact Name: Tel: Medical Concerns: Family Doctor: Tel: _________________________________________________________________________________ NB: it is important that your child’s coach is aware of any medical conditions, allergies etc. • • • • • • I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and sponsors, waive and release any and all rights that have or that might arise against the Okanagan Athletics Club Society, its affiliate associates, sponsors, agents or representatives for any and all injuries or losses suffered by me or my children while competing in or in connection with the program of the said society. I also give my permission to the coach or other staff members to secure medical assistance where speed is urgent or when parents or guardians cannot be contacted. I am/my c-hild is in good physical health and permitted to take part in practices and competitions. The BC Athletics code of Conduct states that all athletic members avoid the use, advocating, condoning, promotion and distribution of banned substances, cases and methods as outlined in the handbook on Drug Classifications published by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport. In signing this document I agree to follow this code or I will forfeit my membership. No refunds will be given on BC Athletics fees. Refunds on OAC fees will be given only before November 1st, and only with a written doctor’s approval and inability to compete and only upon OAC executive approval. Any medical conditions must be disclosed on medical section of application form. BC Amateur Athletics Association Sport – Safety/Acknowledgement of Risk (This statement is part of the application for membership) The responsibility for sport safety must be shared by all. I, the undersigned, am aware that there is a certain risk of injury involved in my own or my child’s participation in sport, either while travelling to or from the event; or while attending or participating in the programs or activities of the events which are sanctioned/approved by BC Athletics, its Divisions, its Member Clubs or recognized organizing societies. It is understood by me that the signing of this document is intended to indicate that on behalf of myself and/or my child I assume the shared responsibility and acknowledge the risk of injury by so participating. BC Athletics Privacy Policy By completing this membership application form, signing and joining BC Athletics you consent to the collection of this information and its use as per the BC Athletics Privacy Statement and Policy – see identifying Purposes – Appendix II of the Policy available at www.bcathletics.org. For more information or to limit the release of information contact the BC Athletics Privacy Officer, Sam Collier at sam.collier@bcathletics.org Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP) Athletics Canada has adopted the 2009 Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP)., which is the set of rules that govern doping control in Canada. Administered by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) the CADP applies to members of Athletics Canada and participants in Athletics Canada sanctioned activities. All members of Athletics Canada, whether in the role of athletes or athlete support personnel, are subject to the CADP. By signing below, I acknowledge that I am a member of Athletics Canada and I am aware that the CADP applies to me and I consent to its application to me. For further information, please visit the athlete Zone on the CCES website http://cces.ca/athletezone. _______________________________________ Applicant signature – ALL applicants must sign ___________________________________ Parent/Guardian signature – for applicants 19 and under. ______________________ Club Registrar signature – if not signed affiliation will show unnattached. FEES Age as of Dec. 31St 2015 Membership Type *BCA Fee OAC Training Fee Total Training Fees 6-8 (2009-2007) **Track Rascals $15.00 $133.00 $148.00 9-13 (2006-2002) Junior Development $60.00 $300.00 $360.00 14 (2001) Midget $70.00 $385.00 $455.00 15 (2000) Midget $73.50 $385.00 $458.50 16-39 (1999-1976) Youth/Junior/Senior $94.50 $385.00 $479.50 18-22 (1997-1993) *** Post Secondary $73.50 $385.00 $458.50 35+ Master $63.00 $385.00 $448.00 All Ages 3 x trial membership $50.00 Sub Total A: J.Ds (9-13) Supplemental Training. $250.00 Sub Total B: Age 14+ Supplemental Training. $350.00 Sub Total B: 18 + University/College Students (per Month) ****$85.00 Total Fees: All Athletes 9+ Volunteer Bond $200 Postdated to 30/9 * Athletes who have been training in the winter program have already paid this fee for 2015. Just the OAC training fee applicable to these athletes. **Track Rascals programs Monday or Wednesday. Please indicate which day you wish to attend. *** must be enrolled full time at a recognized post secondary institution (documentation required) **** must have a current BCA or Athletics Canada Affiliate membership. 3 x trial membership is 3 consecutive practices - $50 fee deducted from total membership fees if athlete joins the club. TRACK RASCALS Monday or Wednesday – please circle one day. PAYMENT OPTIONS PAYMENT FULL PAYMENT (CHEQUE) FULL PAYMENT (CASH) M W
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