Official Handbook 2015 - Okanagan Athletics Club

Official Handbook
Okanagan Athletics Club
#107 101-1865 Dilworth Drive
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 9T1
Table of Contents
Who is the Okanagan Athletics Club? ........................................................................................................... 2
COACHES ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
A BRIEF HISTORY ........................................................................................................................................... 4
CLUB PHILOSOPHY ........................................................................................................................................ 4
REGISTRATION .............................................................................................................................................. 5
2015 Outdoor Season Fee Schedule .................................................................................................. 5
Trial Membersip ........................................................................................................................................ 5
CLUB INVOLVEMENT ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Volunteering ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Officiating .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Athlete & Parent Info .................................................................................................................................... 8
Programs ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Long Term Athlete Development Philosophy ....................................................................................... 8
Track Rascals (Ages 6 – 8) ..................................................................................................................... 8
Junior Development (Ages 9 - 13) ......................................................................................................... 9
Senior Programs (Ages 14+) .................................................................................................................. 9
Outdoor Training Location ...................................................................................................................... 10
Outdoor Training Times .......................................................................................................................... 10
Athlete Attire & Equipment .................................................................................................................... 11
Club Communications ............................................................................................................................. 13
Competitions ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Fundraising .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Sponsorship................................................................................................................................................. 18
Awards ........................................................................................................................................................ 20
BC Athletics Junior Development Awards............................................................................................... 24
Plaque – BC Athletics Award ............................................................................................................... 24
JD Crest Program................................................................................................................................. 25
ANNUAL AWARDS AND COACH APPRECIATION DINNER ....................................................................... 25
Codes of Conduct ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Page 1
Who is the Okanagan Athletics Club?
The Okanagan Athletics Club (OAC) is a registered not-for-profit amateur sport organization under the
Society Act of British Columbia and is affiliated with BC Athletics. The OAC has a membership structure
consisting of member athletes, coaches, officials and Board members. It is governed by a Board of
Directors supported by volunteer parents and community members. The purpose of the Club is to
promote, encourage and develop the widest participation and the highest proficiency in track & field
and cross country running in Kelowna, BC. therit
In 2014, the club was comprised of 162 registered members making it the sixth largest club in BC.
The following is the list of our current Board Members. Staff and Supporting Volunteers:
Club Manager
Karen Hatch
Head Coach
Pat Sima-Ledding
Phone: 250-862-6039
Phone: 250-212-9006
2015 OAC Executive
Mike Walsh
Vice President
Past President
Steve Fagan
Denise Bergman
Jennifer Griffin-Lepine
Karen Hatch
Barbara Smith-Murray
2015 OAC Directors
Equipment & Facilities
Meet Registrar
Volunteer Coordinator
Officials Coordinator
City Liaison
Member at Large
Member at Large
Peter Maryschuk
Teena Russell
Andrea O'Neill
Roberta Tetlock
Norm Kneller
Brad Gay
Ken Reid
Mary Louise Minkus
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Phone: 250-801-5325
The OAC understands the importance of strong
coaching and the benefits it has for an athlete's
physical and mental well being and their success in the
pursuit of their personal goals. The Club strives to
ensure our coaches have the highest possible level of
training; actively promoting opportunities for
upgrading and training of new coaches. Most of our
coaches have received certification at the National
Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Sport Coach
level and some have gone on beyond that to hold Club
Coach or higher certification.
Our coaches are strongly dedicated to the success and well being of our athletes and contribute a
significant amount of time both on and off the track. Please make an effort to get to know your child’s
coach and direct your questions and comments to them.
Head Coach
Pat Sima-Ledding
Middle + Long Distance Coaches
Nathan Reiter
Malindi Elmore
Nikki Reiter
Power/Speed & Hurdles Coaches
Pat Sima-Ledding
Stefanie Hatch
Amber Gilbert
Throws Coaches
Rochelle Kokayko
Dave McLeod
High Jump Coaches
Peter Maryschuk
Murray Hainer
Pat Sima-Ledding
Junior Development Coaches
Cheryl Kokayko
Jodie Walsh
Amber Gilbert
Track Rascals Coaches
Robyn Griffin
Katie Maryschuk
Page 3
The predecessor to the Okanagan Athletics Club, the Kelowna Track & Field Club (KTFC), started in 1983
when a group of interested parents with a common love of track and field and an interest in the youth
of Kelowna got together at the Parkinson Recreation Centre. From these early meetings has evolved
one of the largest clubs in BC and over 30 years of growth, development, and outstanding
accomplishments. In 2011, the KTFC was reformed into the Okanagan Athletics Club under a new
constitution and set of bylaws. This change provided the Club the freedom to evolve with the current
reality of youth sport in BC, allowing the flexibility of honorariums and paid positions.
The Club has grown from 35 athletes in 1983 to over 150
members in 2014. In the early years, our athletes seldom
finished in the top 8 at major BC meets. Since then, we regularly
have athletes named to the BC Team to compete at national
competitions; we've had several athletes competing at
international meets for Canada and even at the Olympics! The
Club’s coaches have also demonstrated tremendous growth and
dedication over the years with several being named as coaches
for Team BC nationally and Canadian Teams internationally.
The Club as an organization has demonstrated growth and
success too. We annually host one of the biggest track and field
meets in Western Canada, the Jack Brow Memorial, which has
seen over 1000 athletes in some years with teams from around North America and even Australia. The
Club has also hosted many BC Championships and is actively looking to host future provincial and
national meets in the years ahead
The Okanagan Athletics Club promotes the welfare and enjoyment of its athletes and its community.
The athlete’s personal development is always the highest priority. The OAC provides training in all
aspects of track and field (sprints, long distance, throws, jumps and pole vault) to athletes from 6 years
old to over 75 years young. The betterment of our athletes is our primary focus and is exemplified in
our Club's vision statement; "Personal Excellence Through Athletics".
"Personal Excellence Through Athletics"
OAC Vision Statement
Success can take many forms in an athlete's career but while victory can be a measure some, our
philosophy remains rooted in identifying and pursuing the goals that each athlete sets. Helping the
athlete identify these goals and strive for personal achievement builds an athlete’s character, instilling a
sense of dedication and self discipline; personal attributes that will lead to further successes in life.
Page 4
2015 Outdoor Season Fee Schedule
(as of Dec 31 2015)
Track Rascals
Junior Development
** Post Secondary
Age 9 - 13
Supplemental Training.
Age 14+
Supplemental Training.
University/College Students
(per Month)
***Volunteer Bond
All Athletes 9+
Training Fee
Total Fees
* Athletes who registered for the winter (CROSS COUNTRY AND/OR INDOOR) 2014-15 program have already
paid these fees and so only pay the OAC Training Fee, supplemental Fee (if applicable) and the Fund Raising
** must be enrolled full time at a recognized post secondary institution (documentation required)
*** Fund raising fee in form of cheque postdated to September 30th 2015. Cheque will not be cashed if
athlete's volunteer hours are met.
As part of registration, each athlete will receive an OAC training shirt to keep. They are
encouraged to wear them to practices but it is not mandatory.
The registration form is available for download from our website;
Trial Membership
To help gauge an athlete's interest, the Club offers a 3x Trial Membership ($50) where a
perspective athlete can attend three consecutive practices. If they are interested in joining, the
$50 cost is deducted from the Registration Fee.
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The Okanagan Athletics Club, as with any other non-profit society, is only as strong as its members make
it. We depend entirely on the involvement of our parents and athletes and ask each family to volunteer
a minimum of 20 hours within the season to help. A volunteer bond of $200 in the form of a postdated
cheque to September 30th 2015 is required at registration. This cheque will not be cashed if the
athlete/parents volunteer their required hours of 20 total (10 at the Jack Brow meet).
There are plentiful Volunteer oppourtunities throughout the season, the biggest and most important
one being our Jack Brow Memorial Meet on June 26 – 28th – our biggest event and our largest single
source of annual revenue.
An up to date list of volunteer opportunities is available at the track during practices. The volunteer coordinator (Andrea O'Neill) will be happy to assign volunteer spots. She can be contacted at
There are many other oppourtunities to volunteer with the Club too, including:
Helping at our newly planned Twilight Meets
Pre-planning & organizing meets & events
Parent helpers at practices
Equipment Clean-up & Inventory
Board Members
In addition, the OAC is fortunate to have many dedicated
parents and volunteers who, through their personal
interests or employment, have certain skills or connections
that can help support the needs of the Club. This has
typically takes many forms such as computer/web skills,
food services, materials and equipment supply and even
discount accommodations. These have all been a huge
benefit to the Club and have helped reduced the time
demands and costs the club incurs.
If you wish to volunteer in any capacity, want more
information or have a skill or connection that the Club
could benefit from, please feel free to contact our Club
Manager or Volunteer Coordinator.
More details and timing for Volunteer Oppourtunities will
be outlined in future emails and Newsletters.
Page 6
Officials are an important part of the sport of
track and field, playing a pivotal role in leading
the progression of events at a meet while
maintaining the rules of play for all athletes.
As a parent or athlete, becoming an official is
an excellent way to gain a deeper
understanding of the sport.
Officials are a completely volunteer group,
responsible for judging the four main areas of a
meet; field judges, track judges, timekeepers
and starters. Officials receive specialized
training and certification, achieving increasing levels of knowledge and responsibility from levels 1-3 at
the provincial level to levels 4-5 at the national level.
The Club, in conjunction with BC Athletics, regularly hosts training courses for those interested in
becoming officials. The Level 1 official's clinic is suitable for anyone with a desire to be more involved
and no specific knowledge of track and field is required. The course is only two hours long, costs
nothing and provides a person the basic understanding of the sport and officiating. Upon completion of
the clinic, and 24 hours of officiating at differing meets, an individual is eligible for designation as a Level
1 Official.
Through the period that most kids participate in Athletics, parents will likely have volunteered at
countless meets and all of this time would be eligible for credit towards officiating status. Why not take
the minor extra step and attend one of the Level 1 officiating clinics to put that volunteering time
towards accreditation as an official? It helps the club by increasing the internal knowledgebase and
adds credibility and capability in hosting our own meets.
Also, officiating is not limited to adults. The BC Athletics U18 program allows members as young as 13
to become officials. Plus, BC High School students can use their Officiating time towards School
volunteering credits required for graduation.
If you're interested in getting more info about becoming an official, please contact the Club's Officials
Page 7
Athlete & Parent Info
Long Term Athlete Development Philosophy
The Club's Programs are centred on a progression of ages and discipline specific skills and focuses on an
approach of "Personal Excellence Through Athletics".
All programs and coaching follow the
methodologies developed under the Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model which was
developed by the Canadian Sport Centre and adopted by Athletics Canada.
The implementation of the LTAD model enables our coaches to develop programs based upon each
individual and take advantage of the critical periods of accelerated adaptation to training; allowing
athletes the opportunity to develop to their full potential. The LTAD framework is athlete-centred,
coach-driven and its success is supported by research and experience.
The Athletics Canada LTAD model is a 9-stage of development from early fundamentals to optimal elite
1. Active Start
2. FUNdamental
3. Learning to Train
4. Training to Train
5. Learning to Compete
6. Training to Compete
7. Learning to Win
8. Winning for a Living
9. Active for Life
Each of the Club's Programs provides the opportunities to focus on differing ranges and aspects of each
LTAD Stage.
Track Rascals (Ages 6 – 8)
'Track Rascals' is specifically setup to introduce young athletes to the Track and Field atmosphere,
allowing them to learn the basics of athletics, and of course the skills needed for all land-based sports!
Track Rascals are most importantly NON-competitive training members, with a number one goal of
having FUN!
The program follows the Run-Jump-Throw (RJT) development model created for our sport by Athletics
Canada. This "FUNdamentals" program teaches the skills of running, jumping and throwing and teaches
the technical skill progression needed for track and field events.
More importantly, the skills learned in the RJT model form the basic skills needed in essentially all land
based sports. So, whether athletes remaining in track and field or shift to other sports, the Track Rascal
program can provide them with a strong foundation for success in all sports and physical activities.
Page 8
Junior Development (Ages 9 - 13)
The Junior Development (JD) program gives young athletes the opportunity to develop physical literacy,
learn skills specific to differing track and field disciplines, develop speed and fitness while within the
context of the "Learning to Train" and "Training to Train" stages of LTAD.
The Okanagan Athletics Club endorses BC Athletics’ Junior Development philosophy. The BC Athletics
Junior Development (BCJD) Committee sets the framework for the Junior Development Program and we
follow its guidelines.
At the base of this program is the philosophy that young athletes should be exposed to as many events
as possible. Therefore, a multi-event focus underlies our JD Program. Athletes should not specialize at
an early age because their bodies will undergo many changes as they develop. Specialization at an early
age may prevent them from trying events for which they might ultimately be best suited. Variety in the
program is also a good source of motivation.
Junior Development athletes do age-appropriate events. Not all events are available to JD athletes
because of their stage of physical development. In other cases, JD athletes do events that are modified
to meet their age and size (e.g. throwing smaller implements, running adapted hurdle heights and
modified distances between hurdles).
To provide JD athletes feedback and motivation in their personal development, the OAC participates in
the JD Crest Program organized by BC Athletics. The Program provides a methodology to measure
personal achievements and provide recognition. Crests are awarded annually and are determined based
on each athlete’s seasonal best performances in relation to the scoring tables found in the Junior
Development Manual.
Senior Programs (Ages 14+)
The Senior program allows the maturing athlete to progress to a more discipline specific area of interest.
It focuses on the LTAD stages of Training to Train, Learning to Compete, Training to Compete and
Learning to Win. The Program provides event specialization and higher level coaching that leads to
more consistent performances.
Coaching and support within the program provide the opportunity for the athlete to progress within
their chosen athletics discipline(s) to their highest level of personal achievement. Additional training
opportunities are available within the Program through Supplemental Training to provide athletes a
more focus and intensive training regime to pursue higher levels of achievement.
The OAC is very fortunate to have a wide range of well trained, high level coaches that, through their
knowledge and experiences, can provide the training to the highest level of our sport.
Page 9
Outdoor Training Location
Our Spring/Summer season begins
at the Apple Bowl on Monday
March 30th for both the J.D and
Senior Athletes and begins on
Monday April 13th for the Track
All practices are scheduled to take
place at the Apple Bowl Stadium
located on Burtch Rd in Kelowna.
Athletes can enter the stadium
through the main entrance at the
Burtch Rd parking lot.
Outdoor Training Times
Track Rascals (ages 6-8)
There will be two separate Track Rascal programs
this year. Athletes can choose one of the two
programs listed below:
1) Mondays 5:00-6:30pm, beginning Monday April
13th and running until July 6th
** There will be no Track Rascals practice on
Monday May 18th.
Wednesday April 15th and running until July 8th
** There will be no Track Rascals practice on
Wednesday July 1st.
Junior Development (ages 9-13)
Mondays and Wednesdays 5:00-7:00pm, beginning Monday March 30th and running until Wednesday
July 15th
** There will be no JD practices on Monday April 6th, Monday May 18th, and Wednesday July 1st.
Supplemental Training for JDs (coach recommendation required)
Saturdays, beginning Saturday April 11th, from 9:00-10:30am.
** This program is intended for competitive athletes and therefore practices may be cancelled on
competition weekends.
Senior Power/Speed (Midget, Youth, Junior, Senior, & Masters)
Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00-8:30pm, and Saturdays from 9 am-noon beginning on March
Page 10
30th and running until July 15. Practices after July 15th will be arranged with event coaches.
** Practices on holiday days will have to be confirmed
Supplemental Training (coach recommendation required)
Thursdays 7:00-8:30pm and Sundays 10:00-noon.
** This program in intended for competitive athletes and therefore Sunday practices may be cancelled
on competition weekends.
Senior Middle Distance/Distance (Midget, Youth, Junior, Senior, & Masters)
Mondays and Wednesdays 5:00-7:00pm, and Saturdays 9:00-11:00am, beginning on March 30th and
running until July 15th. Practices after July 15th will have to be arranged with event coach.
** Practices on holiday days will have to be confirmed
Athletes are asked to arrive for practice on time. If, for any reason you will be late or cannot make it to
a practice, please inform your coach ahead of time. Please be aware that early in the season it can get
quite cold at the Apple Bowl, especially when the sun has gone down. Athletes should dress warmly in
layers and bring a water bottle. We recommend gloves for the Track Rascals and younger JDs.
Athlete Attire & Equipment
In the world of sports, track and field is one of the least costly for
equipment requirements. For most events, all you need is shorts
and shoes. If you're just getting started with the Club, the best
equipment you can bring to the track is:
1. A quality water bottle.
2. A good pair of running shoes.
3. Warm up clothing – (dependant on the weather)
The shoes don't have to be "top of the line" but should be
supportive and appropriate for running. Do not come to the
track expecting to run in sandals, soccer cleats or, skateboard
shoes. This footwear offers little support or traction when
running and jumping and could lead to injury.
Proper shoes are key to your training. Local sports stores have
assisted many of our athletes with the selection of proper
training shoes. Each person has a different type of foot strike when they run and/or walk, so shoe
selection should be carefully investigated. Spiked runners are not required especially for younger
athletes, although older athletes occasionally train in spikes.
The other items an athlete needs for a good practice session is comfortable and warm clothes. Yes,
shorts and a t-shirt will work in May and June but until then a long sleeved sweatshirt and sweat pants
or tights are needed. It is easier to take layers off once you're warmed up then try and find ways to
keep warm. Again, talk to your coach for more guidance and ideas.
As the weather warms up during the season, athletes will want to wear clothing that helps them keep
cool during training. There is a wide range of choices for summer training clothing and the Club asks
Page 11
that athletes and parents ensure that clothing remaining reasonable and appropriate. What might be
perfectly acceptable at the beach wouldn't really be considered reasonable for a track and field
Do You Need Track Spikes?
Most young athletes can usually practice and compete in a quality pair of running shoes; however,
spikes are recommended for competition, especially for athletes 11 years of age and older. As their
competition level increases and skills develop, athletes may want to begin using spikes appropriate to
their event(s). Please consult your coach for information regarding the purchase of spikes.
Where can you buy spikes?
Typically spikes have been available in Kelowna during the beginning of the season (April to June) from
Fresh Air and The Running Room.
The Club cautions parents and athletes from purchasing spikes over the internet unless you know the
exact model and size you need.
Also, athletes and parents should know that the rules governing the length of spikes on shoes can vary
at differing meets and most spikes when purchased only have one size. Most meets allow either 5 or
6mm for running events and up to 9mm for high jump and javelin. Additional replacement spikes should
be purchased to ensure your spikes can comply with any rule variation.
Okanagan Competition Jersey
The OAC uniform to be worn at competitions
consists of a mandatory Okanagan Athletics Club
singlet (male or female) and optional matching
shorts. Please wear black shorts or tights if not
purchasing club shorts. The price of your uniform
is not included in annual club fees.
Purchasing Clothing
The Club obtains a limited number of new singlets
at the beginning of the season. They are made
available on a first come – first serve basis for a
cost of $40. Otherwise, the singlets can be ordered through our Clothing Coordinator or Club Manager
and will take approximately 6 weeks to arrive after the order is submitted.
Club Jackets/Pants are not mandatory but can be ordered through our third party supplier on our
Can I buy used items from the Club or other parents?
We know kids grow fast and we've all watched them grow out of a pair of shoes in what seems like a
few months. To help offset the cost of buying new spikes or singlets, the Club hosts a "Spike Swap"
every Spring to allow parents the opportunity to get gently used spikes and singlets from other
Page 12
members at reasonable prices. This is a good way to find a quality pair of spikes without spending a lot
of money. The date will be posted in the Newsletter and on the website calendar.
Field Equipment
Various field events require equipment such as throwing implements or vault poles. The OAC is
fortunate to have a full complement of throwing implements and a reasonable inventory of vault poles
available for training and local meets. There is no requirement for athletes to supply this equipment.
Occasionally an athlete will progress to the point of specialization in a specific event and may desire to
have their own implements. The requirements for this would be discussed with their coach at that time
before any purchase is made.
Club Communications
Our coaches will do their best to convey information of upcoming meets, club events and deadlines,
however, to ensure all parents and athletes have the most up to date information, we use several
mechanisms to convey up to communicate:
Email – This is the most important means of communication with the OAC. It will always be
the main mechanism to inform parents and athletes about upcoming events and
deadlines. Please make sure the Club has your up to date email and if you want us to
email more than one address, just let us know.
Newsletter – distributed by email and placed on website every one/two weeks as needed.
Outlines upcoming events, meets and registration deadlines. Also includes club news and
information that parents and athletes may find interesting.
Website – outlines all club information and is updated constantly. If you need a
form, a contact or information; it should be on the website. If it isn't, please let us know.
Facebook – outlines all recent club news and show cases
athlete performances and other interesting things.
Twitter –
information and results.
is used to convey important news items,
Recognizing that communication is not just a one way street, we are always open to hearing your
questions, ideas and feedback. Please feel free to send an email to your coach, the Club Manager or any
of the Board members. All the emails are outlined on pages 1 and 2 and on the website. Also, some of
us are old enough to remember the "old fashioned" way of communication – the phone. Several phone
numbers are provided too if your needs are more immediate. Finally, our mailing address is:
Okanagan Athletics Club
Suite 107, 101-1865 Dilworth Drive
Kelowna, B.C.
V1Y 9T1
Page 13
It is important that athletes and parents realize that you are not expected to attend all meets. The
following is a list of meets that are available to athletes (depending on their age). Usually about three
week prior to a meet a notice will be sent out by email and in the newsletter confirming the dates of a
meet, the events, the fees and the expected coaching costs. if you are interested in competing in a
meet, let your coach know.
Athletes and parents are expected to make their own arrangements for transportation and
accommodation - unless otherwise indicated. Occasionally, the host club will have booked preferred
rates in local hotels for groups attending their meet; this will be forward in the meet notice sent to
everyone. These rooms are usually booked fast. Please do not hesitate to ask any of the coaches or
executive members if you have any questions about attending a meet.
To register for a meet, you must register through our club’s meet registrar Teena Russell: Teena will be available at the track Monday and Wednesday evenings unless
otherwise specified. Details of event fees, coaching fees etc. will be given in our regular newsletters.
There will be an additional $15 fee per athlete for each meet (to a maximum of $25 per family with two
or more athletes) to contribute towards the coaches’ travel expenses.
Event & Location
Apr 25
2015 Battle of the Boarder
Kamloops, BC Canada
May 2
Sub Zero Meet
Prince George, BC Canada
May 2
2015 West Kootenay Legion Track
Trail, BC Canada
May 2-3
2015 Bob Dailey Memorial Track &
Field Meet (VIAA T&F Series)
Port Alberni, BC Canada
Page 14
Event & Location
May 9
10th Annual Eagle Classic Track &
Field Meet
Maple Ridge, BC Canada
May 9-10
2015 Dogwood Track & Field Meet
(VIAA T&F Series)
Victoria, BC Canada
May 15-17
2015 Kamloops Centennial Meet
Kamloops, BC Canada
May 16-17
2015 South Fraser Junior
Surrey, BC Canada
May 22-24
2015 Elwood Wylie Track Meet
(VIAA T&F Series)
Nanaimo, BC Canada
May 30
2015 Ocean Athletics ReMax
Twilight Series - Meet No. 1
Surrey, BC Canada
Jun 13-14
2015 Spruce Capital Meet
Prince George, BC Canada
Jun 13-14
2015 Jesse Bent Memorial Track &
Field Meet
Coquitlam, BC Canada
Jun 13-14
2015 Garriock Track & Field Meet VIAA Series
Duncan, BC Canada
Jun 16
2015 Ocean Athletics ReMax
Twilight Series - Meet No. 2
Surrey, BC Canada
Jun 19-21
2015 Langley Pacific Invitational
Langley, BC Canada
Jun 19-21
2015 BC Athletics Masters
Outdoor Track & Field
Langley, BC Canada
Page 15
Event & Location
Jun 20-21
2015 Harry Thompson Track &
Field Meet (VIAA T&F Series)
Powell River, BC Canada
Jun 26-28
Jack Brow Memorial Track & Field
Kelowna, BC Canada
Jun 29
2015 Fraser Valley Jumps and
Throws Meet
Langley, BC Canada
Jun 30
2015 Ocean Athletics ReMax
Twilight Series - Meet No. 3
Surrey, BC Canada
Jul 4-5
2015 Trevor Craven Memorial
Burnaby, BC Canada
Jul 7
2015 Ocean Athletics ReMax
Twilight Series - Meet No. 4
Surrey, BC Canada
Jul 10-12
2015 BC Athletics Track & Field
Championships Jamboree
Nanaimo, BC Canada
Jul 11
2015 BC Junior Development
Pentathlon Championships
Chilliwack, BC Canada
Jul 17-19
2015 BC JD Track & Field
Kamloops, BC Canada
Jul 21
2015 Ocean Athletics ReMax
Twilight Series - Meet No. 5
Surrey, BC Canada
Jul 28
2015 Ocean Athletics ReMax
Twilight Series - Meet No. 6
Surrey, BC Canada
Aug 7-9
2015 Canadian Legion Youth
Track & Field Championships
Page 16
Event & Location
St. Therese, QC Canada
The Okanagan Athletics Club is committed to supporting all of our athletes. If an athlete is named to a
BC or National Team, OAC will cover the Team Fee. If an athlete achieves standards, is not selected to
the team, but chooses to attend a national championship, the club will assist with expenses up to
The OAC has many fund raising initiatives to help retaining funding to support club needs. These
initiatives are generally centred on the participation of the athletes and/or their families to help. The
following is an outline of the Clubs typical annual fundraising initiatives:
Announcements of these events will be posted in the newsletter and on the website.
Bottle Drives
Several times a year the OAC hosts bottle drives either as a one day collection/return event where
athletes canvases the community for bottles, bringing them to a central location for sorting and return
or, a collection time during a practice time where families bring their returnables to practice and they
are sorted and returned by a team of volunteer parents.
Candy Sales
Once per season, the OAC hosts a candy sale where we've historically have sold differing products such
as chocolate almonds, candied pretzels and chocolate bars. Typically, this involves families receiving
boxes of a product to sell to the community over a short period.
Nature's Fare 3% Club
Nature’s Fare Markets helps all types of local groups, clubs, businesses, and
organizations give back to the community. They have developed the 3% Club to focus
fundraising in direct recognition and appreciation of a Club's support for their business.
How it works is simple: you collect receipts from purchases you or an acquaintance has
made, bring them to the track regularly and we submit them to Nature’s Fare Markets
to receive back 3% of the total spent! Very simple reward for something you already do.
Keep your receipts, get receipts from friends and co-workers, bring them to practices and put them in
the collection box at the desk.
Other Initiatives?
If you have ideas for other fundraising initiatives, we're very interested in hearing them. Please feel free
to contact our Sponsorship Co-ordinator or any of our executive to discuss it further.
Page 17
In the past, the OAC has benefitted from several generous donations, securing the equipment we
needed for training and hosting high level meets. Since that time we have struggled to gain more
equipment but our source of funding is limited. We employ a full time coach and several part time
coaches to run our programs, and all our funding goes back into coaches’ salaries, rent and the running
of the programs. Any surplus funds are used to repair, replace or bolster our equipment needs but,
much of this equipment is very specialized and costly, making them difficult to obtain with our limited
To help us continue providing top level coaching with high quality equipment we are seeking financial
support from organizations to obtain new items and continue to run our events that not only see club
member’s benefit but community athletes in Kelowna and the surrounding areas as well.
Sponsorship Levels for 2015
Gold $500
Your name on all promotional materials listed as gold sponsor
Name on Signage at events
Hyperlink on website
• Provide the opportunity for sponsor to provide product at event.
• Provide for further possible sponsorship promotion at other OAC races throughout the year.
Silver $300
Name on event signage
Website logo
Hyperlink on website
Provide the opportunity for sponsor to provide product at
Bronze $150
Name on event signage
Website logo
Hyperlink on website
Twilight Race Series- Title Sponsor: $2000
Race series to be named after your organization
Your name on all promotional materials for the race series
Signage at event
Hyperlink on website
Inclusion in all gold level packages
Company representative may serve as honorary co-race starter and assist in the awards ceremony;
sponsor may set up a booth at the race series.
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Tent provision sponsor $1400 (two 10x10 canopies)
Name and logo on team tent in town and traveling to out of town events
Logo is one color and with exclusive, most prominent location on single side of tent Sponsor logo on
canopy top with OAC logo on valance
Inclusion in all gold level packages
Hyperlink on website
Signage on sponsor banner
Equipment sponsorship
Okanagan Athletics is always upgrading equipment to ensure the highest standards for our athletes and
athletes competing at our events. There are numerous ways to recognize equipment sponsors; such as:
• Name on hurdles or individual pieces of equipment to be determined by financial commitment
• Name on storage containers
• Signage on sponsor banner (size and placement determined by equipment and financial
• Hyperlink on website
Here is our needs list for 2015
Throws implements. $75 to $3500
discus, javelin, hammer are $250 each,
sponsor one, a few, or all
Pole vault poles $1000
for our younger athletes.
Lane number markers. $1500 for two sets
These light weight plastic pylon markers are
used by all of the clubs today and would
replace our antiquated wooden boxes in
use now. Cost is $750/set
Scissor hurdles $2000
Our scissor hurdles need replacing to ensure consistent heights during meets
Coach's requests: There are always requests from our coaches as we start the season.
If you have a particular area you would like to sponsor, please contact the Sponsorship Co-ordinator
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To celebrate the dedication and performance of our athletes, the OAC provides recognition through
various awards.
Awards and bursaries will not be awarded if there are no suitable/eligible candidates.
Track Rascals Athletes of the Week
Awarded by the coaches, this award recognizes up to four athletes per week who demonstrate
dedication and improvement. The athletes receive a certificate of recognition and a brief write-up and
photo are included on the website.
An athlete can only win this award once per season.
JD Athletes of the Week
Awarded by the coaches, this award recognizes up to two athletes per week who demonstrate
dedication, sportsmanship, improvement and performance. The athletes receive a certificate of
recognition and a brief write-up and photo are included on the website.
An athlete can only win this award once per season.
MIKE PASSMORE Memorial Bursary (up to 2 awards/year – one female, one male)
OAC Membership Fee + BC Athletics Fee + Singlet (if required) for one year
Mike was a former member of the KT&FC who excelled as a middle distance and cross-country runner.
He later competed in cross-country and won honours for Okanagan University College and Simon Fraser
University before his premature death at the age of 26. Mike stood out as a dedicated and passionate
athlete. His fiery red hair and freckled face sprinted to the front of the Steve Reynolds Race, and that’s
where you would usually find him at the end of the race as well.
In conjunction with Mike’s parents, Bob and Pat Passmore, the Kelowna Track & Field Club initiated the
Mike Passmore Memorial Bursary. Each year two awards are available to one male and one female
athlete meeting the following criteria:
• Grade 6 or 7 student
• Demonstrates a high level of dedication and motivation in cross-country running
• Positive attitude, outstanding citizenship, and sense of fair play
• Motivated to continue developing as a middle distance/cross-country runner
• Athletes can only be awarded the Mike Passmore Memorial Bursary once.
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STEVE RUSSELL Memorial Bursary
(up to 2 awards/year – one female, one male)
$500 Bursary for Post-secondary Education
This bursary is awarded annually in memory of former Club President, Steve Russell. It is intended to
recognize those athletes who best exemplify his giving, caring, and “be the best you can be!”
philosophy. Steve supported all KT&FC events and tragically died while volunteering at a KT&FC
The senior coaches of the Club have traditionally selected the Bursary recipients. These coaches have
typically worked with graduating athletes for a number of years, and best know the abilities and
personal qualities of the applicants. Two members of the executive will sit on the selection committee
along with the senior coaches.
Eligible recipients will be given an application package in April, to be completed and received by the
Vice-President by June 1st. When possible, the award(s) will be presented to the winners at their
respective graduation ceremonies. Athletes can only be awarded the Steve Russell Memorial Bursary
Plaque - Top Female OAC Sprinter/Hurdler
For years, Rozanne Brisotto could be seen sitting in the stands at the
Apple Bowl on cold nights and hot days, watching her two daughters
sprint and hurdle. Her daughters were her pride and joy. Sadly, Rozanne
was stricken with cancer and passed away early in 2000.
From contributions from her friends in the community and at the track,
OAC is able to present an award to the club’s top female sprinter/hurdler
(13 years of age or older). A Commemorative plaque is presented to the
winner each year. Athletes may win the Rozanne Brisotto Memorial
Award more than once.
Trophy - Top Male OAC Sprinter/Hurdler
Awarded annually to the club’s top male sprinter/hurdler (13 years of age or older). Athletes may
win this award more than once.
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MIKE PASSMORE Memorial Award
Trophy - Top Male OAC Middle Distance/Distance Runner
Awarded annually to the club’s top male middle
distance/distance runner (13 years of age or
older). Athletes may win the Mike Passmore Memorial Award
more than once.
Trophy - Top Female OAC Middle Distance/Distance Runner
Awarded annually to the club’s top female middle distance/distance runner (13 years of age or older).
Athletes may win this award more than once.
SHELLEY YOUNG Memorial Award
Trophy - Top Female OAC Thrower
Awarded annually to the club’s top female thrower (13 years of
age or older). Athletes may win this award more than once.
Trophy - Top Male OAC Thrower
Awarded annually to the club’s top male thrower (13 years of
age or older). Athletes may win this award more than once.
ROBIN MUIR Memorial Award
Trophy - Top Female OAC Jumper
Awarded annually to the club’s top female jumper (13 years of age or older). Athletes may win this
award more than once.
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STEVE RUSSELL Memorial Award
Trophy - Top Male OAC Jumper
Awarded annually to the club’s top male jumper (13 years of age or older). Athletes may win this
award more than once.
Top OAC Athletes at the Jack Brow – one female, one male
Each year, the OAC has presented The Jack Brow Award to an OAC athlete who has put their heart and
soul into competition at the Jack Brow Memorial Track & Field Meet and achieved outstanding results.
Two Awards will be presented; one to the top female, and one to the top male, OAC athletes competing
in the Jack Brow Meet. Athletes must be at least 13 years of age to be eligible for consideration.
Awards may be given for a single outstanding result, or for outstanding achievement in a number of
events. Award recipients will be chosen by senior club coaches. Athletes may win this award more than
Most Inspirational OAC Athlete at the Jack Brow
Memorial Meet
Awarded to the most inspiration OAC athlete competing
at the Jack Brow Memorial Meet (13years of age or
older). Athletes may win this award more than once.
Awarded to athletes 9-12 competing in the annual
Jack Brow Memorial Meet
Jack Brow Performance Excellence and Sportsmanship Awards will be awarded to Okanagan Athletics’’
Club athletes age 9-12 years competing in the annual Jack Brow Memorial Meet. Performance
Excellence Awards will be awarded based on a top single performance or on multiple performances at
the Jack Brow. Sportsmanship Awards will be awarded based on the overall attitude and sportsmanship
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displayed by the athlete. Athletes receiving Jack Brow Performance Excellence and Sportsmanship
awards will be chosen by the club’s Junior Development coaches.
A maximum of four awards (including both Performance Excellence and/or Sportsmanship) will be
awarded to athletes in each year of birth spanning the ages 9, 10, 11, and 12. Athletes may only be
awarded one Jack Brow Performance Excellence or Jack Brow Sportsmanship award annually. Each year,
eligible athletes may be awarded in one, but not both, categories. Athletes may win Jack Brow
Performance Excellence and/or Jack Brow Sportsmanship awards more than once (i.e., in subsequent
BC Athletics Junior Development Awards
Plaque – BC Athletics Award
Awards MAY be given for athletic performances in the 9 to 13-year-old female and male
categories in each year of birth. Awards are only given to JD members of BC Athletics.
The BCJD Awards are given for outstanding competitive performances rather than participation
in the sport of Track and Field. The Junior Development Committee will present all 14-year-old
JD athletes with a certificate acknowledging completion of the JD program.
Awards may be issued for performances in the following event areas, and will be grouped
together the following way for award consideration:
Sprints 60M, 100M, 200M, 300M, 400M
Hurdles 60M, 80M, 100M, 200M, 300M
800M, 1000M, 1200M, 1500M, 3000M, Steeplechase, Cross-country,
Throws Shot Put, Discus, Javelin, Hammer
Jumps Long, High, Triple, Pole Vault
Multi-Events Pentathlon/Heptathlon or 3 outstanding performances in parts A-E
When a change has been made in an event area (e.g. changes in implement weights for throws,)
or new events initiated, the awards committee will use the times/distances VERY CAUTIOUSLY
until at least five (5) years of results are available for consideration.
Only Track & Field meets sanctioned by B.C. Athletics and listed in the annual Junior
Development list of approved meets will be considered in the selection of athletes for awards.
The BCJD Awards Committee will only consider nominations of athletes who have competed in
at least one (1) B.C. JD Championship (Cross-Country, Track & Field, and Multi-Event) in the
preceding twelve (12) month period. Applications for exceptions to this rule based on medical or
extenuating family circumstances can be directed to the chair of the JD Committee for
Awards for 9 to 12 year olds are based on competing in all three (3) disciplines of Run, Jump,
and Throw, as well as achieving at least one performance that meets or exceeds the standard of
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excellence posted on the BC Athletics website. Awards for 13 to 14 year olds will be granted for
performances meeting or exceeding the standard of excellence for that age posted on the BC
Athletics website.
It is the responsibility of the individual clubs, parents, athletes, and/or coaches to nominate
athletes for awards. The awards committee can consider only those nominations received in the
BC Athletics office by midnight Aug. 31. Athletes traveling outside B.C. to meets recognized for
awards by the JD committee must get performances verified by the Meet Director in writing and
results submitted to BC Athletics with a copy to the JD Committee.
JD Crest Program
The OAC recognizes the efforts of its young athletes by providing crests to reward the results of their
dedication and performance. Crest levels are calculated on each athlete’s best performances from the
scoring tables found in the Junior Development Manual
Athlete must have a full, competitive, Junior Development athlete membership and all Performances
must be attained at track and field meets recognized by the BC Athletics Junior Development
An athlete must meet the standard for the award applied for in at least three events. By applying 3 for a
gold standard, two for a silver standard and one for a bronze standard then the average of these scores
must be 3 to achieve a gold crest, 2 for a silver crest, or 1 for a bronze. (i.e. if an athlete achieves a gold
standard in two events (6) and a bronze standard in the third event (1), then the average will be 7
divided by 3 which is 2 1/3 so a silver crest will be awarded.
Crests are rectangles, approximately 3.5" wide, with the BC Athletics logo. The colour of the side
stitching indicates gold, silver or bronze. Only one crest may be ordered per athlete.
In recognition of the list of award recipients the OAC presents every
year, the OAC hosts an annual awards dinner to recognize our
athletes' achievements. In addition, this occasion is also to show our
appreciation for all the time and hard work put into the club by our coaches.
The location and time for the Annual Awards and Coach Appreciation will me announced by email and
newsletter early at the commencement of the outdoor season.
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Codes of Conduct
As an athlete of the Okanagan Athletics Club, I understand and agree to abide by the following
Compete & participate in a spirit of fair play and honesty.
Compete & participate within the rules of Athletics.
Arrive 10 minutes before scheduled practices and be ready to start on time and put in your best
Strive for personal improvement.
Avoid the use, advocating, condoning, promotion and distribution of banned substances, cases
and methods as outlined in the handbook on Drug Classification published by the Canadian
Centre for Ethics in Sport.
Refrain from using tobacco products within the competition arena.
Refrain from using alcohol at athletic events (Athletics and other sport activities) or in victory
celebrations at the competition site and if of legal age in British Columbia, consume these
products responsibly in association with BC Athletics social events.
Refrain from using profane, insulting, harassing or otherwise offensive language in the context of
the activities of Athletics.
Address fellow athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, event organizers, spectators and others
associated with Athletics in a courteous and respectful manner.
Act in a manner that will bring credit to the Okanagan Athletics Club, the Athletics Community
and to you, both within and outside the competition arena.
Respect an individuals' dignity; verbal or physical behaviors that constitute harassment or abuse
are unacceptable. (Please refer to the BC Athletics Harassment Policy)
Ensure the safety of others when taking part in your Athletics activity.
ALSO - Individuals registering as Athlete members of BC Athletics are advised that by doing so they are
agreeing to adhere to this and other policies, rules, regulations, by-laws and constitution of BC
Athletics, Athletics Canada.
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Fair Play Code for Coaches
I will treat everyone fairly within the context of his or her activity, regardless of gender, ethnic
background, colour, sexual orientation, religion, political belief, or economic status.
I will direct comments at the performance rather than the person.
I will consistently display high personal standards and project a favourable image of my sport
and of coaching.
I will refrain from public criticism of fellow coaches.
I will abstain from and discourage the use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products in conjunction
with sport. I will never provide athletes with drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products. I will never
advocate or condone the use of drugs or other performance enhancing substances.
I will refrain from the use of profane, insulting, harassing or otherwise offensive language while
I will ensure that the activity being undertaken is suitable for the ages, experience, ability and
fitness level of the athletes and will educate athletes as to their responsibilities in contributing
to a safe environment.
I will co-operate with registered medical practitioners in the overall management of my
athletes’ medical and psychological problems. I will consider the athletes’ future health and
well being foremost.
I will recognize and accept when to refer athletes to other coaches or sport specialists. I will
allow athletes’ goals to take precedence over my own.
I will regularly seek ways of increasing professional development and self-awareness.
I will treat opponents and officials with respect, both in victory and defeat, and I will encourage
athletes to act accordingly at all times.
I will co-operate with the athletes’ parents or legal guardians, involving them in their children’s
I will be aware of the academic pressures placed on student athletes and conduct practices and
competitions in a manner so as to allow academic success.
I will ensure the safety of the athletes with whom I work.
I will, at no time, become intimately and/or sexually involved with my athletes. This includes
requests for sexual favours or threat of reprisal for the rejection of such requests.
I will respect athletes’ dignity; verbal or physical behaviours that constitute harassment or abuse
are unacceptable.
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Fair Play Code for Parents
I will remember that my child plays sport for his or her enjoyment, not for mine.
I will encourage my child to play by the rules and to respectfully and appropriately resolve
I will teach my child that doing one’s best is as important as winning, so that my child will never
feel defeated by the outcome of an event or meet.
I will help my child feel like a winner every time by offering praise for competing fairly and trying
I will never ridicule or yell at my child for making a mistake or losing a competition.
I will remember that children learn best by example. I will applaud good performances by both
my child’s club members and their opponents.
If my child is in Junior Development, I will encourage them to follow the Junior Development
I will never question the officials’ judgment or honesty in public. I will express my concerns to my
child’s coach who will then deal with the situation appropriately.
I will support all efforts to remove verbal, emotional, and physical abuse from children’s sporting
I will respect and show appreciation for the trained volunteer coaches who give their time to
provide sport activities for my child, understanding that I have a responsibility to be part of my
child’s development.
I will directly communicate my encouragement and concerns, should any arise, using the
following guidelines:
• I will approach my child’s coach after practice (not before or during) to discuss the concern or
arrange a convenient time to talk.
• If the issue is not resolved, the coach and I will contact the head coach.
• I realize that talking and complaining about the situation to anyone else will magnify the
problem, rather than resolve it.
I will ensure that my child arrives on time, prepared to practice.
I will be accepting and patient with my child’s individual stages of development and the way in
which he/she learns.
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