Andrew -

 The Society of Old Augustinians
150th Anniversary of St Augustine’s College
Secretary: Andrew Sharp
Chairman: Chris Horsburgh
Treasurer: Martin Morton
Email: website: To: Old Augustinians
We are holding a number of events this year to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of St Augustine’s
I am pleased to invite you to the first of these events to take place - our 150th Anniversary lunch on:
Saturday 9th May 2015 from 10.45 am to 3pm with lunch served at 1 pm
This will take place at the former St Augustine’s College (formerly Les Oiseaux Convent
School), 125 Canterbury Road, Westgate on Sea, Kent. CT8 8NL, the home of our school from
1971 to 1995.
This event is open to all former students and teachers at St Augustine’s College; Abbey
School; Assumption House and friends and parents of Old boys. There is no limit of how many
tickets you wish to purchase.
We are delighted that a number of former staff who served the School from 1971 to 1995 will be
present for this special celebration, namely Kevin Doherty; Robin and Doreen Edwards, Stephen
Duxbury and Sheila Mulvihill. We hope other former teachers and staff will be able to join us too.
The draft itinerary for the 150th Anniversary lunch Reunion will include
Coffee/tea on arrival
Tour of former college building and chapel
Display and auction of old School Trophies
150th Anniversary memories including the showing of archive school videos from the
1965 and the Westgate years
Pre-lunch reception drinks
Three course lunch
Speeches, including tributes to Fr Bernard
Tickets are £30 each. I do hope you will be able to attend for this special 150th Anniversary reunion and please encourage others who were in your class to do so too.
An order form is attached and will be placed on our website over the next few days. Because we have to confirm and order the lunches in advance, I would
be grateful if you could let me have your completed form back by Friday 1st May 2015. Please book
Yours sincerely
Andrew Sharp - Secretary Please send your completed order form together with your remittance made payable to the “Society of Old Augustinians”, to: ‐ Andrew Sharp, Secretary, Society of Old Augustinians, 2 South Grove, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, United Kingdom, TN1 1UR