PAYMENT & REGISTRATION INFO 4-H Camp pre-registration form Camp Dates: Monday, June 29 —Friday, July 3, 2015 Camp Fee: $230 We take a limited number of campers to 4-H camp. Spots are filled on a first come, first served basis. To reserve your spot at 4-H Camp, please complete and return the attached pre-registration form. Additional registration materials will be sent for you to complete. Please Print all Information Child’s Name_____________________________________________Date____________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________ City________________________________ State____________ Zip Code_____________________ Gender (Circle One) Male / Female Race*_______________________________________ (*Necessary to comply with affirmative action – Civil Rights Standard) Have you attended 4-H Camp before? ________If so, how many years?_______________ School ________________________________________ Grade ______ Age____________________ Birthdate____________/______/______ Do you qualify for the Free/Reduced Lunch Program? (Circle One) Yes / No Camper would like to bunk with:____________________________________________________ Custodial Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name: (please print)_____________________________________ Signature:__________________________________________ Home Phone ______________________ Work Phone ___________________________ Cell____________________________________ Email___________________________________________________________________________ Please Circle Camper’s T-shirt Size: YM YL AS AM AL AXL Make Checks Payable to Oldham County 4-H Council Please Return to: Oldham County 4-H Cooperative Extension Service 1815 North Highway 393 LaGrange, KY 40031 502-222-9453 For Office Use Only Received ___________________________________ ___________________________________________ Cash Ck # $ List DB App ** After we receive the pre-registration form and payment, you will receive the entire camp application that will need to be completed before your child can attend camp. A physical is required for camp attendance** $115 Deposit with Pre-Registration and the remaining $115 with completed registration packet due by Wednesday, May 27, 2015 OR One Check for $230 with Pre-Registration There is a $30 fee for all returned checks. NOTE THERE IS A $30.00 CANCELLATION FEE AFTER Wednesday, May 27, 2015. PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: Oldham County 4-H Council and mail to Oldham County Cooperative Ext. 1815 North Highway 393 LaGrange, KY 40031 Phone: (502)222-9453 Fax: (502) 222-7930 4-H Camp Decades Throw Back At Lake Cumberland In Jabez, KY Monday– Friday June 29– July 3 Phone: (502) 222-9453 Fax: (502) 222-7930 Kelly Woods Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. Challenge Course Nature Recreation Sports Team Building Fishing And Much More See all the fun in our camp video online at Living Accommodations Campers stay in cabins with teen and adult leaders. Boys and girls are in separate cabins. If you would like to bunk with a friend, please indicate their name on the pre-registration form. oldham/4HCamp Adults pay no fees to attend camp. The first 16 leaders to volunteer will receive a discount on their family's camp fees. If you would be interested in serving as an adult cabin leader, please complete the attached adult leader interest form and return it to the Oldham County Cooperative Extension Service, 1815 North Highway 393, LaGrange, KY 40031. You will be contacted by the 4-H agent. Please list any leadership positions you have had in schools, churches, 4-H, etc. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do you want to be a camp volunteer leader? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Arts / Crafts Male _____ Female _____ Have you attended camp as an? Adult ________________ Youth ____________________ Rifle / Archery Home Phone __________________ Work/Cell Phone ____________________ Email ___________________________ Canoeing City _______________________________State ___________________________ Zip Code _______________________ Swimming We depend on parents of 4-H campers to attend camp and serve as adult cabin leaders. During the week they attend classes with campers, join in all the fun, and are responsible for keeping their cabin group safe and happy. Training is provided for camp leaders. Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Our camp fills up quickly! Complete pre-registration forms and return them promptly! All Classes are taught by our certified instructors using approved curriculum. Activities and classes include: Name___________________________________________________________________ T-shirt size _______________ Boys and girls from Oldham County ages 9 - 13 and 8 year olds entering fourth grade. PARENTS: We Need Your Help! Please complete this section if you would like more information about being an adult leader at camp. Who May Attend? What do Campers do at 4-H Camp?
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