Director of Education North Somerset Council Town Hall Walliscote Grove Road Weston-super-Mare BS23 1UJ Please ask for Direct Line David Hayward 01823 356258 Email My reference 2015 Schools Folk Dance Festival April 2015 Dear Colleague Somerset Schools' Folk Dance Festival 2015 We would like to invite 3 of your schools to take part in the Somerset Schools’ Folk Dance Festival on Saturday 13 June in Wells. This is open to any Primary, Infant, Junior, Middle (Years 5/6) and Special School. The Dance Festival is a well-established event in a unique environment. As well as being a splendid and very special occasion, the dancing enables schools to address aspects of the PE Curriculum in addition to providing a varied social experience for the children as part of the broader curriculum. Enclosed are details about this event that is held on the Cathedral Green in Wells. I would be grateful if you could circulate this amongst your schools and if interested, please return the booking form as soon as possible to secure a place. If you have any queries regarding this event, please do not hesitate to contact me on 01823 356258. Yours sincerely DAVID HAYWARD SAPHTO Executive and Liaison Officer Somerset Schools' Folk Dance Festival, Wells Saturday 13 June 2015 Procession: starts at 2pm from St Cuthbert’s church yard through the town onto the Cathedral Green for the dancing to begin at 2.30pm and finish at approximately 4.30pm. Music and banners greatly add to the spectacle and fun of the day so please encourage parents, friends, teachers and children to be creative. Dances and Music: below is the programme of dances for the day. The Backroom Band have a dedicated page on their website where you can download all the music and dance instructions for free. Please go to their website: Dance Arena: space on the Cathedral Green is limited. Each team should comprise upto 24 pupils and 4 adult helpers, although special schools will be permitted additional supervisors. All other adults and children must remain outside the roped area on the Green. This is important both for safety reasons and for the enjoyment of children and spectators and your assistance in making this clear to other members of your school community who are attending the Festival would be greatly appreciated. Wet Weather: unfortunately there are no alternative arrangements in the event of bad weather. There will, however, be someone you can contact on the morning of the Dance Festival to confirm whether the event is going ahead or not – a telephone number will be provided in the Information Pack sent to participating schools. We would also seek to announce a decision on local radio. Photography: please confirm on the entry form that you have permission from parents for your pupils to be included in any photographs taken on the day. How to Book: If you wish to enter a team(s), please complete the entry form and return it by 20 May at the latest. The entrance fee is £25 per team (this is non-refundable). Please send a cheque, made payable to Somerset County Council, with your form, Stalls on the Green: Stalls are located around the Cathedral Green and we are able to offer schools / PTAs a stall for just £10 per pitch. Please note each stall holder must have appropriate insurance. A booking form is enclosed – please return the form with a cheque for £10 made payable to Globe Carnival Club. This event is sponsored by: SOMERSET SCHOOLS’ FOLK DANCE FESTIVAL SATURDAY 13 JUNE 2015 ENTRY FORM Name of School: Address and Post Code Telephone No: Teacher in Charge: Number of Pupils (maximum 24): Are you able to provide a Flamborough Sword Team? If Yes, instructions for making swords will be sent to you I give permission to take photographs of children taking part Signed: Yes No Yes No Date: Headteacher Please return this entry form to Sarah Osborne: Email: Fax No: 01823 358261 Sarah Osborne SAPHTO Administrator School Improvement Service, B2 South County Hall TAUNTON TA1 4DY PLEASE RETURN BY FRIDAY 22 MAY 2015 SOMERSET SCHOOLS’ FOLK DANCE FESTIVAL 2015 PROGRAMME OF DANCES BLAYDON RACES PAT-A-CAKE POLKA FARMER’S JIG CIRCASSIAN CIRCLE VIRGINIA REEL FLAMBOROUGH SWORD DANCE DOWN IN THE VALLEY SCHOOL'S OWN DANCE (Optional) LUCKY SEVEN INTERVAL OXO REEL BRIDGE OF ATHLONE THE MAN WHO BROKE THE BANK AT MONTE CARLO BUTTERED PEAS I WANT TO BE NEAR YOU REQUEST FOR A STALL SPACE AT SOMERSET SCHOOLS’ DANCE FESTIVAL 2015 Name of School: Address and Post Code Contact Name: Tel Number: Position (eg: Headteacher): Brief description of the nature of the stall, eg: arts/ crafts / clothing, etc: Approximate space required: Any special requirements: There is a charge of £10 per stall; please return this form along with a cheque, made payable to Globe Carnival Club, to: Eira Powell 11 Manor Court Easton WELLS BA5 1ER It is the responsibility of the stall holder to ensure they have appropriate insurance. NB: this does not guarantee a place as this will depend on the room available when the space required for the participants is known.
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