O ld S t. M ary’s C hurch 1500 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60605 - Chicago’s First Catholic Parish - Established in 1833 - The Paulist Fathers serving our parish since 1903 Page Two OLD ST. MARY’S CHURCH Our Parish Mission Founded in 1833, Old St. Mary’s parish is the first Catholic parish in the Chicago area. Guided for more than a century by the vision of the Paulist Fathers, we are a diverse and welcoming community dedicated to serving the spiritual needs of the South Loop and greater Chicago area. As a unified Church and School community, Old St. Mary’s Parish promotes the mission of the Paulist Fathers to welcome those who have been away from the church, to build bridges of respect and collaboration with people of diverse backgrounds and religions, and to promote justice and healing in our society. Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/116946404986272 PARISH PHONE: 312.922.3444 WEB SITE: www.oldstmarys.com SCHOOL PHONE: 312.386.1560 SCHOOL WEB SITE: www.osmschool.com MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY: 5:00 PM; SUNDAY: 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM AND 6:00PM DAILY MASSES: 8:30 AM—MONDAY—FRIDAY 12:00 NOON—SATURDAY HOLY DAYS: 8:30 AM AND 7:00PM EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: FRIDAY 9:00AM TO NOON SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS ANOINTING OF THE SICK: FIRST SATURDAY: NOON MASS BAPTISM: SECOND & FOURTH SATURDAYS, PLEASE GO TO OUR WEBSITE TO REGISTER CONFESSION: SATURDAY 11:30 TO 11:50 AM AND AT OTHER TIMES BY APPOINTMENT COMMUNION/SICK CALLS: UPON REQUEST April 5, 2015 Old St. Mary’s is wheelchair accessible. Large print missalettes are available near the entrance. Please return them after Mass. Special hosts are available in the sacristy for those who are gluten intolerant. Do you have difficulty walking to the front of the church for communion? Please ask an usher to let the communion ministers know where you are so the ministers can bring communion to you. Receiving the Body of Christ is too important to miss out. The ministers do scan the congregation, so if you forget to let an usher know, put your hand up so they can see you. We want to accommodate you. PARISH STAFF REV. PAUL HUESING, CSP, PASTOR phuesing@oldstmarys.com REV. PATRICK JOHNSON, CSP, ASSOCIATE PASTOR pjohnson@oldstmarys.com ZACCARY HANEY, COORDINATOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION zhaney@oldstmarys.com DAWN BURNS, BUSINESS MANAGER dawn@oldstmarys.com JULIE MARTIN, SCHOOL PRINCIPAL jmartin@osmschool.com SCOTT WILL, DIRECTOR OF WORSHIP ARTS swill@oldstmarys.com VANESA JACKSON, RECEPTIONIST MAMIE SMITH, RECEPTIONIST TONETTE MILLER, RECEPTIONIST JIM FOY, FACILITIES ENGINEER DENNIS DAVIS, MAINTENANCE PRAYER REQUEST Please pray for those novices and seminarians who are preparing for ministry to the Church with the Paulist Fathers, who have staffed Old St. Mary’s since 1903. Bulletin Submissions The deadline is Noon on Monday, if you cannot send the item electronically. Items submitted electronically are due by 5PM on Mondays. Please Email items to bulletin@oldstmarys.com. Thank You! Parish Offices will be closed Monday, April 6, 2015. There will be Mass at 8:30AM. April 5, 2015: EASTER SUNDAY Dear members of the OSM community, Happy Easter! I am so happy to be celebrating Easter with you this year for the first time. You have been a blessing to me these past eight months. I am also very happy that spring is here and we can look forward to some warmer weather. Chicago is great, but the winter weather is a challenge. Page Three The Parish Staff of Old St. Mary’s wishes everyone a Happy and Blessed Easter. Easter brings two special gifts with it this year. First, during the Easter season we will be completing our Parish Transformation Project and setting some pastoral goals for all of us at Old St. Mary’s to accomplish in the next two or three years. Second, we will move ahead with demolition of the current Pastoral Center and begin construction of a new Pastoral Center including its large multipurpose space which will provide us with a gymnasium! The demolition is scheduled to begin tomorrow, Easter Monday, April 6. We thank you for joining us in celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Construction will unavoidably result in some short-term frustrations including a moderate reduction in available parking and some scheduling constraints caused by our temporary loss of much of our meeting space. But the reward of the new building’s completion and occupancy in the New Year will more than make up for any temporary inconvenience. Amber Coisman Looking further ahead, we will be hiring additional pastoral staff over the summer so that we can expand our ministry in notable ways. The Parish Transformation Project is helping us determine the extent and character of that new ministry. We will be sharing information about that a lot in the next few weeks. Again, Happy Easter! Sincerely, Catholic Relief Services—Rice Bowl We prayed, fasted and gave alms — and now we celebrate! Our Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl ends in our own hearts, where Jesus reigns forever. Let us rejoice in our risen Lord—and in the lives we’ve changed this Lent in Tanzania, Nicaragua, Niger, Lebanon, the Democratic Republic of Congo and all over the world! Please return your Rice Bowls next weekend, April 11-12, 2015. We welcome the following new parishioners to the Old St. Mary’s community. Amy Polega Laura Lasecki & Christopher Wimmer GOD’S WORD TODAY The first Easter Sunday must have been very difficult for the apostles. They had given up three years of their lives to follow the man they believed to be the Messiah, only to watch him be crucified and buried. All seemed lost. By fixating on the events of Good Friday, they had great difficulty understanding the message of resurrection at first. But their eyes and hearts were opened when Jesus spoke their names, ate with them, and breathed on them his gift of peace. From this moment, they were empowered and infused with a new courage and enthusiasm. With the gift of the Holy Spirit, they became powerful witnesses to the message of hope and new life. As we rejoice in the glory and power of the Resurrection, we come to realize that the victory of Christ over sin and death can likewise be ours. Let us live this Easter Day with faith and conviction, and then we will share forever in the fullness of Christ's resurrection. From Saint Margaret Mary Sunday Missal, © J. S. Paluch Company Page Four OLD ST. MARY’S CHURCH April 5, 2015 Easter Flower Offerings In memory of Julie, Vincent and John D’Aversa by Angela D’Aversa In memory of Manang Charito by Rosario Mauricio In memory of Roger & Genevieve Olsen and Jim & Ellen Hickey by MissMary Olsen In memory of Thomas & Christine Hughes and Stanley & Mary Usellis by Mr. & Mrs. John Hughes In memory of James L. & Ruth Sheerin, James L. Jr. & Marilyn Sheerin Family, Dennis Sheerin and Margaret Sheerin by Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sheerin In memory of Fred & Christine Schieber and Adam & Mary Gorza by Miss Mary Anne Schieber In honor of The Paulist Fathers by Mr. Patrick Ouimet In memory of Wally & Kim Szeto, Joseph & Maria Lam and Brian & Jane Szeto by Mr. & Mrs. Woon Szeto In memory of Mary Gory, Elizabeth Kukulski and in honor of Elizabeth Gory by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gory In memory of Gonzalo & Marcelina Sansalian by Adrianne Limjoco In memory of Eleanor Hood-Wynn by Janine Mitchell In memory of Eustace Karuri Githenya, Cosmo Kariuki, Perpetua Wambui, Dorcas & Meshack Manhungo and Githenya Wanyeri by Donor Unknown In memory of Gebhard Glueck, Annie Freislederer and Katharina Glueck by Dr. Petra Glueck & Alexander Walter Glueck In memory of Peter Tom by Josephine Tom In memory of Patnubay Sta. Ana, Arcadio Bernardino, and Salve Tordilla by Mr. & Mrs. Tristan Santos In memory of Mabel Mattes, David Mattes, George Jaap and In honor of The Larry & Lisa Miller family by Mr. & Mrs. George Mattes In memory of Jacob Thelen by Mr. & Mrs. Jacob H. Thelen In memory of Joel Friedl, and Annita & Archimedes Giglio by Mrs. Ariani Friedl In memory of Charles Hart by Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Hart In memory of Elizabeth Millewich by Mr. Geoffrey Millewich In memory of Grace Marie Roesler by Mr. & Mrs. Michael Roesler In memory of James Montgomery by Ms. Yvonne Montgomery In memory of Joseph & Virginia Ryan by Mr. William Ryan In memory of Pamela Rose Pereira by Mr. John Colwell and Tracy Colwell In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Francisco F. Carrera by Miss Virginia Carrera In memory of John C. White, Edward Buckney and Adrian C. White by Dr. Cozette Buckney In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Gamble by Ms. Darneice Gamble In memory of Jim, John, John Jr, The Volland Family, Richard & Lorraine Payton, Andrew W. Chaira Sr., Fr. Dudley Day, OSA and In honor of Agnes Kelly by Mr. Edward Payton In memory of Mr. K. Opong by Mr. & Mrs. Augustine Afriyie In memory of the Mazur Family by Miss Wanda Mazur In memory of Eduvigio & Anatolia Tudtud by Miss Sally Tudtud In memory of Pat & Bill Burnett by Mrs. Maria Thomas In memory of Mario Medina Jr and Petunia by Donor Unknown We have made every effort to record your intentions accurately, please forgive any typographical errors. (More donors are listed on page 5) Thank you everyone for your donations toward Flowers to beautify our church. April 5, 2015: EASTER SUNDAY Donations for Easter Flowers also received from the following: Ms. Esmeralda Jimenez, Miss Christine Talley, Mr. John Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Brawley. Mr. Salvador Serrano Jr., Arleen Daggs, Mrs. Grace Wright, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roche, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kelm, Mr. Matthew Schuller, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Wigell, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Blais, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Refundo, Mr. & Mrs. James Dollear, Mr. & Mrs. Armold Huelva, Dr. & Mrs. William Reed Mr. & Mrs. Nestor Carlos, Miss Maria Consuelo Gingoyon, Mr. Ted Sveda & Ms. Janet Seehausen, Mr. & Mrs. Mark Apel, Mr. & Mrs. Brian Thompson, Ms. Patricia O’Neil, Mr. & Mrs. Don Bennecke, Ms. Jackie Braun, Ms. Ruth Argenta Mr.. & Mrs. Patrick Quinn, Ms. Carolina Hernandez, Mr. & Mrs. Dave Tracy, Dr. & Mrs. Justin Song, Mrs. Joyce Manas, Ms. Mina Annan, Mr. & Mrs. Chizoba Ngene, Mrs. Michelle Magnaye, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cepeda, Ms. Lynda Bartlett, and Ms. Lisa Eke Thank You for your Generosity! Page Five The Big Night PLEASE JOIN US FOR Old Saint Mary’s School 11th Annual Spring Gala SATURDAY, MAY 2, 2015 HILTON CHICAGO, GRAND BALLROOM 720 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE 6:30 PM COCKTAILS AND SILENT AUCTION 7:30 PM DINNER, LIVE AUCTION & DANCING HONORARY GALA CHAIRS: LINDA AND THOMAS PETERMANN TICKETS $175 PER PERSON GRAND RAFFLE DRAWING 1ST PRIZE = 1 YEAR TUITION (OR $5,000) 2ND PRIZE = $3,000 3RD PRIZE = $1,500 To purchase tickets or make a donation visit https://osmsch.ejoinme.org/tickets Proceeds benefits the children of Old St. Mary’s LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR The Little Sisters of the Poor will speak briefly after communion at all of our Masses on the weekend of April 18 and 19. The Little Sisters are a community devoted to the care of the elderly poor. They were founded in France by St. Jeanne Jugan in 1839. Today they operate nursing homes in many countries. In Chicago, they operate St. Mary’s Home on N. Lakewood Ave. Their visit with us is one of a series of special events we are having at Old St. Mary’s in honor of the members of religious communities who live and/or work near us during this Year of the Consecrated Life. Page Six OLD ST. MARY’S CHURCH April 5, 2015 Demolition and Construction Demolition of the old school building and current Parish Center is scheduled to begin on April 6 and will continue for approximately three weeks. Then construction of the new building will begin immediately. Occupancy of the new building will be early in 2016. Throughout demolition and most of construction, we will lose some spaces in the overflow parking lot, the number varying depending on the phase of demolition/construction. Also, access by car to the remaining parking spaces in the overflow lot will be from Wabash Avenue only. It will however, be possible to walk from the overflow lot to the alleyway and onto the church grounds. The alleyway itself will not be blocked on weekends, however, there will often be occasions on weekdays when “through traffic” will not be possible. YEAR OF SACRAMENTS • ONE WORD AT A TIME Strengthen The very word confirm means to strengthen or to make stronger. Baptism gives us new life in Christ and makes us sons and daughters of God in the Son, Jesus Christ. Confirmation strengthens us in that identity with another outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Even more, Confirmation makes us stronger to live out that identity. As we walk through this world, we often feel pulled in many directions. There are many forces, some good but many quite negative, that press in on us. How will we respond? Will we feel overwhelmed and unable to do anything? From what can we draw the strength and courage to make the right decisions, to stay on course, and to follow through on our commitments? For believers who have been confirmed in the Holy Spirit, the answer lies in the strengthening that is already within us. Faith alerts us to the precious and graced resource that we carry within ourselves. POPE FRANCIS’ VISION OF HEALING AND COMMUNION The ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO in partnership with LOYLOA PRESS More on Pope Francis’ Vision at www.loyolapress.com/popefrancis.com www.ArchChicago.org © 2014 Archdiocese of Chicago, Fr. Louis J. Carneli We are Easter people and Alleluia is our song. — St. Augustine Are You Interested in Being a Deacon? If so, the Institute for Diaconal Studies (IDS) will begin a new training program in August. Applicants must be 31 – 62 years of age at the time of application. The deadline for submission of an application is May 1. For an application packet, please call IDS at 847-837-4563. If you would like more information about the diaconate, call Fr. Patrick Johnson, CSP here at Old St. Mary’s at 312-922-3444, ext. 20. He will be happy to discuss the ministry of diaconate with you. St. James Food Pantry---DIRE NEED The St. James Food Pantry is in dire need of hygiene products. They need miniature and full size: soap, deodorant, shampoo/condi oner, razors, lo on and toothpaste. Please deposit your dona on(s) in the baskets in the commons. Thank you and GOD BLESS! OLD ST. MARY’S BUDGET SCORECARD 7/1/2014 - 03/22/15 Period 03/22/2015 YTD Amount Needed $16,000.00 $608,000.00 Total Collected $15,020.21 $599,712.30 Deficit $(979.79) $(8,287.70) You can now contribute to various church offerings via Give Central on our website, www.oldstmarys.com. Just click on the Giving tab, and then click on Give to Church. If you have any questions, please call Dawn Burns at 312.922. 3444, ext. 23. APRIL 5, 2015: EASTER SUNDAY Page Seven TODAY’S READINGS Holy Saturday April 4 8:00 pm Great Vigil Liturgy of Easter Newly Received and Baptized Easter Sunday April 5 8:30 am † Frank Coachman 10:30 am † Porferia Levi 12:00 pm † Lorraine and Laverne Rohr Monday FIRST READING - Peter is an eyewitness: The Lord is risen (Acts 10:34a, 37-43). PSALM - This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad (Psalm 118). (1)SECOND READING - All who are baptized, set your hearts in heaven (Colossians 3:1-4). (2)SECOND READING - Christ our Passover is sacrificed; therefore let us celebrate (1 Corinthians 5:6b-8). GOSPEL - Three witnesses, Mary, Peter, and John; each responds to the empty tomb (John 20:1-9). April 6 8:30 AM READINGS FOR THE WEEK † James Byrne Tuesday April 7 8:30 AM MONDAY: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 TUESDAY: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 † Joseph Corritore Wednesday April 8 8:30 AM † Jennie Corritore WEDNESDAY: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday April 9 8:30 AM † James Bailey Friday THURSDAY: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 FRIDAY: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a; Jn 21:1-14 SATURDAY: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21; Mk 16:9-15 Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24: 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31 April 10—8:30 AM † Tom Gory SUNDAY: Saturday April 11 12:00 PM † Rosemary Johnson DALCAMO FUNERAL HOME Family Owned & Operated Since 1939 470 West 26th Street 312-842-8681 ARTANE CONSTRUCTION Full Service Remodeling & General Contractor Kitchens • Bathrooms • Decks Tiling • Painting • Flooring Parishioner Discount With Ad CALL RACHEL MCCORMAC BREAKFAST • LUNCH Cell: 773-316-9400 1400 S. 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