Old ice investigation along the Dome C ridge using a 2.5D thermomechanical ice flow model Olivier Passalacqua (1), Frédéric Parrenin (1), Olivier Gagliardini (1,2), Catherine Ritz (1), and Fabien Gillet-Chaulet (1) (1) Laboratoire de glaciologie et géophysique de l’environnement (CNRS-UJF), Grenoble, France (2) Institut universitaire de France, Paris, France The presented model is to consider a 2D steady-state ice flow along the ridge to Vostok, that accounts for the widening of the flow tube (2.5D model) and thermal advection and diffusion. Such a site does exist at ~40 km southwest from the Dome C, straight under the ridge to Vostok. A secondary dome relief is situated at 30 km from the main dome, where the speed of the ice is expected to be null. The 2.5D model does not hold if the width of the tube highly diverges. Accordingly, we will run the model only on the downstream part, starting from the secondary dome (last 15 km on the right). Relative width of the ice flow -3°C The geothermal ux warms the base but the melting point is not reached. The heat equation is modified as well, to account for the width of the tube, and allows to compute the basal melting. -50°C Q g = 65 mW/m2 Q g = 70 mW/m2 3e+06 age 2e+6 1e+6 0 Model characteristics -2°C The geothermal ux melts the basal ice. To be done • Effect of anisotropy and sliding. • Precise geothermal flux estimation. • 3D runs will be performed, with evolving geometry of the surface. Vertical velocity (m/a, downward) 0.0433 Acknowledgments 0.0193 0.04 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.001 0.01 0.00017 0 Geothermal flux : 65 mW/m2 Accumulation : 0.019 m/a Temperature (K) 271 260 240 N 220 213 • Determining the radius R is not straightforward, and the 2.5D model only works when the tube width evolves gently. • The ice is frozen at the bed or encounters little basal melting. Our first simulations show that ice older than 1 million years is conserved, but uncertainties remain. • Uniform geothermal flux • Isotropic ice • Free surface, accounting for the mean past accumulation • Null speed on the left boundary, and a vertical profile on the right Horizontal velocity (m/a) Take-home message • The ice travels only ~10 km from a secondary dome to the investigated coring site. 3 Computed ice flow and temperature Surface speed (0.1m/a) An advection-reaction equation is solved to compute the age of the ice, for several geothermal fluxes and accumulation values. Contour lines correspond to 800,000 years and 1,500,000 years. -50°C H < ~2700 m Heat escapes H > ~2700 m Too much a thick ice acts as an insulator, so that the basal layer would reach the melting point (Pattyn, 2010). Considering the probable values of the geothermal flux in Antarctica, an appropriate thickness ranges from 2500 m to 3000 m. The symmetric shape of the surface leads us to use a 2.5D model (Reeh, 1988 ; Schøtt Hvidberg, 1993). The 2D Stokes equations are written to account for the widening of the flow tube W, and implemented in the Elmer/Ice finite element model. Instead of W, the equations rather depend on the radius R of the surface contour lines, determined thanks to the digital elevation model Bedmap 2. W and R are linked as follows : Momentum and mass conservation 1 Location of the site We look for a site near Dome C where the basal layer does not encounter melting. 4 Computed age a = 0.019 m/a Fourty kilometers from the dome lies a bedrock relief that makes the ice thinner (2700 m), so that the bottom ice could be prevented from encountering basal melting. We show that due to a small dome configuration leading to null horizontal velocities the ice at this possible drilling site mainly comes from 10 km upstream only. 2 Ice flow model a = 0.022 m/a One of the main present-day challenges in ice core sciences, as fixed by the IPICS (International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences), consists in finding a continuous ice archive as old as 1.5 million year. The previous oldest ice core was drilled at Dome C, on the East Antarctic plateau (800,000 years), and some observations seem to indicate that even older ice could be retrieved in the vicinity of the dome. • The horizontal velocity is low (a few centimeter per year). • The vertical velocity near the bedrock depends wether the melting point is reached or not. We're beholden to the Norwegian Polar Institute for the Quantartica 2 QGIS distribution. For large scale computations, we used the Bedmap 2 digital elevation model (Fretwell et al., 2013). We also thank Luca Vittuari (Università di Bologna) for making the surface speed data available. References Fretwell et al (2013). Bedmap2 : improved ice bed, surface and thickness datasets for Antarctica. The Cryosphere , 7 (1), 375-393. Pattyn, F. (2010). Antarctic subglacial conditions inferred from a hybrid ice sheet/ice stream model. Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 295 (3), 451461. Reeh, N. (1988). A flow-line model for calculating the surface profile and the velocity, strain rate, and stress fields in an ice sheet. Journal of Glaciology , 34 (116). Schøtt Hvidberg, C. (1993). A thermo-mechanical ice flow model for the centre of large ice sheet. Ph.D. thesis, University of Copenhagen. Contact : olivier.passalacqua@lgge.obs.ujf-grenoble.fr Find this poster on the web !
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