OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH WEBSITE: www.olmcmiddletown.org 90 EUCLID AVENUE, MIDDLETOWN, NEW YORK 10940 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: Mrs. Nancy Miller ................. Director of Religious Education Phone: ........................................................................ 342-1510 Email: ................................................... olmcre90@gmail.com Hours: ............................. Mon.: 12:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m. ............................. Tues. -Thurs.: 8:30 a.m. -3:00 p.m. ............................................ Fri. 8:30 a.m. -12:00 p.m. MT. CARMEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Ms. Jennifer Langford ............................................... Principal Phone: ....................................................................... 343-8836 CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST: Weekend Masses: ..................................... Saturday -5:00 p.m. ................................................Sunday - 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. ................................... 11:30 a.m. (Family Mass) & 4:30 p.m. Weekday Mass: ....................................... Mon. - Fri. 7:00a.m. ......................................................................... (Priory Chapel) Holy Days ............................................ Please see the bulletin (SACRAMENT OF) RECONCILIATION: Saturday 4:00-4:30 p.m. or by appointment. Jesus I Trust in You APRIL 12th SUNDAY OF DIVINE MERCY Served by the CARMELITE FRIARS (SACRAMENT OF) BAPTISM: Call Religious Education Office for information. (SACRAMENT OF) THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK: The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick and the Eucharist are meant for the healing and comfort of those who are ill. Please notify us about any parishioner confined to their home, hospital or nursing facility so that a priest may visit. OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH: Fr. John Horan, O. Carm…………………………Pastor Deacon Edward Woods Mrs. Maureen Waterman ................................ Parish Secretary Phone .........................................................................343-4121 OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:30 am -1:00 pm and 2:00 pm - 4:30pm (closed 1:00-2:00pm for lunch) Gail Johnson .............................................. Organist -386-5817 Mrs. Dottie Lanos ......................... President of Parish Council Stephen Plain .................................................... Parish Trustee Tonia Crown ...................................................... Parish Trustee (SACRAMENT OF) MARRIAGE: Eight (8) months notice required. Please call the Priory Office for an appointment. NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome to Mt. Carmel! Please pick up a Registration Form in the Gathering area or at the Priory Office or visit: www.olmcmiddletown.org Registration and evidence of participation is required at least eight (8) months before scheduling of marriage or Baptism. April 12, 2015 Sunday of Divine Mercy MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, April 11th 5:00 Evelyn, Huland, Jesse & Paul Families Sunday, April 12th 8:00 Kenny Van Sciver 10:00 Evelyn, John & Bill Kummer 11:30 Intentions of the Parishioners 4:30 Mary, Jim & Brian Mahady Monday, April 13th 7:00 Mary Alice Mackay Tuesday, April 14th 7:00 Thomas Murray Kennedy (15th Anniv) Wednesday, April 15th 7:00 Maria Scully Thursday, April 16th 7:00 Ann & Everett Williams Friday, April 17th 7:00 Jane & Michael Ryan Saturday, April 18th 5:00 Anthony & Mary Leo Sunday, April 19th 8:00 William Bonczek 10:00 James & Catherine Haley & Fred Weissinger 11:30 Charles & Jeanette Duffy & Charles & Roberta Duffy 4:30 People of the Parish MEMORIAL: The Sanctuary Lamp was donated by Neal and Joann Terwilliger and Family in the memory of: Marion “Rikki” Cullen REGISTER ONLINE If you are new or have been attending Mass and are interested in joining our parish, we encourage you to register and now it’s even easier just visit the OLMC website at www.olmcmiddletown.org and click on Parish Registration on the top banner. SPONSOR OF THE WEEK APPLEBEE MCPHILLIPS FUNERAL HOME , INC. 130 Highland Ave., Middletown, NY 845-343-6309 www.applebee-mcphillips.com 2015 CARDINAL’S ANNUAL APPEAL As stewards and Disciples of Christ, we recognize that all the goods and riches in our life are gifts from God. Strengthened by the Eucharist, we respond to God’s generosity in our lives with gratitude by using and sharing our gifts in service of others. I ask that those who have been prayerfully considering making a pledge or gift to please do so at this time. Pledge cards/envelopes are available in the Gathering Area of the Church. Remember no gift or pledge is too small! Thank you to all the families who have contributed to the 2015 Cardinal’s Appeal. Your generosity has been outstanding! FLOCKNOTE We are now using Flocknote to send out messages announcements, reminders, etc. Flocknote is one of the best ways for you to stay up-to-date on what's happening at OLMC (and the Archdiocese) in a timely and convenient way. If you are interested and would like to sign up you may do so by visiting: www.olmcmiddletown.org and clicking on the icon (the one that looks like a sheep) on the top right of the page or text OLMC10940 TO 84576 to start receiving text message notifications and updates right away! You can unsubscribe at any time. Flocknote is a wonderful way to stay connected - don’t miss out. Easter Vigil April 4th & Easter Sunday, April 5th Building Fund $19,717 $ 3,692 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! Mass attendance for the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday April 4th & April 5th was 1,804. Our Second Collection each week is to satisfy the mortgage for the Parish Center. OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL! PARISH PAY SUPPORT YOUR PARISH WITH ONLINE DONATIONS ATTENTION CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES Make online donations with a credit card, debit card There will be a required practice on Thursday, April 16th or echeck. With ParishPay you can make online at 4:30pm in the Church. donations anytime - one-time, weekly, monthly or Sponsors are not required to attend the practice. annually with the payment method of your choice. Please be on time so we may finish at 6 pm. You can manage your donations by fulfilling your !"#$%&'()%"# parish commitment throughout the year. For each TheSacramentofConirmationwillbecelebrated online donation, ParishPay offers printable donation onFriday,April17that6:30pm. slips. MostRev.DominickJ.Lagonegrowillconirmour You can plan ahead. ParishPay gives you the ability 8thgradestudentsofReligiousEducationand to schedule donations according to your personal Mt.CarmelSchool. budget. Pleasekeepouryoungpeopleinyourprayersas There is no fee to use ParishPay it is free for all theyexperiencefullinitiationintheCatholicChurch. parishioners. You can change your information such as the amount FIRSTRECONCILIATION of a donation, credit card/debit card number or StudentsintheReligiousEducationProgram mailing address at your convenience. andMt.CarmelSchoolpreparingtoreceiveFirst WHY DONATE ONLINE? CommunioninMaywillreceivetheSacramentof • Support your parish even when you cannot attend ReconciliationfortheirsttimeonSaturday, Mass April18that10amintheChurch. • Plan ahead and make donations based on your MayGodBlessthesechildrenastheyreceivetheir personal budget Sacraments. • There are multiple methods to make donations: ********* credit card, debit card or echeck OUR PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM • Easily set up automatic donations or one-time donation ReligiousEducationreǦregistrationfor2015/2016 packetshavegonehomewiththestudents.Weask • Allows you to make donations to second or special collections thatyoureturnyourformsinthesamepackettothe • Ability to include personal dedications with each ReligiousEducationoficeortoclassbefore donation April27thtotakeadvantageofearlyrates. FormoreinformationpleaseseeMrs.NancyMiller’s • Printable donation slips to drop into the collection basket contactinformationbelow. • Offers the opportunity to review your monthly IfyouhaveachildenteringKor1stgradein donations Septemberit’stimetobegintheirformalreligious 3 Ways to enroll in ParishPay: instruction.Formsandinformationareavailablein Online - ParishPay.com thecommunicationscenterinthegatheringareaof Phone - 866-PARISH-1 (866-727-4741) thechurch.Pleaseprovideuswithacopyoftheir Enrollment Card - Return card to Parish office Baptismalcertiicate. IfbaptismisneededcontactMrs.Millertomake Ǥ OPERATION RICE BOWL Ifyouhaveanolderchild,thathasneverattended Attention Religious Education and Mt. Carmel instructionwehaveaprogramforyou. School Students! ContactMrs.NancyMillerat845Ǧ͵ͶʹǦ1510or Your pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters help those ͻͲ̷Ǥ around the world in a significant way. Please return Rice Bowls to class or the Priory Office. Thank you for your contributions! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMS ! YOM HASHOAH HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY All in the community are invited to attend Temple Sinai's annual Holocaust Memorial Service, which will take place this Wednesday, April 15th at 7pm at the Temple. Temple Sinai is located at: 75 Highland Ave in Middletown. Four members of our community, Joe Distelburger, Bessie Freundlich, Cherie Gluckman and Agita Goldberg, all children of survivors of the Holocaust, will recount what their parents experienced as Jews under the threat of Nazi terror and the effect that being a member of the Second Generation has had on their lives. No charge - open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. ANOINTING OF THE SICK If you know someone who is sick and shut-in and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please call the Priory at 343-4121 so that Fr. John or Fr. Vincent can visit. Just to clarify: After Vatican II, the Church declared that ‘Extreme Unction’ (Last Rites) should more fittingly be called “Anointing of the Sick”. This is to emphasize that the sacrament is available, and recommended, to all those suffering from any illness, and to dispel the common misconception that it is exclusively for those at or very near the point of death. COMMUNION FOR THE HOMEBOUND If you know someone who is homebound and unable to come to church, if they would like to receive the Eucharist you may also call the Priory at the same number for a minister to visit with the Eucharist. Our goal is to ensure that everyone who desires an anointing or that those who wish to receive the Eucharist but are unable to come to Mass is visited by Fr. John, Fr. Vincent or a Eucharistic Minister. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL It’s coming! ---- July 13th through the 17th Vacation Bible School More details to follow! JOHN BURKE CATHOLIC HIGH OPEN HOUSE Burke Catholic High School welcomes all to the Spring Open House this Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 from 6:00-8:00 P.M. Mingle with faculty, staff, administration, students, coaches, activity moderators and parents. Tour the school and get valuable information on everything that Burke Catholic has to offer. Register Online at BurkeCatholic.com FRIENDLY VISITOR PROGRAM— Isolation and loss of social interaction due to poor health, lack of transportation or other issues are contributing factors to depression and self-neglect. If you know of someone who would like a visit for conversation, or is in need of assistance with rides to church, medical appts., or telephone reassurances please have them call Anne Reilly at 342-2030 or Margaret O’Donnell at 342-0616. PARISH CENTER The Parish Center is available for rental to both Parishioners and Non-Parishioners for weddings, parties (birthdays, Baptisms, anniversary, etc.) or meetings. For more information please call Greg Sillen at: 845-282-4267. School re-opens this Monday, April 13th. REGISTRATION FOR 2015-2016 IS ONGING - If you are interested in a Catholic school education for your child Mt. Carmel has a lot to offer. Call the school to schedule a tour and see what we are all about! SAVE THE DATE! Mt. Carmel School will be holding a Yard Sale on Saturday, May 16th - rain or shine. Look for more information in upcoming bulletins. For more information please call the school’s main office 343-8836 or visit our site below: WEBSITE www.mtcarmelschoolmiddletown.org Fernando’s Landscaping MONUMENTS MAUSOLEUMS CEMETERY LETTERING MONUMENT CLEANING Lawn Care • Trimming • Mulching Stone Walls • Steps • Patios Snow Removal BENEDICT MEMORIALS Our Family Serving Yours Since 1855! 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Connell 10% OFF ENTIRE GUEST CHECK 26 Grove Street Middletown, NY 10940 845-343-2142 www.connellfuneralhome.com $20 OFF INITIAL SERVICE CALL With This Ad. Cannot Be Combined With Any Other Offers FRANCIS M. ATRIA Owner/Operator 155 Dolson Ave., Middletown, NY (845) 343-0880 Free Estimates THIS SPACE IS DANIEL J. BARBONE, ARBORIST Stump Grinding • Lawn Maintenance MIDDLETOWN • 845-344-3288 845-754-4249 americanlawn.tree@gmail.com www.timmills-americanpestcontrol.com © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. American Lawn & Tree Care Technical Tree Removal • Ornamental Pruning PET SENSITIVE - Least Toxic Solution FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 Fully Insured MARCH 16, 2015 1:22 PM OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, MIDDLETOWN, NY 04-0658
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