510143 OUR LADY OF GRACE 1088 RIDGE ROAD HINCKLEY, OH 44233 CONTACT: Amy Decker PHONE: 330-278-4121 EMAIL: ourladygrace@roadrunner.com SOFTWARE MS Publisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER HP LaserJet 2270DW NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 1 through 6 DATE TRANSMITTED: MESSAGE: Our Lady of Grace Church 1088 Ridge Road • Hinckley, Ohio • 44233 • (330) 278-4121 Website: www.ologchurchandshrine.org Reverend Joseph Mecir, Pastor Reverend William P. O’Neill, Pastor Emeritus Reverend John T. McDonough, In Residence Rev. Mr. Bruce Dobbins, Deacon Mission Statement We, the Roman Catholic faith community of Our Lady of Grace, rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and dedicated to our Blessed Mother, value our mission to make God’s presence visible in today’s world. In service to God’s will, and with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we manifest God’s peace, love and saving presence as we pray, worship, work and live together in His Name. May 3, 2015 * Fifth Sunday of Easter Email: ourladygrace@roadrunner.com Sunday Masses: Saturday: 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 & 11:00 am Weekday Masses: Monday through Friday 8:00 am Holy Day Masses: As scheduled in the bulletin. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:15 - 3:45 pm Anytime by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism: First & third Sundays at 12 pm Baptism classes required for first child. Sacrament of Marriage: Allow 6 months preparation. Call parish priest to set a date. Catering Call Church Office Bereavement Ministry and Women of Hope Carolyn Zaverl: 330-225-9705 PSR Dept. Jane Wetzel: ologpsr@gmail.com Music Ministry Mary Gabriel: 330-636-1739 Parish Council Tom Higgins: tomhcj7doc@aol.com Home of Triumph of the Two Hearts Shrine ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Open 24 hours a day all year long Unique statue of Jesus with the Blessed Mother Outdoor Stations of the Cross Beautiful country scenery One of Ohio’s newest Shrines MINISTRY SCHEDULE - May 9 & 10 Lectors Extra-ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Servers 4 pm Cheryl Valasik Bruce Dobbins Judi Mancini, Kathy Higgins Cassidy Angus, Brett & Kevin Kalfas, Patricia Lorenc 8 am Wendy Stanek Bruce Dobbins Ed & Holly Majestic Mason & Jackson Carriero, Anthony & Juliano Chesnick 11 am Gino Faciana Nancy Gaj Bruce & Michelle Dobbins Abigail Krzywicki, Jacqueline, Bryce & Kyle Yamat Church Cleaners Sat. (5-9) Barb Faciana, Karen Guba Shirley Rocco, Noreen Stone Congratulations, Bruce! May God bless you on being ordained to the Diaconate. May 2, 2015 MOTHER’S DAY FLOWER SALE OLOG Pro-Life Group will sell carnations in the church vestibule at all the Masses on Mother’s Day, May 10th. Please be sure to stop by and buy one or more flowers for your loved one. Cost is $1 per flower or 6 for $5. All proceeds will be used to fund pro-life activities throughout the year. DOO IT NOW! Hinckley’s second greatest export (next to buzzards) is now available for immediate pickup or delivery from Our Lady of Grace Church. LLAMA DOO, our popular organic fertilizer is better than cow or horse manure and acts as an excellent deer repellent. 40 lb. bags (approximate weight) are now available; $4 a bag. To order call the church office at 330-2784121. Sunday, April 20…$3,508.83 Envelopes used...161 Thank you for your generosity! LIFE LINE SCREENING Do you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure? Have members of your family suffered from these ailments? Do you have a poor diet? If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you may want to consider being screened for your risk of stroke through the services of Life Line Screening. Life Line Screening uses ultrasound technology to view the plaque build up in your carotid arteries, the main arteries that carry blood to the brain. Blockages in these arteries are a leading cause of stroke. We are pleased to host this Life Line Screening event on June 3 in the hall. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149. To register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 888-653-6441 or visit www.lifelinescreeing.com/community-partners. BLOOM ‘N BOOK SALE May 28—31 Join us for this spectacular event! Choose from new or gently used books, magazines, and DVDs, and a wide variety of plants along with raffles, giveaways and special item offers. Special Events Thursday, May 28, Preview Night: Admission by pre -paid $12 ticket which includes wine and cheese tasting, specialty breads, fruit and desserts. Tickets are available through the church office. Friday, May 29, Bowls ‘n Blooms: Join us for soup, chili and salad (11 am—2 pm) Saturday, May 30 , Books ‘n Bites: Kids of all ages can join us for Dollar Dog or Pizza (11 am—2 pm) Sunday, May 31, Donut Delights: 9 am—3 pm May 3, 2015 FAMILY PERSPECTIVES Family life is sacred ground. This is the ground in which God has planted us and invites us to grow in love. Jesus, the true vine, expects us, the branches, to bear fruit. Because He loves us, He prunes us so that we will bear fruit. Believe that Jesus has chosen your family to live in love and gives you the grace daily to grow and bear good fruit. NEW STATUES Father Joe would like to purchase statues of Blessed Mother Theresa of Calcutta and Pope Saint John Paul II for the celebration of our Golden Jubilee. Each statue would set on a pedestal (similar to the pedestals that Blessed Mother Mary and Saint Joseph are setting on) one by the first station and one by the last station. The statues would be manufactured by the same company that made the statues of Mary and Joseph. The parish will gladly accept any donation towards the purchase of these statues. CATECHETICAL MINISTRIES Each year in the Diocese of Cleveland a special collection is taken up in all parishes to support the Catechetical Ministries of the Office of Catechetical Formation and Education. Funding from this collection supports Newman Campus Ministry, Adult Faith Formation, Media Literacy, Parish Catechetical Leadership training and Catechist Certification. The collection will be held next weekend. A contribution to the Catechetical Ministries is an investment in the faith formation and religious education of every person of every age in the Diocese. Please consider giving a gift to this special collection. Thank you to Thayer’s Meats! Do you know that Thayer’s Meats in Parma donates our Catechists Family Lunch at the end of the PSR year? Thayer’s is located at 7520 Broadview Road, Parma. Their meats are fresh and delicious; if you haven’t been there, it’s well worth the trip! DID YOU KNOW? It is a scientific fact that life begins at conception. However, if one personally has even a shred of uncertainty about when life begins, then they are still morally obligated to err on the side of life and NOT have an abortion. Why? Because to make a mistake about the exact time when life begins is to kill an innocent human being. Page 3 PEST CONTROL A week or so ago there was a story on television regarding pest control companies and the toxicity of sprays that are applied. Father Joe was approached from someone with concern because we do use a pest control company. We contacted the company and they sent a data sheet on the pesticide used. The chemicals used contain no section 313 chemicals and no carcinogens. If you have any questions, please contact the church office. 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS Reservations are being taken for the 50th Wedding Celebration to be held on Sunday, July 26 at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. Bishop Richard Lennon will be the principal celebrant. Couples married 50 years (married in 1965) or have missed previous celebrations are welcome to attend. Seating is limited so please register early. Call the church office to complete a registration form. WE NEED YOU! We need the unique gifts that all different members of the Body bring to the altar. All of the following ministries are open to new volunteers: Altar Servers, Extra-ordinary Ministers of Communion, Readers, Ushers, Church Cleaners. Please consider joining a ministry. We really can use you especially for cleaning the church. Call the office or talk to Fr. Joe if you are interested. ROOTED IN FAITH—FORWARD IN HOPE Thanks to the steadfast commitment of parishioners throughout our diocese who are fulfilling their pledges to the Campaign. Every payment you make benefits our parish. Thirty percent of the funds collected up to our goal return to our parish for our own local projects. To date we have received $73,179. Thank you to everyone who makes this success possible. If you would like to make a gift to this Campaign, please go to www.catholiccommunity.org/rif/newgift or contact Angie Pavlik at the Catholic Community Foundation at 216-696-6525, x1303. There are fliers in the church vestibule with more information about the March distribution. May 6 May 7 May 9/10 UPCOMING EVENTS Cub Scouts 6:00 pm Choir Practice 7:00 pm Parish Council 7:00 pm Moms’ Prayer Group 10:30 am Rosary for Peace 7:00 pm MMP Cenacle 7:30 pm May Crowning at Mass May 3, 2015 Page 4 MAY IS THE MONTH OF MARY The month of May is dedicated to our Blessed Mother. During this month we are urged to recite the rosary. Blessed Mother Mary said to Saint Dominic, “One day through the rosary and scapular, I will save the world.” In light of ongoing news reports about terrorist attacks, wars, the killing and persecution of Christians in many countries, we should remember the words that St. Pio of Pietrelicina. He told us that the rosary is the weapon for these times. “Some people are so foolish that they think they can go through life without the help of the Blessed Mother. Love the Madonna and pray the rosary, for her rosary is the weapon against the evils of the world today. All graces given by God pass through the Blessed Mother.” Mother Mary asked us to pray the rosary every day for peace. The request is simple, do you not believe it? Consider this, what else has worked? What would it cost you to listen to our Mother? As we teeter on the brink of global war, and moral decay, pray as your life depended on it. Recently Bishop Oliver Dashe Doeme, of Nigeria, states that he was in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament when Christ appeared to him. Jesus extended a sword toward the Bishop. As he reached out for the sword, it turned into a rosary. Then Jesus told him three times “Boko Haram is gone.”. Bishop Doeme states that it is clear that through the rosary they would be able to expel this Islamist terrorist organizations from their country, which has killed 1,000 people across Nigeria in the first three months of 2015, according to Human Rights Watch. More than 6,000 have died in Boko Haram-led violence since 2009. Bishop Doeme is putting the future of his country into the hands of Mary. He completed a “consolation tour” to communities in his diocese, promoting forgiveness and continued faith. He believes he was asked by Jesus to spread devotion to the rosary in order to aid them as they do. Bishop Doeme stated that “prayer, particularly the prayer of the rosary, is what will deliver us from the claws of this demon, the demon of terrorism. And of course, it is working.” PRAYERS WORK WONDERS Please remember the sick and suffering of our parish family especially: Mary Anick, Bernadette Beck, Blanche Bieda, Barb Blake, Claudia Bulkowski, Jack Charek, Ruth Fredrick, Chris Fuciu, Linda Joseph, Kathleen Klosinski, Betty Kmiecik, Bridget Kovalik, Jan Lemke, Gloria Liebenguth, Fred Maloney, Mark Pajak, Patricia Pesek, Lois Rhodes, Colin Rininger, Jan Savron, Frank Scheid, Braidyn Schneid, Brian Schneider, Brian Smith, Janet Taranto, Ruth Tibbs, Steve and Diana Waltos. Please call the office to have a name placed on our prayer list. May 3, 2015 Page 5 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MAY 2 4 pm Living & Deceased of Parish Family SUNDAY, MAY 3 Fifth Sunday of Easter 8 am Rodney Rhodes / Tom & Sandy 11 am Alois & Ann Melinz / Family MONDAY, MAY 4 8 am Christine Newmyer (healing) / Rosemarie Cassesa TUESDAY, MAY 5 8 am Joan Sidor / Manda Hoffman WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 8 am Kenneth Bellis / Greg & Chris Bellis THURSDAY, MAY 7 8 am Don Brobst / Jack & Marie Ann Charek FRIDAY, MAY 8 8 am Connie Kandalec / Rosemarie Cassesa SATURDAY, MAY 9 4 pm Living & Deceased of Parish Family SUNDAY, MAY 10 Sixth Sunday of Easter 8 am Jacob Family / Shuster Family 11 am Mary Bukac / Marilyn Latko SAINT OF THE DAY Saints Philip & James— Philip was from Bethsaida in Galilee. The same town as Peter and Andrew. Possibly because Philip bore a Greek name or because he was thought to be close to Jesus, some Gentile proselytes came to him and asked him to introduce them to Jesus. Philip went to Andrew, and Andrew went to Jesus. Philip was one of the first chosen disciples of Christ. On the way from Judea to Galilee our Lord found Philip, and said, “Follow Me.” Philip immediately obeyed. Then in his zeal and charity sought to have Nathaniel join them. Tradition says that Philip died a martyr at Hierapolis in Phyrgia. His relics were later transported to the church of the Holy Apostles in Rome. James (the Lesser) was the son of Alpheus, the brother of Saint Jude and a cousin of our Lord. He is author of the canonical Epistle. When the Apostles went to preach among the nations, James remained Bishop of Jerusalem, where the Jews held in such high veneration his purity, mortification, and prayer, that they named him the Just. He governed that church for 30 years. James sat beside Peter and Paul at the Council of Jerusalem. When Paul escaped the fury of the Jews by appealing to Caesar, the people took vengeance on James. They cast him down from the terrace of the temple and clubbed him to death. He was 96 years old. During his martyrdom he prayed for his persecutors in the same words pronounced by Jesus: “Heavenly Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” His relics rest next to those of St. Philip in the church of the Holy Apostles in Rome.
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