Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church 2621 Colonial Blvd. • Violet, LA 70092 Contact Information Rev. Hungdung Luke Nguyen, Pastor Rev. Charles Caluda, Ret. Priest Georganna Alphonso—Secretary Terri Dunn—Receptionist Email: oll@arch-no.org Website: olol-church.com Office Phone: 504-682-7070 Fax: 504-682-2621 Office Hours: 9:00 am —3:30 pm Monday thru Thursday MASS SCHEDULE SUNDAY: 9:00 am & 11:00 am SATURDAY: 4:00 pm (Vigil) WEEKDAYS: Mon., Wed.— Fri. 8:00 am; Tues. 6:00 pm FAMLY & YOUTH MASS: 1st Sunday @ 11:00 am SACRAMENTAL LIFE SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION: 1/2 hr. before each weekend mass. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Baptisms are held the second Sunday of the month after 11 am Mass. Please call the office to register for the class and/or schedule a baptism. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Contact Fr. Luke at least six months prior to the desired date. Confirmation of the wedding date must be made by the priest officiating the ceremony. FUNERAL: Please contact Fr. Luke before going to the funeral home to make arrangements. PRAY THE ROSARY: First Tuesday of every month at 10:00 am. ANNOINTING OF THE SICK: Available upon request. MINISTRY TO THE SICK OR SHUTIN: If you cannot attend mass and receive Communion, please contact the parish office. LITURGY OF THE HOURS: Immediately following 8 am daily mass. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: First Wednesday of each month, following 8 am Mass until 7 pm. MISSION STATEMENT We, members of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, are committed to establish a safe haven for believers in our community. Having Christ as the center of our worship and being impelled by his teachings: • We continually grow in ministries that address the needs and concerns of our community. • We strive to be a vibrant “Christ Centered” spiritual family and experience His love and presence in the celebration of the Eucharist. The American Revolution was a beginning, not a consummation. --Woodrow Wilson TODAY’S READINGS First Reading -- God did not make death, nor does God rejoice in the destruction of the living (Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24). Psalm -- I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me (Psalm 30). Second Reading -- Your abundance should supply the needs of the others (2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15). Gospel -- Your faith has saved you (Mark 5:21-43 [21-24, 35b-43]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS Saturday, June 27: The Parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Sunday, June 28: 9 AM April Kirsch 11 AM J. T. Henderson; Valentino Molero; Nicolina Burns; Iona Ben; Joan Ruiz; Rose Pierron; Narvon Gallano Monday, June 29: Communion Service Tuesday, June 30: Communion Service Wednesday, July 1: Irwin Schleismann Thursday, July 2: Maggie Washington Friday, July 3: Ashley & Kathleen Henderson Monday: READINGS FOR THE WEEK Vigil: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 19:2-5; Gal 1:11-20; Jn 21:15-19 Day: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19 Tuesday: Gn 19:15-29; Ps 26:2-3, 9-12; Mt 8:23-27 Wednesday: Gn 21:5, 8-20a; Ps 34:7-8, 10-13; Mt 8:28-34 Thursday: Gn 22:1b-19; Ps 115:1-6, 8-9; Mt 9:1-8 Friday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117:1bc-2; Jn 20:24-29 Saturday: Gn 27:1-5, 15-29; Ps 135:1b-6; Mt 9:14-17; or, for Independence Day, any readings from the Mass "For the Country or a City," nos. 882-886, or "For Peace and Justice," nos. 887-891 Sunday: Ez 2:2-5; Ps 123:1-4; 2 Cor 12:7-10; Mk 6:1-6a In June, we welcomed into our Church through the Sacrament of Baptism: Julian James Barry Mayeux Paislee Grace Richards Vera Rose Adams Corvin David Miranda Gavin Antonio Miranda If you would like to offer Mass intentions, please contact the church office. Thank you. Amid so many problems, even grave, may we not lose our hope in the infinite mercy of God. — Pope Francis PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Melissa Duhe; Charles Duhe; Celie Tenet; Christine & Conrad “Hippy’ Tabony; Louis Angolia; Msgr. Frank Lipps; Karley Draper; Doug Hernandez; Haleigh Martin; Josephine Bell; Juanita Williams; Kassidy Davis; Andrew Florane; Lynn Reichert; Carolyn Armstrong; Joycelyn Cornwall; Warren Hernandez; William Clair; John Palmer; Kathleen Barrett; Shirley Mouton; Ava Marie Scaglione; Judy Benendi, Nolan Couture; Otto Martin, David Hix; Charles Janet; Daniel Janet; Janet Guidry; Eulice St. Pe; Ray Lege; Dennis Jeanfreau; Albert White; April Tucker; Rosalyn Thomas; Gwen Johnson; Ronald Johnson; Shirley Juneau; Justin Morin; Raymond L. Williams; Maddux Lemoine; Kasen Gardner; Claudia Couture Please call the parish office to add or remove a name. Looking for a place to have a Gathering (Bridal Shower, Baby Shower, Reception)? Please consider “The Cottage” For information please call the office. 504-682-7070 THE SANCTUARY LAMP BURNS THIS WEEK IN MEMORY OF: MAGGIE WASHINGTON CANDLE BURNS THIS WEEK FOR: JERRY ARCEMENT THE ST. JOSEPH CANDLE BURNS THIS WEEK FOR: CARROLL ARCEMENT If you would like to have the Sanctuary Lamp, Marian Candle or St. Joseph Candle burn in honor of a loved one, or for a Special Intention, please contact the office. Thank you. Equal rights for all, special privileges for none. --Thomas Jefferson Today We Celebrate The Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time AROUND OUR PARISH ADORATION Will be on Wednesday, August 3 9 am—7 pm Please consider spending one hour with Christ. FRESH FIRE 2015 A day-long gathering for those in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, will take place: Saturday, July 18, 2015 10 am to 3 pm St. Matthew the Apostle 10021 Jefferson Highway in Riveridge The event is sponsored by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of New Orleans (CCRNO) and was formerly called the Regional Ministries Gathering. The program will include Johnny Bertucci, Denise Beyer, and Al Mansfield – all leaders in Catholic Charismatic Renewal locally, regionally and nationally. Music will be provided by Jamie and Elisa Diliberto. Registration is $30 per person and includes lunch. This event is open to everyone. Pre-registration is at: Www.ccrno.org no later than Wednesday, August 15, noon. Call CCRNO at 504-828-1368 for information. June 28, 2015 8th Annual Diocesan– Wide Supper and Substance Night Friday, June 26th 7 pm—9:30 pm Mid-City Lane’s Rock ‘N’ Bowl $75/couple (includes food, drink and bowling) presenters are Deacon Harold and Colleen Burke-Sivers For more information call Jason at 504-830-3716 or visit www.FaithandMarriage.org. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: MENTORS NEEDED FOR REFUGEES Catholic Charities is seeking volunteer mentors ages 18 and older for their new Refugee Mentor Program. While the case managers provide direct, holistic assistance to refugee individuals and families, many refugees face challenges in their social/cultural integration to life in the U.S. The Refugee Mentor Program connects refugee families with a volunteer mentor who will help encourage selfsufficiency in America. Volunteers commit to mentoring a refugee or refugee family for at least 1-2 hours a week for 12 months. Mentors and mentees determine convenient meeting locations and times each week. An orientation/ training for refugee mentors will be held June 30 from 9am-12pm at Catholic Charities Refugee Services offices, St. Lawrence the Martyr campus, 2505 Maine Avenue in Metairie. To attend this training, all prospective mentors must contact Peyton Smith, Refugee Mentor Program Coordinator to submit a resume and schedule an interview. Call 504-310-6868 or email psmith@ccano.org WE RETURN TO GOD FROM WHAT HE HAS GIVEN US We gratefully acknowledge all that God has given to us. In gratitude, we have returned to Him: June 20th & 21st Attendance: 298 Offertory: $2380.94 Budget: $3684.00 $ 1303.06 For the Poor: $141.75 Thank you for your generosity and spirit of caring! Bulletin Deadline: 3:00 pm, Thursday (1 wk. Before scheduled bulletin date)
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