March -28-April 5. - Great and Holy Friday, Passion of Jesus Christ.

1182 Ridge Road
Rectory: (716) 823-6182. Cell:465-4878
Lackawanna NY 14218
Web Page:
Palm Sunday. Festal Tone 8. March 28-April 5, 2015 (13)
Mar 28 5:00 PM +George Hrycyk –Florence Hrycyk
Mar 29 10:00 AM PALM SUNDAY- Entrance of our lord into Jerusalem.
For all Parishioners – За усіх парохіян. Blessing of Willow branches
Mar 30 8:00 AM Canon to the Sweetest Lord, Jesus Christ
Mar 31 8:00 AM Bridegroom Service
Apr 01 8:00 AM Presanctified Liturgy.
Apr 02 8:00 AM Vespers with the Liturgy of Saint Basil
6:00 PM The Holy Passion of Christ. Reading of the 12 Gospels
Apr 03 9:00 AM The Great Hours
3:00 PM Vespers – Procession – Entombment of Jesus Christ.
Apr 04 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great.
5:00- 5:30 PM Blessing of Easter Food Baskets in Church
Sun Apr 05
8:00 AM Nadgrobne. Resurrection Matins
9:00 AM Easter Divine Liturgy. Blessing of Easter Food.
ВЕЛИКДЕНЬ У ВИШИТИХ СОРОЧКАХ – заохочуємо парафіян одягти сорочки –
вишиванки та українські строї у світлий День Христового Воскресіння. Така традиція
успішно практикується у багатьох парафіях Америки, Канади та з вичайно ж, України.
YOUR PRAYERS are requested for the happy repose of the souls of the deceased members of
our Parish family and for those who are sick: Olga Slabyk, Mary Sikorskyj, Natalia Guran, Helen
Evanisko, Myron Hryn, Stanley Rudich, Martha Terpak, Patricia Nayda and for all our
parishioners and families.
The Eternal Light for the month of March (blue) burns for health and well being of
mother Olga Slabyk and aunt Virginia Makar - as requested by Carl &Maria LaPaglia.
Care of the Sick. Please notify the rectory office for a visit to any family member
who is sick, in the hospital or confined to home. Don’t let the pastor be the last to
know that someone is ill!
Dear parishioners,
On Friday we finished the Great Fast &now we have begun the very special Holy
Week. If you have not kept the fast well, now is your final chance for preparation
before the "Feast of all Feasts," the Holy Resurrection.
Good Friday is a day of fast and strict abstinence. Meat and dairy products are
forbidden, and we should limit the amount of food we consume. The fast continues
until just before Easter Divine Liturgy.
Clean your souls and bodies, share your talents and possessions with those in need
and be ready to come forward to greet our Lord - Resurrected Jesus.
On Saturday, April 4, at 10:00 AM we will have St. Basil Liturgy. No Divine
Liturgy at 5:00PM.
In the morning, during the Matins, the priest touches the
front doors and Holy Cross in the Church and sings “Christ is Risen” Easter Matins
are at 8:00 AM and Divine Liturgy at 9:00 AM. There will be No Divine Liturgy
at 10:00 on Easter Sunday. We should wear something new, a light color like a
Ukrainian shirt - no black or dark colors, should be worn on Easter Sunday. Many
Ukrainians in other parishes wear Ukrainian shirts to church on Easter.
I invite you to make Holy Week a time of spiritual renewal and joyfully celebrate the
resurrection of Christ together. Rev.Andriy Kasiyan
Please take part!!! ‘I Love Pierogy”
Inviting everyone on Sunday, March 29th to Pierogi for Peace Fundraiser at 200
Como Park Blvd in Cheektowaga, NY 14227, Noon to 5pm.
We will be selling:
Delicious homemade Pierogi made with potatoes, cabbage or cheese
Cabbage Rolls (holobtsi)
Baked goods, like cakes and paskas
Cabbage and Sausage
Chinese Auction Basket Raffle will have over 100 baskets and gift cards.
All proceeds to benefit the Ukrainian war victims and their families.