THIS MONDAY , March 23rd is Father Casmir’s Birthday… MASSES FOR THE WEEK Monday, 3/23/15—Lenten Weekday 7:00 AM Ints. of Father Casmir 9:00 AM Giorgio Sorbara and Nina & Mario Schiarti Tuesday, 3/24/15—Lenten Weekday 7:00 AM Stavros Dalambakis 9:00 AM Jennifer Buffone 1:30 PM Rosary, Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday, 3/25/15—The Annunciation of the Lord 7:00 AM Carmela Podmore 9:00 AM Multiple Intentions Mass: For Peace in the World Thursday, 3/26/15—Lenten Weekday 7:00 AM For the Homeless 9:00 AM Keith Hughes Friday, 3/27/15—Lenten Weekday 7:00 AM Sophie Belli 9:00 AM Vincent, Geraldine & Gerard Malone 7:30 PM Stations of the Cross Saturday, 3/28/15—Lenten Weekday 9:00 AM Ints. of Virginia Petroglia Sunday, 3/29/15—Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 5:00 PM Sat. Multiple Intentions Mass: Joseph Oliveri; Frank Pascale; Elaine Mollo-Nisenson; Grace & George Parasmo; Joan Ariola; Ints. of Dana Becker; The Deceased & Homebound of Our Lady of Peace 8:00 AM Sun. PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 9:30 AM John & Catherine Oveis 11:00 AM Elaine McHugh 12:30 PM Mary Alice Grothe HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and GOD BLESS YOU, FATHER CASMIR! LENT What is Lent? It is the forty-day period in the Church Year set aside to help us in our spiritual preparation for Easter. It is a time of renewal...a time for doing good deeds...a time for prayer and reflection...a time to deepen our relationship with God...a time to deepen our understanding of our Faith. FAST AND ABSTINENCE All Catholics who have reached their 14th year are bound to abstain entirely from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent. All Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 inclusive are also bound to observe the law of fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. This means limiting oneself to a single full meal and avoiding food between meals. Two other light meals, which together do not equal a full meal, may be taken during the day, HOLY HOUR There will be a Holy Hour every Tuesday, 1:30PM to 2:30PM in the church (weather permitting). EASTER BULLETIN NOTICE… STATIONS OF THE CROSS Due to the up-coming Easter holiday, our Easter bulletin (for Sunday, April 5th) must be sent to our printer early. Therefore, if you have an article for our Easter bulletin, it must be submitted to my attention at the Rectory no later than 9AM, this Thursday, March 26th. Thank you. Lynn Ferguson PRAY During Lent come and pray with us the Stations of the Cross each Friday at 7:30PM in the church. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Confessions take place every Saturday from 4:00PM-4:30PM except Holy Saturday. There will be Confessions on the Monday of Holy Week, March 30th from 3:00PM to 9:00PM. FAST GIVE The love of God breaks through that fatal withdrawal into ourselves which is indifference. The Church offers us this love of God by her teaching and especially by her witness. But we can only bear witness to what we ourselves have experienced. Christians are those who let God clothe them with goodness and mercy, with Christ so as to become, like Christ, servants of God and others. Only those who have first allowed Jesus to wash their own feet can they offer this service to others. Only they have “a part” with him (Jn 13:8) and thus can serve others. Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for Lent 2015. 2 419 Grant Us Your Salvation! IN THE CHARITY OF YOUR PRAYERS, PLEASE PRAY FOR THE ILL, ESPECIALLY: Mary DePinto, Claire Kane, Bridget Vogt, PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Rosalie Filauri, Philomena Picone, Desiree Gerardi, Margaret Casina, Marie DiBlasi, Annmarie Stanton, Nikki Robertson, Richard Bowman, Donald Krononberg, Deacon Niel Squitieri, Christopher Carney, Eileen Meyers, Janna Purpura, Anna Purpura, Ann O’Connor, Ann Minardi, Catherine Boiselle, Agnes Mueller, Leanor Izurieta, Kevin O’Brien, Kevin Ledwith, Matt McCormack, Helene M., Paul Sci, Lorraine Marone, Mitch & Phyllis Hanna, John Colalillo, Doug Griffith, Fran Lubrano, Serafina Minerva, Veronica Heinz, Elaine Zarrilli, Helene M., Kim Flynn, Camille Cromeyn, Kenney Mazzone, Kathleen F. , John Colalillo, Jennifer Abraham. (List will remain approximately four weeks. After that time, you may call to renew your request for prayers). AND FOR ALLTHE DECEASED, ESPECIALLY: Mary Gagliardi; Vivian Cit Kovic THE BREAD The Bread this week has been donated in loving memory of the Crowley Family from Catherine Enos. THE WINE The Wine this week has been donated in loving memory of the Crowley Family from Catherine Enos. THE ROSE FOR LIFE The Rose For Life this week has been donated in loving memory of Donald A. Doyle. SANCTUARY CANDLE The Sanctuary Lamp this week has not been memorialized this week. AROUND OUR PARISH..… — HOLY HOUR OF EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Every Tuesday from 1:30 to 2:30PM in the Church. Please join us at 1:30 as we pray the Rosary. There will be Benediction on the 1st Tuesday of each month. — MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA - Please stay and pray with us every Saturday morning after the 9AM Mass in the Church. —TWICE BLESSED THRIFT SHOPPE - Open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:30AM to 2:30PM all year long. Please leave only gently-used clothing and other items. —CYO - for any information regarding CYO please visit our website at —OLP SPIRIT SPACE—MEDITATION/READING GROUP- Every Thursday from 7:30PM-9:30PM in the Parish House. —YOUTH GROUP (7th-12th graders)—join our wonderful Youth Group which meets the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month at the Parish House, 20 Neiman Ave., from 7PM to 9PM. Our email is: READINGS FOR NEXT WEEKEND MARCH 29, 2015 Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16;Is 50:4-7; Mk 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39 Reflection: Adults: Jesus, our Savior died for us. As we begin this most solemn week of the Church Year, how will we focus on what Jesus has done for us? Will we attend the Holy Week services? Will we spend some time on meditation and prayer? Will we be open to the beautiful scripture passages of this week? Children: Will you remember to thank Jesus for dying on the cross for us? Will you try to listen to the readings in church with your heart open to the story of all that Jesus did for us? 3 419 PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR ARMED FORCES, ESPECIALLY: Chaplain Col. Mark Rowan, U.S.A.F.; Chaplain Maj. James Krische, U.S. Army; Chaplain Lt. Cmdr. Robert Coyle, U.S.N.; Sgt. Kevin Kearney, Special Forces, U.S. Army; Cpl. Manuel Callejas-Rodas, U.S.M.C.; Lt. Col. Alvah E. Ingersoll, U.S.M.C.; Ltjg. Michael Harmon, U.S.N.; Safaridin Khan, U.S.A.R.; Maj. Eric M. Carrano, U.S.A.F.; Pvt. Kristopher Lewis, U.S. Army; Pfc. Kristian Kleffmann, U.S. Army; PV2 Joseph C. Lisciandri, M.P.; Pvt. lst Cl. Joseph DeFilippe, U.S.A.F.; Sgt. Christian Orellana, U.S. Army; lst Lt. Clayton Z. Cohn, U.S. Army; Sgt. Robert J. Lant, U.S. Army; Pfc. Dan McEnerney, U.S. Army; Rick Soethout, U.S. Army; Paul Barrett, Special Forces U.S.M.C.; Cpt. Matthew Conn, U.S. Army; Maj. John Sottnik, U.S. Army; Cpt. Lee Zeldin, U.S. Army.; Sgt. Brian James Dolan, U.S. Army; Capt. Michael A. DeVita, U.S.A.F.; Lt. Cmdr. Christopher Delamere, U.S.C.G.; Staff Sgt. Albert Santini, III, U.S.M.C.; Pvt. lst Cl .Michael Deras, U.S. Army; Pfc. Matthew Duggan, U.S.M.C., U.S. Navy; Petty Officer Christopher Nusselt, U.S. Army; Private 1st Class Gregory Nusselt; Maj. Colleen Fitzpatrick, U.S.A.F.; L.Cpl. Ryan Carriddi, USMC; Alan Murphy, U.S.M.C.; Lt. Stephen Szalai, U.S.N.; Pv2 Alejandro Arroyave, U.S. Army; Michael Stapleton, U.S.M.C.; Mark Callei, U.S. Navy; Lt. Steven Fusswinkel, U. S. Navy; Captain Maureen Dooley, U.S.M.C.; Lt. Col. A. J. Griffin, U.S.A.F.; Spc. Christopher Nevin, U.S. Army; Pvt. Frank J. Pascale, U.S.M.C.; Cpt. Ryan Harmon, U.S. Army; Sgt. William T. Heritage, U.S. Army; CWS3 Pablo Cheveres, U.S. Army;1st Lt. Steven R. Liguori, Jr., U.S. Army; L. Cpl. Brendan Hennessy, U.S.M.C.; Maj. Gregory John Mueller, USMC; Cpt. Justin Gill, U.S. Army Aviation; Cpt. Brian Peterson, U.S.A.F.; R.C.T Kenneth Alexander Arrigale, U.S.M.C.; L.Cpl. Christopher Aubin, U.S.M.C. IMPORTANT: Please be kind enough to contact Lynn at the Rectory if you would like your loved ones removed from or added to our Prayer List . 2015-2016 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT RE-REGISTRATION For: ALL RETURNING STUDENTS IN GRADES 2 THROUGH 6 Re-registration forms were mailed to you several weeks ago. Please return ALL FORMS AND FEES as soon as possible in the postage free envelope provided in your packet. Fall classes are now being formulated. RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE… —To the Academy for Life: Abandonment is the Worst Affliction for the Elderly Vatican City, 5 March 2015 (VIS) - “Palliative care expresses the typically human attitude of caring for each other, especially for those who suffer. It is the demonstration that the human person always remains precious, even when elderly or afflicted by illness. Indeed, the person is in any circumstance valuable to himself and to others, and loved by God. Therefore, when life becomes very fragile and the end of earthly life comes close, we feel the responsibility to look after and accompany the person in the best way possible,” said the Pope this morning, as he received in audience the members of the Pontifical Academy for Life, on the occasion of their general assembly on the theme “Assisting the Elderly and Palliative Care.” (Reprinted from on Mar. 15, 2015) WORLD YOUTH DAY KRAKOW, POLAND (2016) July 24, 2016 — August 2, 2016 “Blessed are the merciful, they shall obtain mercy.” What is World Youth Day? It is an ongoing pilgrimage of faith for our youth and young adults. The experiences our young people have during this pilgrimage are lifechanging experiences of faith that ultimately lead them closer to Christ Jesus. It is not a mission that lasts just a day or a week — it is part of a lifetime journey of faith! Join the Diocese of Rockville Centre as we journey together with 206 Tours to Krakow for WYD 2016! To register you must be at least 15 years old on or before July 23, 2016. For more information or to register, please contact either Mairanne Sheridan, Director for Youth and Your Adults at or Yaritza from 206 Tours at —REMINDER: RETURN ALL FILLED BABY BOTTLE STO THE BASKETS AT THE DOORS OF THE CHURCH THIS WEEKEND!!! THANK YOU!!! 4 419 TIME, TALENT & TREASURE LET US WELCOME OUR NEW PARISHIONERS This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent In gratitude for God’s gifts of time and talent to use, we gratefully salute our Arts & Environment Committee. William & Jennifer Alicea Christopher & Jennifer DiMaio Crystal DiMarco Regina Francavilla Sean & Diane Kret Christopher Luldwikowski Fernando & Lisa Sangurima Jeffery & Stephanie Walker Stewardship Thought for the Week “If anyone would serve Me,” says Jesus in today’s gospel, “let him follow Me; where I am, there will My servant be.” In what ways is Jesus inviting me to follow Him? What service is He asking of me? Parish Sacrificial Giving1 Collection from last weekend: $12,536.00 Collection from the same weekend last year: $14,507.00 MARRIED 50 YEARS OR MORE… Thank you for your generosity to your parish. This spring, couples that have been married fifty years or more will be honored at liturgies on Sunday, April 19th at the Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr in Sayville and on Sunday, April 26th at the Church of Maria Regina in Seaford. Both liturgies will begin at 2:30PM. Couples may register for ONE liturgy. Registration forms and complete instructions can be obtained at Our Lady of Peace Rectory. Registration must be received by the Office of Worship a few weeks before the liturgies, therefore please complete the form and return it to our Rectory by April 1st if you are going to the April 19th liturgy and by April 7th for the April 26th liturgy. There will be additional celebrations in the fall for those who may find that more convenient. If you have any questions you may call (516) 6785800, Ext. 207. 2015 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL UPDATE as of March 10, 2015 NEW PARISH GOAL: $83,l00 AMOUNT PLEDGED TO DATE: $40,925 AMOUNT PAID TO DATE: $20,329 NUMBER OF GIFTS: 125 Thanking you always for your sacrifice to the Catholic Ministries Appeal which helps so many. NEW OPTION FOR SENIOR LIVING Harvest Park, 33 Flower Ave., Floral Park, NY is a positive option or independent seniors. Home for eight (65+) who choose the fullness of living in companionship enjoying nutritious meals, private bedroom, common living space to be with friends. Conveniently located to shopping, places of worship, library, restaurants, public transportation and more… For more information please call (516) 496-9796. Directed by the Sisters of St. Dominic and run by the Emmaus House Foundation. OLP YOUTH GROUP NEWS!! WE MEET ON FRIDAYS! All 7th through 12th Graders You didn’t join our Youth Group yet?? Come to the Parish House (20 Nieman Ave.) the first and third Fridays of every month from 7PM to 9PM. Bring a friend! For more information email us at DIVINE MERCY EXPLAINED THE MESSAGE AND THE DEVOTION “Divine Mercy Explained,” presented by Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM on Thursday, March 26th at 7:30PM at the Parish of St. Agnes Cathedral, Parish Center (Lower Hall), 29 Quealy Pl., Rockville Centre, NY. Diving Mercy Explained—The Message and the Devotion ♦ The Chaplet ♦ Novena ♦ Hour of Mercy ♦ Indulgences ♦ Divine Mercy Sunday (April 12, 2015) Inquiries should be directed to Mary Tierney (516) 375-0738. LEAVING A LEGACY OF FAITH When you next up-date your estate plans, please consider continuing your lifelong stewardship by leaving a bequest to Our Lady of Peace Parish. For more information, or to receive a copy of an informational brochure please call (516) 379-5210, Ext. 229. 5 419 A NIGHT OF PRAYER, REFLECTION AND SONG, WITH STEVE ANGRISANO TABOR RETREAT CENTER 60 Anchor Ave., Oceanside, NY 536-3004 Seeking Hope—Saturday, March 28th, 9:30AM to 3PM. Living in and with chaos we feel in our everyday lives, and the fears evoked by it, can also move us to seek hope. Jesus says: “Fear not, I AM.” In the time spend together we look at and seek the silence. In that silence we hear the small voice within, “I AM,” and we are led to hope. Donation: $50 (breakfast/lunch). Please call to make your reservation. All Youth Are Invited to Attend! Tuesday, March 31st at 7:30PM St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School 1170 Montauk Hwy., West Islip For details, call Richard Costa at (631) 587-8000 OUR LADY OF GRACE SPIRITUAL CENTER DOMINICAN VILLAGE Dominican Village is an independent retirement community, assisted living residence and a respite care facility. Contact us to schedule a tour at your convenience at (631) 842 -6091 or Or join us for an Open House 1PM to 3PM : April 2nd, 11th, 16th, 25 or May 7th, 16th, 21st, 30th. Visit us online at 29 Shelter Rock Rd. Manhasset, NY (516) 627-9255 The center hopes to foster a deep awareness and appreciation of God’s unconditional love of and for all people. It provides a warm, affirming, and peaceful environment for people seeking to pray and discern, to confer and discuss, to interact and study with others. Truly, it is a place apart, meant to be shared. —Monthly Offerings Awareness in Prayer— Mondays: March 23, April 20, May 11th and June 22nd from 1PM to 2:15. We explore how we can deepen our awareness of God, using the insights and practices of Anthony DeMello, SJ. Donation; $10. Spiritual Book Club—Wednesdays: March 18, April 15, May 13 and June 24 from 12:30PM to 2:15PM. Join us in reading: The Gift of Years by Joan Chittister, OSB —Other Programs Living Your Strengths—Wed., April 1st Part I and Saturday, May 2nd Part II (both from 9:30AM to 12:30PM. Unpack the meaning of your top five strengths. Cost: $80. More Spiritual Practices for a Centered Life—Wed., April 1st from 9:30AM to 3PM. Explore insights, meditations, prayers and rituals that enable us to see the rich content of our everyday lives and celebrate it. Cost: $50. CATHOLILC CHARITIES’ OCEANSIDE SENIOR CENTER ...located at St. Anthony’s Parish, 80 Anchor Ave., Oceanside, welcomes persons age 60 and over to their multipurpose, nonsectarian center. Hot meals are served daily with transportation provided in Oceanside, Island Park, Lynbrook, Baldwin, Rockville Centre, East Rockaway and Valley Stream. Dancercise, Tai Chi, Zumba and Chair Yoga classes offered plus game playing, parties and health screenings. For further information please contact Barbara at (516) 764-9792. YOU’RE INVITED… On Sat., April 25th at 7PM there will be “A Celebration in Song” honoring Hope House Ministries 35th Anniversary which will be held at St. Louis De Montfort RC Church, Sound Beach, NY. Ireland’s favorite soprano, Kathryn Smith will be joined by the Paddy Ryan Band, the Hibernian Festival Singers and Emcee Mike McCormack. Tickets ate $20pp, and may be purchased through Hope House Ministries (631) 9282377, Ext. 22. SACRED HEART ACADEMY Hempstead, NY Lacrosse Clinic Come learn from the best and the brightest and experience play on our Four Sisters Field! Register online at sacredheartacademyhempstead,org or call (516) 483-7383. SUMMER CAMP Girls entering 1st-9th Grades 9:00AM-12:00 Noon July 13th-16th Cost: $175 MOTHER OF THE YEAR CONTEST MOMMAS House presents Mother of the Year Contest and she could win both recognition for her achievements and fabulous prizes! Each nominee will receive a certificate for her nomination. A panel of judges will select the top three winners. Winners will receive award and prizes and will also be featured in our Newsletter and on our website. Submit your nominations by April 24th and winners will be selected by May 5th, 2015. $10 donation per nomination to MOMMAS HOUSE. Nominations can be for living or deceased mothers. All proceeds of this event will go to MOMMAS House Mother-Child Residences. Email for a Nomination Form. “Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience.” Thomas Merton 6 419 7 8 9 10 Flyer 1 3/22/15 419 Flyer 2 3/22/15 419
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