Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church 1400 South State Road 7 North Lauderdale, Florida 33068 PRIESTS Rev. Kidney M. St. Jean, Pastor Rev. Raúl Pérez (Associate Residence) Second Sunday of Easter (or of Divine Mercy) PARISH OFFICE: (954) 971-5400 FAX: (954) 972-4008 E-Mail: olqh@bellsouth.net WEBSITE: www.olqhcc.org April 12, 2015 OFFICE HOURS 9:00AM till 4:00PM Monday thru Friday Saturday 8:00AM till 1:00PM 8:00AM - 1:00PM Sunday MASSES Monday ~ Saturday 8:00AM (English) DAILY WEEKEND Saturday: Sunday: 4:30PM (Sunday Vigil) 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 11:00 AM, (English) 1:30PM (Spanish) 5:30PM (French/Creole) Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament every First Friday after the 8:00AM Mass. The Sacrament of Baptism is arranged by appointment. Please call the Office. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) - 3:30PM - 4:15PM Saturday or by appointment. Reconciliación en español antes de la Misa en español The Sacrament of the Sick - Please call the Office as soon as anyone is seriously ill. The Sacrament of Matrimony - Please call the Office at least six months in advance of the proposed wedding date. CCD Classes: Sunday 9:00AM - 1:15PM Gift/Bookstore: Sunday(8:00am till 12:30) Monday and Tuesday (10:00AM - 1:00PM) Thrift Store: call office for openings Come to Me, all who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 Page 2 Second Sunday of Easter (or of Divine Mercy) April 12, 2015 Who indeed is the victor over the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? — 1 John 5:5 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8 Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Tuesday: Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Friday: Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Sunday: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-9; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Second Sunday of Easter (or of Divine Mercy); Julian Calendar Easter Monday: St. Martin I Wednesday: Income Tax Day Thursday: Yom Ha-Shoa (Holocaust Remembrance Day) Saturday 8:00pm 4:30pm Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 1:30pm 5:30pm Monday Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 1:30pm 5:30pm April 19 † Dario Bottger (Tatiana Rodriguez) † Joyce Callahan (family) In Thanksgiving and Peace for the family and the Soul of Anna, Maria and Thomas and Prayers for Lonely Souls and Baby Souls (Lam Family) † Rose Mayone (brother) † Stephen Gerome (Fallon Family) Healing for Bill and Eileen Stansbury (Nancy Teitz) † Oscar Kapor (wife) † Col. Joseph Davis. Jr. USAF (Lopez Family) † Marguerite Hyacinthe (daughter Micheline) Healing and Thanksgiving for Marie Pamphile, Mona Valentin and Olga Desir (friends) CHRIST IS HERE Christ departed from our sight that we might return to our heart, and there find him. For he departed, and behold, he is here. --St. Augustine 8:00am Tuesday 8:00am Wednesday 8:00am Thursday 8:00am Friday 8:00am Saturday 8:00pm 4:30pm April 11 Deliverance, healing and peace for Sean Mikel Desir (Olga Sesir) Deliverance, healing and peace for Sean Mikel Jean Desir (Olga Sesir) † George Hughes (wife Jo Ann) † Maureen Hurley (Linda Kenney Family) April 12 † Marie Jeanne Cesar (daughter) † Joyce Callahan (family) In Thanksgiving and Peace for the family and the Soul of Anna, Maria and Thomas and Prayers for Lonely Souls and Baby Souls (Lam Family) Healing and Blessings for Marjare Pritchard, Saida Paul (Arlene King) Blessings andThanksgiving for Benedicto XVI protection (Paulina Family) Blessings and Thanksgiving for the Jaramillo and Vidal Family † Adilene Medina (Arturo Nunez y) † Ernestina Ruidios (family) Birthday Blessings for Hugo Cesar Perez (family) † Marguerite Hyacinthe (daughter Micheline) Blessings for Germana Ortiz Sixto and Associates (Marie Pamphile) April 13 † Angelina D’Angelo (Grace) Louis Belmonte, Sr. (John & Franny Watkins) April 14 † Marthe Anise Coutia (children) Special Intention for Joe Sahan Felix (mom) April 15 † Salvatore Gilberti, Jr. (dad) † Clarence Young (Emala-Barnes Family) April 16 † Varda B. Pierre St. Preux (Vardhly and Marven St. Preux) In Thanksgiving to St. Jude (Marille Jean-Vernet) April 17 † Jean Mombrea (husband Joe) Deliverance, healing and peace for Sean Mikel Desir (Olga Sesir) April 18 In Thanksgiving to the Lord for the Vallo Villalva Family † Herta Midy (Lucette Francis) † Mariette Russell (Bob and Nancy Major) Healing for Andrea Rodriguez (Titiana) Page 3 The Knights of Columbus Council 13334 Gina Abbruzzese Tina Acker Leclerc Adisson Charles Alexandra Anthony Amato Bob Baran Andrew Beaton Mercella Beeson Esther Betty Rita Mae Bolan Anton Borbell Linda Bowman Frankciour Brave Helen Brown Jose Camacho Deborah Campbell Cadene Campbell Leo Carballosa Alberto Cascante Patricia Cavallino Hope Cheeks Deborah Ciccone Laisa Corredor JoAnn Cuccia Joseph Cuccia Larry Cuccia Debora Derboghossian Richard Deverson Luala Diaz Reguilus Dorcely Regina Dorcely Jeremy Dorrington Cindy Doyle The Doty Family Debbie Doulens Sanadjine Dubois Charles Dubois Eloy Dubois Michael Fallmann Dottie Fallon Jack Fallon Jr. John Fallon III Kenneth Felipe and family Anette and Jorge Ferman Eric Flanders Evelyn Florevil Melissa Dorcely Floral Doris Forastiero Roger Fortin Joyce Forrest Jean Francois Martha Friedman Bill Friel Maria Luisa Gaston Tanish Goodwin Joann Goggin Florencio Gregorio Angel Guerrazzi Carol Jean Philomene Jean Reginal Jean Regina Jean Alejandro Jaramillo Jose Ingnacio Jaramillo Maria Alejandra Jaramillo Monica Joffre Lovely Julian Wesley Julian Brianna Julian Shania Julian Brenda Hayes Cheryl Khan Father Edward Konopka Fran Kotulak Eva Landivar Mary Laurence Samma Lebins Mary Ann Levan Patricia Lerwick Antoinette Lebins Richard McLaughlin Lydia McSweeney Emmanuel McSweeney Marilyn Marsh Guy Magli Eviel Margecot Kyle Marinelli Paul Marcum III Barbara Medeiros Danny Medeiros Jonise Meme And family Helen Mullen Jesus Orta Marianne Paryani Saida Paul Michael Perello Mike Porcelli Jasmine Posadas Marjare Pritchard Alfonso Quintero Janet Reilly Raymond Reppart Marino Restrepo Susie Richards Sara Ritzler Elsie Rivera Joel Rivera Jorge Luis Roa Sandra Roa Jorge Roa Maria Dana Rodriguez Jonathan Ray Rodriguez and family Maurice Rohan Ana Maria Rua Claudia Russel PJ Ruster Diana Sanchez Gerarda Septimus Pete Sereno Alicia Singh Ricky Smith Yoli Smith Kenny Snolinski Mike Speranza Jr. Denise Salomone Leo Stein Prudy Taormina Jeannette Thereagne Vivette Thimon Yolanda Thomas William Torres Tamara Valencia Mona Valentin Pedro Valencia Layla Viau Maria Dolores Ching Vidal Zully Mar Vidal Ms g r . E dmu n d Whyte Daphyne Wodzinski Edda Ybarra Jorge Ybarra of Our Lady Queen of Heaven meet every SECOND WEDNESDAY of the month at 7:30pm in the Parish Hall. For more information please call Ray Kunkler @954-972-8540 Did you know that your estate can make unlimited gifts to Our Lady Queen of Heaven and those gifts are deducted before estate taxes are realized? Contact the Office of Planned Giving at (305) 762-1110 for more information. Offertory Collection Palm Sunday $9,073.50 Holy Thursday $404.00 Good Friday $917.00 Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday $11,284.00 Children $65.00 April 2015 SANCTUARY LAMP Thanksgiving and Blessings to the Blessed Sacrament Requested by the Polo and Tamayo Family HAITIAN PRAYER GROUP Tuesdays at 7:00PM in the Church All are invited to attend PASCHAL CANDLE 2015 Blessings for Our Lady Queen of Heaven Parish and Choirs Requested by The Three Choirs of OLQH Page 4 REMEMBER THE MILITARY IN YOUR PRAYERS Tamara Abraham Angelo Andres Emilio Barco Christopher M. Bordino Christopher B. Carden Robert A. Case Shannon Castineira Troy Castineira Luis Fernando Castro Joseph M. Cuccia Edward Carroll Mario B. Johnson Alex Klagstea My Lam Joseph Lawson Raashad Mathis Raul Matute Alberto E. Marquez Amanda Perello Ricardo A. Stewart Jr. Richerson Talleyrand Matt Tarr Nadia L. A. Traylor Nina J. Traylor David Vinton Craig Wright Anthony Zamora Jonathan Zamora Divine Will Prayer Group meets twice a month at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. April meetings will be April 7 and 21. May 1 at 7:00 p.m. Starting with Mass with Fr. Raúl Pérez , followed by praise and music with Kerigma Group and Fe Group and worship. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. The Archdiocese of Miami runs one of the most robust awareness and prevention programs in the country. For more information contact the Safe Environment Office at 305-762-1250. Below is a snippet from one of the Virtus program’s Protecting God’s Children online monthly bulletins. Social media is an integrated part of today’s society. Each of us has the opportunity to use social media wisely, without compromising our safety, privacy or reputation. The following are some general strategies to improve your social media presence and perhaps share with the youth who are already utilizing these platforms. Do properly set up the privacy settings and preferences within the social media apps, sites and software you use. Be aware of the social media’s Terms and Conditions prior to accepting. For example, anything posted on Instagram becomes their property to use in any way and for any purpose they choose. Do not compromise your identity. Never post your address, date of birth, phone number or other personal contact information. Resist accepting all friend and/or follower requests. Having lots of friends online is not the status symbol some people think it is and can increase your risk of victimization. Do not post or respond to anything online when you are emotionally charge up. Once something is posted it cannot be taken back. Pause before you post. If you or someone you know has been the victim of an internet predator, please contact www.cybertipline.com FIRST COMMUNION RETREAT The First Communion Retreat will be Saturday, April 18 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. At least one parent must attend the First Communion Retreat. No guest or siblings are allowed. This should be a special day for your child. If you have small children, please make arrangement for their care. Modest attire is required. Students dressed immodestly will be sent home to change and return. Examples of immodest attire: shorts, ripped/graffiti covered clothing, low cut pants or tops, slippers/flip flops, shower shoes, tank tops, shirts exposing the stomach or cleavage, pajamas, or anything with obscene signs. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (CCD) The parent and child workshop scheduled for April 19 is cancelled. Page 5 María Luisa Gastón will teach “The Bible and You” at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Once a month, April – October 2015 as part of the “Why Catholic?” program rd In the Assembly Area English: 3 Sunday of month, 12:30-2pm (April 19, June 21, July 19, Aug 16, Sept 20, Oct 18) (except in May, it will be May 31st ) Spanish: Last Sunday of month, 2:45-4:15pm Originally from Cuba, Gaston has a BS in Chemistry/Philosophy from Cabrini College, Radnor, PA and MA in Religious Studies from Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. A lifelong educator and community activist, Gastón was a religious (Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) for 15 years. Then as a lay minister she continued working for the Catholic Church in adult education and leadership training, in Milwaukee, Miami, Washington D.C. and the last 14 years in Omaha, Nebraska. Gastón has a son in Maryland and 5 grandchildren. María Luisa recently retired from Nebraska, and moved to Florida to care for her 92 yr-old mother of the same name, well known at OLQH for working many years in our Thrift Shop. Having joined our parish, daughter Maria Luisa wants to share her knowledge and love of the Bible with us. To all that purchased Lily Plants that adorned the Altar this Easter Season. Also thank you to those that helped decorated the church. Because of you all the Altar looked so beautiful this Easter Season. A CHEERFUL GIVER A cheerful giver does not count the cost of what he gives. His heart is set on pleasing and cheering the one to whom the gift is given. --St. Julian Host and Wine Intentions are available for the next few months. This is a beautiful way to remember someone’s Birthday, Anniversary or In Memory of. Each intentions is only $100 for the entire month. Page 6 NOCHE DE ALABANZA 1º de mayo a las 7:00 p.m. Comenzando con la misa con el P. Raúl Pérez, seguida por alabanza y música con el Grupo Kerigma y Grupo Fe y tendremos adoración. EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA (DOCTRINA) El Taller de Padres e Hijos del 19 de abril ha sido cancelado. RETIRO DE PRIMERA COMUNIÓN El Retiro de Primera Comunión será el sábado, 18 de abril de 9:00 a.m. a las 12:00 del mediodía. Por lo menos un padre tiene que asistir con su hijo/a. Este día debe ser un día especial para su hijo/a, que recibirá la Comunión por primera vez. Si tiene niños pequeños, por favor, haga arreglos de cuido. Modestia en el vestir se requiere en todo momento. Los estudiantes vestidos inmodestamente se enviarán a casa a cambiarse y regresar. Ejemplos de ropa inmodesta: pantalones cortos, ropa rasgada, cubierta de grafiti, pantalones de corte bajo o camisetas con escotes, zapatos de baño/playa, camisetas de tirantes, ca- Abril es el Mes de la Prevención del Abuso Infantil Abril es el Mes de la Prevención del Abuso Infantil. La Arquidiócesis de Miami tiene uno de los programas más poderosos de concienciación y prevención en la nación. Para más información, comuníquese con la Oficina de Ambiente Seguro, 305-762-1250. A continuación, un fragmento de uno de los boletines mensuales en línea del programa de Virtus, “Para Proteger a los Niños de Dios”. Las redes sociales son parte integrante de la sociedad moderna. Cada uno de nosotros tiene la oportunidad de utilizarlas con sabiduría, sin arriesgar nuestra seguridad, privacidad o reputación. A continuación algunas estrategias generales para mejorar su presencia en las redes sociales, y que puede compartir con los jóvenes que ya utilizan estas plataformas. Instale debidamente las configuraciones de privacidad en las aplicaciones de las redes sociales, los lugares en línea y los programas que utiliza. Esté consciente de los términos y condiciones antes de aceptarlos. Por ejemplo, lo que se publica en Instagram pasa a ser propiedad de Instagram y puede ser utilizado de la manera y con el propósito que ellos deseen. No ponga en riesgo su identidad. Nunca publique su dirección, fecha de nacimiento, número telefónico o cualquier otra información personal de contacto. Absténgase de aceptar todas las solicitudes de amistad o seguidores. Tener muchas amistades en línea no es sinónimo de posición social, como piensa alguna gente, y puede aumentar su riesgo de convertirse en víctima. No publique o responda en línea cuando se sienta cargado de emotividad. Una vez algo se publica, no puede deshacerse. Tome una pausa antes de publicar. Si usted o alguien que conoce ha sido víctima de un predador por internet, comuníquese con www.cybertipline.com. María Luisa Gastón dará un curso “La Biblia y tú” en Our Lady Queen of Heaven Una vez al mes, de abril a octubre, 2015 Como parte del programa “¿Por qué ser católico?” En el Salon Parroquial Español: último domingo del mes, 2:45-4:15pm (abril 26, mayo 31, junio 28, julio 26, agosto 30, sept 27, oct 25) Inglés: 3er domingo del mes, 12:30-2pm Originaria de Cuba, Gastón tiene un BS en Química y Filosofía del Cabrini College, Radnor, PA y una Maestría en Estudios Religiosos de la Universidad Católica de América en Washington, DC. Educadora de por vida y activista comunitaria en pro de los inmigrantes hispanos, Gastón fue una religiosa con las Esclavas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús por 15 años. Luego como laica continuó trabajando para la Iglesia Católica en educación de adultos y formación de líderes, en Wisconsin, Miami, Washington DC y los últimos 14 años en Omaha, Nebraska. Gastón tiene un hijo que vive en Maryland y 5 preciosos nietos. María Luisa recientemente se jubiló y se mudó a la Florida para cuidar a su madre de 92 años de igual nombre, conocida en nuestra parroquia por trabajar muchos años en la tiendecita “Thrift Shop”. Ahora que se ha unido a nuestra parroquia, Maria Luisa se ha ofrecido a compartir con nosotros sus conocimientos y su amor por la Biblia. TRANSFORMACIÓN Sólo el amor que se hace don puede transformar nuestro planeta. —Papa san Juan XXIII
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