April 12, 2015 - Our Lady Queen of Peace

Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy)
This Week
9:30AM Holy Name Society/Fathers Club Mass
7:30PM Miraculous Medal Novena
8:00PM Holy Name Society/Fathers Club Meeting –
Fr. Hopkins Hall
9:30AM & 1:00PM Sacrament of Confirmation
9:30AM Legion of Mary Mass
11:30AM Family Mass
SUNDAY, April 19, 2015
4:00PM Maria Mathieu
7:00PM Barbara Orleman
7:30AM Maureen Morisano
9:30AM Edwin Hall-Clarke
11:30AM Family Mass
1:15PM Larry Waldorf
10:00AM OLL Francine Cioffi
SUNDAY, April 19, 2015
4:00PM Peter Montanti
7:00PM Tina Bove
7:30AM John Donovan
9:30AM Janet Andrillo & Annette Viso
11:30AM Angela Ricca & Deborah Cretella
1:15PM Roy Crombie
10:00AM OLL Ray Eger
April 12, 2015
First Reading: Acts 4:32-35
This passage describes the actions of the first community
of Christians. They were of “one heart and one mind.”
They had no rich or poor among them, for they shared all
necessary items with one another.
Second Reading: I John 5:1-6
John explains that we become God’s children by believing
in Jesus. When we love God and concern ourselves only
with pleasing God, our faith is strong enough to conquer
the evil in our world.
Gospel: John 20:19-31
Jesus appeared to the disciples despite locked doors,
breathed on them so that they could receive the Holy Spirit,
and gave them the power to forgive sins in his name.
Thomas, who was not present, refused to believe without
seeing Jesus for himself. Jesus appeared again when
Thomas was present, and told him, “Blest are they who
have not seen and have believed.”
©1999 Bon Venture Services, Inc.
Second Sunday of Easter
April 12, 2015
Easter: resurrection and new life; to be begotten by God, a
new life, shared from a conquered tomb. Meaning for life
for people for thousands of years. Nothing more secure,
nothing more lasting. Come, tell the story. If you would like
to be a priest or have questions about the priesthood,
please contact the Vocation Office at (914) 968-1340 or
www.NYPRIEST.COM “The World Needs Heroes”
On duty the week of April 12 to April 18 – Carol
The Cenacle of Life Prayer Group meets every Friday
at 4:00PM in the Chapel to recite the Rosary.
There are 7am Masses still available for
May, June and July 2015
We are accepting offerings for the Sanctuary Light and
Bread and Wine for the week in memory of your loved
ones. Any questions, please call the rectory 718-351-1093.
The Bread and Wine for this week are donated in loving
memory of Robert Blakeslee requested by Mr. & Mrs. Paul
The Sanctuary Light for this week burns in loving memory
of Robert Blakeslee requested by Geri Setaro.
From the Pastor’s Desk…
My Dear Brother and Sisters,
Once again may the Risen Christ be present in your hearts
and homes to bless you with His gifts of Peace and Mercy.
After 40 days of Lent, with great joy we celebrated the
greatest and noblest of all Solemnities in the Church, the
Solemnity of Easter. All the Masses were well attended.
Easter Vigil had almost a full church. I was little concerned
about any one getting sick but God is so good to us that
everything went so well. The sanctuary looked magnificent
thanks to the Rosary & Altar Society members, Mrs.
Orleman and some of our Confirmation children who
helped. Thanks to all of you who donated for the Easter
flowers in memory of your loved ones. Thanks to Leroy
Nagengast, Carroll Florists and Moravian Florists who
always sent us the best flowers.
This Sunday we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. During the
course of Jesus' revelations to Saint Faustina on the Divine
Mercy He asked on numerous occasions that a feast day
be dedicated to the Divine Mercy and that this feast be
celebrated on the Sunday after Easter. The liturgical texts
of that day, the 2nd Sunday of Easter, concern the
institution of the Sacrament of Penance, the Tribunal of the
Divine Mercy, and are thus already suited to the request of
Our Lord. This Feast, which had already been granted to
the nation of Poland and been celebrated within Vatican
City, was granted to the Universal Church by Pope John
Paul II on the occasion of the canonization of Sr. Faustina
on 30 April 2000.” (EWTN website message.)
This Saturday 99 of our parish young adults will receive the
Sacrament of Confirmation. I was hoping against hope that
my brother would be able to come to confirm them. But a
few weeks ago he called to inform me that he is willing to
come but he has two important meetings to attend for the
Indian Bishop’s Conference, one on 16th and another on
the 20th. He has to travel 20 hours by flight to come and
leave the next day by another 20 hours of flight to attend
these meetings. I contacted all the Bishops of New York.
Finally His Excellency Most Rev. Peter Byrnes agreed to
come and confirm our youngsters. I have been preparing
with our parish Catechetical team and praying for them. As
they receive the fullness of God’s Spirit in their life we pray
that they will live as true disciples of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ.
Easter Blessings
Fr. Pancrose
Sponsored by
Good Counsel Home and
Pro-Life Elderly & Homebound Club Inc.
The Missionary Image of
Our Lady of Guadalupe
will be present
The Missionary Image is a gift from the bishops of Mexico.
There are only four in the world.
Date: Saturday, May 9, 2015
Where: St. Joachim, St. Ann’s Church
(on the grounds of Mount Loretto)
Time: 9:00am to 5:30pm
Rosary Procession and May Crowning;
Saturday Mass followed by speakers from the
Archdiocese of New York, Good Counsel
Homes, Pro-Life Elderly and Homebound Club
Inc.; followed by lunch; visit vendors;
confession; Chaplet of Divine Mercy; Stations of
the Cross; Vigil Mass; End Procession; special
fun day for school age children and teens.
Reserve now: Adults - $45 per person – Children free
To benefit Good Counsel Home and, in part, Pro-Life
Elderly and Homebound Club Inc.
For more information call 646-662-3914
Make check, money order or credit card information
payable to Good Counsel Home/Pro-Life Elderly
P.O. Box 60520
Staten Island, New York 10306
Archdiocese of New York
Simple Ways to Pass a Moral Code on to Your
Children at Home:
How can parents pass down the wisdom we have and now
want to give our own children? Moral lessons must first be
taught at home, such as providing opportunities for children
to serve others, and teaching them to protect the innocent.
Sue Sisto, Education for Parenting Program Coordinator of
the Archdiocese of NY, will be the presenter. Supervised
play for the children will be available.
Friday, April 17th from 10:30am to 12noon
Church of St. Clare, Murphy Center
(chapel basement – white building in the parking lot)
Please register at susan.dsisto@archny.org or call
646-794-3191. Tell us your name, telephone number and
the number of children who will accompany you. Feel free
to invite others.
Join us in honoring
His Eminence, Timothy M. Cardinal Dolan
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Nicotra’s Ballroom, Hilton Garden Inn
For tickets and information:
catholicschoolsgala.eventbrite.com or contact
Diana Gatto @ Diana.Gatto@archny.org
Include Our Lady Queen of Peace and Our Lady of
Lourdes as a beneficiary of your retirement plan. This is a
terrific way for you to support OLQP and OLL. If you would
like to speak to a gift planning specialist, please email the
Office of Gift Planning at gift.planning@archny.org. or
call 646-794-3317.
Monday, April 13 – St. Martin I, Pope & Martyr
7:00AM Maria Kalist
8:30AM John Grabowsky
Tuesday, April 14
7:00AM For “Little John’s” Healing
8:30AM Katherine, Agnes & Helen Tierney
Wednesday, April 15
7:00AM Maria Kalist
8:30AM Anna Heney
Thursday, April 16
7:00AM Alba & Gaetano Migliorini
8:30AM Deceased Members of the
Piraneo & Clark Families
Friday, April 17
7:00AM Heins, Fleming & Peterkin Families
8:30AM Christine Harkin
Saturday, April 18
7:00AM Frances Orchiati
8:30AM Honey Amlie & Family
4:00PM Lucy & Otto Buononato
& Ray & Charles Pelligrini
7:00PM Rita Condardo
Sunday, April 19
7:30AM Craig Donovan & Family (Living)
9:30AM Stropoli Family
11:30AM Steven Daniggelis
1:15PM People of the Parish
10:00AM OLL Alexandra Rodriguez & Tiffany Russo
Let us pray for the repose of the souls of our deceased
parishioners and God’s comfort for their families
Benigna Pizzo, Angelina Signorile
2. Kristin DeSimone & Marc Castagliola
2. Renee Landolina & Joseph Logosso
Judith Stapleton, Frank Comparato, Joseph Cali, Patricia De
Laurentis, Lena Magno, Anthony Magno, William Fannon Jr.,
Michael Camera, James Adrian, Salvatrice Galatro, Shannon
Craig, Joseph Bilotti, Jr., Rose Tabbanella, Al Tabbanella, Ernest
Velez, Clara Guglielmi, Malti Sharma, Jayce Monty, Antoinette
Piraneo, Rita Clohessy, Emily Driscall, Daniela Vanico, Toniann
Vigneri, Michael Bifalco, Joseph Bifalco, Susan Moore, Ann
Margaret Zaino, Kelsey Heaney, Joe Scirone, John Mandato,
Matilda Costanza, Anthony DeAngelis, Jeremy Castillo, Leila
Idelfanso, Lorraine Costa, Michael Volpe, Rosaria Sepulveda,
Bob Notholt, Janet Viso, Esteban Gonzalez, Paul Rydell, Peter
Discenza, Ursula Torre, Frank Aiello, Jane Logan, Rose
Sgarlato, Richard Tuite, Danny DeMeo, Patricia DeMeo, Jodiann
Altamura, Rose Mattera, Helena Mahon, Pauline LaFonte,
Anthony Schiavone, William Fallon, Donald Bull, Angela Ricca,
Sophia Madeline Sanzone, Jeanne Sterm, Lillian Bilotti, Jean
Maffeo, Maria Riggio, Violet Buzzanca, Paul Gregis, Tabitha
Lombardi, Giovanna Rivera, Loretta Gaeta, Lennie Gaeta,
Christina Corrieri Paradino, Thomas Ciotola, James Remias,
Melodi Roy, Marie Diloia, Gerald Frederick, Suzzane Astuo,
Derrill Roy, Nicole Viola, Carla Marie Russo, Pauline Cipriano,
Daniel Woods, Carmen Ramos, Katherine Nikatas, Kriss
Murphy, Theresa Raimondi, Edna Ventimiglia, Peggy Weaver,
Michael Cianci, Jr., Andre Bocchiaro, James Anthony Parker,
Carmen Oliveras, Anna Indio, William Gonzalez, Amy Altuna,
Carol Wetmore, Grace Campanile, Alfred Bocchetti, Sr.,
Geraldine Cosentino, Christina Viso,, John Pape, Cameron King,
Valerie Schiavone, Frank DiGregorio, Grace Turner, Elsa
Griswold, Teresa Castellano, Joseph Esposito, Baby Juliette
Florio-Perez, Rose Stingo, Palma Milano, Peter Kyvellos, Christie
Schaff, Rose Sullivan, Joel Rivera, Anthony Gerard Donato,
Grace Bruno, Millie Shea, Craig Inducci, Tom LaMantia,
Concetta Friscia, Antoinette Olmeda, Tina Bove, Corrine Alaimo,
Ruth Jernegan, Marlene Olivieri, Thomas DeAngelis, Christina
Blumstein, John Schiera, Michael Goldstein, Katie, Frank
Ambrosio, John Kelly, Jenna Esposito, Anthony Bocchetti, Steve
Sgarlato, Carol DeCastro, Phillip Leone, Eric Long, Katherine
McHugh, Thomas Keenan, Carol Gilroy, Ann Gray, Lucille
Waters, Alanna Shea, Ralph Pennacchio, Kathleen Burke,
Thomas Gaither, Tom Bluemke, Michael Esposito, Michael
Bisker, Baby Cameron Helmuth, Kejsi Mesutllari, Josephine
SUNDAY, April 12, 2015
4:00PM P. Ryan, C. Stumpf, A. Giambrone
7:00PM T. Persichetty, L. Persichetty, L. Giarrusso
7:30AM R. Burroughs, A. Sciortino, M. Hanley
9:30AM J. Ursino, J. Salvador, K. Laino
11:30AM B. Bencivenga, C. Carnemolla, J. Carnemolla
1:15PM C. Emenogu, L. Carl, C. Emenogu
10:00AM OLL J. Ardi
SUNDAY, April 19, 2015
50/50 Monthly Drawing
The 50/50 drawing will be held on the last week of every
month. Yellow 50/50 envelopes are provided in your
envelope package and also at the back of the Church. The
cost is $5.00. You can drop the envelopes in the collection
basket. To be eligible to win, please be sure to get your
entry in soon! Good Luck to all.
4:00PM V. Militano, G. Capobianco, C. Boyle
7:00PM V. Terrana, A. Terrana, A. Giambrone
7:30AM A. Clarke, O. Fadell, L. Giarrusso
9:30AM B. Kelly, A. Cruz, M. Hanley
11:30AM N. Lombardi, A. Ivers, K. Laino
1:15PM P. Drew, N. Drew, A. Messler
10:00AM OLL R. Cioffi
Confirmation Preparation
$20 per ticket
Numbers 000 to 999
Winning #s are determined by
NY Evening Pick Three (straight)
One winning number per day for the month of May, 2015.
Prizes will be $100 per day. There’s no limit how many
times each ticket can win!
Please contact Melissa Dahling at 917-825-1835
or Mary Raftery at 347-489-2796 for further information.
Cash or check made payable to OLQP
is due by April 17th .
Tickets will also be sold after the Masses
on April 18th and April 19th
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Girl Scout Troop #5094
is working on their Bronze Award. They are making 1,000
cat toys to donate to Animal Shelters on Staten Island and
are in need of clean, mismatched socks. Please drop
them in the box outside of the Troop Leader’s house at 20
Cloister Place (opposite the school gym).
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Soccer Registration
Kindergarten through 8th Grade
Monday, April 20th & Wednesday, April 22nd
7pm to 8pm
First child: $150
Each additional child: $130
This fee includes both Fall 2015 & Spring 2016 Season
Copy of Birth Certificate is needed for all first time players
You can download the Registration Form on the school’s
website: www.olqpsi.com
Any questions please contact Robert Barravecchio
& Marlo DiMonda at olqpsoccerprogram@gmail.com
“Beauty and the Beast”
Gaffney Auditorium
5150 Hylan Boulevard
7:30pm on April 17th, April 18th, April 23rd to April 25th
3:00pm on April 19th
Tickets: Adults $15 and Children $10
All are welcome.
April 13th
All 7th Grade Confirmation candidates must attend this
afternoon of Confirmation Preparation which will be
conducted by our pastor, Fr. Pancrose. This will be an
afternoon of spiritual preparation, confession and a review
of the arrival procedure on the day of Confirmation,
entrance procession and the Rite of Confirmation. We will
conclude with Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction.
Arrive at the Church, promptly at 4pm. Please come
through the front door of the Church and check in with Mrs.
Orleman. Dismissal will be at 6pm. If you have any
questions, please contact Mrs. Orleman at 718-979-0989.
Religious Education Classes resume:
Grades 1 through 4 on Wednesday, April 15th
Grades 5 through 7 on Thursday, April 16th
Easter Flower Offering
Easter flower donations have been made in
memory of their loved ones by the following:
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Toto, Mr. & Mrs. John Donovan, Mrs.
Mary Ann Troiano, Mr. & Mrs. J. Bilotti, Mr. & Mrs. George
Mikalauskas, Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Doyle, Mr. & Mrs.
Vincent Esposito, Mrs. Grace Klee, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Infuso, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Montanti, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Collegio, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Impellezzieri, Mr. & Mrs.
Vincent Imbesi, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Turk, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy
Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Franchini, Ms. Helen Gallira, Mr. &
Mrs. Michael Healy, Lisi Family, Lillian & Fran Curcio, Mrs.
Carmelina D’Amato, Mr. & Mrs. Steven DellaSalla, Mr. &
Mrs. Edward Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hanley, Ms.
Philomena Wagner, Mr. & Mrs. James Barberi, Mrs.
Christine Lombardi, Mrs. Robert Russo, Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Guli, Mr. & Mrs. William Mangia, Mr. & Mrs. Victor
Raimondi, Mr. & Mrs. James Hartnett, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Ollis, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Anastasio, Ms. Nancy DiMauro,
Ms. Victoria Freeo, Mr. & Mrs. Dionisio Freeo, Mr. & Mrs.
Robert Mazza, Mr. & Mrs. William Wolfe, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Lipiro, Mr. Joseph A. Sollitto, Ms. Merilyn R. Hess, Mrs.
Dorothy Carr, Mr. & Mrs. Israel Basora, Mrs. Natalie
Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Koeth, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Ambroso, Mrs. Michael Quagliano. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Stumpf, Mrs. Adrian J. Maleady, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Dugan,
Mrs. Patricia Grabowsky, Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hett, Mr. & Mrs.
George Boresky, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Geissler, Mr. & Mrs.
Juan Cerda, Ms. Elizabeth Hogan, Mr. & Mrs. Adam
Jelicks, Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Datello, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent
Gambino, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Molloy, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey
Lombardi, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D’Apuzzo, Mrs. Rosemarie
Verrico, Marie Porzio, Russo Family, Robert DeQuatro,
Kim & Charles Barresi, Belulovick Family, Antonio &
Beatriz Acuna, Judith DiForte, Donna Principato
To be continued…