Our Lady Queen of Peace EASTER SUNDAY - April 5 8:30 am - ROSALINDA RODRIGUEZ† (M/M John Horn) FRANKLIN TOLENTINO† (Joe Przybylski) ROGER GAGNE’† (Margie Frazier) 11:00 am - PRO POPULO EASTER MONDAY - April 6 8:00am - HOWARD WEIMAN† (M/M John Horn) THERESA NGUYEN† (Diep Tran) Special Intention: LLOYD MAXON (Donna Maxon) EASTER TUESDAY - April 7 8:00 am - Liturgy of the Hours EASTER WEDNESDAY - April 8 10:00am - ND Mass/church 6:15am - LUCY HUMPERT† (Margie Frazier) JOE BOLYARD† (M/M John Horn) SOULS IN PURGATORY† (Jimmy Ho) EASTER THURSDAY - April 9 8:00am - TONY ALEXANDER† (The Fidelie Families) JACK ALEXANDER† (Marge Alexander) Special Intention In Honor of The Blessed Mother EASTER FRIDAY - April 10 8:00am - MEN PHAM†; DAO VU† and MARY VU† (Diep Tran) SATURDAY - April 11 8:30 pm - STEPHANIE SCHROEDER† (Greg Schroeder) HEROINA FARRELL† (Tony & Laura Fidelie) ROBERT BAUMANN† (M/M George Ross) DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY - April 12 8:30 am - ROLAND SIGLER, SR.† (Joe Przybylski) LUCIA YEN TRAN† (Vinh Tran Family) Birthday Intention for ANDREW McCARTNEY (M/M Jackie McCartney) 11:00 am - PRO POPULO WEEKLY CONTRIBUTIONS March 29: ........................................................ $8,859.89 Special Collection: .................................................... $6.00 Faith Direct March 4: ........................................................ $21,833.36 March 15: ...................................................... $14,016.96 Catholic Relief Services: .................................... $1,911.00 www.faithdirect.net (church code: TX420) Thank you for all the generous gifts that you provide for our parish. Please consider using our secure electronic giving program Faith Direct. Faith Direct will automatically process any offertory or second collection donations of your choosing. It is the most convenient way to make sure that the parish receives your gift regularly. No more checks to write or envelopes to worry about. You can sign up online at www.faithdirect.net using our church code: TX420, or by mailing a paper enrollment form available in the parish office. Easter Sunday - The Resurrection of the Lord Those for Whom We Pray Parishioners, Family & Friends Ernie Adams, Doug Allison, Nicholas Allison, Vic and Angie Allison, Dennis Anderson, Melissa Anderson, Ricky Arnold, Wanda Baltine, Elizabeth “Beth” Bater, Joan Baumann, Jo Bearden, Al Belgrado, Dick Belgrado, Tommy & Sheryl Berend, Jackie Bergenheier, Jeanette Bilbay, Helen Bills, Pat Blake, Anna Bogart, Cyndi Boone, Francisco Borja, Rocky Bray, George Brosche, Ivy Cadotte, Debra Ceballos, Laiken Choate, Marge Conklin, Joan Cook, Jeff Conrady, Ruth Copeland, Kim Corbin, Mike Crumpton, Joe Cuba, Thomas Daniels, Johnnie & Nellie Deal, Kathy DeJesso, Jenny Dixon, Faye Dominy, John & Lilian Dove, Mark Dreher, Eleanor Edwards, Carol Faustina, Jathan Fields, Johnnie Fields, Jerry Fletcher, James & Marian Geary, Thomas Genewick, Mary George, Keith & Bettie Green, Ray, Donnie & James Grube, Courtney Shook Gysell, Katherine Hamburg, Brian Hartnett, Mike Herrian, Floyd Hilbers, Jean Hoing, Bryce Holmes, Dorothy Hughes, Don & Jean Isbell, Nelda Jansen, Eve Johnson, Jeremy Johnson, Mike Jozwiak, Jonathan Kegley, Travis Keith, Claudia Kelly, Karen Kent, Kyle Kidwell, John Kinsella, Anita Kortbawi, Marion Lauer, Marife Lee, Fred Lentz, LaDonna Lewis, Brittany Lindemann, Art Litteken, Shirley Litteken, Gloria Lucio, Brian Lucore, Abel Mahesh, Cindy Majewski, Eloise Majewski, Rusty Maley, Ryan Maley, Marilyn Marak, Clara Mathe, Madelyn Matus, Kristi Melsteade, Filemon and Rafaela Meza, Mike &Virginia Michonski, Carolyn Morath, Tina Morian, Dorothy “Dot” Myers, Dr. Sam Nilasena, David O’Hearn, Fr. James O’Toole, Romana Padilla, George Palma, Patti Palmer, Joe Petz, Joe Petz, Jr., Nina Peysen, Michael Pitpit, Karen Poirot, Rowdy Ramans, Aubrey Reaves, Eddie Richardson, Cathy Roberts, Elia Rojas, Lori Ross, Jaycob Rowland, Janna Scarebrough, Nelda Schreiber, Adam Segal, Charles Simons, Bette Skurkey, Jeff Smith, Linda Snyder, June Sphon, Kathy Spyra, Patricia Ste. Marie, Danny Steed, Audrey Stephens, Stacey Stowe, Mary Lou Sweeney, Sister Devota Sweeney, Johanna Sweeney, Yvonne Talbot, Ida Toth, Don Thomas, Monica Vu, Dorothy Ward, Renea Ward, Josie Wheeler, Baby Bellamy White, Mary Wilson, Dorothy Wolf, David Lloyd Wright, Jerry Wright, Sr., Diane Wright, Signe Yelland, Adam York, Dan York, & Lucy York. Because of space limitations, names will be taken of the prayer list after 3 months. Please call the church office if you would like the name returned to the list. Thank you for your understanding. PRAY FOR PRIESTS THIS WEEK Listed below are the Priests of our Diocese for whom we are asked to pray for daily. 4/6 - Rev. Ángel Infante Hernández, TOR 4/7 - Rev. Pio Maria Hofmann, DFR 4/8 - Rev. Cruz Manuel Holguin 4/9 - Rev. Michael Holmberg 4/10 - Rev. Stephen Jasso, TOR 4/11 - Richard Johnston 4/12 - Rev. Joy Joseph, TOR, JCL Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Pray for Fort Worth Seminarians 2014-2015 In your daily prayers, please include the following seminarians on your list of people to pray for. Thank you for your support and generosity. 4/6 - Tyler Dubek 4/7 - Deacon Michael Greco 4/8 - Brandon Hall 4/9 - Deacon Keith Hathaway 4/10 - Kevin Hathaway 4/11 - Stephen Hauck 4/12 - William Hayes INTENTIONS OF THE HOLY FATHER (for the month of April) Universal: That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. Evangelization: That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. EASTER SUNDAY - April 5 EASTER THURSDAY - April 9 No Religious Education Classes 3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/church EASTER MONDAY - April 6 7:00pm - R.C.I.A./ 3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/church EASTER FRIDAY - April 10 EASTER TUESDAY - April 7 3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/church Intercessory Prayer Group after Liturgy of the SATURDAY - April 11 No Activities Scheduled Hours/church 9:30am - Prayer Shawl Ministry/PH DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY - April 12 9:45am - Religious Education 1:00pm - ND Liturgical Singing/church 3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/church (Grades K - 6th grade) EASTER WEDNESDAY - April 8 Discovery (Middle School) 3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/church 3:00pm - First Eucharist Parent Mtg/ 4:00pm - Adoration of the Most Blessed 4:00pm - Blessing and Dedication of Family Life Sacrament (until 6pm)/church Center 5:30pm - Pray the Rosary/church 7:00pm - Verso L’alto (High School)/PH (SJR-St. Joseph Room; HFC-Holy Family Chapel; PH-Parish Hall; NDE Cafe-Notre Dame Elementary Cafeteria; NDHS - NDHigh School; CR-Conference Room; WR-Workroom; BR-Brides Room; MR-Music Room) April 5, 2015 Parish Activities We are excited about the upcoming Blessing and Dedication on Sunday, April 12 at 4pm. Please continue to pray for the safety and success for this wonderful project that will help to grow the needs of our parish family. If you have not made a pledge, we ask that you prayerfully consider making a commitment. We hope that everyone will participate in this endeavor to build a space that help to increase the needs of our parish and community. To increase or extend your pledge, please use the blue Pledge Increase-Extension cards located in the Narthex. Thank you to those who have given additional above their pledged amount. If you are pledging for the first time, please use the white Pledge cards also located in the Narthex. PLEDGE UPDATE as of: March 3, 2015 GOAL: $3,000,000 AMOUNT PLEDGED: $2,900,251.68 (Includes $876,000 received in Grants and Gifts from outside of our parish) AMOUNT COLLECTED: $2,647,570.74 (as of 04/05/2015) # of Families Pledged: 469 (includes additional pledges) All E-Giving will be done through ‘Faith Direct’ our online giving program. Online enrollment forms are available in the Narthex. Or go directly to www.faithdirect.net to enroll. For the Capital Campaign online enrollment, use Church Code: TX508. To afford the greatest tax benefits for our parish, Campaign gifts are processed through the Diocese of Ft. Worth Advancement Corporation. SAVE THE DATES!!! • Dedication of OLQP Family Life Center Sun., April 12 at 4pm • Parish Mission Appeal (Passionists of the Holy Cross) - Sat. and Sun., April 18 & 19 • First Holy Communion Sun., May 3 at the 11:00am Mass • Walk for Life 2015 (OLQP Marchers for the Innocent) - Sat. May 9 The Sympathy and Prayers of our parish are with the Family and Friends of † Madelyn Tipps † James “Jimmy” Luther (uncle of Tonya Genewick) † Michelle King (relative of Dale and Denise Flick) Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen. • • • You are IMPORTANT! Your presence here today matters. When we gather together for Mass, for the celebration of a sacrament, or for prayer, Jesus Christ is present, and each of us becomes united with Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Your presence makes you part of this connection, which cannot be seen on the surface, but is a spiritual reality that strengthens our love for one another and reminds us that we are not alone. When you leave today, you will carry with you the love of Christ, which has the power to instill new meaning and purpose in your life and in the lives of others. “Accept the risen Jesus into your life, then. Welcome him as a friend, with confidence. He is life! If up to now you have been distant from him, take a small step: He will welcome you with open arms. If you are indifferent, take the risk: You will not be disappointed. If following him seems difficult to you, don’t be afraid” Entrust yourself to him and rest assured that he is close to you. He is with you and will give you the peace you are seeking and the strength to live as he wants you to.” ~Pope Francis, Easter Vigil, March 31, 2013 Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church Welcomes YOU this Easter! If you are coming back to the Catholic Church… Some people who have fallen away from their faith begin to feel drawn back to their Catholic roots. While God is as the center of each person’s decision to return to the Church, the circumstances surrounding each person’s return are as varied as the individuals themselves. If you feel as if you are being drawn back, be assured that you will be welcomed. Our parish family is here to support you in your spiritual journey. If you are a visitor… We encourage you to spend some time in prayer and contact your local parish to reconnect with the community. We thank you for being with us. If you are interested in becoming a Catholic… If you are feeling called into the Catholic Church in a more formal way, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, or R.C.I.A., as it is commonly called, is the process through which people come into the Church. It is based on the same process the early Christians followed when they entered into the Faith. If you’re interested, our parish staff can explain R.C.I.A. in more detail. “So this is the invitation which I address to everyone…Let us be renewed by God’s mercy, let us be loved by Jesus, let us enable the power of his love to transform our lives, too; and let us become agents of this mercy, channels through which God can water the earth, protect all creation and make justice and peace flourish.” ~Pope Francis, Urbi et Orbi, (Easter - March 31, 2013) • • • Divine Mercy is prayed Monday through Friday at 3 o’clock in the church. ALL are invited. Divine Mercy Sunday is April 12th. Daily Readings (Octave of Easter) Mon. - Acts 2:14, 22-33 * Mt 28:8-15 Tues. - Acts 2:36-41 * Jn 20:11-18 Wed. - Acts 3:1-10 * Lk 24:13-35 Thurs. - Acts 3:11-26 * Lk 24:35-48 Easter Friday - Acts 4:1-12 * Jn 21:1-14 Saturday - Acts 4:13-21 * Mk 16:9-15 Divine Mercy Sunday - Acts 4:32-35 * 1 Jn 5:1-6 * Jn 20:19-31 Parish Organizations and Contacts Acolytes and Altar servers: Wayne Richey, 691-6241 Altar Society (Women): Terry Gilleland, 692-6450 Bereavement (Season of Hope): Marge Alexander, 733-6160 Catholic Daughters of America: Susan Walton, 689-8855 Chalice Program (Pray for Vocations): Margie Frazier, 692-7977 Christ Renews His Parish: Deacon Jim Bindel, 696-1253 Greeters Ministry: Rita Vokes, 691-1905 / Diana Walker, 583-4090 Heritage Group (50+): Kevin Connors, 691-1807 Knights of Columbus 1473 Council: Barry Macha, 691-7557 E. M. of Holy Communion: Rainer Hanold, 689-0273 Ministry of Lectors: Ann Belgrado, 691-4794 Ministry of Ushers: Steve Borgman, 691-4047 Ministry to the Sick/Shut-ins: Deacon Larry Bills, 696-1253 MSU Catholic Campus Center: Debbie Neely, 692-9778 OLQP Men’s Club: Mike Carlton, 696-9162 Parish Council: Rainer Hanold, 689-0273 Prayer Shawl Ministry: JoAnn Brennan, 691-0460 Sacred Heart Cemetery: Eric Jones, 636-7628 Safe Environment Coordinator: Gary Humpert, 696-1253 St. Vincent de Paul: Bob Brady, 723-6657 Wedding Coordinator: Sandy Lebow, 692-7870 • • • NCCW - National Council of Catholic Women Quarterly Meeting All Catholic Women are Invited Thursday, April 23rd at Sacred Heart Church (Wichita Falls) 9:30am - Registration 10:00am - Meeting 12:10pm - Mass. Lunch immediately after Mass Program on the Catholicism: “The Mystery of the Liturgy and Eucharist”. RSVP by Monday, April 20th. Call Caroline: 940-704-2585 WHEN IN DOUBT...CHECK US OUT olqpwf.org OLQP Catholic Church, Wichita Falls, Tx Our Lady Queen of Peace Easter Sunday - The Resurrection of the Lord Parish Announcements Prayer Shawl Ministry A Charismatic Prayer Meeting First and Third Tuesday Sunday afternoons at 4:00 in the Parish Hall (9:30-11:30am) Youth Ministry chapel April 7 and 21 at Sacred Heart Church Second and Fourth Thursday (upstairs in the Pastoral Annex) at JoAnn’s place (7-9pm) call Jack at 696-0741 April 9 and 23 or Manuel at 322-5958 • • • Change of Address or Other Information Please email: rosalie@olqpwf.org or call the church office if you are moving away, changing parishes or if any of your contact information has changed. This will help to keep our records current. • • • Pope Francis declared this the Year of Consecrated Life. Celebrate the Church’s treasure of those in consecrated life. (See www.usccb.org for details) Dear brothers and sisters, may (the) Lenten season find the whole Church ready to bear witness to all those who live in material, moral and spiritual destitution, the Gospel message of the merciful love of God our Father, who is ready to embrace everyone in Christ.” —Pope Francis Let us pray for religious sisters, brothers, priests, nuns, and others who have chosen to consecrate their lives to God in this special way; Let us celebrate the faith, hope, and charity that their lives give witness to; Let us invite others to consider this joyful form of discipleship. Amen. “We are not called upon to do all the good that is possible, but only that which we can do.” —Mother Theodore Guerin • • • Men in Christ Men of the Parish: Do you have a desire to grow as a Christian man? Come join the MEN in CHRIST as we pray, explore Scripture together and support one another in our Christian walk. Meet us in the Conference Room each Saturday (except 2nd Saturday of the month) at 7:30am. Call Jack at 696-0741. • • • St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store 1516 Beverly Drive (723-4971) The St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store is looking for some volunteers. Requirement: willingness to volunteer an hour or two per week! The store is located at 1516 Beverly Drive, 2 blocks north of the Loop 11 / Seymour Hwy. intersection. The store hours are MTW - 10-3 and Sat., 10-2. Stop by then store on one of these days and you will see BIG smiles when you offer your services. Thank you! Like us on Facebook: Wichita Falls St. Vincent De Paul Thrift Store. OLQP Men’s Club Next meeting: Monday - April 6, 2015 ALL Men of our Parish ages 18 and older are members and are highly encouraged to attend monthly meetings. (First Monday of the month @ 7pm in the Parish Hall). NO Membership Fees. Call Mike Carlton, President for more info: 696-9162 • • • INTERFAITH MINISTRIES Hunger and Food Insecurity is a Serious Fact. The Need is dire and year round. Please be generous with your donation of food. February Food Donations: 382 pounds Critical Needs: Tuna, Oatmeal, Jelly (small jars), Crackers and Travel-size (hotel-size) toiletries - all kinds. Eyeglasses: prescription or reading glass that you don’t need. These items go fast. Place items in the basket located in the Narthex. Every bit helps families with real needs in Wichita County and Holliday. • • • A New Testament Bible Study led by Jack Abel (from the Birth of Jesus to the Birth of the Church) Come join us for a Scripture study of Jesus and His times. Eight consecutive Sunday mornings beginning Sunday, April 19th (9:40am -10:45am) This series will be held in the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Room (S.E.A.S.). You will have an opportunity to sign up after each mass prior to the beginning of the series. Some of the topics will include: • The historical, cultural and religious context of the Gospels • John the Baptist and the Messiah • The formation of the Gospels • The answer to the question “Who do you say that I am?” • Jesus and the Old Testament If you want to know Jesus better, come be with us. Please bring your Bible. April 5, 2015 Notre Dame Catholic School is now accepting applications for new student enrollment for the 2015-2016 school year. Applications for students grades 3K-12th may be found online at www. notredamecatholic.org, or hard-copy forms may be picked up from either the Upper or Lower campus front offices. To schedule a tour or for any other questions please contact Matt Ledesma, Director of Enrollment, at 940-692-6041 or matt.ledesma@ notredamecatholic.org Notre Dame Catholic School is pleased to announce additional tuition assistance opportunities for new enrolling students in the 2015-2016 academic year. Students making a local transfer and entering NDCS for the first time into 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th and 10th grades will receive $1,000 off their tuition bill in the first year and $2,000 off in the second year. For more information about this program, please contact the Notre Dame Admissions Office at 940692-6041, or matt.ledesma@notredamecatholic. org. For more information Call Greg Brown 696-1253 greg@olqpwf.org Sister Ginny says…. Hearts were broken when Jesus died And when he was buried in a tomb. It seemed to be the end of every hope The beginning of sadness, the beginning of gloom. • • • VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Ask how you can help! Be a part of our outreach to the community in our efforts to End Poverty in our Diocese. Purple Care Hope Bags are available in the Narthex with a suggested “grocery list”. Bring filled bags to the Narthex or to the church office. Contact: Susan Cronin (940) 716-9669 • • • Safe Environment Sessions for 2015 All sessions will be held in the Church office conference room at 4040 York St. Contact the parish office at 940-696-1253 for more information or to sign-up. Our Lady Queen of Peace church Wednesday; April 8 @ 7pm - Initial Saturday; April 11 @ 9am- Update For three days his friends must have cried together And sadly dragged their feet. They couldn’t believe that he had died. I’m sure they couldn’t even sleep. Sacred Heart church (940-723-5288) Thursday; May 14 @ 6:30pm - Initial Saturday; May 16 @ 9am - Update Thank him for dying and rising for you. Give him your heart this Easter as he has given his heart to you. But can you imagine what happened next? That Jesus rose up to a brand new life? Because the tomb was empty of his body. For the risen Jesus was nowhere in sight! Then he appeared to various friends And they could hardly believe their eyes That one who suffered such terrible things Had risen to a glorious new life. Jesus wants us to know that he is alive That he will be with us and never leave, That he has power over sin and death He asks only that we believe. There is NO COST, but donations are greatly appreciated. Please contact Rebecca Parker for more information 940-781-5203. Registration forms and calendar available online at www.olqpwf.org (Please note that a Form A for 14/15 must be completed for this school year if not yet completed through our summer activities since June of 2014. Form A will be kept on file until it expires in May of 2015 so that you only have to fill it out once per year per child. Form B must be filled out additionally for each event youth participate in thought the year.) • • • Discovery (Middle School Ministry) Sunday’s at 9:30am in the Parish Hall • • • Verso L’alto (High School Ministry) Wednesday’s at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall • • • Confirmation sessions 5:30p-7p in the Parish Hall *please note the change of a date from the original scheduled, email Greg for a updated complete schedule (C)-Candidates attend, (P)-Parent(s) attend April 12 (C) - SCRIPTURE April 19 (C) - CHURCH April 26 (C) - CREED May 3 (P, C) - CREED II May 17 (P, C) - SYMBOLS OF, AND THE CONFIRMATION RITE May 24 (C) - GROW AND SHOW the 2 responsibilities of a confirmed catholic June 7 (C); (S or P) @ 2:15pm REHEARSAL: walk through of the ceremony Confirmation Ceremony @ 4pm • • • OLQP Catholic Youth t-shirts available in the office! Suggested Donation: $15 per t-shirt • • • YOUNG ADULTS (21-35 single and married) Please contact Greg Brown at 940 247 1721 • • • ** We are in need of 5 more adults to serve Verso L’alto as Faith Coaches (small group leaders). For more information please see www.olqpwf.org/ how-to-help or contact Greg • • • Keep up with what’s going on at www.olqpwf. org/youth “The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists, it works great things. But when it ceases to act, it ceases to exist.” — Saint Gregory the Great Our Lady Queen of Peace Adult Formation The Rite of Christian Initiation R.C.I.A Inquirer Classes meet on Thursdays at 7pm in the NDES Cafeteria All are Welcome (even if you are already Catholic) to the Inquiry Sessions to learn more about the Catholic Faith. Call Deacon Jim at 696-1253 if you are interested. Apr. 9 - Social Justice Introduction Apr. 16 - Social Justice: Teachings of the Church; Rights of Workers/Poverty Apr. 23 - Immigration/Prejudice Apr. 30 - The Environment • • • Divorced and Re-married? If you are divorced and remarried outside of the Catholic Church without a Decree of Invalidity, or if you are married outside of the Catholic Church, you may not partake of the Sacraments, including the reception of Holy Communion. Until it is shown otherwise through the ministry of the Tribunal, no person is free to enter into another marriage without the appearance or occasion of serious sin. A divorce alone would not affect, or hinder in any way, your participation in the Catholic Church. A divorced Catholic is free to receive the sacraments. However, if you are divorced and have remarried, or if you are divorced and in a new relationship, or if you are living with someone without a Decree of Invalidity (and your former spouse is still living) you may not partake of the sacraments, including the reception of Holy Communion). Consider seeking a Decree of Invalidity which will enable you to return to a full participation in the sacramental life of the Church. For more information contact Deacon Larry Bills at the Church office at 696-1253. • • • Worldwide Marriage Encounter He is risen! May the joy of Easter be with you. Let Marriage Encounter help you resurrect the romance in your marriage. Sign up today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends on Apr. 10-12 and June 12-14, 2015. Dates fill fast. To apply, visit our website at: http://www.dfwme. org/apply. For more information e-mail apply@dfwme.org or call 469-4440904. Para mas informacion de Encuentro Matrimonial en Espanol, escriba a emmdfw@gmail.com o visite http://www.seccion15.org/ • • • Rachel Ministries “I never knew my wife suffered so much pain over an abortion she had before we met. It was eye-opening to attend to Rachel retreat with her and be a support in an area of her life where there was so much secret grief. We are closer now than we have ever been.” — RV Retreat Participant Call Rachel Ministries and let us help you heal the wounds of abortion. Rachel Ministries • 817-923-4757 Next Retreat April 10 • • • Natural Family Planning Classes The Couple to Couple League is offering NFP classes at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Wichita Falls, Texas. This is a 3-part class, and the next class series will take place on Sundays from 1:30- 4:30pm in the Berend Room. If you would like to sign up for this class or any other upcoming classes, please go to www. ccli.org and fill out the online registration form. If you have any questions, you may contact Lauren Morath at (940)544-2515 orlmorath@srcaccess.net. One Minute Meditations Saint Bernadette Soubirous - Bernadette was a good but simple teen from a poor family in the south of France. The Blessed Virgin Mary chose to visit Bernadette eighteen times in a cave beside the Gave River (1858-9). A miraculous spring with healing waters poured from the spot and Lourdes remains one of the most visited religious sites in the world. Bernadette suffered terribly, but bravely, from learning difficulty, poor health, world scrutiny. After becoming a nun, she died at the age of 35. Easter Sunday - The Resurrection of the Lord Growing in Faith Dear Padre Why is the story of the empty tomb inconsistent among the gospels? In the Gospel of Luke, the three women who discover the empty tomb are greeted by two men. However, Mark says they were greeted by one man, Matthew says one angel, and John says two angels. Why the discrepancies? When considering the contents of the gospels, we need to remember a few key points. First, the Scriptures as we know them developed out of an oral tradition that was later written to preserve it. The process of actually getting them in writing took many years. In addition, the Gospels were written by different authors who had different audiences with different needs. So it’s understandable that there may be minor discrepancies on minor details between the different accounts. However, it’s important to note that the substance of the accounts remains essentially the same across the versions we have from the different gospel authors. The detail of whether there was one man or two angels at Lord’s tomb— or 5,000 or 3,000 fed at Jesus’ multiplication of the loaves, to give another example—isn’t as important as the fact that the Lord had risen or that the multitudes were fed by him. FR. SCOTT KATZENBERGER, CSsR sundaybulletin@liguori.org GOOD NEWS! EASTER (B) Acts 10:34a, 37-43 / Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8 / Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 We’ve all been waiting for this. For six weeks we’ve focused on letting go of our treasure to help others, taking in a little less food, and reaching out to God a little more, all so that we might in some small way prepare for this day—the greatest celebration of our Church year. So now, after the alleluias have been sung, the baptismal vows repeated, and the Easter lamb or ham eaten, it’s time to ask ourselves, “What was all that preparation for? How have I changed?” When I was young, I gave up candy or little treats for Lent, but after Easter I happily went back to eating candy and carried on as before. As a young adult, I began using Lent to correct bad habits. I had a little more success keeping those at bay after Easter but, I confess, I didn’t see myself as transformed. “How have I drawn closer to Christ through this Lent?” “How will I show forth the glory of his resurrection in your life?” “How will I do these things?” These are good questions for all of us to ask as this Easter winds down. Once they realized what had happened, the early Christians couldn’t keep it to themselves. They preached about Jesus’ death and resurrection wherever they went, witnessed to the change he’d made in their lives, and tried to live differently. They invited others to join them. Jesus calls us to do no less. How have Lent and Easter and the memory of Christ’s death and resurrection changed you? How will you live out that change? MARY KATHARINE DEELEY sundaybulletin@liguori.org Bulletin News: (Please note NEW deadline) Bulletin items must be submitted by NOON on the Friday prior to the following Weekend (or the Thursday before if Friday is a holiday/ holy day). Items MUST have proper approval for publication. FREE MASS TIMES APP - for when you’re away! The Catholic Directory iPhone App is FREE and will quickly find the churches nearest to you, including Mass Times, Web sites, Maps, Directions, Staff, Bulletins, and other important information. Powered by TheCatholicDirectory.com April 5, 2015 The path that Easter built Easter is more than a happy ending to Jesus’ travels on Earth. In fact, it leads to a new life for anyone who follows Jesus. Here are some ways to find the right path. Use a map. Our faith holds all the tools needed to find peace, personal well-being, and security. The Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Mass point the way. Travel light. Avoiding materialism is the challenge of our time. Keeping only what we need reminds us of our dependence on God, gives us an appreciation for what we have, and helps us be more sensitive to others in need. Follow a guide. The journey can be easier when someone lights the way. Perhaps a priest, deacon, or religious in your parish can become a spiritual mentor. Or choose one of the saints to be a role model who can light the path. Bring a Friend. Spiritual companions can help us maintain perspective, challenge us to grow, and make the trip more enjoyable. • • • FEAST and CELEBRATIONS April 5 - Easter Sunday The solemnity that marks Jesus’ Resurrection. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. April 11 - Saint Stanislaus (1079). As Bishop of Krakow in 1072, Saint Stanislaus attempted to reform the violent and depraved king of Poland, Boleslas II. When his efforts failed, he excommunicated the king. In retaliation, Boleslas murdered the saint as he said Mass. April 12 - Divine Mercy Sunday In 1931, Jesus appeared to Saint Faustina and asked that the Sunday after Easter become the “Feast of Mercy.” Jesus promised that anyone who honors him as the King of Mercy and prays The Chaplet of Divine Mercy - the prayer he gave to Saint Faustina - will receive special graces and great mercy.
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