MAY 17, 2015 - Our Lady of the Rosary Church

The Sunday Rosaries of May
are led by the
Societa del Santo Rosario
10:00 AM
May 17, 2015
The Ascension of the Lord
Our Lady of the Rosary Mission Statement
1659 Columbia Street
Pastoral Center Parish Office
1629 Columbia St.
(619) 234-4820 ~ FAX (619) 234-3559 ~
1668 State Street; San Diego, California 92101
Italian National Catholic Parish
Our Lady of the Rosary
Church Hall
1654 State Street
We, the Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, are a pilgrim church. Under the
mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we grow as a people of God following Jesus,
celebrating the Eucharist, living apostolic service, continuing faith formation
and Marian devotions. We strive to bring the joy of the gospel and imitate Jesus
through compassion, mercy and love, especially for the poor and marginalized. We seek to be faithful stewards providing a heart and home for all. Our Lady of the Rosary
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Little Italy, San Diego, CA
We welcome all visitors to our celebration.
While Holy Communion may only be received by
prepared Catholics, our non-Catholic guests are
welcome to receive a special blessing from the priest
during distribution. Simply cross your arms on your
chest as you approach the priest.
Masses of the Week:
May 17th to 24th, 2015
Saturday, May 16:
5:30 p.m. Caterina Zizzo †
Nina & Sergio Gonzales
Next Sunday, May 17: Ascension of the Lord
7:30 a.m. Parishioners, Benefactors & Friends
9:00 a.m. Umberto & Adriana Assenti †
Assenti & Sardo Families
10:30 a.m. Gaetano Carini †
Anna Sanfilippo
12 noon In honor of St. Anthony
St. Anthony Prayer Group
7:30 a.m. Msgr. Fred Florek †
ICF San Diego District Council
12 noon Angie Giacalone †
Bob & Kathy Gaddi
7:30 a.m. Carlos Nava †
Gabriel & Norma Michel
12 noon Dick Suszko †
Ruth Suszko
7:30 a.m. Perpetual Membership
12 noon Caterina Zizzo †
Carmela & Lenordo Teritto
7:30 a.m. Vincenzo Crisci †
Madonna del Lume
12 noon Evangelina Williams
Mari, Jon & Family
7:30 a.m. Pat Brehm
E. Aileen McCombs
12 noon Mario Sanfilippo †
Kathy & Joe Russo & Family
7:30 a.m. Margaret Conklin †
Garry Conklin
12 noon John Riggs †
Rosalia & Frank Crivello
5:30 p.m. (Vigil) Caterina Zizzo †
Francesca & Cathy Zerilli
Next Sunday, May 24: Pentecost Sunday
7:30 a.m. Mary Livings †
Paul Franco & Family
9:00 a.m. Parishioners, Benefactors & Friends
10:30 a.m. Sam & Kathleen Navarra †
Massa & Navarra Families
12 noon Caterina Zizzo †
Cristina Busalacchi
Please remember that our daily Mass Calendar fills rapidly.
Presently the wait is eight to ten months in advance.
If you hope to have a mass celebrated on a special date,
look ahead and call early.
What are the Knights of
Keep a look out for these gentleman.
They are always ready to share what this
organization is and more importantly
what it means to them.
Their Facebook page is linked to the
parishes, so please, look them up and
reach out.
Or stop by a recruiting booth the next
time they have a membership drive.
Find out who they are!
Our Lady of the Rosary
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Faith Formation Corner
• Registration forms have been mailed. Please
register your child for 2015-2016 by May 31st.
• Remember to return your “Missionary
Childhood Boxes”
Hospitality Café
Opportunity at OLR
Little Italy, San Diego, CA
Baptism Class
The next Baptism class will be Thursday, May
28th at 6:30 PM in the St. Gianna Room of the
Pastoral Center. Parents wishing to have their
child baptized and confirmed adults who have been
asked to be a godparent must attend this program,
which is regularly offered by all the parishes.
Wednesday Classes with Fr. Louis Solcia
The Hospitality Café
(Coffee & Donuts) needs
someone to put up tables
and chairs before the 7:30 AM Mass on Sundays.
Please call Sherry at (619) 804-9365 if interested.
We continue for a few more weeks with
Ecclesiastical Latin (20 minutes)
We will have question and answers for many
months to come on the Bible and morality
Please come and bring a GOOD JOKE
Come to Me and I will Refresh You
May 10th’s Collections
Our Lady of the Rosary established a small adoration
chapel to allow anyone interested the chance to sign
up for a private, weekly, one hour devotion. The
intent of the chapel is to provide a private place
where you may focus, uninterrupted, on Jesus
without the distractions associated with regular
“perpetual” adoration chapels. This is an excellent
opportunity to put forth the extra effort for Jesus
to reflect upon the salvation He purchased for us.
Spend some time with the Blessed Sacrament and
focus on Christ. Commit to one weekly hour with
the Lord in the Adoration Chapel (Church parkinglot). You will treasure the 60 minutes of peace and
heart to heart with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. If
interested in participating in this opportunity, you
must be signed up and attend only during your hour.
Please do not interrupt another adorer during their
assigned private hour. To sign up, contact Donna at
the office at (619) 234-4820 or
Weekly Goal = $11,000
Mailed In$810
Thank You for your continued generosity!
And a special thank you to those who have
generously donated with stock, which maximizes
donation amounts for deductible contributions by
avoiding capital gains taxes.
Sanctuary Candle Dedication
Remember your departed loved ones or special
intentions by purchasing a sanctuary candle for a
week. The two beautiful candles that hang on the sides
of the tabernacle will be lit in honor of your request.
For $20 a week you may purchase the candles through
the office during normal business hours.
Baptisms ~ The following child has been joyfully welcomed into the family of God:
Joseph Karl Evert, son of Jason & Crystalina Padilla Evert
God love & bless him always.
First Holy Communion ~ The following child has made her First Holy Communion:
Mary Stella Evert
God bless her always.
Marriage Banns ~ The following couples have exchanged a promise to marry in Christ:
Ralph Hajnrych & Elena Roma
Kenny Colwell & Teresa Andino
Our Lady of the Rosary
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Little Italy, San Diego, CA
Background of
Things were a lot simpler in the days of the
priestly author of the creation story in Genesis
1: The earth was flat. It was surrounded by
water, which was kept out of the surface of the
earth by a big bowl.
The sun and the moon and stars were stuck
into this bowl (called the firmament), and
God watched down on his creation from the
But the earth is round. And it is not the
center of the universe. The earth goes around
the sun. And there are billions and billions of
stars like our sun. So where is heaven?
Obviously it isn’t up or out. And it isn’t
away. But because of our historical baggage,
in spite of science, we still speak of heaven
as “up.” As a consequence, knowing a bit of
science, we imagine that God is billions and
billions of light years away. And then we
wonder if he can even think about us.
The very word “ascension” Blends itself to
the “up and away” idea. Our image of Jesus’
“Ascension” is that he stands on a cloud,
and the cloud takes him up and far, far away.
This is, in fact, the opposite notion which the
mystery of the Ascension of Christ should
give us. Luke is the only-gospel writer who
describes the Ascension.
Mark says simply (in the longer ending)
that Jesus was taken to heaven. The very
word which he uses (analambanein) has two
meanings: It can mean the “acceptance of a
sacrifice by the deity.” It can also mean “taken
up” or “taken into.”
The first reading gives us an important
theological notion of the mystery: At the
end of his earthly life, after his death and
resurrection, the sacrifice of Jesus is accepted
by the Father. We are redeemed!
But there is the second meaning also. The
picture should not be of Jesus standing on a
cloud which rises; rather Jesus enters the cloud
of God’s glory. The cloud of God’s glory was
seen in the Exodus; it engulfed the tabernacle or
meeting tent. It was seen in the dedication of
the temple of Solomon; it engulfed the temple,
a sign of God’s glorious presence.
It was seen in the Transfiguration: Jesus;
Moses and Elijah are in God’s glory. And
it is the meaning of the Ascension here.
Jesus enters God’s glory; there should be no
connotation of geography or topography, even
though our customary languages speaks of it
that way.
Why is this important? If we think of Jesus
as ascending far, far away, we imagine that he
is gone, and the Father is also far away. That
is not the meaning. The meaning is that he
is in the Father’s glory, and that glory is still
present. Jesus is not visibly here, but he truly
is still present. After all, he said, “I am with
you all days, even to the end of the world.”
I like to think of the mystery in terms of
“dimensions.” We are governed by space and
time dimensions. Space, has length, breadth
and height. But Jesus transcended these to
enter the dimension of glory: Heaven is not far
away; it is here; it is simply in a dimension
which we do not see or feel. If we think in
these terms, then Jesus should be very close to
us, and also the Father. Our prayers need not
be shouts, for the Lord is right here.
Another meaning of the Ascension is that
“Now you are on your own.” That is not exactly
correct, theologically. We are on our own in
the sense that Jesus does not appear visibly
Our Lady of the Rosary
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Little Italy, San Diego, CA
to us anymore. He doesn’t whisper in our ear.
We aren’t on our own in one important sense:
the Holy Spirit is with us; he manifests the
presence of Father and Son in our lives.
But we still must act on our own; we must
be mature enough to stand on our own
two spiritual feet, not expecting that Jesus
will appear and give us direction in every
question. This means we must use our minds.
We must study and pray. We must reflect. We
must go through the agony of forming a
good conscience, and we must follow that
conscience even though Jesus is not visibly
If the Ascension means anything, then, it
means that we don’t look for a spectacular
vision; we don’t seek to hear voices. It also
means that we don’t need to go on a pilgrimage
to the Holy Land (or any other place) to
experience the Lord. He is with us here and
now. We walk by faith and not by sight.
With this appreciation of the meaning of the
Ascension, let us look at the Scriptures for
today’s Mass.
The first reading is the first eleven verses of
Acts of Apostles. Luke has a forty day interval
between the Resurrection and the Ascension.
Some commentators have remarked that
forty was the number of days given by the
rabbis for a disciple to master the doctrine of
his teacher.
Perhaps Luke is trying to say that the
apostles are now “ready.” Luke is in verbal
disagreement with Matthew and Mark, where
the disciples are told, to meet Jesus in Galilee.
Luke’s Jesus tells them to stay in Jerusalem
awaiting the promise of the Father. Luke states
that the “cloud took him from their sight.”
This is the cloud of glory, the shekinah. Jesus
enters the glory of the Father and his sacrifice
is accepted:
The first of the alternate second readings
speaks of Jesus “seated” at the right hand of
the Father. Sitting is a position of authority.
Jesus is our Mediator with the Father, and
full authority is given him.
At the conclusion of the reading, Paul
speaks of the Church as the “fullness” of
Christ. The Greek word is “pleroma” which
means “everything that makes something to
be what it is.” Jesus is the “fullness” of the
Father: Everything that makes the Father to be
what he is resides bodily in Jesus Christ!
And the Church is the “fullness” of Christ:
Everything that makes Christ to be who he is
resides in us, his Church! The Church stands in
relation to Christ as Christ stands in relation to
the Father!
The second reading is a prayer for unity in
the Church: We must preserve the unity in the
Spirit, since we are one body, called to one
hope in one Lord, one faith and one baptism.
Each person in the Church has distinct gifts and
talents which he/she must use for the building
up of the Body of Christ in unity.’
The gospel is from the longer ending of
Mark. This is canonical Scripture, but scholars
debate whether Mark wrote it. This longer
ending was certainly known to the Fathers
of the Church of the Second Century, such as
Irenaeus. It is a summary of the mission of
the Church: After the Ascension, the disciples
went everywhere preaching the good news;
and God was with them and worked through
Our Lady of the Rosary
What is a parishioner?
One who is registered and actively
participates in the liturgical/pastoral life of
the parish through the generous, sacrificial
and proportionate sharing of his or her Godgiven giftedness of time, talent and treasure.
Online Registration
Are you new to the Parish?
Are you receiving our Newsletter in the mail?
Or have you recently moved and haven’t had the
opportunity to let us know yet?
Our website makes it quick and easy so we can all
stay in touch.
The link for the “Registration Form” and “Contact
Information Update” is under the “Contact Us” tab.
Online Giving helps the parish because
contributions continue even if there are
circumstances preventing you from getting to the
church. It is also easy for our staff to administer
and maintain. If you have not yet signed up
for Online Giving, I strongly encourage you to
consider this method of contribution. You may
also continue to use your offering envelope as a
sign of your contributions while at Mass.
Perpetual Membership
Every week a Mass is celebrated in our Church for
all those inscribed in our Perpetual Membership. A
certificate is given at time of registration. Donation
is $15. Write to Perpetual Membership, 1629
Columbia St, San Diego, CA 92101.
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Little Italy, San Diego, CA
Beginning Experience Weekend
Widowed, Divorced and Separated persons ready
to move beyond their grief are invited to attend at
Whispering Winds, Catholic Camp in Julian
on June 5-7, 2015. A trained team of peers
leads participants through a healing and growth
experience. If you are willing to put your feeling
of anger and despair behind you and desire a new
beginning, this weekend may be for you. For
further information call Linda (858) 335-0915 or
Cathy (619) 222-9093.
School Of The Madeleine is the Catholic
elementary school of St. Mary Magdalene
Parish. The school is located in the Mission Bay/
Bay Park area and serves students from preschool
through grade 8. The school offers special
programs in accelerated math and Spanish in grades
5-8. Madeleine also has a computer and brand new
science lab. Applications for the 2015-2016 school
year are now being accepted. Currently there are
openings in kindergarten through 7th grades. For
further information, please call (619) 276-6545.
What is Retrouvaille?
A program designed to help Troubled Marriages.
It helps spouses uncover or re-awaken the Love,
Trust and Commitment that originally brought them
For information call
(951) 259-9474
English Weekends:
June 19 – 21
September 11 – 13
Prayer Chain
Is there something
going on in your or your family’s life right now that
you can use some prayerful assistance with?
Or do you want to pray for your fellow parish
family members who are in need of support?
Email, whether
you are in need of prayers or feel the need to pray
for others!
Spanish Weekend:
[call (619) 423-0182]
September 18 – 20
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A way for you to partner with service
providers who support your parish through
their sponsorship of the parish bulletin.
2635 Camino Del Rio South, Ste 211
San Diego, CA 92108
(619) 280-7076 - Office
(619) 293-0807 - Fax
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Bob Stivers Shell
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Our Lady of the Rosary
Mass Schedule
Daily (Monday - Saturday): 7:30 am - 12 Noon
Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00
(Noon Mass in Italian on 1st Sunday of the Month)
Holy Days: 7:30 am, 12:00 Noon, 7:00 pm
2nd Sunday, Gregorian Chant Latin Mass: 4:00 pm
Sacred Heart: 1st Friday at 7:30 am
Blessed Mother: 1st Saturday at 7:30 am
Mother of Perpetual Help: Tuesday at 7:30 pm
Goretti Mass & Devotions: 1st Friday at 6:30 pm
St. Padre Pio: 1st Monday of the month at 6:30 pm
Baptism ~ Given to registered parishioners. Parents &
Godparents must attend a BAPTISM CLASS. Instruction
given on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the Month, 6:30 - 8:00
PM. Baptisms scheduled on the 1st Sunday of the Month.
Register Online.
Reconciliation (Confession) ~ Saturdays from 4:00 to
5:00 pm, weekdays 11:30 am to 12:00 noon, 30 minutes
prior to each Mass (must approach the altar and request
from the priest).
Matrimony ~ Notice is required 9 (nine) months in
advance and before any other arrangements are made (i.e.
hall rental, invitation printing, etc). Contact Timothy.
Christian Education Classes (CCD) ~ Offered to
all registered parish students attending public school.
Kindergarten through Confirmation attend on Sundays from
9 to 11 am. Registered private school students wishing to
receive Communion & Confirmation must attend the two
year program for each Sacrament.
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) ~
Instructions for Adults desiring to receive the Sacraments of
Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist meet Tuesdays at
7:00 pm in the Downstairs Hall from September to Pentecost
Eucharist For Homebound/Sick ~ Contact Sophie
Piconi at to schedule receipt of Eucharist
at home.
Fr. Joseph M. Tabigue, C.R.S.P.
Associate Pastor
Fr. Louis M. Solcia, C.R.S.P.
Fr. Albino M. Vecina, C.R.S.P.
Stephen O’Riordan ~
Parish Office
Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Phone: (619) 234-4820 ~ Fax: (619) 234-3559
Pastoral Offices
Antoinette Cotton
(Office Manager/Accounting/Secretary)
Our Lady’s Gifts
Timothy Horning
(Bulletin & Newsletter Editor/Database Manager/
Accounting/ Weddings/Website)
Lori Lopez
Angela Rieta
(Faith Formation Co-Principals)
Donna Piranio
(Receptionist, Mass Requests)
To Register
Come to the Pastoral Center or go to our website and fill
in the form found in the “Contact Us” tab.
You will be considered a Registered Parishioner
AFTER one year.
Our Lady’s Gifts
Pastoral Center Parking Lot
Monday - Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Sunday: 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM
(619) 234-0162 ~
Please, come to Church Dressed Appropriately!
To be modestly and tastefully dressed is a sign of respect for God, for our selves, and for others.
It’s a false assumption that God does not care how we dress. Jesus told us “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers,
you do it to me.” If our attire is indecently provocative (short shorts, strapless, backless, spaghetti strap dresses/tops, or
displaying cleavage), displaying unwholesome graphics (skulls, advertisements, scantly clad people) or tattered, it becomes
offensive to our brothers and sisters who are worshipping the Lord and therefore offensive to God’s Majesty.
Ask this question: “Would you dress this way before God?” You are! He sees everything and you are in His house.