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Raising achievement and closing the gaps for ALL students.
OEA Tip-Off
May 1, 2015
Tentative Agreement Ratified
The tentative agreement was ratified by the
election held April 29 through May 1, 2015.
Please contact
Michelle Settlemyer, Chief Negotiator,
or Chris Proulx, President,
if you have any questions or comments.
Total Votes Cast: 1,334
Laurels 2015 Award Winners
Rookie of the Year
•Krissa Hetletvedt - 2nd Grade Elementary Teacher, Catlin Arts Magnet
School Bell Award
•Nebraska Loves Public Schools - Sally Nellson Barrett, Executive Producer
Spirit of Collaboration
•Dr. Janice Garnett - Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Omaha Public Schools
SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The Omaha Education Association Board of Directors and Executive Officers presented Dr. Janice Garnett with a special award in appreciation for her years of exceptional dedication
and professional excellence in providing educational leadership to the students and teachers of the Omaha
Public Schools. The Board wishes Dr. Garnett best wishes as she moves forward and offers our sincere thank
you for all she has done for education.
Chris Proulx, President,
Omaha Education Association
Phone: (402) 346-0400
Carol Hicks, Organizational Specialist, 4202 S 57 St
Fax: (402) 346-8410
Marlene Wehrbein, Organizational Specialist, Omaha, NE 68117
EMAC Social Justice Training:
Transformation Through Social Justice
The issues of social justice have become increasingly urgent to OEA members and their students. The EMAC Committee of the NSEA Metro Board is proud to offer members training in vital issues of social justice.
Workshops will include topics of: Social Justice (Provided by the NEA Human and Civil Rights Office), Bullying,
LGBTQ, ELL, Mascots, Classroom Management, Technology, and the past present and future of EMAC. Note: There
will be two sessions of the Social Justice workshop provided by NEA staff; one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Each of those sessions is limited to 40 participants. Participants will have the opportunity to select from our
other workshop choices if the Social Justice sessions are full.
The keynote speaker for the event is Ferial Pearson, UNO College of Education Instructional Coach and author of
"Secret Kindness Agents."
The event will be held at the Milo Bail Student Center on the campus of UNO. Maps of the UNO campus and parking
availability can be found here:
Registration will begin at 8:00am with the program beginning at 8:30am. Lunch will be provided.
Sponsors include: NSEA Metro Board, NSEA EMAC, Omaha Education Association, Papillion-La Vista Education
Association, and the Millard Education Association, with support from the NSEA and the NEA.
Stay Informed / Be Involved!
Code of Conduct, teacher work load, School Board, decision making, plan time, student assignment plan, testing, team
plan time, lesson plans, teacher evaluation, communication, SIG Grants. . .
Do you care about all these issues? Have you ever wondered, “Why doesn’t OEA do something about . . .” The answer
is, we do! Your OEA Representatives, OEA Organizing Specialists, Board Members, Vice Presidents and President all
represent educators on these issues and so much more.
The Omaha Education Association is the voice of the teachers. Use your voice! Talk to your representatives, communicate with your OEA Leadership. OEA advocates for students and teachers. Board meetings are the first Wednesday of
the month and RA meetings are the second Tuesday of the month.
Your voice matters. YOU are the OEA.
President Chris Proulx –
Vice President Advocacy – Bridget Donovan –
Vice President Member Benefits – Edward Ventura -
Elementary and Middle School - Marlene Wehrbein -
Secondary & All Others - Carol Hicks -
Help Paying for Graduate Work?
Three times each year, NSEA members are eligible to apply for a scholarship from Blue Cross and Blue Shield
that will help make paying for graduate coursework a
little easier. Applicants for the scholarship will receive an
e-mail confirming receipt of the application (if you do not
receive an e-mail, call NSEA).
The funds are for advanced degrees, to seek additional
teaching endorsements or to take courses for certification.
Stipends may cover up to 50 percent of the cost of a single,
three-hour college course. Applicants may seek scholarship dollars for no more than three hours of courses. Books
and supplies are not covered.
To apply, complete the application form on the NSEA
website. The form will be on the website through May 27.
NSEA will notify applicants of their scholarship status in
March. The goal is to award stipends to the largest number
of members from each of NSEA’s six governance districts.
To be eligible, NSEA members must be covered by either
single or family Blue Cross/Blue Shield health care. Previous applicants, successful or not, may re-apply. Applicants
may receive scholarships in only two of the three scholarship cycles during a school year.
Recipients must offer evidence of completion of work at
an accredited post-secondary institution to receive funds.
Courses must be for credit.
Since 1986, 5,134 NSEA members have shared more than
$677,500 in Blue Cross and Blue Shield scholarship dollars. The program does not affect Blue Cross and Blue
Shield premiums.
Questions? Reach Sally Bodtke at 1-800-742-0047 or via
e-mail at:
Leaving OPS for Any ReasonCall OEA First!
OPS Policy provides that the District may refuse to accept the resignation of a certificated employee for the following school year after April 15. Because the April 15 date has now passed,
if you feel you need to end your employment with OPS, for any reason, please contact your
Organizational Specialist, Marlene Wehrbein or Carol Hicks at the OEA Office, 402.346.0400.
Failure to properly end your employment with OPS can create problems with future employment.
Elementary and Middle School - Marlene Wehrbein,
Secondary & All Others - Carol Hicks,
OEA Tip-Off
The OEA Tip-Off is a bi-monthly
publication printed for members of the
Omaha Education Association.
Direct Inquiries to:
Chris Proulx
Sue Perkins, Communications Specialist
Visit us on the web at: