» MAY 1 3 - 1 4 , 2 0 1 5 Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy in Micro and Nano Electronics TRAINING WORKSHOP Center for Electron Microscopy and Nanofabrication, Portland State University DAY 1: May 13, 2015 » Wednesday 8 AM – 5 PM DAY 2: May 14, 2015 » Thursday 9 AM – 5 PM MORNING SEMINARS: Smith Memorial Student Union MORNING SEMINARS: Smith Memorial Student Union 8:00 AM Continental Breakfast 9:00 AM Using EELS to open a window to the nano-world 8:30 AMWelcome 9:00 AM Challenges in yield improvement for ULSI processing 9:40 AM Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction for high resolution quantitative microstructural analysis in the SEM 9:40 AM Basics of plasma etch 10:20 AMBreak 10:20 AMBreak 10:45 AM Quantitative microscopy: Strain and composition measurements 10:45 AM Scanning X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and its application in semiconductor device process 11:25 AM Nanofabrication at the sub-10nm length scale using inert ions 11:25 AM Advanced DB techniques: STEM and GFIB AFTERNOON DEMOS: Center for Electron Microscopy & Nanofabrication 12:05 PM Lunch and migration to CEMN 12:05 PM Lunch and migration to CEMN 1:00 PMWelcome/Logistics AFTERNOON DEMOS: Center for Electron Microscopy & Nanofabrication 1:20 PM Angle-resolved XPS for thin film analysis 1:00 PMWelcome/Logistics 2:10 PM EELS quantification and EFTEM 1:20 PM Surface contamination analysis by XPS 3:00 PMBreak 2:10 PM Nanoprobe elemental quantification and mapping with STEM/EDX 3:20 PM Cross milling without sample rotation 3:00 PMBreak 4:10 PM EBSD analysis in SEM 3:20 PM TEM sample preparation by FIB 5:00 PMConclusion 4:10 PM Elemental quantitative analysis in SEM 5:00 PMConclusion DAY 1: May 13, 2015 » Wednesday 8 AM – 5 PM Challenges in yield improvement for ULSI processing ABSTRACT Joe Lebowitz Director of Yield and CMOS Integration Maxim Integrated joe.lebowitz@ maximintegrated. com Yield improvement can be one of the most important activities in ULSI processing. Due the complexity of processing however this can also be a very challenging endeavor. Many methodologies and tools exist to assist engineers in this often daunting task. This presentation will touch upon some of the methods and tools used to drive yields as well as some of the key challenges faced by yield engineers and how they utilize the various techniques to address these challenges. BIO JOE LEBOWITZ is the Director of Yield and CMOS Integration at Maxim Integrated in their Beaverton Oregon wafer fabrication facility. Mr. Lebowitz (Joe) joined Maxim in 2012 where he has been leading the transfer and development of Maxim’s newest CMOS technologies for use in their highly integrated Analog solutions. Mr. Lebowitz has been working in the Semiconductor industry for over 30 years and has deployed best known methods and systems for yield improvement at Bell Labs, AMD, TI, and Freescale prior to joining Maxim. He has a BSEE from Steven’s Tech and an MS in Applied Physics from Caltech. Basics of plasma etch ABSTRACT Gary Stinson Sr. Yield Manager, Fab4 Microchip Technology, Inc. Plasma Etch is a critical technology for semiconductor processing. In this presentation we will cover both plasma etch and resist strip processes, equipment used at Microchip Technology, and what could go wrong. This presentation is part of a series of internal classes for production specialists and technicians who are looking for a deeper understanding of what goes on behind the buttons. BIO GARY STINSON has 20 years of experience at Microchip Technology beginning with patterned and unpatterned wafer inspection, both in Fab2 (Tempe, AZ) and Fab4 (Gresham) beginning in 2002. Promoted to Fab4 Yield Manager in 2004 with responsibilities for Device/Process Integration in addition to wafer inspection. Developed a partnership with PSU CEMN for cross section TEM capability beginning in 2012. gary.stinson@ microchip.com Scanning X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and its application in semiconductor device process ABSTRACT Zhiqiang “Tony” Chen Manager Center for Electron Microscopy & Nanofabrication, Portland State University X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is a qualitative and quantitative spectroscopic technique that measures the elemental composition and chemical state of the elements on 1~12nm top surface of the materials or device. Monochromatic, micro-focused, and scanning x-ray source provides excellent large area and superior micro-area spectroscopy performance suitable for semiconductor process development. In this presentation, we will provide an overview of basic theory, practical aspects, and application of scanning XPS in semiconductor wafer process. zhiqiang@pdx.edu BIO DR. TONY CHEN is facility manager of CEMN, Portland State University. Previously he worked as a research scientist at Monsanto Company for two years and as a senior member of technical staff at Maxim Integrated Products Inc. for a year. Dr. Chen received his Ph.D. in materials science from the University of Birmingham. He spent five years at the University of California, Santa Barbara and Brookhaven National Laboratory doing postdoctoral research. Following this, he worked as the chief scientist at the University of Louisville, in charge of TEM, SEM, XPS and XRD facilities and analytical services. As one of PIs, he acquired a scanning ESCA microprobe through NSF-MRI funds at PSU. Tony’s research interests are focused on microstructural characterization using electron microscopy and spectroscopy in materials science, nanoscience and technology, semiconductor devices. Advanced DB techniques: STEM and GFIB ABSTRACT Terri Shofner SEM Lab Supervisor Lam Research terri.shofner@ lamresearch.com This presentation shows the practical methods employed in the lab for processing challenging samples with a dual beam FIB. First it will discuss STEM techniques for features <20nm. It will also explore end pointing techniques using STEM imaging as well as utilizing the 360 degree rotation of the newer flip stage on the FEI Helios 450F1 and Helios 460F1. Lastly, it will review the glancing FIB method for removing an overburden layer from a sample to inspect varying levels of depth through a device. This presentation will be less about theory and more about practical techniques of working with challenging samples without sacrificing throughput in the lab. BIO TERRI SHOFNER has worked with Focused Ion Beam systems since 1997, starting with Lucent Technologies and Bell Laboratories where she assisted in the development of FIB methods of TEM prep using the ex-situ lift-out technique. After this she was recruited as a Senior Field Applications Engineer with FEI Company, and after taking a year to have a child she returned as a circuit edit specialist with Intel Corporation. For the past 8 years Shofner has been with Lam Research at their Tualatin Oregon facility (previously Novellus Systems). She has authored and co-authored numerous technical articles, holds several patents and has presented at conferences. She holds B.S. degrees in both physics and electrical engineering as well as a Masters in Library and Information Science. DAY 2: May 14, 2015 » Thursday 9 AM – 5 PM Using EELS to open a window to the nano-world ABSTRACT Ray Twesten Product Manager, Analytical Instruments Gatan, Inc. rtwesten@gatan.com In his historic lecture “Plenty of room at the bottom,” Feynman challenged the community to “make the electron microscope more powerful.” 55+ years later, we are still making the same challenge. We not only want to “see” every atom in the material to determine its position, but we also want to know its chemical state and how it is bonded to its neighbors. While we are still a long way off from this goal in the general case, electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) can help answer some or all of these questions in some specific cases. In this presentation, we will discuss the fundamentals of EELS and energy-filtered TEM (EFTEM) and how these technique can reveal composition, atomic bonding and chemical states at the nanoscale (and even the atomic scale in some cases). We will draw from recent examples in catalysts, complex oxides and semiconductors to illustrate these concepts. BIO RAY TWESTEN has been using electron microscopy to investigate material since the 1990s using both standard and custom instruments. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), was postdoc at Sandia Labs and staff scientist/lab manager at the Center for Microanalysis of Materials at UIUC. Since 2005, Dr. Twesten has been with Gatan in Pleasanton, CA, first with the EELS R&D group and later as the manager of the EELS product development group. He is currently the manager of Gatan’s STEM, EELS and Energy Filter products. Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction for high resolution quantitative microstructural analysis in the SEM ABSTRACT Scott Sitzman Applications Scientist Oxford Instruments scott.sitzman@ oxinst.com Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (TKD) is a relatively new way to perform high resolution microstructural characterization, using a conventional EBSD system in the SEM. As in TEM, it requires a thin sample, however its use of a relatively low kV beam restricts the effective information depth to within approximately 10nm of the bottom (exit) surface. This allows TKD to analyze very fine grains even where sample thicknesses include more than one grain, because diffraction information from material closer to the upper surface is obliterated by subsequent incoherent scattering events. Although special data acquisition considerations are important in TKD, the data generated by the technique are identical in format to EBSD data, so all of the post-processing tools developed for EBSD may be applied. Researchers have used TKD to effectively study materials that are difficult to analyze by conventional TEM and EBSD, such as highly strained, fine grained metals. BIO SCOTT SITZMAN is an applications scientist with Oxford Instruments NanoAnalysis, specializing in EBSD. His B.S. and M.S. degrees (UCSB and the University of Wisconsin—Madison) are in geology, with a minor in materials science and an emphasis on characterization. He has worked on EBSD at G.E.s Global Research Center in upstate New York, and later at HKL Technology, now part of Oxford Instruments. Quantitative microscopy: Strain and composition measurements ABSTRACT Vincenzo Grillo Researcher, Istituto Nanoscienze S3 and Istituto dei Materiali per l’ Elettronica ed il Magnetismo Visiting Assoc Researcher, Dept. of Physics, University of Oregon vincenzo.grillo@ unimore.it Electron microscopy in material science is often considered a useful tool for imaging and for qualitative information on nanostructures. However the development of modern techniques of analysis and simulation has taken us to a more quantitative use of imaging under different conditions. I’ll show my personal point of view and contribution on the advancement of computer-aided microscopy in recent years. To this purpose I’ll show a few relevant applications on nanoparticles, nanowires and nanostructured materials. Most applications will demonstrate the possibility to map strain and to obtain local chemical information from direct image analysis or aided by simulations. Finally I’ll describe future projects to get even more accurate chemical information from STEM imaging, pushing toward fast 3D chemical analysis. BIO VINCENZO GRILLO was born in 1973 and graduated in Physics in Genova in 1997. He received his Ph.D. in Electron Microscopy at Parma University and Erlangen University (Germany). In 2001 he was post-doc fellow at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, working on cathodoluminescence in TEM. Since 2003 he has been working at CNR as a researcher in electron microscopy. He has developed innovative (S)TEM methodologies, e.g., he published the first quantitative use of STEM with HAADF detector for chemical analyses. He also carried on advanced characterization of nanoparticles, nanowires and layered structures. He has now moved to Vortex beams and holographic beam generation: he contributed to some important publications in this field and recently joined McMorran Group for a sabbatical. He has received several invitations to international seminars and conferences and received the SISM prize as distinguished young Italian microscopist. Vincenzo Grillo is co-author of 80 international articles and chapters on books. Nanofabrication at the sub-10nm length scale using inert ions ABSTRACT Soeren Eyhusen Product Marketing Manager Electron and Ion Microscopes need email address Ion microscopy with helium or neon beams created from a gas field ion source (GFIS) shows great potential and flexibility for many imaging and nanofabrication applications. Due to the small probe size and the high precision of the ion beam, sub-10 nm structures can be routinely fabricated even in very sensitive materials such as graphene. In contrast to focused gallium ion beams, helium and neon are inert ion species and leave no chemical contamination in the processed sample. Additionally, the beam-sample interaction dynamics of helium/neon ion beams offer unique contrast and stunning surface detail at sub 0.5nm lateral resolution. In this presentation, we will provide an overview of helium and neon FIB applications as well as report on new innovations on sample preparation and 3D nanotomography. BIO SOEREN EYHUSEN has a background in materials science and ion beam physics. After receiving a PhD from Goettingen University, Germany. In 2005, Soeren joined Carl Zeiss NTS Research and Development in Oberkochen focusing on electron microscopes and focused ion beam systems. He specializes in the area of electron optics and system integration. In 2012, he moved to the United States where he has been working as a product marketing manager for electron and ion beam microscopes for Carl Zeiss in Thornwood, New York. AV T SW ST HELENS SW CRAMER HALL HOFFMAN HALL MIL L PARKING 2 BLACK STONE SMITH MEMORIAL STUDENT UNION MILLER LIBRARY SW MO URBAN CTR NTG UPPER MARKET CENTER OM ERY SCHOOL OF SW BUSINESS HAR RIS ON NEUBERGER HALL STOTT CENTER ACADEMIC & REC CENTER PARKING SW SHATTUCK HALL DIRECTIONS FROM DOWNTOWN • Drive south on SW 13th Avenue • Enter the parking garage on your left just beyond SW Market Street SW SHATTUCK LOT Workshop: NATIVE CENTER 1 HAL L UNIVERSITY CENTER ENGINEERING BLDG / FOURTH AVE BLDG ONDINE CO LL EGE SW BROADWAY JAC K UNIV POINTE SO N FOURTH AVE BUILDING SMITH MEMORIAL STUDENT UNION • Walk out of the parking garage and follow SW Mill Street heading east • Cross the Park blocks and turn right (south) • Enter Smith Memorial Student Union from SW Park Avenue • Head upstairs to the second floor to Room 236 in the SW corner of the building CLA Y AV RKE 4TH MA SW • Follow signs to Hwy 26 • Take Exit 1D to 12th Avenue • Look for parking garage entry very first building on your left – the garage is just E : beyond the corner of SW Montgomery N OT Street, very easy to drive past, after which navigation becomes tricky due to the many one-way streets Y SW EPLER DIRECTIONS FROM 1-405 NORTHBOUND SW LINCOLN HALL N CLA AV XSB SRTC SO BIA 5TH ERY FER AV AV OM SW JEF LUM 6TH NTG SCIENCE 1 CO SW MO T BR OA DW AY SW MIL L RKE SW SW SW PAR KA VEN UE PARKING MA SW SW PAR KA VEN UE SW SW 10T H H. GORDAN CHILDCARE 3 Parking: SW 11T H TR AI N I N G W O R K SH O P » MAY 13- 14 , 2 0 1 5 SW AV SW 12T H SW 13T H AV Parking Directions PAYING FOR PARKING Pay Stations are located within the garage. Your license plate number will be required to purchase a permit. 405 ART LOT LINCOLN UNIVERSITY PLACE LOT SCIENCE BUILDING 1 • Walk north on the Park blocks and turn left (west) on SW Mill Street • Enter Science Building 1, located on SW Mill Street between 10th and 11th Avenues • Go downstairs to the basement to Room 22 SEMI N AR (1) May 13 8am – 12:45pm H AN DS - O N D E M OS ( 2 ) May 13 1pm – 5pm SEMI N AR (3) May 14 8am – 12:45pm H AN DS - O N D E M OS ( 4 ) May 14 1pm – 5pm Smith Memorial Student Union, Room 236 Center for Electron Microscopy and Nanofabrication, Science Building 1, Floor B (Basement), Room 22 Smith Memorial Student Union, Room 236 Center for Electron Microscopy and Nanofabrication, Science Building 1, Floor B (Basement), Room 22 Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechnologies Institute • P.O. Box 2041, Corvallis, OR 97339 • W W W. O N A M I . U S • 541.713.1348
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