OnApp for VMware vCloud Director The new web & mobile portal for service providers Bui h Searc ory Mem ut Log O Admin tic Statis Total CPU board Dash ES IANC APPL 3,224 ers l Serv Virtua cers Balan Load rs o rvis Hype 204 NTS PONE COM In ge Stora Out 13 986,2 Total B 1.5 P lates Temp rints Bluep ps Grou Edge ers rv e S Edge rvers ge Se Stora s urce Reso 6 8 36 1853 1852 1851 ti6i 32ulc hr9m er #d l Serv a tu ir V #134 vApp plete Com n Actio rver al Se otVirtu Rebo Date Ref 12 t Targe plete Com g ity Lo Activ es Recip 12 843,2 s Statu 48 DNS CDN /h IOPS Total s Core 2500 486 s vApp 20 TB 7 p 23:4 04 Se p 04 Se vApp Start 23:37 p 03 Se :47 otV Rebo #134 vApp plete Com tx8 d3qa zm0fs er #ju l Serv a tu ir V plete Com vApp Stop 23:27 plete Com r Serve irtual plete Com plete Com #014 vApp Start #014 vApp Stop tx d3qa zm0fs er #ju l Serv Virtua 32ulc dhr9m rver # al Se OnApp for vCloud Director is the new, super-intuitive portal for your vCloud. With OnApp as the front end to VMware vCloud Director, you can transform the user experience and bring a wealth of new functionality to your clients, through a browser and mobile apps. The only way to deliver new vCD features With the release of vCloud Director 5.6, all new vCloud Director functionality is available only through third party portals. OnApp supports new vCD 5.6 functionality, such as storage profiles, and offers enhanced billing and VM monitoring capabilities too. It’s being developed continuously to enable you to offer the latest vCD functionality to your clients through an intuitive web and mobile interface. Highlight features n Rebrandable web and mobile UI The OnApp portal is fully rebrandable and optimized for efficient cloud provisioning and management. Everything is controlled through an intuitive wizardbased GUI, with iOS and Android apps available too. n n With OnApp as your front end you can improve automation and usability for self-service vClouds, and vCloud resources you manage and provision on behalf of your clients. n n Includes set-up and 24x7 support n OnApp for vCloud Director features simple licensing in line with the VMware points scheme, and includes 24x7 global support by telephone and email. We’ll also install and configure your portal free of charge. You can add OnApp to an existing vCloud, or deploy it for new vCloud environments. n Super-intuitive vCloud management through a browser and mobile apps Syncs all key vCD functions Includes storage profiles, VM monitoring and other new vCD features Integrated chargeback and enhanced billing logic Expand your vCloud with Xen, KVM and AWS support, CDN, dedicated servers and more Enables global reselling via the OnApp Federation Simple licensing in line with the VMware points system, including set-up and 24x7 support Your portal to a world of new services OnApp for vCloud Director is built on OnApp cloud management software trusted by more than 3,000 service providers in 93 countries - including some of the world’s largest public cloud hosting providers. As well as transforming the vCD experience, the OnApp portal gives you a ‘single pane of glass’ for a huge range of Infrastructure-as-a-Service capabilities, including: n Cloud based on Xen and KVM n Integrated storage optimized for cloud workloads n AWS instances n CDN for static & streaming content n Dedicated/bare metal servers n Global Anycast DNS n Smart servers (hybrid cloud/dedicated) n Global reselling via the OnApp Federation How it works Once the OnApp portal is deployed for your vCloud, it provides seamless, near-real-time integration for VM management, provisioning and a growing range of other tasks. Bidirectional integration is maintained between the two systems. vCD data import and mapping vCloud Director to OnApp mapping There’s a very straightforward set-up process to synchronize the OnApp portal with vCD, during which all critical vCD entities are imported to OnApp. These include: n n n n n n vApps & VMs: the OnApp portal displays vApp and VM names, their state and pertinent metadata, and tracks each one for billing and other purposes. Catalogs: vApp catalogs and templates are imported into OnApp and can then be used for vApp creation. Networks: OnApp supports the use of VLAN-backed network pools and vShield Edge services. Organization Details: OnApp imports each organization’s users and computing resources, and enables a range of vCD organization details to be managed through the OnApp portal. Storage Profiles: OnApp imports storage profiles so you can choose between them during vApp creation through the portal. Users: OnApp imports the username from vCD and creates that user in OnApp. From that point forward, changes to the user are made in the OnApp portal - for example, password changes and metadata changes. vCD entity OnApp entity VM VM VM disk VM disk VM NIC VM nic vApp vApp vApp Template vApp Template Catalog vApp Template Group (vApp Catalog) External Network type vCloud External Networks NZ Network Network Storage Policies Data stores Users Users Roles Roles Rights for the role Permission Organization User group Organization Virtual Datacentre vDCs Flexible delivery models With OnApp as your front-end portal you’ll be able to support multiple vCD delivery models. For example, you might host a dedicated vCloud Director infrastructure for a single large client: OnApp imports the Organization details from vCD and represents it as a single dedicated zone in the OnApp portal, without needing to know about the hardware behind the vCloud. OnApp will also support multiple vClouds shared between multiple vCD Organizations. As you expand the number of vClouds you run, you’ll be able to bring these into OnApp as you grow. One vCloud per Organization OnApp: Hypervisor Zone VMware: vCloud 1 OnApp: Hypervisor Organization 1 Multiple vClouds and Organizations OnApp: Hypervisor Zone VMware: vCloud 1 OnApp: Hypervisor VMware: vCloud x OnApp: Hypervisor x Organization 1 Organization y Organization x Organization z Synchronization Monitoring and statistics OnApp for vCloud Director uses RabbitMQ to synchronize events between OnApp and vCD, including: OnApp for vCloud Director provides intuitive monitoring and control of a growing range of vCD capabilities, including: ■ VM provisioning ■ Tracking CPU, disk and network statistics per VM ■ VM removal ■ View users, organizations and catalogs ■ VM disk creation ■ View vApp templates ■ VM disk removal ■ View Virtual Datacenters per organization ■ vApp provisioning ■ View all vCD networks The following actions are synced to OnApp if you perform them in vCD: ■ Editing vApps ■ Editing virtual servers ■ Creating, editing and deleting users Provisioning and management OnApp for vCloud Director makes it easy to deploy and manage vApps and VMs. you can create vApps from templates, customizing: ■ vCPUs and cores per socket, per VM ■ RAM per VM ■ Disk size and tier (storage profiles) per VM ■ vApp networks The OnApp portal gives you intuitive GUI control of vApp and VM operations, including: ■ Start/stop/delete vApps ■ Power on/power off/reboot VMs ■ Create/resize/delete VM disks ■ Use web and VMRC consoles for VMs Flexible permissions system OnApp for vCloud Director makes full use of the detailed user management, roles and permissions system built into the OnApp control panel. You can control, at a very granular level, exactly what your clients, tech support teams, billing teams and administrators can do in your vCD environment. Integrated chargeback & enhanced billing When you use OnApp as your portal to vCloud Director, you’ll be able to bring OnApp’s extensive control of billing to your vCloud and manage chargeback for virtual resources through the same UI. The OnApp portal supports a wide range billing models for cloud resources, including utility and package pricing, and enables you to bill for many different virtual resources in your cloud. OnApp’s billing and chargeback capabilities are designed for service providers and integrated seamlessly into the portal – so you don’t have to worry about deploying and configuring vCenter Chargeback Manager. It’s right there in the UI. More information: start@onapp.com http://onapp.com/vmware http://onapp.com @onapp https://twitter.com/onapp © OnApp Limited 2015. 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