A D I V I S I O N O F C L A R K C O M M U N I C AT I O N S www.oneclearchoice.com <–http://LeslieTighe.CCStrategicMarketing.com <–http://BillGreen.CCStrategicMarketing.com http://TomClark.CCStrategicMarketing.com –> Personalized URLs (PURLS) are essential elements of any integrated marketing strategy. They allow you to connect your direct marketing with web pages reserved for each individual in your Target List – enabling you to build personal relationships with customers and prospects, closely track engagement on the individual level, and help boost Campaign ROI. As important as Integrated Marketing is for Direct Marketers, many fail to deliver personalized cross-channel experiences – resulting in lost opportunities and a diminished return on their Marketing investment. To get you on the right path to Campaigns that boost response rates and returns, here are 8 ways for you to make your Direct Marketing campaigns more successful by using Personalized URLs (PURLs). To build, execute, and maintain effective Integrated Marketing campaigns with Personalized URLs (PURLS), you must pay close attention to your audience and personalize your offer. Most importantly, try to avoid the common trap of blasting out impersonalized mass communication. This only leads to more recipients ignoring your message. 8 WAYS TO USE PURLS to Boost Direct Marketing Responses 1. PUT A PURL ON IT! Add PURLs to your direct marketing message. Many direct marketers follow the “spray and pray” method of integrated marketing campaigns. This achieves the objective of sending out communications across channels, but it may not coherently unify your marketing messages to create one-to-one conversations with your audience. With PURLs, you can display a customer’s name alongside a domain that features your offer or brand – offering positive reinforcement and increased incentive to respond to the offer online. THE RESULT: a dramatic increase in response rates. 2.CHOOSE A DOMAIN Domains should reinforce your brand or message. PURLs are important because they mention your Target’s name alongside your brand – so evolve beyond a generic domain. Choosing domains that are relevant to your brand or offer causes your customers and prospects to feel more informed about your message – and as a result, they will be more willing to respond. Before you create your PURLs, choose a domain that speaks to your message. (i.e., www.collegestudentsrule.com or www.mysaturnsite.com) 3.USE DATA WISELY! It’s your customer data, make it work for you. Remember, direct marketing campaigns send out more than communication – they send out a message. Tailor your messages according to your audience’s profile information, stated preferences, and activity. Also, consider varying some or all of your content to cater to the different members of your Target list. And if you don’t have the data? Consider launching a Campaign that drives targets to a survey-page so you can collect more! 4.MAKE IT PERSONAL This is your chance to target your audience. A landing page for your Direct Marketing campaign allows your audience to learn more about your offer and instantly respond, request additional information, or even make a purchase – all without ever leaving the page. To maximize the effectiveness of your landing page experience, consider using the information you have about your audience to customize the messaging on the site. Have they expressed a preference for a product in the past? Do you have any other customer or prospect information, or data about their preferences? By including this type of personalized content, your audience is more apt to engage with your campaign. The use of tablets and smartphones to access the Internet is growing exponentially. To take advantage of this emerging channel, consider including a QR code on your printed piece that drives your audience to their PURLs – as well as a mobile version of your Landing Page for Targets who visit through their mobile devices. By including the mobile option in your Campaign, you are dramatically increasing opportunities for your audience to engage with your message. 5.GO MOBILE Remember your mobile audience The use of tablets and smartphones to access the Internet is growing exponentially. To take advantage of this emerging channel, consider including a QR code on your printed piece that drives your audience to their PURLs – as well as a mobile version of your Landing Page for Targets who visit through their mobile devices. By including the mobile option in your Campaign, you are dramatically increasing opportunities for your audience to engage with your message. 6.GET TRIGGER HAPPY Campaign actions trigger follow up messaging. Send out personalized messages to your targets for follow-up – for example, thank them for visiting a page, or invite them back to fill out a form – based on their activity. Try to coax them personally to accept the offer... or thank them by name for their interest. By using the data you have about your customers to create dynamic, personalized follow-up content, you encourage your audience to connect emotionally with your message. 7. TEST & OPTIMIZE Feedback allows for message optimization on the fly. To achieve optimal results from your direct marketing campaigns, you must test. Use the tools in your Campaign Management software to perform multivariate and/or A/B testing. Also, consider testing subject lines to ensure the right message goes out – and that it gets delivered to your prospects’ inboxes. You can also test other elements including images, copy changes or other small revisions to assess impact on conversion. Also be sure to test your emails and landing pages prior to delivery to make sure that the correct links, images, and copy displays to the right targets – and that everything works as intended. 8.MAKE IT MAKE SENSE Intuitive analysis and reporting features available. Analyzing your Direct Marketing results doesn’t necessarily require large data dumps into Excel and hours of slicing, dicing, and number crunching. Instead, leverage the reporting dashboard in your marketing campaign management solution to communicate details in a format that everyone can understand. Use these campaign results to understand the ways that your targets interact with your messaging – and analyze them to improve future campaigns and boost future campaign ROI. We enable our clients to transform their Direct Marketing with best-in-class digital marketing technology – including Personalized URLs, Personalized QR codes, landing pages, email, intelligent mail barcodes (IMB) and more. Streamline your marketing processes, deliver more campaigns, generate more conversions, and enhance campaign performance. With best-in-class technology, proven turn-key campaign services and expert customer service, we make integrated marketing easy. A D I V I S I O N O F C L A R K C O M M U N I C AT I O N S 2 Westside Drive Asheville, NC 28806 828/254.1432 www.oneclearchoice.com
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