Amazing Dorado Azule* (Also posted at about Box 65 of Susan Atchinson: Dear YLEOiler Friends, Laura asks: 'm experiencing allergies for the first time. I'm 35 and live in Indiana. I have puffy eyes, sinus pressure and my nose is stuffy. I sound congested. I live in Chicago, and used to suffer with allergies. The over-the-counter meds would either make me so sleepy or completely wired. Then I discovered Sulfurzyme. A couple of capsules of this worked within 10 minutes. I would take it every day and carry extra in my purse during allergy season. Now I use Dorado Azul. One drop under my tongue and - presto - symptoms disappear! Stop Your Post-nasal Drip* 1 Carol Jones My friend who is a distributor, found that by putting a drop, (or less) of Dorado Azul on her thumb, and rubbing it on the roof of her mouth, it takes care of her post nasal drip that she has had for over 30 years. She told me to try it too, and I have had good results. If she hears me clearing my throat, she asks me if I rmembered to put my Dorado Azul on! So nice to have these oils. Dorado Azul Provided An Asthma Miracle!* Paula Peterson Two years ago I was introduced to Young Living Therapeutic Essential Oils. To make a long story short, this company has dramatically changed the way I look at health. The testimonial that is nearest and dearest to my heart is about my daughter. She was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 2. Up until two years ago she was using Albuterol, Singulair, Advair, and Prednesone to control her asthma. She would take these meds 2x per day. She did her own researching and found that Dorado Azul has completely given her healthy lungs back! She is med free completely, just rubs Dorado on her chest 2x per day. We love these oils! Breathing Passage Cleared Immediately* Gloria Miller When I was very small, I had whooping cough. As an adult, an otolaryngologist told me that it had scarred my bronchial tubes, which is why any upper respiratory infection hits me hard. Last winter, while dealing with a respiratory infection, I was having a tough time getting a deep breath. RC and Raven weren't helping. I looked up "asthma" in Higley and saw that I was NOT to inhale steam. Although I'd never cared for the smell of Dorado Azul, I was definitely being led to use it. So I put a few drops on a dry washcloth, and held it over my mouth, inhaling through my mouth. Wow! It opened up my breathing immediately! After that, the infection didn't last long. Now I wouldn't want to be without my Dorado Azul. My Massage Clients No Longer Have Sinus Issues* Deb Dibble I have been using Dorado Azul to relieve sinus pressure and pain. When I feel like I am starting to get a sinus infection I rub a drop or two on the bridge of my nose and up my forehead. This has alleviated any problems lately. My son also uses this with great results. Also my massage clients have found similar results. Dorado Azul Oil Blend Is A Sinus Headache Wonder* Kristin Ebey I suffer from sinus headaches. Some times they turn into a sinus migraine. I started using Dorado Azul, and my headaches are a thing of the past. Here is what I do. I rub 2 to 3 drops in my hands and rub it along both sides of my nose along the bone. And, I rub 2 drops along my forehead and down the front of my nose. This also works well if you put a roll-on top on the bottle of oil and do the same thing. You can repeat this as often as you would like. I usually feel improvements with-in minutes. Thanks and happy oiling. Neti Pot Used To Eliminate Sinus Headache* Lorena Holmstead We had a great result this week using Rosemary and Dorado Azul on a sinus infection. My husband had a bad sinus headache for two days. I finally looked up "Sinus Infections" in the Essential Oils Desk Reference. It said to do a Nasal Irrigation Regimen that included 10 drops Rosemary, 6 drops Melaleuca alternifolia, and 8 Tablespoons of very fine sea salt. You mix this thoroughly and store it an a sealed container. Then you add 1 tsp of this salt recipe to 1 1/2 cups distilled water and irrigate with that. I also didn't have any Melaleuca alternifolia, so I used Dorado Azul instead. I also didn't have distilled water, so I used regular tap water instead. (We have very good water from a well). He irrigated using a Neti Pot. The first time he did it, he noticed a definite easing of the headache. When he did it again a day later, the headache was totally gone and hasn't come back. I was very happy to have found this remedy! I love Young Living Essential Oils! Hurt Elbow* Jane Van Asten When rushing around one morning late last summer, I banged my elbow on the corner of the kitchen counter. It hurt for several months. I knew there was nothing broken or chipped, but I couldn't even rest it on a table as I would then experience a sharp pain and if I bumped against someone, it also hurt. After a couple months of this, I happened to mention it to another YL person who is a nutritional microscopist and she asked if it felt like there was broken glass in it. I said, yes, that's a great description. It was like I was putting my elbow into sharp broken shards of glass. Even though it did not bruise, it hurt a lot inside. She said I was experiencing nerve damage. She asked which oils I had and then suggested I apply them in this order: valor, lavender, palo santo, dorado azul, and peppermint. I did this twice a day. Within 3 days the pain was gone and has not returned and that has been at least 3 months. God's medicine sure works! Believe in Him and His teachings. Thank you Gary & Mary for sharing what you've learned with so many. And to all the wonderful people that I've come to know since joining YL, a sincere THANK YOU. Sinus Pain* Dave Smart I found that Dorado Azul oil gives almost instant relief from sinus pain and congestion when rubbed on the sides of the nose bone. I wish they would make it available again. Wheezing Finally Under Control* Erika Lantry South Texas is not the best place for asthma and allergy sufferers. This summer, I had a nasty cough and wheezing that just would not stop. I finally remembered an application used on me in May by my upline, Cherie Ross, and used Cedarwood and Eucalyptus Blue liberally on my chest every time an attack started. I also sometimes use Dorado Azul with Cedarwood with the same great results. I now can take a deep breath without setting off the coughing and wheezing. These oils certainly are a huge blessing for me. Ecuador Oil And A Coughing Fit* Neelima Baird Moments ago I was in the midst of an allergy-driven coughing fit, the kind where you can't stop, your eyes are running, your back is starting to itch. I was looking for the Eucalyptus Radiata, which we always use when my partner gets unruly sneezing fits. I could not find it anywhere and my eyes suddenly lit on Dorado Azul, the newest oil from Ecuador that was released this past Convention. I love the smell of it and figured it would at least put me in a good state of mind so I grabbed it and took a whiff while continuing my search for the Radiata. Within seconds it was clear my search was over. The cough stopped instantaneously and I could feel all the strain go out of my breathing. I was so impressed I had to sit down and write the story right away, even though it's after 1 am and I'm very tired. I love experimenting with the new oils to see what they may be useful for, especially these ones that nobody but Young Living will ever have! This oil is so new it was only available 1 bottle per person at Convention 2008, but I'm pretty sure it will be available for general purchase by 2009's convention. How My Son Overcame Asthma* Kristin Ebey My son was very small when he contracted RSV and had to spend sometime in the hospital. Ever since then, he has had issues with asthma. He has been known to have attacks that last several minutes at one time. We have seen asthma and breathing specialists. His worst seasons for attacks seem to be at the end of spring-early summer, and end of fall-early winter. He used to use a rescue inhaler all the time. Since we made the decision to use Young Living Essential Oils, we decided to get him off of all the scrips and asthma medications. Here is what worked for us. For an attack: Use Breathe-Again roll-on under the nose and along the sides of the nose along the bone. Dorado Azul IF Breathe-Again did not work. Daily Oils Apply Thieves on his feet and especially his big toe--daily. (before he leaves the house to go to school) 1 to 2 oz Ningxia Red daily Mightyzymes daily For coughing due to asthma: RC on his chest. For use as a rescue inhaler; An empty bottle of RC--he takes the lid off and cups his hands around the bottle and breathes in. *The first year we went through the fall and winter using Young Living oils, he did not have any attacks that caused him to miss school or visit the ER at the hospital. Thank you to Young Living for healing my family. *Not reviewed by the FDA. *Not meat to diagnose treat or cure any disease.
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