BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 PRESENT: Her Worship the Mayor, Councillor Downey, Councillors Kuskoff, Winterbottom, Nguyen, Waud, Stromborg, Golledge, Tadros, Najjar, Parker APOLOGIES Councillors Daniel and Asfour HER WORSHIP THE MAYOR DECLARED THE MEETING OPEN AT 6.00 P.M. REF: CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES (1063) CLR. NAJJAR:/CLR. STROMBORG RESOLVED that the minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 24 March 2015 be adopted. - CARRIED SECTION 2: (1064) LEAVE OF ABSENCE CLR. PARKER:/CLR. NAJJAR RESOLVED that Leave of Absence be granted to Clrs Asfour and Daniel due to personal business. - CARRIED HER WORSHIP THE MAYOR ADVISED THAT CLR TADROS CONTACTED AND ADVISED HE WAS DELAYED AND WOULD ATTEND THE MEETING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. SECTION 3: DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST OR NON-PECUNIARY CONFLICT OF INTEREST Nil SECTION 4: MAYORAL MINUTES ITEM 4.1 ANZAC CENTENARY COMMEMORATIONS (1065) CLR. DOWNEY RESOLVED that Council congratulate and thank the organisers of the Bankstown Anzac Centenary Commemoration events. - CARRIED This is page ONE of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015 BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 ITEM 4.2 NSW LOCAL GOVERNMENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS (1066) CLR. DOWNEY RESOLVED that the Mayoral Minute be received. - CARRIED ITEM 4.3 CLUB MOUNT LEWIS CHARITY LUNCHEON (1067) CLR. DOWNEY RESOLVED that Council support the request from Club Mount Lewis to support its charity fundraising luncheon for the Royal Flying Doctors Service of Australia by taking a table of 10 (cost $800) and offer a $200 cash prize for one of the raffles at the event. The total funds of $1,000 be made available from Council’s Section 356 Financial Assistance Budget. - CARRIED SECTION 5: PLANNING MATTERS ITEM 5.1 EXHIBITION OF BANKSTOWN DCP 2015 (AMENDMENT NO. 1) (1068) CLR. NAJJAR:/CLR. PARKER RESOLVED that 1. Council adopt Bankstown Development Control (Amendment No. 1) as shown in Attachment A. Plan 2015 2. Bankstown Development Control Plan 2015 (Amendment No. 1) is to come into effect on the date specified in the public notice and is to apply to development applications lodged on or after this date. 3. Council exhibit Draft Bankstown Development Control Plan 2015 (Amendment No. 2) as shown in Attachment B, and this matter be reported to Council following the exhibition period. - CARRIED This is page TWO of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015 BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 For:- Clrs Downey, Kuskoff, Najjar, Stromborg, Waud, Winterbottom, Golledge, Nguyen and Parker Against:- Nil ITEM 5.2 EXHIBITION OF THE WEIGAND AVENUE AND CBD RECLASSIFICATIONS PLANNING PROPOSAL (1069) CLR. STROMBORG:/CLR. GOLLEDGE RESOLVED that 1. Council adopts the Weigand Avenue and CBD Reclassifications planning proposal as shown in Attachment A. 2. Council forwards the Weigand Avenue and CBD Reclassifications planning proposal to the Department of Planning & Environment to be published on the NSW legislation website. - CARRIED For:- Clrs Downey, Kuskoff, Najjar, Stromborg, Waud, Winterbottom, Golledge, Nguyen and Parker Against:- Nil SECTION 6: REPORT OF THE GENERAL MANAGER ITEM 6.1 2015-16 DRAFT OPERATIONAL PLAN, BUDGET AND FEES AND CHARGES (1070) CLR. WINTERBOTTOM:/CLR. NAJJAR RESOLVED that 1. In accordance with Section 405 of the Local Government Act, 1993 Council resolve to place on public exhibition for a minimum period of 28 days and submissions be invited in respect of the Draft Operational Plan 2015-16, which includes the draft 2015-16 Budget and the draft 2015-16 Schedule of Fees & Charges. These documents detail: (i) 4-Year Financial Plan 2015-19, Draft Budget 2015-16, and draft Schedule of Fees and Charges 2015-16 as attached to this report. This is page THREE of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015 BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 (ii) Council’s ordinary and special (CBD improvement) rates for 2015-16 make provision for:(a) An ad valorem structure and an increase to Council's general income equivalent to the percentage of 2.4 %, as specified by the Independent Pricing & Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). (b) A maximum rate of interest on overdue rates and charges as specified by the Minister for Local Government. (iii) Annual charges from Domestic Waste collection be set at $430 for all residential properties. (iv) Annual Charges for Stormwater Management Services as follows: Residential Properties o o Annual Residential Charge of $25 per property Annual Residential Strata Charge of $12.50 per property Business Properties o Annual Charge of $25 per property plus an additional $25 for each 350 square metres or part of 350 square metres by which the area of the parcel of land exceeds 350 square metres. Mixed Development o Adopt the dominant Rating category as applied to the parcel of land as determined by the Valuer General and apply to each relevant property. o In the event that a mixed development is 50% residential and 50% business, Council will apply a residential charge. Exemptions In addition to the exemptions stipulated in the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, the following exemptions will also apply in managing the service: Council-owned land; Bowling and Golf Clubs - where the dominant use is open space; Properties zoned: This is page FOUR of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015 BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 Open space 6(a); Private Recreation 6(b); Rural 2. A further report be submitted to Council at the conclusion of the exhibition period. - CARRIED ITEM 6.2 REQUESTS FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AND DONATIONS (1071) CLR. PARKER:/CLR. NGUYEN RESOLVED that 1. A donation of $100.00 be made to Godfred Agyemang of Bankstown on his selection to represent NSW at the Australian Interstate University Rugby League championships which are being held at Campbelltown Stadium on 30 April, 2015. 2. A donation of $500.00 be made to Tami Cai of Sefton on her selection to the Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar 2015 (SIYSS) which is being held in Stockholm at the end of the year. 3. A donation of $72.00 (equivalent to the hire fee, for the two street stalls) be made to the St. John Mark Anglican Church, Chester Hill so that they can sell books, craft items, jams and plants etc. outside the Post Office at Waldron Road, Chester Hill on Friday, 8 May, 2015 and Friday, 11 December, 2015. 4. A donation of $126.00 (equivalent to the hire fee, for the use of Courthouse Reserve for both services) be made to the City of Bankstown RSL Sub Branch for their ANZAC Day ceremony held on 19 April, 2015 and 25 April, 2015. 5. A donation of $520.00 (equivalent to the four hour hire fee for the use of the Bankstown Arts Centre) be made to Cultural Partners who are hosting a conference at the Bankstown Art Centre on behalf of the Organ and Tissue Authority (OTA) on 12 May, 2015. - CARRIED This is page FIVE of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015 BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 ITEM 6.3 BANKSTOWN CITY GARDENS STAGE 2 AND PROPOSED MOU WITH TOUCHED BY OLIVIA FOUNDATION (1072) CLR. WINTERBOTTOM:/CLR. GOLLEDGE RESOLVED that 1. Council confirms support for the all-abilities inclusive playground to be located at the Bankstown City Gardens; 2. Council enters into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Touched By Olivia Foundation and note the project framework and project deliverables; 3. Council’s Project Team continue with the development of concept design and estimates for the inclusive playground, including investigating provision of services to enable a future supporting café/ refreshment facility. 4. A further report be prepared when budget estimates have been determined, with possible funding options. - CARRIED ITEM 6.4 BANKSTOWN TRIGENERATION PROJECT (1073) CLR. GOLLEDGE:/CLR. NAJJAR RESOLVED that 1. Council seek to terminate its Deed of Agreement in relation to the Trigeneration Project, for the reasons as outlined in this report. 2. The General Manager be authorised to sign all relevant documentation, as required. - CARRIED This is page SIX of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015 BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 ITEM 6.5 BIOBANKING AGREEMENT AND CREDIT TRANSFER AGREEMENT FOR THE LANSDOWNE RESERVE BIOBANK SITE (1074) CLR. NAJJAR:/CLR. GOLLEDGE RESOLVED that Council enter into a Biobanking Agreement (attachment A) and Credit Transfer Agreement (attachment B) with the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) for the establishment of a Bio-banking site within the northern precinct of Lansdowne Reserve, Lansdowne. - CARRIED ITEM 6.6 PROPERTY MATTER - CLASSIFICATION OF COUNCIL LOTS SITUATED AT 10-14 PADSTOW PDE, PADSTOW (1075) CLR. PARKER:/CLR. NGUYEN RESOLVED that 1. Following its acquisitions, Council proposes to classify its lots situated at 10-14 Padstow Parade, Padstow, as Operational Land, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993. 2. Council prepare the required public notice of its proposal and submit a further report on the matter for Council’s consideration. 3 A further report be provided to Council following the Expression of Interest process and recommended uses of council’s commercial space. - CARRIED ITEM 6.7 AUSTRALIA LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2015 - SUBMISSION OF MOTIONS (1076) CLR. WINTERBOTTOM:/CLR. PARKER RESOLVED that 1. Council endorse for submissions the motions stated in this report; 2. Councillors lodge their expression of interest to the Mayor and General Manager to attend the Australian Local Government Association’s National General Assembly of Local Government. This is page SEVEN of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015 BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 3. The Mayor or her delegate be nominated as Council’s voting delegate for the conference. - CARRIED ITEM 6.8 CASH AND INVESTMENTS REPORT FOR MARCH 2015 (1077) CLR. NAJJAR:/CLR. PARKER RESOLVED that 1. The Cash and Investments Report for March 2015 be received and noted. 2. The Certification by the Responsible Accounting Officer incorporated in this report, be adopted. - CARRIED SECTION 7: COMMITTEE REPORTS ITEM 7.1 MINUTES OF THE BANKSTOWN HERITAGE COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 11 FEBRUARY 2015 (1078) CLR. KUSKOFF:/CLR. GOLLEDGE RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Bankstown Heritage Committee Meeting of 11 February 2015 be adopted. - CARRIED ITEM 7.2 MINUTES OF BANKSTOWN BUSINESS ADVISORY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 25 MARCH 2015 (1079) CLR. KUSKOFF:/CLR. GOLLEDGE RESOLVED that the recommendations contained in the minutes of the Bankstown Business Advisory and Economic Development (BBA&ED) Committee meeting held on 25 March 2015, be adopted. - CARRIED This is page EIGHT of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015 BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 ITEM 7.3 MINUTES OF THE BANKSTOWN YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD 2 APRIL 2015 (1080) CLR. KUSKOFF:/CLR. GOLLEDGE RESOLVED that the recommendations contained in the minutes of Minutes of the Bankstown Youth Advisory Committee Meeting held 2 April 2015, be adopted. - CARRIED ITEM 7.4 MINUTES OF THE ANZAC CENTENARY WORKING PARTY HELD ON 9 APRIL 2015 (1081) CLR. KUSKOFF:/CLR. GOLLEDGE RESOLVED that the recommendations contained in the minutes of the ANZAC Centenary Working Party meeting held on Thursday 9 April 2015, be adopted. - CARRIED ITEM 7.5 MINUTES OF THE BANKSTOWN TRAFFIC COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 14TH APRIL 2015 (1082) CLR. KUSKOFF:/CLR. GOLLEDGE RESOLVED that the recommendations contained in the Minutes of the Bankstown Traffic Committee meeting held on 14th April 2015, be adopted. - CARRIED This is page NINE of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015 BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 SECTION 8: NOTICE OF MOTIONS & QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE ITEM 8.1 QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE (1083) CLR. NAJJAR:/CLR. GOLLEDGE RESOLVED that the information be noted. - CARRIED SECTION 9: MATTERS FOR INFORMATION ITEM 9.1 COST SHIFTING - IMPACT AND CHANGES TO GRANT PROGRAMS ON BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL (1084) CLR. GOLLEDGE:/CLR. NGUYEN RESOLVED that the information be noted. - CARRIED ITEM 9.2 REPORT ON (1) DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS AND SECTION 96 APPLICATIONS DETERMINED, (2) VARIATIONS TO COUNCIL POLICIES APPROVED (3) TO UPDATE THE STATUS OF VARIOUS SOCIAL HOUSING PROJECTS, (4) TO ADVISE OF ANY JRPP PROJECTS WHICH HAVE BEEN DETERMINED, AND (5) TO ADVISE OF THE STATUS OF VARIOUS DA RELATED LEGAL MATTERS FOR JANUARY TO MARCH 2015. (1085) CLR. NAJJAR:/CLR. KUSKOFF RESOLVED that the contents of this report be noted. - CARRIED CLR TADROS ARRIVED AT THE MEETING AT 6.25 PM. This is page TEN of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015 BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 SECTION 10: QUESTIONS FOR NEXT MEETING REF: RESERVE SITUATED AT CNR MARPLE AVE & SHADDOCK AVE, VILLAWOOD Clr Stromborg requested that the Reserve be inspected as vehicles and trucks are parking on the Reserve damaging the surface and native vegetation. REF: RECENT FLOODS IN BANKSTOWN LGA In response to a question from Clr Najjar and Clr Kuskoff, the General Manager advised that Council is awaiting a report from the SES that will advise the extent of flooding to the Bankstown LGA and damage to Council’s assets. Councillors will be advised further when the report is received. REF: RIVERLANDS DEVELOPMENT In response to a question from Clr Najjar, the General Manager advised that the Riverlands Development was not flood affected during the recent storms. REF: GEORGES RIVER - DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEA WALLS In response to a question from Clr Najjar, the General Manager requested more specific details from Clr Najjar regarding Development Applications for the construction of sea walls for properties adjoining the Georges River. If necessary the General Manager advised he would make representations to the relevant State Government Department(s). REF: ILLEGAL BOAT RAMPS / PONTOONS In response to a question from Clr Najjar, the General Manager advised that the inspection/audit of illegal pontoons along the waterfront is the responsibility of the State Government. REF: COUNCIL LIBRARIES - LANGUAGE CLASSES Clr Najjar requested if Council could consider providing Greek / Macedonian language classes to senior members of the community in addition to existing language classes. This is page ELEVEN of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015 BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 REF: OUSTANDING LIBRARY ITEMS In response to a question from Clr Najjar regarding outstanding library items, the General Manager responded that the matter would be referred to the next meeting of the Library Advisory Committee for their consideration. REF: ANZAC COMMERATIVE BOOKLET - "THE THIRTY-ONE" In response to a question from Clr Najjar, the General Manager advised that all remaining copies of the booklet would be distributed to local schools in the Bankstown LGA and that an E-book link would be available on Council’s website. REF: COMMUNITY NIGHT MARKETS In response to a question from Clr Najjar, the General Manager responded that the Economic Development Unit were currently investigating Community Night Markets. REF: BRANDON AVENUE PUBLIC CARPARK, BANKSTOWN Clr Nguyen tabled a letter from a resident requesting Council investigate safety issues for traffic exiting the carpark from Northam Avenue into Brandon Avenue. REF: KELSO BEACH RESERVE Clr Nguyen requested if damage to the bicycle track adjacent to Kelso Beach Reserve could be investigated. REF: COMMUNITY HUB Clr Nguyen requested details of community groups that had expressed interest in relocating to the Community Hub. REF: WASTE COLLECTION - RECYCLING BINS Clr Parker requested that consideration be given to a weekly collection of residents recycling bins. REF: DUMPED RUBBISH Clr Golledge requested that Council investigate dumped rubbish at the IGA carpark in Yagoona and Neville Reserve, Bass Hill. This is page TWELVE of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015 BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 REF: CONTAINER DEPOSIT SCHEME In response to a request from Clr Kuskoff, the General Manager advised he would provide information regarding the State Government Container Deposit Scheme. SECTION 11: (1086) CONFIDENTIAL SESSION CLR. NAJJAR:/CLR. PARKER RESOLVED that, in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act, 1993, the Public and the Press be excluded from the meeting to enable Council to determine Items 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.8 and 11.9 in confidential session for the reasons indicated: Item 11.1 T15-15 Fire Service Management This report is considered to be confidential in accordance with Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act, 1993, as it relates to commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it. Item 11.2 T29-15 Environmental Monitoring at Kelso Tip This report is considered to be confidential in accordance with Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act, 1993, as it relates to commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it. Item 11.3 T35-15 Tender For Mount Lewis Town Centre Improvement This report is considered to be confidential in accordance with Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act, 1993, as it relates to commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it. Item 11.4 T36-15 Salt Pan Creek Catchment Drainage Pipe and Pit Condition Assessment and Reporting This report is considered to be confidential in accordance with Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act, 1993, as it relates to commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it. This is page THIRTEEN of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015 BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 Item 11.5 T37-15 Provision of Electrical Supplies This report is considered to be confidential in accordance with Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act, 1993, as it relates to commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it. Item 11.6 T40-15 Chapel Road South Footpath ReconstructionBrandon Avenue to Cambridge Avenue- Eastern Side This report is considered to be confidential in accordance with Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act, 1993, as it relates to commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it. Item 11.7 Amour Park Futsal Centre Operations This report is considered to be confidential in accordance with Section 10A(2)(g) of the Local Government Act, 1993, as it relates to advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege. Item 11.8 Disposal of Drainage Reserve - 22A Milton Street, Bankstown This report is considered to be confidential in accordance with Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act, 1993, as it relates to information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business. Item 11.9 Property Matter - 35 Watt and 42 Tillett Parades, Lansdowne This report is considered to be confidential in accordance with Section 10A(2)(c) of the Local Government Act, 1993, as it relates to information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business. - CARRIED COUNCIL RESOLVED INTO CONFIDENTIAL SESSION AT 6.30PM AND REVERTED BACK TO OPEN COUNCIL AT 6.45PM. CLRS WAUD AND STROMBORG RETIRED FROM THE MEETING AT 6.31 PM This is page FOURTEEN of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015 BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 ITEM 11.1 T15-15 FIRE SERVICE MANAGEMENT (1087) CLR. KUSKOFF:/CLR. NAJJAR RESOLVED that 1. Council accept the tender received from Hix Group for provision of Fire Service Management of buildings and associated structures for a period of 3 years with the option to extend the contract by two (2) further periods each of up to one (1) year in duration, subject to satisfactory performance by the contractor, and at the discretion of the General Manager. 2. The General Manager be authorised to enter into the contract and sign all documentation in accordance with Council's resolution, as required. 3. Council notifies the unsuccessful tenderers in writing and thank them for tendering. - CARRIED ITEM 11.2 T29-15 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AT KELSO TIP (1088) CLR. WINTERBOTTOM:/CLR. GOLLEDGE RESOLVED that 1. Council accept the tendered rates from Wood-Baynes Family Trust trading as Future-Plus Environmental for provision of programmed environmental monitoring of the Kelso landfill for a period of three (3) years, with the option to extend the contract by two (2) further periods each of up to one (1) year in duration, subject to satisfactory performance by the contractor, and at the discretion of the General Manager. 2. The General Manager be authorised to enter into the contract and sign all documentation in accordance with Council's resolution as required. 3. Council notifies the unsuccessful tenderers in writing and thanks them for tendering. - CARRIED This is page FIFTEEN of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015 BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 ITEM 11.3 T35-15 TENDER FOR MOUNT LEWIS TOWN CENTRE IMPROVEMENT (1089) CLR. NAJJAR:/CLR. TADROS RESOLVED that 1. Council accepts the tender received from Civil Constructions Pty Ltd for a provisional lump sum amount of $182,978.00 (excluding GST). 2. The General Manager be authorised to enter into a contract and sign all documentation in accordance with Council's resolution, as required. 3. Council notifies the unsuccessful tenderers in writing and thanks them for tendering. - CARRIED ITEM 11.4 T36-15 SALT PAN CREEK CATCHMENT DRAINAGE PIPE AND PIT CONDITION ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING (1090) CLR. GOLLEDGE:/CLR. NAJJAR RESOLVED that 1. Council accept the tender from Environmental Services Group Pty Ltd to undertake the condition assessment of the pipe and pits in the Salt Pan Creek Catchment for the lump sum of $148,000.00 (excluding GST). 2. The General Manager be authorised to enter into the contract and sign all documentation in accordance with Council’s resolution, as required. 3. Council notifies the unsuccessful tenderers in writing and thank them for tendering. - CARRIED ITEM 11.5 T37-15 PROVISION OF ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES (1091) CLR. NAJJAR:/CLR. TADROS RESOLVED that 1. Council appoints a panel and accepts the tenders received from Salmon Bros and TLE Electrical for provision of delivery and local pick up for electrical supplies for a period of 3 years, with the option to extend the contract by two (2) further periods each of up to one (1) year in duration, subject to satisfactory performance by the contractor, and at the discretion of the General Manager. This is page SIXTEEN of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015 BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 2. The General Manager be authorised to enter into the contract and sign all documentation in accordance with Council's resolution, as required. 3. Council writes to the unsuccessful tenders and thanks them for their participation. - CARRIED ITEM 11.6 T40-15 CHAPEL ROAD SOUTH FOOTPATH RECONSTRUCTIONBRANDON AVENUE TO CAMBRIDGE AVENUE- EASTERN SIDE (1092) CLR. PARKER:/CLR. NGUYEN RESOLVED that 1. Council accept the tender received by Civil Constructions Pty Ltd for a provisional lump sum amount of $170,492.00 (excluding GST) for the Chapel Road South footpath reconstruction T40-15. 2. The General Manager be authorised to enter into a contract in accordance with Councils decision above. 3. Council notifies the unsuccessful tenderers in writing and thanks them for tendering. - CARRIED ITEM 11.7 AMOUR PARK FUTSAL CENTRE OPERATIONS (1093) CLR. PARKER:/CLR. GOLLEDGE RESOLVED that 1. The General Manager be authorised to address all outstanding matters, as detailed in this report. 2. Bankstown Community Football Pty Ltd be allowed a time frame of six (6) weeks from the date of this report to address item 1 3. If not resolved as per above, Council commence legal proceedings to address the matters, as required. - CARRIED This is page SEVENTEEN of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015 BANKSTOWN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON 28 APRIL 2015 ITEM 11.8 DISPOSAL OF DRAINAGE RESERVE - 22A MILTON STREET, BANKSTOWN (1094) CLR. KUSKOFF:/CLR. NAJJAR RESOLVED that 1. Council agree to the sale of 22A Milton Street, Bankstown, subject to the conditions as outlined in the report. 2. The Mayor and General Manager be delegated authority to execute all documents, under the common seal of Council, as required. - CARRIED ITEM 11.9 PROPERTY MATTER - 35 WATT AND 42 TILLETT PARADES, LANSDOWNE (1095) CLR. NGUYEN:/CLR. NAJJAR RESOLVED that 1. Council agrees to acquire 35 Watt & 42 Tillett Parades, Lansdowne in accordance with the details as outlined in the report. 2. The Mayor and General Manager be delegated authority to sign all documents under the common seal of Council, as required. 3. Funding for the acquisition and required works to made available from Council 94A Contributions Reserves and accordingly be reflected as part of the appropriate Quarterly Budget Review process. - CARRIED THE MEETING CLOSED AT 6.47 PM Minutes confirmed 26 MAY 2015 …………………………. Mayor This is page EIGHTEEN of the Minutes of the ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Held on 28 APRIL 2015 Confirmed on 26 MAY 2015
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