STORM Report May 27, 2015 Bulletin Insert

Get all the details at under
“Current Opportunities”
From the Office of the Short-Term Missions Coordinator
Vol. 4, Issue 5 May 27, 2015 Brothers, pray for us.
1 Thess. 5:25
STM Prayer Calendar: Summer 2015
Please pray for OPC short-term missions scheduled for this summer:
June-August: Boardwalk Chapel, Wildwood, NJ
June 22-29: Work team to Magna, UT
June 22-July 2: “Team Haiti”
June 22-July 23: “Team Uganda”
June 27-July 4: “English for Kids” Bible Camp, Quebec
June 29-July 3: “English for Kids” Bible Camp, Quebec
July 6-10: “English for Kids” Bible Camp, Quebec
July 13-17: “English for Kids” Bible Camp, Quebec
July 18-24: Venture Mission, Zoar, WI
July 27-31: “English for Teens” Bible Camping Trip, Quebec
July 29-August 10: Team to the Nozomi Center, Japan
Visit and click on “General Information” for a
detailed STM Prayer Calendar 2015 as well as our STM Prayer
______________________________________________________________ Focus on TEAM UGANDA
OP Missionary Al Tricarico reports that the OP Uganda Mission is
looking forward to the arrival of a short-term missions team, Team
Uganda from the Presbytery of Southern California, in late June.
“Their main ministry will be teaching the Children’s Catechism (which
was recently translated and printed in the Karimojong language). The
focus will be on those questions and answers that teach on the
offices of Christ — our prophet, priest, and king. Please pray for this
effort. We want to share Christ with our friends and put into their
hands a helpful tool for their use as they seek to grow in their
knowledge of Christ (2 Peter 3:18).”
June: Join Work Team in Utah (June 22-29, 2015) Skilled volunteers
needed to join a team from Faith OPC in Long Beach, CA, that will be helping
make renovations to the church building of Christ Presbyterian Church (OPC)
in Magna, Utah, where Pastor Jason Wallace has established quite a witness
in the heart of Mormon country.
June-July: Handy Volunteers Needed in St. Augustine, FL How about a
working getaway to the beautiful coastal city of St. Augustine to help make
renovations to Covenant OPC’s new church home? Schedule your work date
for June or July now!
Summer 2015: Guitarist and Drummer Needed at the Boardwalk Chapel
The Chapel has almost reached its Volunteer Staff quota for the summer, but
still needs a guitarist and a drummer to complete their music team! Visit for all the details and to apply for a Staff position.
Donate Items to the Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, NJ
The Boardwalk Chapel would welcome the donation of plastic cups, paper
napkins, paper towels, bathroom tissue, and Shop Rite gifts cards to help
them stock up for the busy summer season ahead!
Summer 2015: “English for Teens” Bible Camping Trip in Quebec
(July 27-31, 2015) Two to three young men with camping experience are
needed to help lead St-Marc Reformed Church’s annual summer outreach to
French-speaking teens in Quebec!
Summer 2015: Help Run a VBS! (July 20-25, 2015) Calvary OPC in
Middletown, PA, is seeking volunteers to come help them present their VBS
program, “The King is Coming!”
Teach English to College Students in Asia Explore opportunities to teach
college English classes in Asia this summer or throughout the coming school
year! Qualifications, all details, and application forms can be obtained from
Rev. Douglas Clawson at
Short-Term Teachers Needed at MTI in South Korea The Missionary
Training Institute in Yeosu, South Korea, is seeking teachers of English to
teach for 10-week terms, or experts in topics such as theology, missiology,
and writing to teach for 2-3 weeks. Help train missionaries and missionary
candidates from South Korea and other nearby countries! Visit for further information.
Request an email version of the full S.T.O.R.M. Report from: David P. Nakhla, Short-­‐Term Missions and Disaster Response Coordinator Ph: (562) 760-­‐7606 Email: Website: Janet L. Birkmann, Administrative Assistant, Email: Facebook: OPCShortTermMissions OPCDisasterResponse Get all the details at under
“Current Opportunities”
From the Office of the Short-Term Missions Coordinator
Vol. 4, Issue 5 May 27, 2015 Brothers, pray for us.
1 Thess. 5:25
STM Prayer Calendar: Summer 2015
Please pray for OPC short-term missions scheduled for this summer:
June-August: Boardwalk Chapel, Wildwood, NJ
June 22-29: Work team to Magna, UT
June 22-July 2: “Team Haiti”
June 22-July 23: “Team Uganda”
June 27-July 4: “English for Kids” Bible Camp, Quebec
June 29-July 3: “English for Kids” Bible Camp, Quebec
July 6-10: “English for Kids” Bible Camp, Quebec
July 13-17: “English for Kids” Bible Camp, Quebec
July 18-24: Venture Mission, Zoar, WI
July 27-31: “English for Teens” Bible Camping Trip, Quebec
July 29-August 10: Team to the Nozomi Center, Japan
Visit and click on “General Information” for a
detailed STM Prayer Calendar 2015 as well as our STM Prayer
______________________________________________________________ Focus on TEAM UGANDA
OP Missionary Al Tricarico reports that the OP Uganda Mission is
looking forward to the arrival of a short-term missions team, Team
Uganda from the Presbytery of Southern California, in late June.
“Their main ministry will be teaching the Children’s Catechism (which
was recently translated and printed in the Karimojong language). The
focus will be on those questions and answers that teach on the
offices of Christ — our prophet, priest, and king. Please pray for this
effort. We want to share Christ with our friends and put into their
hands a helpful tool for their use as they seek to grow in their
knowledge of Christ (2 Peter 3:18).”
June: Join Work Team in Utah (June 22-29, 2015) Skilled volunteers
needed to join a team from Faith OPC in Long Beach, CA, that will be helping
make renovations to the church building of Christ Presbyterian Church (OPC)
in Magna, Utah, where Pastor Jason Wallace has established quite a witness
in the heart of Mormon country.
June-July: Handy Volunteers Needed in St. Augustine, FL How about a
working getaway to the beautiful coastal city of St. Augustine to help make
renovations to Covenant OPC’s new church home? Schedule your work date
for June or July now!
Summer 2015: Guitarist and Drummer Needed at the Boardwalk Chapel
The Chapel has almost reached its Volunteer Staff quota for the summer, but
still needs a guitarist and a drummer to complete their music team! Visit for all the details and to apply for a Staff position.
Donate Items to the Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, NJ
The Boardwalk Chapel would welcome the donation of plastic cups, paper
napkins, paper towels, bathroom tissue, and Shop Rite gifts cards to help
them stock up for the busy summer season ahead!
Summer 2015: “English for Teens” Bible Camping Trip in Quebec
(July 27-31, 2015) Two to three young men with camping experience are
needed to help lead St-Marc Reformed Church’s annual summer outreach to
French-speaking teens in Quebec!
Summer 2015: Help Run a VBS! (July 20-25, 2015) Calvary OPC in
Middletown, PA, is seeking volunteers to come help them present their VBS
program, “The King is Coming!”
Teach English to College Students in Asia Explore opportunities to teach
college English classes in Asia this summer or throughout the coming school
year! Qualifications, all details, and application forms can be obtained from
Rev. Douglas Clawson at
Short-Term Teachers Needed at MTI in South Korea The Missionary
Training Institute in Yeosu, South Korea, is seeking teachers of English to
teach for 10-week terms, or experts in topics such as theology, missiology,
and writing to teach for 2-3 weeks. Help train missionaries and missionary
candidates from South Korea and other nearby countries! Visit for further information.
Request an email version of the full S.T.O.R.M. Report from: David P. Nakhla, Short-­‐Term Missions and Disaster Response Coordinator Ph: (562) 760-­‐7606 Email: Website: Janet L. Birkmann, Administrative Assistant, Email: Facebook: OPCShortTermMissions OPCDisasterResponse