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w h a t ʼ s
i n s i d e
Fashion and passion are coming of age, an evolutionary phenomenon that is as exciting
as it is awkward. In this issue we celebrate the PASSIONAL transition from innocence
to exploration. The focus of this month’s offerings is upon creating a safe and supportive
space for the next generation to learn and experience the joys and challenges of evolution
and revolution. Play with innovative looks that defy social constraints but embrace the
traditions of many cultures and eras. Envision, realize and celebrate new rites of passage
that are not weighed down by the baggage of conformity. Partake in new celebrations like
Gothic Prom, Gay Prom and formal adult fantasy parties. Tag along with your kids for
the teens’ sex ed tour(p. 13)-- a unique introduction to the “birds and the bees” created to
bridge the gap between youth and experience. Love yourself and pass the love along to the
PASSIONAL people in your world... both young and old!
tips for a banginʼ prom ...........................................................................................................4
passional people .....................................................................................................................6
passion 101 fridays ..............................................................................................................10
passional perspectives: In the beginning..............................................................................11
talking to teens about sex .....................................................................................................12
reading about it couldnʼt hurt, either....................................................................................13
passional men: American brotherhood weekend 2004 ........................................................14
passional adventures: nuns gone wild ..................................................................................15
plus look for quotes throughout the magazine on proms, first kisses, coming out, and more!
CLOTHING- Front Cover: Eric sports a Leather Western Shirt by Northbound ($399) and Revolver Transformation Boots ($189). Melissa wears a Pink
Lady Corset by Antionette ($239), a White Wench Blouse by Empire ($9) and a Translucent White Split Skirt ($99) Back Cover: Jeff wears a Leather
Tuxedo Tail Jacket by MacCleo ($599), a Romance Shirt by Eternal ($69), Vinyl Uniform Pants by Rednexx ($89), and Revolver Transformation Boots
($189). Jay poses in a Poet Shirt by Eternal ($59) and Leather Dress Pants by Bleu ($179.99)
704 South 5th St., Philadelphia, PA 19146
v: 215-829-4986 f: 215-829-8979
www.passional.us www.passionalmagaWriters:
Grant Antrews
Kelli Dunham
Ryan Goldner
Lady Passional
Anton Puc
Camille Whitesett
Special thanks to all who wrote and
shared their first experiences and prom
Corey Armpreister
Kyle Cassidy
Do you have information to
share with our readers? Send it!
pm 4/04
PASSIONAL Magazine offers limited ad space on a first come, first served basis. Circulation
and printing records are available to advertisers upon request. The opinions expressed herein
are those of the authors and not nescessarily those of KDM Enterprises or Passional Magazine.
Contents ©2004, KDM Enterprises, 704 S. 5th St., Phila, PA 19146.
PASSIONAL is also a retailer of genuine corsets, fashions and adult accessories. The PASSIONAL
Boutique is located at 704 S. 5th St. in Philadelphia (one block from South Street) and is open
to the public daily from noon-10pm.
My prom was a disaster. I was
prettier than my date and she
couldn’t stand it! —Angela
I never made it to my senior
prom, but a year earlier I did attend
the prom of a pimply boy I felt sorry
for (he berated me all night long and
proved to me that his outcast status
was karma not cruelty on the part of
his peers, but at least I got to go to
an awesome afterparty at the health
club now known as Pennsport). My
final year in high school, I bought
tickets for my prom with the intention of shocking the entire school
by dressing in a tux and bringing
my best girlfriend. Unfortunately
she got cold feet and I used my tux
as a costume later. If I could do it
again, I would wear a dress and pack
underneath my skirt and I would
go even if I didn’t have a date!”
— Kali M.
I remember my senior prom in
high school because...I didn’t go
to it. There had been a very long
teacher’s strike that year. In order to
make up for lost days, they added
extra days at the end of June, when
school would have already let out.
I had been accepted to Penn State.
Only thing is, Penn State’s summer
classes started before my last day of
high school. This meant missing all
sorts of year-end activities, including the prom. So I never went. I’m
still waiting for the opportunity to
wear a wrist corsage. — Ruth W.
Above: Jeff wears a Leather Tuxedo Tail Jacket by MacCleo ($599), a Romance Shirt by Eternal ($69), and Vinyl Uniform Pants by Rednexx ($89),
while Liz wears a purple Angelique Corset ($299) and a Coatney Tutu ($129). Opposite: Jen and Chrissy each wear a Lady Corset ($229.99), a Diva
Skirt w/ Lace Overlay ($139) and White Satin Opera Gloves ($29)
My prom dress really was my
first sexy outfit. It was all black,
crossed back and I looked killer
in it. Last time I’ve worn a dress,
too! —Mel
Mom’s old stilletto heels and
her 50’s dresses from the cedar
chest. Oh sweet bliss! This also
happens to be my first naughty
secret, too! — Angela
I remember the day I bought my first sexy outfit. I had decided to have some Philly fun that
day, and was thinking what can I get to surprise my boyfriend. I walked into PASSIONAL and
was instantly drawn to this sexy catsuit. I just had to have it! I glanced over at the necklaces
and collars and bought a leather choker as well. I was on cloud nine. I rushed home, put on
my new outfit, did my make up, and waited for my boyfriend to come home. When he saw
me, he got down on his knees and begged for domination. That was 3 years ago, and he is still
my slave. —Kit
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p a s s i o n a l
p r o m s
tips for a banginʼ PROM
The date is set, now the fun
starts! Find a date, get tickets,
get dressed. Don’t sweat buckets.
There is much to consider, but
getting geared up for prom is half
the fun, isn’t it?
Prom date: Going to the prom alone IS an option,
but most of us want company, even if it isn’t romantic.
Cousins and friends have traditionally provided the
backup plan for guys and girls who can’t find (or don’t
want) an intimate affair but still want to participate
in the passage of prom night with their classmates
and a really good deejay. Ask anybody who you think
would be fun to dance with for a night to join you.
The worst they can do is say “no,” and then all you
have to do is ask someone else. Don’t be pushy, just
make an offer without pressure and move on if you
don’t get a positive response. Gay prom? How cool
is your school? Classmates might be shocked if you
flaunt you fabulous “friend” which can be a good or
a bad thing depending on how your friends might
react and whether or not the faculty of your school
is supportive. If you want to wow your pals in full
drag, go on! Or you may choose to bring a buddy
of the opposite sex to the prom and dance your tail
feathers off just for the sake of being there. Philly’s
Alternative Prom for LGBTQ Youth is a great place
to hook up with your own people. It’s being held
Friday, June 18th from 8pm - Midnight at the William Way Community Center, 1315 Spruce St. For
more information or to contribute to the prom fund,
contact GALAEI’s Louis Ortiz at louis@galaei.org or
PROM Fashion 101 for girls. Just say no to cookiecutter gowns. There are too many generic options and
you don’t need to spend hours in the mall looking
through limited choices just to risk showing up in
the same dress as three other classmates. It is much
more fun to hunt for separates to mix and match
(remember, you may end up being one of many
modern girls go to more than one prom in their
lifetime, so mixing and matching gives you extra
options!) Bustiers or corsets combine with skirts for
fabulous formal looks that are stylish and seductive
for your big-time date with decadence. Sheer shirts
can be worn under a bodice for modesty and fashion.
Lace gowns can be worn with slips underneath in
continued on page 8
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The thrill of two bodies moving together in sync with the music, the smell
of sweet perfume mingling, and the bulge in my silk panties... Wait, that was
my first romantic dance crossdressed. The first time, the bulge was in my
tightie whities. —Angela
p a s s i o n a l
p e o p l e
Fine Dining: Dining Out for Life
happens Thursday, April 29th. Making a
difference is as easy as going out to eat at
193 participating restaurants who donate
33% of your food bill to pay for local
services for those infected and affected by
this life altering/threatening disease.See
www.diningoutforlife.com. Philadelphia’s
Where the Goths are: Noctourne
Wednsesdays get a glamorous makeover Wednesday April 28th when
PASSIONAL teams up with photographer Kyle Cassidy to present
Gothic Prom Night at Shampoo
from 9pm -2am. The prom you
always wished you could attend,
dress up at PASSIONAL and you
can be crowned King or Queen of
the evening! Sin Thursdays happen
at La Tazza on Thursdays and Dark
Corner at Ulana’s every Saturday
night. Revolutions at Paradise Alley
detonates every other Saturday.
neo-burlesque comedic dinner
theater troupe The Peekaboo
Revue (peekaboonews-subscribe
@yahoogroups.com) performs at
the Five Spot the first Saturday of
the month.
Where the Fetishes are: First
Friday’s Shock Therapy (www.
shock-therapy.net) in Philly has
moved to a great new space with
FREE parking! People are also
raving about The Playground
(www. shibaratai.com) monthly
play party every third Friday
at Ulana’s, 2nd and Bainbridge
(discount admission with flyer
from www.shibaratai.com/playground). You won’t want to miss
Taboo, the first fetish night hosted
by Larry Flynt’s HUSTLER Club
in Baltimore. For more information, see their ad on page 15.
Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans: Philadelphia
Black Gay Pride is a weekend of activities
from April 22-25 (www.philly blackpride.
org or www.colours.org). Subscribe to
Rainbow Xpress (www.rainbowxpress.biz)
for email news. Equality Forum (www.
equality forum.org) is an internationally
flavored queer culture and education festival that take splace form April 26- May
2. This year-check out the PASSIONAL
fashion show at the wrap up street fair on
12th Street Sunday, May 2nd. Space for
Youngsters: The Attic Youth Center (www.
atticyouthcenter.org) houses a variety of
programs and services and is Philadelphia’s
Safe Space for lgbt and guestioning youth.
Located at 255 S. 16th Street in Downtown
Philly, you can stop in Monday to Friday
from 1pm to 9pm or make an appointment
by calling 215-545-4331 or e-mailing atticyouthcenter@ aol.com
Where the Guys are: For affordable
drinks in a casual atmosphere, Philly’s
leather bar The Bike Stop (www.thebikestop.com) on Quince Street is chock full
of men hanging out and cruising in the pit
or dancing at the top of the stop with no
cover, ever! For safe and discrete encounters,
Philly Jacks (www.philadelphia jacks.com)
j/o parties for men two Wednesday’s each
month and other special dates.
Where the Grrls are: WET women’s
night at the Bike Stop (see above) happens
from 7-12 every first Friday down in the pit.
Pousse Café is PASSIONAL’s first Saturday
interactive dyke go-go party where anyone
can sign up to shake their money-makers
from 9PM-1AM the first Saturday of every
month (April 2 PROM night is the official
afterparty for Philly Drag King Contest (see
below) and $1 from every full priced entry
benefits The Dyke March . The Mercury
Lounge has become the long-term home for
GirL the third Saturday of each month.
Check out their newly completed website
Where the drags are: April is a DRAG in
Philly with the IFGE National Transgender
convention in town April 1-3 (www.ifge.
org). Look for special launch party for
Transgender Community News magazine’s
new glossy format (www.ren.org) and watch
the annual Philadelphia Drag King Contest
at William Way Center Saturday April 2
more on next page
Do you host an event for Passional People? Let us know at LadyPassional@aol.com
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p a s s i o n a l
p e o p l e
continued from left
to benefit the Philly Dyke March. Friday, April 9, get to12th Air
Command for Jaded Lounge, a campy drag-friendly social party
for ASIAC (AIDS Services in Asian Communities) that happens
the 2nd Friday of every month.
Where the bunnies and duckies are: ANNUAL EASTER SUNDAY PROMENADE Sunday, April 11, 2004 12:30 – 3:00 pm, 8th
& South to the Plaza @ 2nd & South Join six Mummers String
Bands, The Easter Bunny, Phil E. Duck and Philly’s Dignitaries
on Parade, culminating in South Street’s Annual Easter Finery &
Bonnet Contest where you can win big prizes and strut your stuff!
Hosted By Philadelphia’s Favorite Flamboyant Henri David and a
Panel of Celebrity Judges
Where the magic is: Delaware Valley Pagan Network sponsors the
Crystal Ball Saturday April 17. Learn about the “The Healing Arts”
with teachers and artisans from all over the Delaware Valley. Visit
their website for a list of activities and features www.dvpn.org
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p a s s i o n a l
p r o m s
BELOW: Eric and Melissa show off the cover fashions and
Jay sports his back cover ensemble (descriptions p.3).
Jay’s date Jen models the cotton Metropolis
Dress ($99)
banginʼ PROM
continued from page 5
contrasting colors for romantic allusion (right). Body
shape. If you have curves, consider a sleek silhouette. If
you are bottom heavy, choose flattering a-lines. If you
are top heavy, wear brighter colors on your skirt. Empire
waisted dresses create the illusion of bustiness for thin
women. Gothic is beautiful. Industrial floor length skirts
and other unique looks can be yours during one of the
most memorable nights of your life. Live it up, express
yourself and have a great time!
PROM Fashion 101 for guys. Most guys
wear tuxedos to their proms. But why
waste a hundred bucks renting a tux you
won’t ever wear again when you can
invest in a genuine leather tailcoat (page
4) complete with a cincher/ cummerbund! Thanks to Hollywood and MTV,
both guys and gals are putting their own
spin on high fashion/ formal and prom
choices for young men are expanding
to unusual and exotic options like the
leather Western shirt (left), Gothic
jackets and more!
is customary for the guy to buy a
corsage. Know what colors you
will be wearing so that the corsage
you choose doesn’t clash, or shop
together for matching flowers.
Photography. Get a price list
before so you don’t get caught short!
Bring a camera for informal shots
throughout the evening— those photos
may turn out to be your favorite prom
souvenirs. It can be fun for three or
four couples to go together to the prom
in a limousine — but reserve the car in
advance and decide who is gonna split
the $400+
Proms are sexy, play carefully. This is
your first adult “formal night out” and romance will be raging for many prom attendees.
more next page
My first sexy outfit was a latex tube top bought for me by my first boyfriend. I was 16, he was 19.
It was the beginning of a lifestyle that I still practice today. Little miss goodie two shoes at work,
freakazoid fetish diva at home. —Susan
Being a big teen is great for being a linebacker, but I felt awkward out of shoulder pads and a helmet. After high school, I dieted, dropped the weight I wanted and rewarded myself with a pair of
32-inch waist leather 501s. I slipped them on with a plain white tee, and, for the first time, looked in
the mirror and actually felt sexy! To this day, that look still does it for me. —Patrick
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p a s s i o n a l
p r o m s
LEFT: Liz and Jen are wearing Summer Gowns in Black
and Lilac ($69 ea) but Jen has hers cinched with a Butter-fly
Cincher from Delicious ($399). Melissa has attitude to spare
in her metallic Pleated Leather Corset ($459) next to Eric in
his Marquis Shirt ($69). BELOW: Melissa bites the tip of her
Portolano Leather Opera Gloves ($219) while she decides
how tight to cinch her Black Widow Corset ($369)
atop her Coatney Floor-length tu-tu ($129)
These styles and more are available from
PASSIONAL, 704 S. 5th Street in
Philly or call 877U-CORSET
cont’d from left
Be prepared to play safe and stow safer sex supplies in the pockets of your jacket or
stash them in style in your very own Play Safe Thong (available at PASSIONAL,
see left) complete with a condom in a pouch that you won’t accidentally leave in
the car! See page 13 for sexuality resources.
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p a s s i o n
1 0 1
F r i d a y s
fantasy workshops
A PASSIONAL twist on teaching, attending these interactive workshops will
expand your horizons. Our intimate classes in fashion, flirtation, and fantasy
are held Friday nights (except for second Fridays) in the Aprhodite Gallery
above the Boutique, 704 S. 5th St. Register in advance as space is extremely
limited. Unless otherwise specified, classes run from 7-9pm and tuition for all
classes is $35/person, $60/kissing couple. 877-U-CORSET
April 2 — Dress for Sexcess with Kali Morgan An exploration of fashion maneuvers to keep you hot during work, lunch/ dinner dates or in the bedroom! Check out
crotchless panties, bustless bras, sexy thongs, non-piercing body jewelry, garters and
stockings, etc and participate in activities such as panty swapping (bring a partner to
play with or we will try to pair you up at the class... no guarantees). Co-sponsored
by SHOCK Therapy (www.shock-therapy.net). Students get half price admission to
SHOCK that night!
April 9 — Second Friday Gallery hours for the continuing exhibit of Alain David’s
Abstractions of Venus in Aphrodite Gallery from 7-10PM. Enjoy complimentary
refreshments and drink in this unique (and affordable) collection (www.aphroditegallery.us)
April 16 — Fantasy Fulfillment thru Role Play with Diva Veronica Bound Have you
ever had erotic fantasies in which you were a character from another time, place, culture
April 30 — Structuring a Scene with Pandora: Join Ms.
Philadelphia Leather 1994 for a valuable workshop in creating a fantasy scenario. New or
old to the fantasy play, setting
up a scene can be perplexing.
Learn how to have the best
session possible through quick,
effective negotiations. Pandora
will be sharing experiences and
insight on how to capture that
information, execute a scene
to turn those fantasies into
safe realities. This workshop
was originally presented at
BR2003 by Pandora and Brianna (MD/DC).
or perhaps even a different gender? If so, then it’s time to explore
erotic role play to enhance your romance. Learn tips and tricks to
constructing role play fantasy scenes that are simple, effective and
don’t require elaborate or expensive costumes or props. This class is
cosponsored by The Playground (www.shibaritai.com/playground)
- students can attend The Playground for half price after class (just
three blocks down Bainbridge)
April 23 — Beginning Whip Braiding and Demonstration
Learn basic braiding techniques for whip maintenence, especially
particular cracker maintenance. Includes discussion on material
sources, a demonstration and tips for improving your whipping
skills as well as materials for use in class.
girl goodies: HITACHI MAGIC WAND
Growing up as a woman can be tough, but it does not have to be pleasureless thanks to the Hitachi Magic Wand. Endorsed by
generations of women, this is a device that every mother should gift to her daughter. Remind the young woman in your life that
“High School can be stressful, and a good massager will help ease some of that tension!” Bestow this gift upon her
and ask no questions ... she will thank you for it later on in life!
Sometimes called the Cadillac of vibrators, this is America’s most popular electric massager. Sold in some sex
shops for upwards of $90, but also available in select department stores, this discrete yet powerful pleasure tool can
pound your stress into orgasm in a very short time — right through your clothing! The foot-long, two-speed
Hitachi has a soft, tennis ball sized head which is equally good for squeezing blissfully between your thighs or
for running up and down a sore back. Even guys can benefit from this wonder wand. The ideal choice for those
who want a massager with many uses that needn’t raise any eyebrows! Buy from PASSIONAL for $69.99.
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p a s s i o n a l
p e r s p e c t i v e s
By Grant Antrews
In all of life, there can be no more difficult time than adolescence. It’s a time of pimples and scholastic challenges, a time when
grownups seem obsessed with questions like “What are you going
to be?” At the same moment strange chemicals called hormones
are coursing through your body, and suddenly you find yourself
in close proximity to (Gulp!) members of the opposite sex! Your
body changes; things like hair and bulges and zits suddenly emerge,
and that’s just outside.
Inside, it is a time of turmoil. Some will become obsessed with
the opposite sex while others find that they are more attracted to
their own. Suddenly, the “kids” you’ve grown up with are different, you notice their bulges and body fur and all the fascinating
changes, and your thoughts begin to wander off down strange new
paths and into the wilderness of fantasy! Desire happens, and with
it the realization that you have to negotiate to find an outlet for
your sexual urges. The telephone takes on a whole new significance.
You ask for your first date, or wait for someone to ask, and those
chemicals keep a-surging!
Stimulation is everywhere! Modern sexuality is a commodity,
and because it is marketed aggressively, it has become our society’s
preoccupation. Baseball is no longer our national pastime, and folks
like Britney Spears, Madonna, Janet Jackson, Paris Hilton and Kid
Rock know it! Sadly, that only leaves the newcomer with greater
obstacles. Everyone else is so obviously enjoying their sexuality.
How can I get under way? And, with whom?
I was about twelve, just accompanying my mother to the drug
store. While she ordered a prescription, I wandered to the magazine
rack to see if there were any new hot rod magazines. I wasn’t, up to
then, interested in girls. Well, I noticed an unusual magazine “for
men”, with a comely woman on the cover, and she was falling out
of her shirt! Strangely, I had never noticed that girls have different
chest dimensions than boys until that very moment. I picked up
the magazine and timidly peeked inside, and there were women
with only the scantiest bits of underwear, and the most magnificent
curves and valleys I had ever seen! Suddenly, without warning, in
the aisle at the drug store, something terrible happened.
While looking at the pictures of the girls, a strange electric chill
In my Catholic school, we had to read the stories on martyrs. I
remember becoming aroused after reading a spanking scene in one
of them. I was only in the fifth grade, but I was mesmerized. I read
that passage over and over and over again. Then when I was 11,
I let a girlfriend of mine Domme me. We were really too young
to understand what we were doing, all I knew was it was the best
thing that I’d experienced and I never wanted it to stop. I’ve never
felt shame for my tendencies, nor have I ever felt compelled to hide
who and what I am. — BJ
came over me, and I wet my pants! It was horrendous, completely
unexpected, and I was shocked. There had been no warning, and
in truth, it didn’t feel like the usual emptying of my bladder. It
was deeper somehow, and pulsing, and not altogether unpleasant.
Except, of course, that I now had an embarrassing dark stain spreading across the front of my pants!
Later, back at home, I rode my bicycle down to the corner store
and looked for that magazine. I couldn’t find the exact same one,
but there was another, and pretty ladies frolicking in delicate lacey
underthings! That night in bed, I touched myself, and suddenly wet
myself again! This time, I knew it wasn’t exactly like wetting my
pants. It was pleasurable, and devastating,
and I knew I had to learn to control it or
Shelby (sic) was the girl next door. The only actual contact we had was across the alface terrible embarrassment at school. I
leyway, when we flashed each other from our bedroom windows. She was my first real
didn’t know it, but I had discovered sex!
live nekkid lady. She showed her boobs; I showed my chest. She flashed butt; so did
I. When she stuck the soles of her feet out at me...oh! Butt, boobs, feet — probably
the first event towards unlocking the secret combination to my sexual appetites. That
summer, I found my female playmates, and their bare feet, arousing. Not to mention
feeding my exhibitionistic tendencies as well! — Podo
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p a s s i o n a l
t e e n s
by Camille Whitsett
When it comes to talking about sex, many parents don’t know
where to start, or when. Most parents of 10 to 12 year olds have not
talked to them about peer pressure or sex. Most of our adolescents
get their information at school or from the media. Teens do not think
their parents talk to them enough about how they feel about dating,
relationships, and sex.
Some basics to keep in mind:
1) Teens want their parents and caregivers to talk to them about
2) Make use of the media: Talk to your kids about what they are seeing, and what message is being conveyed. This opens up a discussion
of values, attitudes and beliefs about sexuality. It also reinforces the
desire to talk about sexual issues without fear, if approached openly
I have very fond memories of my prom! We spent
the evening with my girlfriend’s best friend and her
boyfriend Mark. We met during the exciting prom
planning process, and we hit it off well from the start.
So we decided to spend the evening together, sharing
the limo, sitting together at dinner, and even sharing
the hotel room afterwards ... well, not only afterwards!
During our hotel room per-party set up, Mark and
I were so revved up, all we could do was talk about
our post-prom antics. The more we talked, the more
graphic it got. And as the details flowed, well, so did the
blood. One thing led to another and before I knew it,
our pants were down and we were sharing much more
than I had ever expected! Trust me, it was a great night
all around. — Ant
talking to teens about Sex
Guidelines for Parents and Caretakers
and without judgment by discussing why both child and parent believe and feel
the way they do.
3) It’s O.K. to feel uncomfortable talking about sex: When you don’t know
where to start, it can bring up feelings of uncertainty for both you and your child.
Try to relax and remind your child that the reason you are talking to him/her is
because you love them and you want to help them. This also gives you a chance
to assess why you are uncomfortable talking about sex and ways to help you feel
more comfortable. It can also encourage you to get more information or seek
out resources for both you and your child to get the information you need and
keep the lines of communication open.
4) Be “ask-able”: Encourage your child to come to you to discuss any questions
he/she may have. Let them know that you care and what to know what is going
on in their lives, you are willing to listen and want to help them make decisions
that will benefit them.
5) Be aware of the “question behind the question”: Many times the issue of
“normalcy” is behind their questions. Young people question their sexual development, thoughts and feelings and compare and contrast their developmental
processes with those of their peers. They need to be reassured that they are
going through is normal.
6) Remember that facts are not just enough: Your children also need to know
your feelings, attitudes and beliefs. They need to know how you feel and why
you feel that way, it helps them develop their attitudes and values. It also helps
them decide what they want to do and what they do not. Children remember
what you tell them and it helps to shape their decisions.
7) Talk about the joys of sexuality: Tell them about loving relationships, how they
can have a positive impact on their lives, producing feelings of well-being and
trust. Let them know that intimacy is one of the best parts of having a relationship. To give them a better understanding, use the relationship you have with
them or the relationships they have with their friends. Explain how intimacy can
produce feelings of trust, companionship, understanding and love. Also explain
how love and intimacy have positive impacts on adult relationships.
continued next page
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p a s s i o n a l
Talking ABout sex
t e e n s
continued from left
8) Know what community groups, faithbased organizations and schools are teaching
your child about sexuality: This allows you
to talk to your child about what he/she has
learned and what they feel.
* Sexuality Information and Educational
Council of the United States (SIECUS)
Above all else, parents need to know they are
instrumental in their child’s education: how you
respond to the questions they ask can determine
both your and their comfort level in discussing
sexuality. Listen to your child without judgment. Be open to their questions, even if it
makes you uncomfortable. Acknowledge your
feelings and their vulnerability. Humble yourself
to their innocence and thirst for knowledge and
you will help shape their adulthood and future
The Birds and the Bees Tour for Teens
How can you teach your kids about the “birds and the bees? Every parent wants
their kids to develop healthy relationships and habits without get stung, and without
suffering from unwanted fallout in the eyeballs. Unfortunately, such discussions are
often awkward not just for moms and dads but for teenaged youth as well!
Finally, the people at PASSIONAL have gotten together wth sex educators and
service organizations to create SEXPEDTIONS: The Birds and the Bees Tour for
Teens. On Saturday, April 17, 2004, this educational and entertaining “field trip”
will introduce teens aged 14-17 to
• the mating habits, orientations and anatomies of animals,
• basic anatomy and safer sex techniques including self-loving
• communication methods and relationship building
• organizations and facilities for counseling and family planning
Parents can sign their kids up beginning April 1 at which time the final tour
itinerary will be posted at www.sexpeditions.us. Registration for the tour includes
transport, admission to all venues, and educational activities on the SEXPEDITIONS school bus. Tour departs from Aphrodite Gallery at PASSIONAL where
teens will check and board the bus and returns four hours later (www.sexpeditions.
us for info)
Reading about sex couldnʼt hurt, either!
Teen Talk about Sex And Health: An Easy Guide To Loving Carefully For Men and Women, Third Edition (Lyn McKee, Winifred
Kempton, and Lynne Stiggall-Muccigrosso, illustrations by Vivien
Cohen) presents information about sexuality in simple language.
It addresses anatomy, abstinence, intercourse, contraception,
pregnancy, STDs, sexual health problems, visiting the doctor for a
sexual health exam, and sexual orientation. A glossary is included.
The Underground Guide to Teenage Sexuality: An Essential Handbook for Today’s Teens and Parents (Michael
J. Basso) is an easy-to-read handbook that
answers teenagers’ questions about health
and sexuality. Chapters include: “Sexual
Anatomy,” “Contraception and Birth Control,” and “How to Say No to Sex.” The
introduction, written for both parents and
educators, contains valuable tips to foster
communication with teens about sexuality. A
glossary and index are included. ($14.95)
Reflections of a Rock Lobster : A Story
about Growing Up Gay Aaron Fricke made national news by taking a male date to his high school prom. Published in 1981, this
book is his story, told with insight and humor, about developing a
positive gay identity in spite of the prejudice around him.
Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice to all Creation (Olivia Judson) is a
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unique guide to the evolutionary biology of sex. It is narrated
through an advice column in which Dr Tatiana, the racy new
agony aunt, replies to letters from organisms worried about the peculiar things
their lovers do. Manatees, honeybees,
spiders, black vultures, green spoon
worms, hyenas, slime molds: these are
just a few of the troubled creatures Dr
Tatiana advises. Their problems? These
run the gamut from giant sperm to dwarf
males, from homosexuality to infidelity,
from sexual cannibalism to incest. Rich
in natural history, this fascinating, accessible, hilarious book is a must-have for
anyone interested in sex and why it so
often seems to be such a bother.
Telling Tales Out of School (edited by Kevin Jennings) A
collection of over thirty personal memoirs, in which gays,
lesbians, and bisexuals look back at their school days. Essential
reading, edited by the executive director of the national Gay,
Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN).
Look for these at your local bookseller or pick one up at
PASSIONAL, 704 South 5th St.
p a s s i o n a l
American Brotherhood
Weekend 2004
by Ryan Goldner
The producers of American Brotherhood Weekend are proud
to announce that this year’s ABW will be held April 16-18, 2004.
ABW 2003 played to a sold out crowd and was an amazing success. This year we have even more surprises in store, expect record
attendance, and want you to be a part of it all!
For folks who dont know about ABW, its a giant weekend that
draws in leather and fetish folks from all walks of life and from
across the country!
There is already much excitement about this year’s event because
we will be welcoming a new member to the American Leather
Family! This year the weekend will host 4 contests! The American
Leathergirl will join the American Leatherman, Leatherwoman,
and Leatherboy, completing the family. Another new and exciting
feature of ABW 2004 is the addition of 2 Vendor Marts in the
hotel with top-notch leather and fetish vendors from across the
ABW 2004 will have a new home as well. This year we are moving
to an exciting new venue in Arlington, Virginia, only 5 minutes
from downtown DC. The beautiful Sheraton National Hotel has
many exciting features including a glass-enclosed rooftop swimming pool for private late night events, newly renovated contest,
reception and formal banquet venues and beautiful guest rooms
(with brand new beds) priced at an incredible rate that includes
free parking and buffet breakfast! The hotel also will be picking
up all ABW attendees who arrive at Ronald Reagan Washington
National Airport.
ABW will be arranging tours of the Nation’s Capitol for Thursday
and Friday during the day. Washington is beautiful this time of year
as the Cherry Blossoms are in bloom!
We are honored that our current titleholders Bill Mitchell, Sheryl
Dee and Boy Jeff Nowak will be joined on the judging panel this
year by:
John Weis-founder of the Leather Leadership Conference;
Sandy “Mama” Reinhardt-San Francisco activist and head
of Mama’s Family, Gayle Rubin-noted Gay and Lesbian
author, historian and professor, Mik Miller-founder of
the American Brotherhood Weekend, David Kloss-International Mr. Leather 1979, our Judge Emeritus Marcus
Hernandez-Bay Area Reporter Columnist and head judgeJudy Tallwing International Ms. Leather 1987.
Please check www.americanbrotherhood.com in the months
to come for frequent updates, news, events and information on
our current titleholders, official preliminary events, registration
information and more. Make your travel plans and register early,
don’t be left out! You can register online quick and easy! We look
forward to seeing you in April!
When I came out to my mother, it went this smoothly:
Me: Mom, I’m a lesbian! Mom: Oh, ok. Let’s go to
dinner. —Niki
My mom found out by accident. She was remoteassisting me with my computer (she’s in Chicago, and
I am in Norfolk ); we were also talking on the phone.
I minimized my internet windows so she could do her
thing and my bondage.com account popped up and
she saw it. She really wasn’t too terribly shocked and all
things considering, she took it rather well. She’s about
as conservative as they come, but I guess your opinion
changes when you realize that your only child is a part of
the very sub-culture you are condemning. Those closest
to me have suspected it; they of course learned quickly
to only ask questions to which they really want answers
to. —Ruth W.
Toys for Boys:
Simulated flesh by fleshlight
Originally developed as educational tools, the chemistry
and design of Fleshlight replicates the feel of penetrative
sex. The revolutionary, true-to-life “ Real Feel Super Skin “
gel sleeves took more than 2 million dollars to develop and
the unique “ Fleshlight “ offers a safe, concealable, portable
and fun method for men of all ages to explore most erotic
Available in a variety of styles – Mouth, Anus , Vagina
and Non-Descript, the Fleshlight presents it users with a
multitude of erotic experiences, fantasies and sensations to
elevate orgasms to a new peak of intense pleasure.
The anatomically realistic Fleshlight is also an incredible
educational tool for demonstrating safer sex techniques
and other visual lessons. What more can a guy want for 69
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p a s s i o n a l
a d v e n t u r e s
Nuns Gone Wild
by Kelli Dunham
I wasn’t the world’s best nun.
In fact, they held me back as a
pre-aspirant for over a year. This is
the convent equivalent of flunking
pre-school 12 times.
The nuns said I had (this is an
actual quote) “too much self-esteem.”
This “too much self esteem” usually manifested itself late in the
afternoon, when -having chopped every vegetable and washed every dish within a five mile radius-my fellow nuns in training and I
would return from the soup kitchen and sit down to be schooled
in the ways of convent life.
Every day, there was a new surprise. One day, Sister Milagros, our
pre-aspirancy Mistress (yup, once again their word, not mine) announced we would only talk to our families once a month. The next
day she explained that from then on we would be eating breakfast
standing up, the next that we would be dispensing with, well, let’s
just say some of the most basic of personal hygiene practices.
We were making beautiful sacrifices for Jesus, Sister Milagros
explained. The other nuns in training always responded with “Yes,
Sister, thank you sister.” I always responded with “What?????”
Hence, the “too much self esteem” accusation.
One afternoon Sister Milagros came to our lessons carrying a
small leather flogger and a circular metal object that looked like
it was made of barbed wire. “Sisters, starting tomorrow morning
when we get up we will strike ourselves 12 times with this and wear
this armlet until after Mass.”
“It helps with chastity,” she went on to explain.
“Oh is that what they’re calling it now?” was my inside thought.
Out loud I said “Yes sister, thank you sister,” to Sister Milagros’
great surprise.
Two months later I realize that the process I was going through
was not making me holy and was instead making me very unhappy.
I used my safe word, er safe words, saying “I’m getting the hell
out of here.”
I took off my nun garb, changed into jeans and a tee shirt and laid
my crucifix and other nun accoutrements beside my folded habit.
But remembering the age-old admonition about not throwing out
the baby with the bathwater, I hesitated for a moment.
And just before leaving, I thrust the tiny leather flogger and shiny
armlet into my pocket.
Just, I thought, in case.
Kelli Dunham (www.kellidunham.com) is a writer and stand-up comic in Philadelphia.
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