SE CHOOSE CHOOSE SPORT YOUR F SPORTYOUR F SPORT The All-New 2015 RC 350 F SPORT The All-New 2015 RC 350 F SPORT The LEASE PAYMENT LEASE LEASE APR THE LEXUS F SPORT EVENT 2.9 699 $ T EVENT THE LEXUS F SPORT EVENT * F SPORT CREDIT %* $ 39 MONTHS DOWN PAYMENT $6,430* PAYMENT INCLUDES $500ˆ F SPORT CREDIT. 2015 IS 250 F SPORT 2015 GS 350 F SPORT LEASE PAYMENT LEASE LEASE APR PAYMENT F SPORT CREDIT LEASE APR 2015 IS 2015 250GS F SPORT 350 F2015 SPORT RX 350 F SPORT LEASE PAYMENT LEASE PAYMENT LEASE APR LEASE LEASE APR PAYMENT LEASE APR F SPORT CREDIT F SPORT CREDIT F SPORT CREDIT LEASE APR 500 699 2.9 p to $3,500 Receive on select F SPORT models.credits of up to $3,500 on select models. Receive F SPORT credits of up to $3,500 on select models. PORT CREDIT LEASE PAYMENT $^ * F SPORT CREDIT %* $ 39 MONTHS DOWN PAYMENT $6,430* PAYMENT INCLUDES $500ˆ F SPORT CREDIT. 500 6 $ ^ DOWN PAYME 2015 2015 GS 350 RXF350 SPORT F SPORT 20 LEASE PAYMENT LEASE APR LEASE APRF SPORT CREDIT F SPORTLEASE CREDITPAYMENT F SPORT CREDIT 2.9 3399 92 000 1 9 3 500 2,000 399 1.96992,000 ,000 6991 9 2649 3 000 699 6492 91 9 3 000 3 500 $ ^ * $ %* $ * %^* $ $ 39 MONTHS 39 MONTHS DOWN PAYMENT $6,670* DOWN PAYMENT $7,400* PAYMENT INCLUDES $2,000ˆ F SPORT PAYMENT CREDIT. INCLUDES $3,000ˆ F SPORT CREDIT. I ERS LOWER MAINLAND LEXUS DEALERS OPENROADREGENCY LEXUS RICHMOND LEXUS 5631 Parkwood 2288 Burrard Way Street Richmond Vancouver (604) 273-5533 (604) 739-1212 I $ *^ ^ %*$ $ %* $* %*^ $ $ . . , , . , * MONTHS 39 MONTHS DOWN PAYMENT DOWN $6,670 PAYMENT $7,400 DOWN PAYMENT $6,560* * 39 * 39 MONTHS PAYMENT INCLUDES PAYMENT$2,000 INCLUDES ˆ F SPORT $3,000 CREDIT. ˆ F SPORT PAYMENT CREDIT. INCLUDES $3,500ˆ F SPORT CREDIT. $ *^ * %* $%* $ . . , , ^ ^ 39 MONTHS DOWN PAYMENT DOWN$7,400 PAYMENT * $6,560 * 39 MONTHS PAYMENT INCLUDES PAYMENT$3,000 INCLUDES ˆ F SPORT $3,500 CREDIT. ˆ F SPORT CREDIT. LEA 6 $ DOW PAY I Offers end April 30th. Visit your local Lexus dealer Offers today.end April 30th. Visit your local Lexus dealer today. LOWER MAINLAND LEXUS DEALERS REGENCY OPENROAD JIM PATTISON LEXUS LEXUS LEXUS RICHMOND 2288 Burrard Northshore 5631 Street Parkwood Auto MallWay Vancouver North Vancouver (604) Richmond 739-1212 (604) (604)982-0033 273-5533 JIM PATTISON OPENROAD REGENCY LEXUS LEXUS LEXUS Northshore 3150 Auto 2288 St. Mall Burrard Johns Street Street North Vancouver Port Vancouver (604) Moody982-0033 (604) (604)461-7623 739-1212 OPENROAD JIM PATTISON LEXUS LEXUS 3150 St. Johns Northshore StreetAuto Mall Port Moody North (604) Vancouver 461-7623 (604) 982-0033 he^$500/$2,000/$3,000/$3,500 purchase/lease of new Lexus 2015 FRC SPORT 350 Fcredit SPORT/2015 available to IS qualified F SPORTretail sedan/2015 customers GSon350 the purchase/lease F SPORT/2015ofRX new 350 Lexus F ^$500/$2,000/$3,000/$3,500 SPORT 2015 RC models 350and F SPORT/2015 will be deducted IS FFfrom SPORT SPORT thesedan/2015 negotiated credit available price GSto350 after qualified Ftaxes. SPORT/2015 retail Limited customers time RXoffer 350 onisthe Fsubject SPORT purchase/lease tomodels changeand or of new cancellation will be Lexus deducted 2015 without RC from notice. 350 the Fnegotiated *Lease SPORT/2015 offers price provided ISafter F SPORT taxes. through Limited sedan/2015 Lexus time Financial offer GS 350 is subject Services, F SPORT/2015 toon change approved orRX cancellation 350 F SPORT without models notice.and *Lease will beoffers deducted provided fromthrough the negotiated Lexus Financial price after Services, taxes. Limited on approved time o 39credit. month*Representative term at an annual lease rateexample of 2.9%based and MSRP on a 2015 of $59,798. RC 350Monthly AWD Fpayment SPORT sfx is $699 ‘F’ onwith a 39$6,430 month term downatpayment an annualorrate equivalent credit. of 2.9% *Representative trade and MSRP in, $0 security of lease $59,798. example deposit Monthly and based first payment on monthly a 2015 is payment $699 RC 350 with due AWD $6,430 at lease F SPORT down inception. payment sfx ‘F’Total onoralease 39 equivalent month obligation term tradeisatin, $33,705. an$0annual security 65,000 ratedeposit of 2.9% kilometre and andfirst MSRP allowance; monthly of $59,798. payment charge Monthly due of $0.20/km at lease payment inception. for excess is $699 Total kilometres. with lease $6,430 obligation *Representative downis payment $33,705.or65,000 equivalent kilometre trade in,allowance; $0 securitycharge deposit of and $0.20/km first monthly for excess payment kilometres. due at lease *Representative inception. To oflease 1.9%example and MSRP based of $43,048. on a 2015Monthly IS 250 Fpayment SPORT issfx$399 ‘F’ onwith a 39$6,670 month term downatpayment an annual or rate equivalent of 1.9%trade and MSRP in, $0 security of $43,048. deposit lease Monthly and example first payment monthly basedison payment $399 a 2015 with due IS$6,670 250 at lease F SPORT down inception. payment sfx ‘F’Total onoralease equivalent 39 month obligation trade termisatin, $22,233. an$0annual security 65,000 ratedeposit of 1.9% kilometre and andfirst MSRP allowance; monthly of $43,048. payment charge of due Monthly $0.20/km at lease payment inception. for excess is $399 Total kilometres. with lease $6,670 obligation *Representative downis payment $22,233. lease or65,000 equivalent examplekilometre based tradeon in,allowance; a$0 2015 security charge deposit of $0.20/km and first monthly for excess payment kilometres. due at lease *Representative inception. Total leaselease example obligation basedison$22,233. a 2015 64,148. GS 350Monthly AWD Fpayment SPORT issfx$699 ‘F’ onwith a 39$7,400 month term downatpayment an annual or rate equivalent of 2.9%trade and in, MSRP $0 security of $64,148. deposit Monthly and first payment monthlyis payment $699 GS 350 with due AWD $7,400 at lease F SPORT down inception. payment sfx ‘F’Total onoralease equivalent 39 month obligation term tradeisatin,$34,666. an$0annual security 65,000 ratedeposit of 2.9% kilometre and and first MSRP allowance; monthly of $64,148. payment chargeMonthly due of $0.20/km at lease payment inception. for excess is $699 Total kilometres. with lease $7,400 obligation *Representative downispayment $34,666. lease or 65,000 equivalent examplekilometre based trade in, onallowance; $0 a 2015 security RXcharge deposit 350 FofSPORT and $0.20/km firstsfx monthly for excess payment kilometres. due at lease *Representative inception. Total leaselease example obligation basedison $34,666. a 2015 RX 65,000 350 Fkilometre SPORT sfx allo $649 ‘B’ onwith a 39$6,560 month term downatpayment an annual orrate equivalent of 1.9%trade and MSRP in, $0 of security $61,448. deposit Monthly and first payment monthly is $649 payment withdue $6,560 at lease down inception. payment ‘B’ Total onora 39 equivalent lease month obligation term tradeatisin,an $31,889. $0 annual security rate 65,000 deposit of 1.9% kilometre and andfirst MSRP allowance; monthly of $61,448. payment chargeMonthly due of $0.20/km at lease payment inception. forisexcess $649 Total kilometres. withlease $6,560 obligation MSRPs downisinclude payment $31,889. freight or 65,000 equivalent and PDI kilometre trade ($2,045) in,allowance; $0and security filters. charge deposit License, ofand $0.20/km insurance, first monthly for registration excess payment kilometres. (ifdue applicable), at lease MSRPs inception. includeTotal freight lease andobligation PDI ($2,045) is $31,889. and filters. 65,000 License, kilometre insurance, allowance; registration charge (if applicable), of $0.20/km ydealer by dealer. feesLexus and taxes Dealers are extra. are free Dealers to set their may own charge prices. additional Limitedfees time upoffers to $395. only Fees applymay to retail vary customers by dealer. Lexus at participating Dealers are Lexus dealer freedealers. to fees set their and Dealer own taxesorder/trade prices. are extra. Limited Dealers maytime be may required. offers charge onlyOffers apply additional are to retail subject feescustomers uptotochange $395. at participating orFees cancellation may vary Lexus without by dealer. dealers. notice. Lexus Dealer Offers Dealers order/trade expire are free at month’s may to set betheir end required. unless own prices. Offers extended Limited are subject or revised. timetooffers change Seeonly your orapply Lexus cancellation todealer retail customers without for complete notice. at participating details. Offers expire Lexus at month’s dealers.end Dealer unless order/trade extended may or revised. be required. See your Offers Lexus aredealer subject fortocomplete change or details. cance
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