Dear Veteran, In 2015 and 2016, the City of Inverness and the

Dear Veteran,
In 2015 and 2016, the City of Inverness and the Veterans Coalition are providing an opportunity to honor Vietnam
Veterans and their families with a parade and more events. It is important for students to understand the sacrifices
Vietnam Veterans and all the veterans have made and the hardships endured. The Vietnam Veterans deserve a
proper homecoming and deep appreciation for their very important service.
Your service to our country stands as an example that we must take responsibility for our rights seriously and that
we must be willing to fight to defend them. Across the nation statistics show voter participation by young people
has declined over the past few decades. Our hope is that this program can help to reverse the trend.
The goal of this program is to encourage voter participation among our high school voting age population, as well
as teach them about the sacrifices our veterans made so that we may live in a democratic society. To assist us in
driving home this message, we would like to present the “Vote in Honor of a Vet” program. This program
highlights the importance of registering and voting by providing first-hand accounts as to the responsibilities of
preserving our democracy. By exercising our right to vote, we show veterans the respect they deserve for
protecting our democracy.
The plan is simple: Fill out the Veteran Biography Form. Family and friends of deceased/MIA veterans may fill
out the Deceased/MIA Biography Form. Send the completed form to:
Susan Gill
Supervisor of Elections
120 N. Apopka Ave.
Inverness, FL 34450
Our office will deliver your biography to a high school student, who is eligible to vote, along with a voter
registration application so they may register and vote in your honor, or in honor of a deceased/MIA veteran. This
program will tie in with our current voter education and registration program in the school system. The more
completed biographies we can acquire, the more interesting the project becomes for our students.
Your participation will make registering and voting a more personal experience for the students. Moreover, you
will be helping them understand the important correlation between our veterans’ sacrifices and their right to
register and vote.
Our young people are the leaders of tomorrow. Therefore, it is essential that we do all we can to teach them about
the importance of having their voices heard through the election process. With your participation, we can achieve
this by reaching out in a more personal way to our youth. If you have any questions or need any additional
information, please feel free to contact Patrick Thomas at 341-6742.
Susan Gill
Supervisor of Elections
120 N. Apopka Ave. ~ Inverness, FL 34450-4238 ~ 352-341-6740 ~