Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Twin Cities, MN Permit No. 90100 5500 Opportunity Court • Minnetonka, MN 55343 Winter 2015 Message from the CEO Armando Camacho Reflections on my first year January marked my one-year anniversary at Opportunity Partners. What an honor it has been to captain this remarkable organization over the last year. I’ve learned so much – and I’m still learning – and, most of all, I have been inspired by the talents of the people we serve, the commitment of our staff and the generosity of our caring community. As a former teacher and school administrator, here are a few classroom lessons that hit home to me after my first year leading one of Minnesota’s largest human service Work hard We operate high quality programs that are efficient, measurable and exceed the expectations of our customers. I’m happy to share we recently earned another three-year accreditation from CARF (see story page 2). This measure of excellence only challenges us to keep doing better. Share Share Volume 42 • Issue 1 • Winter 2015 A bigger, better Keith’s Place 952-938-5511 On December 15, Dave, Brian, Alex and Brad packed their Published in the interest of families, friends and supporters of Opportunity Partners, Inc. This newsletter is available in alternative formats by request. Editor: Julie Peters Contributor: Emily Kosta bags and moved into a much larger and more accessible place to call home – a brand new “Keith’s Place.” The 4,000 square foot Richfield home has a large, open floor plan, an elevator, Designer: Alden Murray fully accessible bathrooms, wide doorways and more space for each of them to call their own. The printing of this newsletter has been generously donated. Opportunity Partners is an EEO/AA employer. Makenew newfriends friends Make A key to our success at Opportunity Partners is building partnerships. The more people who know our mission, the more friends we will make, and the more doors we can open for people we serve. Tell your friends about us, take a tour, invite us to speak at your business or club. We want to get to Ulland who passed away in 2013, will better accommodate Address or name changes. Do we have your name and address incorrect? Would you prefer to be removed from this mailing list? Kindly contact us at or call 952-912-7442. Thank you! future needs of the aging residents. The house replaces their accessibility to meet the needs of the people we serve,” said big and never give up on people with disabilities and what they can achieve. P.S. We’re hiring! Check out our openings at ABILITY REDEFINED amount of space they each have. “If I have something heavy to lift, I take the elevator – it’s Say Saythank thankyou you nice,” said Dave. shower!” said Alex. The guys are already thinking toward spring, planning what they will do with their outdoor space. “We are going to put a garden outside,” said Dave. There was no question about keeping the name Keith’s Place; the four men – not the structure – were what was most important to Keith. “Keith would have liked this house,” said Dave. Many individuals, groups, volunteers, foundations and New Web site launches and commitment to our cause. We look forward to another successful year, made possible only with your support. Our new Web site launched in early December, In closing, I plan to take the year 2015 as an opportunity complete with a vibrant, clean look, streamlined to keep learning, so I’d appreciate learning from you on navigation and mobile-friendly design. ways we can collaborate, friends you’d like me to meet, Check out the new site, and let us know how and opportunities for us to connect. Let’s see how working together can help even more people with disabilities achieve Opportunity Partners utilizing the elevator and taking advantage of the large order to gain more support for our cause. Won’t you join us? their goals and dreams. I can be reached at 952-912-7464 or Work hard The men are enjoying the features of their new house, up for disability issues and share stories about our work in you! We cannot achieve our mission without your generosity that encourages our staff to think outside the box, dream Nick Elsen, Director of Residential Services. involves staff, people served and families. Together, we’ll speak disabilities reach greater independence. resourceful employees. I am proud to lead an organization bathroom and my own “It is a priority to make sure that our homes have the continue our excellent legislative advocacy work, which businesses supported Opportunity Partners in 2014. Thank Opportunity Partners has 600 incredibly talented, “I have my own former home which was just a few miles away. In order to succeed, we must share best practices and know you better! Let’s partner and help more people with Use Useyour yourimagination imagination Brian, Alex and Dave (Brad, not pictured) Keith’s Place, named after long-time staff member Keith collaborate with other disability organizations. We will organizations. UPDATES FROM OPPORTUNITY PARTNERS You’re Invited you are using, sharing and navigating the site. We are also analyzing traffic to the site and Saturday, May 30, 2015 adapting as needed to ensure the site continues to meet the needs of site visitors. Thank you to Risdall Marketing Group for designing a site we can be proud of, and David Ellis Photography for capturing the beautiful main page photos. Check out our new Web site at Changing disability landscape Welcome new board members! Benjamin Knoll was most recently with the Greater Twin Cities United Way as its Chief Operating Officer. He has Blazing a trail of generosity Q & A with Sharon & Herbie For Christopher Blasewitz, 28, giving to causes he cares Therapy dog brings smiles to Golden Opportunity participants and passion for giving back to his community. His professional Opportunity Partners is at the Christopher, who has autism and is served by Opportunity Sharon Garber and her cuddly Goldendoodle, Herbie, visit experience includes leading GroupEx, a U.S. to Latin America Opportunity Partners’ senior program, Golden Opportunity, people react advocates, trade associations, county electronic services company, as CEO and holding managerial once per month. Herbie is a therapy dog; he provides joy to Herbie? roles at a few Fortune 500 companies including Procter & and companionship to the people served, truly brightening Gamble and First Data Corporation. everyone’s day! Benjamin Knoll changes affecting disability services. Dean Hildebrandt serves as Chief Executive Officer of Join the conversation by following these Partners, donated $200 of his own money to Opportunity How do table with fellow disability providers, officials and lawmakers as we navigate Partners for Give to the Max Day last November. “I decided to donate and keep OP going,” Christopher noted. Supporting community causes resonates with Christopher. Reactions can vary A talented photographer, he runs his own greeting card Can you tell us about Herbie? from raucous business and donates money from card sales to the University Herbie, 3, is a licensed therapy dog through Pet Partners. to subdued. At Ahmann-Martin, a risk and benefits consulting company. He holds more than 20 years of experience in the financial A therapy dog, different from a service dog, works as a Golden Opportunity services industry, and holds his Doctorate in Organization team with its owner to provide a calming presence. He has some people pet him, hug gain information about our policy Development from the University of St. Thomas. He also serves gone through extensive training at the Animal Humane him and talk to him, while others quietly focus on him. priorities and everyone is encouraged to the community as an active member of the Courage Kenny Society and was tested around individuals in wheelchairs, Everyone displays their joy in his/her own way. Rehabilitation Institute Board of Directors. people who may talk differently, and was also trained participate in our advocacy efforts. Dean Hildebrandt to become immune to loud noises. Data has indicated Join our Public Policy efforts – your voice matters! Contact Alicia Munson, Public Policy & Advocacy Associate, 952-930-7696 or 2015 Board Officers: BOARD CHAIR – Cynthia Lesher, Retired, Xcel Energy VICE CHAIR – Edson Spencer, Jr., Affinity Capital Management TREASURER – Gregory Keane, Bush Foundation SECRETARY – Nancy Wagner, General Mills Opportunity Partners’ 2015 Public Policy Priorities include: üü Continue the commitment to high quality Home and Community Based Services with a 5 percent rate increase üü Reform Medical Assistance to improve quality of life for people with disabilities üü Improve effectiveness of Minnesota’s Disability Waiver Rate System üü Protect individual choice and achieve inclusion through Minnesota’s Olmstead Plan üü Invest in innovative community collaborations that positive health effects result from vists with therapy animals, such as lower blood pressure. Where else does Herbie visit? Opportunity Partners has once again earned a three-year accreditation from CARF, the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. The Herbie and I visit three different nursing homes, a Why did you decide to take Herbie to Golden Opportunity? My cousin, Barbara, attends Golden Opportunity. When The three-year accreditation represents the highest level that can be awarded to an organization and shows to a team of surveyors during an on-site visit its commitment to offering services that are measurable, accountable, and of the highest quality. Christopher explains why he gives to charity: “It makes me feel happy and proud, and I like making people happy.” His mom Jeanette couldn’t be more proud of her son’s philanthropy. “We’ve tried to help him understand that it’s really important to think about other people and it spreads wanted a therapy dog to visit, and I knew it was meant to involved.” Do you have any favorite memories while visiting Golden Opportunity? One time, when Herbie and I visited Golden Opportunity, the people served were singing karaoke. When we walked Education Assistance Dog). in, they started singing the song, “How Much is that We also go to the University Doggie in the Window?” of Minnesota to visit students How does it feel to visit these places with Herbie? before their tests. We walk out with smiles on our faces, knowing that we made someone’s day a little better. Remembering two original members of Opportunity Partners Opportunity Partners lost two friends late last year. Denis Dufresne, 77, and Russell Hedenberg, 86, who both joined Opportunity Partners when it started in 1953 as Opportunity Workshop, passed away within a few weeks of one another. Denis, who died November 23, retired from Opportunity Partners in July. Denis will be remembered for his kind spirit and love of coffee. Russell, who died December 15, retired from Opportunity Partners in September. He was always smiling, and loved animals, singing and Join us for annual spaghetti dinner March 5! Mark your calendar for Thursday, March 5 from 4:30-7:30 p.m. for the Hopkins Noontime playing the guitar. Denis, Russell and surviving original member Bob Garoutte (pictured with dog Herbie on page 3), were awarded Lions Club Spaghetti Dinner benefiting Opportunity Partners! Enjoy company with friends Opportunity Partners’ Hall of Fame medals in 2013 at our 60th and a delicious meal of spaghetti with meatballs or meatless sauce, salad, bread, dessert anniversary celebration. and a beverage. Takeout will also be available. substantial conformance to the CARF standards. An organization receiving this accreditation has demonstrated captain for Walk like MADD, in memory of his friend’s father. through your whole life. He knows it’s important to be three-year accreditation from CARF. Advocacy and Leadership). Learn more about Christopher and his card business at Christopher’s dad died from two years ago. He also is a team we saw the list of requests, I noticed Golden Opportunity and Employment Planning and Skills Training. This is our seventh consecutive efforts, including our self-advocacy group COAL (Committee of Herbie, Bob and Sharon enjoy a visit at Golden Opportunity. Herbie is also a READ (Reading programs surveyed include Community Employment, Community Integration, Additionally, we earned “exemplary conformance” for our public policy community. be. It always makes Barbara’s day when we come. women’s shelter, and libraries. Mark of quality programs Thank you, Christopher! YOU are making a difference in our of Minnesota for research for pulmonary fibrosis, which issues on our Web site: There are many opportunities to basketball and softball in Special Olympics. about is second nature. extensive experience in business strategy and development, Christopher also enjoys traveling and competing in Questions? Contact Grace Hertel at or 952-912-7442. Cost: $8 for adults, $5 for children under 12 and We will miss you, Denis and Russell! It has been an honor to serve you all of these years. $35 or families or group homes of 5 or more. Tickets available at the door. Dinner rolls donated by Great Harvest in Minnetonka. Matching funds will be provided by the Carver-Hennepin Chapter of Thrivent Financial. Russell, left, and Denis joined our organization when it started in 1953. Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Twin Cities, MN Permit No. 90100 5500 Opportunity Court • Minnetonka, MN 55343 Winter 2015 Message from the CEO Armando Camacho Reflections on my first year January marked my one-year anniversary at Opportunity Partners. What an honor it has been to captain this remarkable organization over the last year. I’ve learned so much – and I’m still learning – and, most of all, I have been inspired by the talents of the people we serve, the commitment of our staff and the generosity of our caring community. As a former teacher and school administrator, here are a few classroom lessons that hit home to me after my first year leading one of Minnesota’s largest human service Work hard We operate high quality programs that are efficient, measurable and exceed the expectations of our customers. I’m happy to share we recently earned another three-year accreditation from CARF (see story page 2). This measure of excellence only challenges us to keep doing better. Share Share Volume 42 • Issue 1 • Winter 2015 A bigger, better Keith’s Place 952-938-5511 On December 15, Dave, Brian, Alex and Brad packed their Published in the interest of families, friends and supporters of Opportunity Partners, Inc. This newsletter is available in alternative formats by request. Editor: Julie Peters Contributor: Emily Kosta bags and moved into a much larger and more accessible place to call home – a brand new “Keith’s Place.” The 4,000 square foot Richfield home has a large, open floor plan, an elevator, Designer: Alden Murray fully accessible bathrooms, wide doorways and more space for each of them to call their own. The printing of this newsletter has been generously donated. Opportunity Partners is an EEO/AA employer. Makenew newfriends friends Make A key to our success at Opportunity Partners is building partnerships. The more people who know our mission, the more friends we will make, and the more doors we can open for people we serve. Tell your friends about us, take a tour, invite us to speak at your business or club. We want to get to Ulland who passed away in 2013, will better accommodate Address or name changes. Do we have your name and address incorrect? Would you prefer to be removed from this mailing list? Kindly contact us at or call 952-912-7442. Thank you! future needs of the aging residents. The house replaces their accessibility to meet the needs of the people we serve,” said big and never give up on people with disabilities and what they can achieve. P.S. We’re hiring! Check out our openings at ABILITY REDEFINED amount of space they each have. “If I have something heavy to lift, I take the elevator – it’s Say Saythank thankyou you nice,” said Dave. shower!” said Alex. The guys are already thinking toward spring, planning what they will do with their outdoor space. “We are going to put a garden outside,” said Dave. There was no question about keeping the name Keith’s Place; the four men – not the structure – were what was most important to Keith. “Keith would have liked this house,” said Dave. Many individuals, groups, volunteers, foundations and New Web site launches and commitment to our cause. We look forward to another successful year, made possible only with your support. Our new Web site launched in early December, In closing, I plan to take the year 2015 as an opportunity complete with a vibrant, clean look, streamlined to keep learning, so I’d appreciate learning from you on navigation and mobile-friendly design. ways we can collaborate, friends you’d like me to meet, Check out the new site, and let us know how and opportunities for us to connect. Let’s see how working together can help even more people with disabilities achieve Opportunity Partners utilizing the elevator and taking advantage of the large order to gain more support for our cause. Won’t you join us? their goals and dreams. I can be reached at 952-912-7464 or Work hard The men are enjoying the features of their new house, up for disability issues and share stories about our work in you! We cannot achieve our mission without your generosity that encourages our staff to think outside the box, dream Nick Elsen, Director of Residential Services. involves staff, people served and families. Together, we’ll speak disabilities reach greater independence. resourceful employees. I am proud to lead an organization bathroom and my own “It is a priority to make sure that our homes have the continue our excellent legislative advocacy work, which businesses supported Opportunity Partners in 2014. Thank Opportunity Partners has 600 incredibly talented, “I have my own former home which was just a few miles away. In order to succeed, we must share best practices and know you better! Let’s partner and help more people with Use Useyour yourimagination imagination Brian, Alex and Dave (Brad, not pictured) Keith’s Place, named after long-time staff member Keith collaborate with other disability organizations. We will organizations. UPDATES FROM OPPORTUNITY PARTNERS You’re Invited you are using, sharing and navigating the site. We are also analyzing traffic to the site and Saturday, May 30, 2015 adapting as needed to ensure the site continues to meet the needs of site visitors. Thank you to Risdall Marketing Group for designing a site we can be proud of, and David Ellis Photography for capturing the beautiful main page photos. Check out our new Web site at Changing disability landscape Welcome new board members! Benjamin Knoll was most recently with the Greater Twin Cities United Way as its Chief Operating Officer. He has Blazing a trail of generosity Q & A with Sharon & Herbie For Christopher Blasewitz, 28, giving to causes he cares Therapy dog brings smiles to Golden Opportunity participants and passion for giving back to his community. His professional Opportunity Partners is at the Christopher, who has autism and is served by Opportunity Sharon Garber and her cuddly Goldendoodle, Herbie, visit experience includes leading GroupEx, a U.S. to Latin America Opportunity Partners’ senior program, Golden Opportunity, people react advocates, trade associations, county electronic services company, as CEO and holding managerial once per month. Herbie is a therapy dog; he provides joy to Herbie? roles at a few Fortune 500 companies including Procter & and companionship to the people served, truly brightening Gamble and First Data Corporation. everyone’s day! Benjamin Knoll changes affecting disability services. Dean Hildebrandt serves as Chief Executive Officer of Join the conversation by following these Partners, donated $200 of his own money to Opportunity How do table with fellow disability providers, officials and lawmakers as we navigate Partners for Give to the Max Day last November. “I decided to donate and keep OP going,” Christopher noted. Supporting community causes resonates with Christopher. Reactions can vary A talented photographer, he runs his own greeting card Can you tell us about Herbie? from raucous business and donates money from card sales to the University Herbie, 3, is a licensed therapy dog through Pet Partners. to subdued. At Ahmann-Martin, a risk and benefits consulting company. He holds more than 20 years of experience in the financial A therapy dog, different from a service dog, works as a Golden Opportunity services industry, and holds his Doctorate in Organization team with its owner to provide a calming presence. He has some people pet him, hug gain information about our policy Development from the University of St. Thomas. He also serves gone through extensive training at the Animal Humane him and talk to him, while others quietly focus on him. priorities and everyone is encouraged to the community as an active member of the Courage Kenny Society and was tested around individuals in wheelchairs, Everyone displays their joy in his/her own way. Rehabilitation Institute Board of Directors. people who may talk differently, and was also trained participate in our advocacy efforts. Dean Hildebrandt to become immune to loud noises. Data has indicated Join our Public Policy efforts – your voice matters! Contact Alicia Munson, Public Policy & Advocacy Associate, 952-930-7696 or 2015 Board Officers: BOARD CHAIR – Cynthia Lesher, Retired, Xcel Energy VICE CHAIR – Edson Spencer, Jr., Affinity Capital Management TREASURER – Gregory Keane, Bush Foundation SECRETARY – Nancy Wagner, General Mills Opportunity Partners’ 2015 Public Policy Priorities include: üü Continue the commitment to high quality Home and Community Based Services with a 5 percent rate increase üü Reform Medical Assistance to improve quality of life for people with disabilities üü Improve effectiveness of Minnesota’s Disability Waiver Rate System üü Protect individual choice and achieve inclusion through Minnesota’s Olmstead Plan üü Invest in innovative community collaborations that positive health effects result from vists with therapy animals, such as lower blood pressure. Where else does Herbie visit? Opportunity Partners has once again earned a three-year accreditation from CARF, the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. The Herbie and I visit three different nursing homes, a Why did you decide to take Herbie to Golden Opportunity? My cousin, Barbara, attends Golden Opportunity. When The three-year accreditation represents the highest level that can be awarded to an organization and shows to a team of surveyors during an on-site visit its commitment to offering services that are measurable, accountable, and of the highest quality. Christopher explains why he gives to charity: “It makes me feel happy and proud, and I like making people happy.” His mom Jeanette couldn’t be more proud of her son’s philanthropy. “We’ve tried to help him understand that it’s really important to think about other people and it spreads wanted a therapy dog to visit, and I knew it was meant to involved.” Do you have any favorite memories while visiting Golden Opportunity? One time, when Herbie and I visited Golden Opportunity, the people served were singing karaoke. When we walked Education Assistance Dog). in, they started singing the song, “How Much is that We also go to the University Doggie in the Window?” of Minnesota to visit students How does it feel to visit these places with Herbie? before their tests. We walk out with smiles on our faces, knowing that we made someone’s day a little better. Remembering two original members of Opportunity Partners Opportunity Partners lost two friends late last year. Denis Dufresne, 77, and Russell Hedenberg, 86, who both joined Opportunity Partners when it started in 1953 as Opportunity Workshop, passed away within a few weeks of one another. Denis, who died November 23, retired from Opportunity Partners in July. Denis will be remembered for his kind spirit and love of coffee. Russell, who died December 15, retired from Opportunity Partners in September. He was always smiling, and loved animals, singing and Join us for annual spaghetti dinner March 5! Mark your calendar for Thursday, March 5 from 4:30-7:30 p.m. for the Hopkins Noontime playing the guitar. Denis, Russell and surviving original member Bob Garoutte (pictured with dog Herbie on page 3), were awarded Lions Club Spaghetti Dinner benefiting Opportunity Partners! Enjoy company with friends Opportunity Partners’ Hall of Fame medals in 2013 at our 60th and a delicious meal of spaghetti with meatballs or meatless sauce, salad, bread, dessert anniversary celebration. and a beverage. Takeout will also be available. substantial conformance to the CARF standards. An organization receiving this accreditation has demonstrated captain for Walk like MADD, in memory of his friend’s father. through your whole life. He knows it’s important to be three-year accreditation from CARF. Advocacy and Leadership). Learn more about Christopher and his card business at Christopher’s dad died from two years ago. He also is a team we saw the list of requests, I noticed Golden Opportunity and Employment Planning and Skills Training. This is our seventh consecutive efforts, including our self-advocacy group COAL (Committee of Herbie, Bob and Sharon enjoy a visit at Golden Opportunity. Herbie is also a READ (Reading programs surveyed include Community Employment, Community Integration, Additionally, we earned “exemplary conformance” for our public policy community. be. It always makes Barbara’s day when we come. women’s shelter, and libraries. Mark of quality programs Thank you, Christopher! YOU are making a difference in our of Minnesota for research for pulmonary fibrosis, which issues on our Web site: There are many opportunities to basketball and softball in Special Olympics. about is second nature. extensive experience in business strategy and development, Christopher also enjoys traveling and competing in Questions? Contact Grace Hertel at or 952-912-7442. Cost: $8 for adults, $5 for children under 12 and We will miss you, Denis and Russell! It has been an honor to serve you all of these years. $35 or families or group homes of 5 or more. Tickets available at the door. Dinner rolls donated by Great Harvest in Minnetonka. Matching funds will be provided by the Carver-Hennepin Chapter of Thrivent Financial. Russell, left, and Denis joined our organization when it started in 1953. Changing disability landscape Welcome new board members! Benjamin Knoll was most recently with the Greater Twin Cities United Way as its Chief Operating Officer. He has Blazing a trail of generosity Q & A with Sharon & Herbie For Christopher Blasewitz, 28, giving to causes he cares Therapy dog brings smiles to Golden Opportunity participants and passion for giving back to his community. His professional Opportunity Partners is at the Christopher, who has autism and is served by Opportunity Sharon Garber and her cuddly Goldendoodle, Herbie, visit experience includes leading GroupEx, a U.S. to Latin America Opportunity Partners’ senior program, Golden Opportunity, people react advocates, trade associations, county electronic services company, as CEO and holding managerial once per month. Herbie is a therapy dog; he provides joy to Herbie? roles at a few Fortune 500 companies including Procter & and companionship to the people served, truly brightening Gamble and First Data Corporation. everyone’s day! Benjamin Knoll changes affecting disability services. Dean Hildebrandt serves as Chief Executive Officer of Join the conversation by following these Partners, donated $200 of his own money to Opportunity How do table with fellow disability providers, officials and lawmakers as we navigate Partners for Give to the Max Day last November. “I decided to donate and keep OP going,” Christopher noted. Supporting community causes resonates with Christopher. Reactions can vary A talented photographer, he runs his own greeting card Can you tell us about Herbie? from raucous business and donates money from card sales to the University Herbie, 3, is a licensed therapy dog through Pet Partners. to subdued. At Ahmann-Martin, a risk and benefits consulting company. He holds more than 20 years of experience in the financial A therapy dog, different from a service dog, works as a Golden Opportunity services industry, and holds his Doctorate in Organization team with its owner to provide a calming presence. He has some people pet him, hug gain information about our policy Development from the University of St. Thomas. He also serves gone through extensive training at the Animal Humane him and talk to him, while others quietly focus on him. priorities and everyone is encouraged to the community as an active member of the Courage Kenny Society and was tested around individuals in wheelchairs, Everyone displays their joy in his/her own way. Rehabilitation Institute Board of Directors. people who may talk differently, and was also trained participate in our advocacy efforts. Dean Hildebrandt to become immune to loud noises. Data has indicated Join our Public Policy efforts – your voice matters! Contact Alicia Munson, Public Policy & Advocacy Associate, 952-930-7696 or 2015 Board Officers: BOARD CHAIR – Cynthia Lesher, Retired, Xcel Energy VICE CHAIR – Edson Spencer, Jr., Affinity Capital Management TREASURER – Gregory Keane, Bush Foundation SECRETARY – Nancy Wagner, General Mills Opportunity Partners’ 2015 Public Policy Priorities include: üü Continue the commitment to high quality Home and Community Based Services with a 5 percent rate increase üü Reform Medical Assistance to improve quality of life for people with disabilities üü Improve effectiveness of Minnesota’s Disability Waiver Rate System üü Protect individual choice and achieve inclusion through Minnesota’s Olmstead Plan üü Invest in innovative community collaborations that positive health effects result from vists with therapy animals, such as lower blood pressure. Where else does Herbie visit? Opportunity Partners has once again earned a three-year accreditation from CARF, the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. The Herbie and I visit three different nursing homes, a Why did you decide to take Herbie to Golden Opportunity? My cousin, Barbara, attends Golden Opportunity. When The three-year accreditation represents the highest level that can be awarded to an organization and shows to a team of surveyors during an on-site visit its commitment to offering services that are measurable, accountable, and of the highest quality. Christopher explains why he gives to charity: “It makes me feel happy and proud, and I like making people happy.” His mom Jeanette couldn’t be more proud of her son’s philanthropy. “We’ve tried to help him understand that it’s really important to think about other people and it spreads wanted a therapy dog to visit, and I knew it was meant to involved.” Do you have any favorite memories while visiting Golden Opportunity? One time, when Herbie and I visited Golden Opportunity, the people served were singing karaoke. When we walked Education Assistance Dog). in, they started singing the song, “How Much is that We also go to the University Doggie in the Window?” of Minnesota to visit students How does it feel to visit these places with Herbie? before their tests. We walk out with smiles on our faces, knowing that we made someone’s day a little better. Remembering two original members of Opportunity Partners Opportunity Partners lost two friends late last year. Denis Dufresne, 77, and Russell Hedenberg, 86, who both joined Opportunity Partners when it started in 1953 as Opportunity Workshop, passed away within a few weeks of one another. Denis, who died November 23, retired from Opportunity Partners in July. Denis will be remembered for his kind spirit and love of coffee. Russell, who died December 15, retired from Opportunity Partners in September. He was always smiling, and loved animals, singing and Join us for annual spaghetti dinner March 5! Mark your calendar for Thursday, March 5 from 4:30-7:30 p.m. for the Hopkins Noontime playing the guitar. Denis, Russell and surviving original member Bob Garoutte (pictured with dog Herbie on page 3), were awarded Lions Club Spaghetti Dinner benefiting Opportunity Partners! Enjoy company with friends Opportunity Partners’ Hall of Fame medals in 2013 at our 60th and a delicious meal of spaghetti with meatballs or meatless sauce, salad, bread, dessert anniversary celebration. and a beverage. Takeout will also be available. substantial conformance to the CARF standards. An organization receiving this accreditation has demonstrated captain for Walk like MADD, in memory of his friend’s father. through your whole life. He knows it’s important to be three-year accreditation from CARF. Advocacy and Leadership). Learn more about Christopher and his card business at Christopher’s dad died from two years ago. He also is a team we saw the list of requests, I noticed Golden Opportunity and Employment Planning and Skills Training. This is our seventh consecutive efforts, including our self-advocacy group COAL (Committee of Herbie, Bob and Sharon enjoy a visit at Golden Opportunity. Herbie is also a READ (Reading programs surveyed include Community Employment, Community Integration, Additionally, we earned “exemplary conformance” for our public policy community. be. It always makes Barbara’s day when we come. women’s shelter, and libraries. Mark of quality programs Thank you, Christopher! YOU are making a difference in our of Minnesota for research for pulmonary fibrosis, which issues on our Web site: There are many opportunities to basketball and softball in Special Olympics. about is second nature. extensive experience in business strategy and development, Christopher also enjoys traveling and competing in Questions? Contact Grace Hertel at or 952-912-7442. Cost: $8 for adults, $5 for children under 12 and We will miss you, Denis and Russell! It has been an honor to serve you all of these years. $35 or families or group homes of 5 or more. Tickets available at the door. Dinner rolls donated by Great Harvest in Minnetonka. Matching funds will be provided by the Carver-Hennepin Chapter of Thrivent Financial. Russell, left, and Denis joined our organization when it started in 1953. Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Twin Cities, MN Permit No. 90100 5500 Opportunity Court • Minnetonka, MN 55343 Winter 2015 Message from the CEO Armando Camacho Reflections on my first year January marked my one-year anniversary at Opportunity Partners. What an honor it has been to captain this remarkable organization over the last year. I’ve learned so much – and I’m still learning – and, most of all, I have been inspired by the talents of the people we serve, the commitment of our staff and the generosity of our caring community. As a former teacher and school administrator, here are a few classroom lessons that hit home to me after my first year leading one of Minnesota’s largest human service Work hard We operate high quality programs that are efficient, measurable and exceed the expectations of our customers. I’m happy to share we recently earned another three-year accreditation from CARF (see story page 2). This measure of excellence only challenges us to keep doing better. Share Share Volume 42 • Issue 1 • Winter 2015 A bigger, better Keith’s Place 952-938-5511 On December 15, Dave, Brian, Alex and Brad packed their Published in the interest of families, friends and supporters of Opportunity Partners, Inc. This newsletter is available in alternative formats by request. Editor: Julie Peters Contributor: Emily Kosta bags and moved into a much larger and more accessible place to call home – a brand new “Keith’s Place.” The 4,000 square foot Richfield home has a large, open floor plan, an elevator, Designer: Alden Murray fully accessible bathrooms, wide doorways and more space for each of them to call their own. The printing of this newsletter has been generously donated. Opportunity Partners is an EEO/AA employer. Makenew newfriends friends Make A key to our success at Opportunity Partners is building partnerships. The more people who know our mission, the more friends we will make, and the more doors we can open for people we serve. Tell your friends about us, take a tour, invite us to speak at your business or club. We want to get to Ulland who passed away in 2013, will better accommodate Address or name changes. Do we have your name and address incorrect? Would you prefer to be removed from this mailing list? Kindly contact us at or call 952-912-7442. Thank you! future needs of the aging residents. The house replaces their accessibility to meet the needs of the people we serve,” said big and never give up on people with disabilities and what they can achieve. P.S. We’re hiring! Check out our openings at ABILITY REDEFINED amount of space they each have. “If I have something heavy to lift, I take the elevator – it’s Say Saythank thankyou you nice,” said Dave. shower!” said Alex. The guys are already thinking toward spring, planning what they will do with their outdoor space. “We are going to put a garden outside,” said Dave. There was no question about keeping the name Keith’s Place; the four men – not the structure – were what was most important to Keith. “Keith would have liked this house,” said Dave. Many individuals, groups, volunteers, foundations and New Web site launches and commitment to our cause. We look forward to another successful year, made possible only with your support. Our new Web site launched in early December, In closing, I plan to take the year 2015 as an opportunity complete with a vibrant, clean look, streamlined to keep learning, so I’d appreciate learning from you on navigation and mobile-friendly design. ways we can collaborate, friends you’d like me to meet, Check out the new site, and let us know how and opportunities for us to connect. Let’s see how working together can help even more people with disabilities achieve Opportunity Partners utilizing the elevator and taking advantage of the large order to gain more support for our cause. Won’t you join us? their goals and dreams. I can be reached at 952-912-7464 or Work hard The men are enjoying the features of their new house, up for disability issues and share stories about our work in you! We cannot achieve our mission without your generosity that encourages our staff to think outside the box, dream Nick Elsen, Director of Residential Services. involves staff, people served and families. Together, we’ll speak disabilities reach greater independence. resourceful employees. I am proud to lead an organization bathroom and my own “It is a priority to make sure that our homes have the continue our excellent legislative advocacy work, which businesses supported Opportunity Partners in 2014. Thank Opportunity Partners has 600 incredibly talented, “I have my own former home which was just a few miles away. In order to succeed, we must share best practices and know you better! Let’s partner and help more people with Use Useyour yourimagination imagination Brian, Alex and Dave (Brad, not pictured) Keith’s Place, named after long-time staff member Keith collaborate with other disability organizations. We will organizations. UPDATES FROM OPPORTUNITY PARTNERS You’re Invited you are using, sharing and navigating the site. We are also analyzing traffic to the site and Saturday, May 30, 2015 adapting as needed to ensure the site continues to meet the needs of site visitors. Thank you to Risdall Marketing Group for designing a site we can be proud of, and David Ellis Photography for capturing the beautiful main page photos. Check out our new Web site at
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