Sensing and Control Reflective Object Sensor OPB608A, OPB608B, OPB608C, OPB608R, OPB608V Features: • • • • • Phototransistor output Unfocused for sensing diffuse surface Low cost plas c housing Enhanced signal to noise ra o Reduced ambient light sensi vity DescripƟon: OPB608 reflec ve switches consist of an infrared emi ng device (LED or VCSEL) and a NPN silicon phototransistor mounted “sideby-side” on a parallel axis in a black opaque plas c housing. All OPB608’s (except OPB608R) have an emi ng device and a phototransistor that are encapsulated in a visible filtering epoxy. The phototransistor responds to radia on from the emi er only when a reflec ve object passes within its field of view. The phototransistor has enhanced low current roll-off to improve the contrast ra o and immunity to background irradiance. LED versions are designed for near-field applica ons. The VCSEL version is designed for longer distances. OPB608A, OPB608B and OPB608C devices are designed for applica ons with reflec ve distances between 0.050” (1.270 mm) and 0.375” (9.525 mm). OPB608V is designed for applica ons with reflec ve distances between 0.050” (1.270 mm) and 1.200” (30.480 mm). All of these are designed for light pa erns not visible to the human eye. By u lizing the night enhancement func on of a camera, the near infrared light pa ern can be seen. This allows a user to see the pa ern shining on the reflec ve object. OPB608R is designed for applica ons with reflec ve distances between 0.050” (1.270 mm) and 0.300” (7.620 mm). It is designed for light pa erns visible to the human eye. The efficiency of this sensor is lower for op cal wavelengths in the visible range, thus reducing the distance that can be used. Reflec ve distances are dependent upon the drive current for the light emi ng device, the wavelength of the light source, and the type of reflec ve material; therefore, each applica on should be checked for the ability to meet each requirement. Custom electrical, wire and cabling and connectors are available. Contact your local representa ve or OPTEK for more informa on. ApplicaƟons: • • • • • • Non-contact reflec ve object sensor Assembly line automa on Machine automa on Machine safety End of travel sensor Door sensor Ordering InformaƟon Part Number LED Peak Wavelength Sensor ReflecƟon Distance Inch (mm) Lead Length See Graph on Page 4 0.18" (Min) OPB608A OPB608B 890 nm OPB608C Rbe Transistor OPB608R 650 nm OPB608V 850 nm Addi onal laser safety informa on can be found on the Optek website. See applica on #221. Classifica on is not marked on the device due to space limita ons. See package outline for centerline of op cal radiance. Opera ng devices beyond maximum ra ng may cause devices to exceed rated classifica on General Note TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specificaƟon without noƟce or liability. All informaƟon is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at Ɵme of going to print. © TT electronics plc 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, TX 75006|Ph: +1 972 323 2200 | www. Issue D 05/2015 Page 1 Sensing and Control Reflective Object Sensor OPB608A, OPB608B, OPB608C, OPB608R, OPB608V Absolute Maximum RaƟngs (TA=25°C unless otherwise noted) Storage Temperature Range Opera ng Temperature Range -40° C to +85° C OPB608 A, B, C & R OPB608V -40° C to +85° C 0° C to +70° C Lead Soldering Temperature [1/16 inch (1.6mm) from the case for 5 sec. with soldering iron](1) 260° C Total Power Dissipa on 100 mW OPB608A, OPB608B, OPB608C (Infrared-LED — 890 nm) Forward DC Current 50 mA Peak Forward Current (1 μs pulse width, 300 pps) 3A Reverse DC Voltage 2V OPB608R (Visible Red-LED — 650 nm) Forward DC Current 50 mA Reverse DC Voltage 5V OPB608V (Infrared-VCSEL — 850 nm) Forward DC Current 12 mA Reverse DC Voltage 5V Phototransistor Collector-Emi er Voltage 30 V Emi er Reverse Current 10 mA Collector DC Current 25 mA Notes: (1) RMA flux is recommended. Dura on can be extended to 10 seconds maximum when flow soldering. (2) Methanol or isopropanol are recommended as cleaning agents. The plas c housing is soluble in chlorinated hydrocarbons and keytones. Pin # LED Pin # Transistor 4 Cathode 1 Collector 3 Anode 2 Emi er 4 1 3 2 [ MILLIMETERS] DIMENSIONS ARE IN: INCHES General Note TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specificaƟon without noƟce or liability. All informaƟon is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at Ɵme of going to print. © TT electronics plc 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, TX 75006|Ph: +1 972 323 2200 | www. Issue D 05/2015 Page 2 Sensing and Control Reflective Object Sensor OPB608A, OPB608B, OPB608C, OPB608R, OPB608V Electrical CharacterisƟcs (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS TEST CONDITIONS Infrared-LED (880 nm) (See OP240 for addi onal informa on) VF Forward Voltage - - 1.7 V IF = 20 mA IR Reverse Current - - 100 µA VR = 2 V Infrared-LED (650 nm) VF Forward Voltage - 1.9 2.5 V IF = 20 mA VR Reverse Voltage 5 - - V IR = 10 µA Infrared VCSEL (850 nm) (See OPV330 for addi onal informa on) VF Forward Voltage - - 2.2 V IF = 7 mA IR Reverse Current - - 30 nA VR = 5 V ITH Threshold Current 2 - 5.5 mA Θ Beam Divergence - 12 - Deg. IF = 12 mA Phototransistor (See OP705 for addi onal informa on) V (BR)CEO Collector Emi er Breakdown Voltage 30 - - V IC = 100 µA, EE = 0 µW/cm2 V (BR)ECO Emi er Collector Breakdown Voltage 0.4 - - V IE = 100 µA, EE = 0 µW/cm2 VCE(SAT) Satura on Voltage - - .40 V IC = 100 µA, IF = 20 mA, d = 0.053” Collector Emi er Dark Current - - 100 nA VCE = 5 V, EE = ≤ .10 µW/cm2, IF = 0 2 1 0.5 1 - 4 6 5 - - - - 100 100 ICEO Combined IC(ON) On-State Collector Current OPB608A OPB608B OPB608C OPB608R OPB608V IC(OFF) Off-State Collector Current LED VCSEL mA VCE = 5 V, IF = 20 mA, d = 0.053 inch (1.35 mm)(1)(2) VCE = 5 V, IF = 10 mA, d = 0.053 inch (1.35 mm)(1)(2) nA No reflec ve surface, VCE = 5 V IF = 20 mA IF = 10 mA Notes: (1) Distance from the front of the lens to reflec ve surface. (2) Measured using Eastman Kodak gray card. The white side of the card is used as a 90% diffuse reflec ve surface. Reference Eastman Kodak catalog #E152 7795 (3) All parameters are tested using pulse techniques. General Note TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specificaƟon without noƟce or liability. All informaƟon is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at Ɵme of going to print. © TT electronics plc 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, TX 75006|Ph: +1 972 323 2200 | www. Issue D 05/2015 Page 3 Sensing and Control Reflective Object Sensor OPB608A, OPB608B, OPB608C, OPB608R, OPB608V Kodak 90% Card Normalized Output vs Object Distance Collector Current vs Diode Forward Current 5 100.00 Normalized with OP B608 Kodak 90% at 0.05" Vce = 5 Volts St andard Test Condit ions Normalized for OPB608 @ 20mA 5 Test ing Condit ion: VCE =5 Volt s 4 IC(ON) - Typical Collector Current - mA 10.00 IF =20mA (OPB608 and OPB608R) Normalized Output OPB608V 4 IF =10mA ( OPB608V) OPB608 1.00 OPB608R OPB608 3 OPB608R OPB608V 3 2 0.10 2 1 0.01 1 0.00 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0 Rise and Fall vs Load Resistance 20 30 40 50 Collector Current vs Ambient Temp. 180 140% OPB608R - Tr OPB608R - Tf 160 OPB608 - Tr 120% OPB608 - Tf OPB608V - Tr 140 Normalized Collector Current (%) Tr,Tf - Switching Speed - µsec 10 IF - Forw ard Current - m A Object Distance (inches) OPB608V - Tf 120 10%Dut y Cycle 1ms Pulse Widt h Vce =5 Volt s 100 IF =20 mA ( OPB608 and OPB608R) IF =10 mA ( OPB608V) 80 Dist ance =0.057" 60 40 100% 80% OPB608R OPB608 OPB608V 60% Normalized at 25°C f or each product t ype Vce = 5 Volt s IF = 20 mA (OPB608 and OPB608R) IF = 10 mA (OPB608V) Dist ance = 0.053" 40% 20% 20 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 RL - Load resistance - Ohm s General Note TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specificaƟon without noƟce or liability. All informaƟon is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at Ɵme of going to print. © TT electronics plc 0% -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Ta - Am bient Tem perature - °C 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, TX 75006|Ph: +1 972 323 2200 | www. Issue D 05/2015 Page 4 Sensing and Control Reflective Object Sensor OPB608A, OPB608B, OPB608C, OPB608R, OPB608V Reflective Response Reflective Response 5000 6000 4500 5000 4000 3500 4000 3000 2500 3000 2000 1500 Inkjet Green 1000 2000 Inkjet 20% Black Inkjet Yellow 500 1000 Laserjet 20% Black Inkjet Cyan 0 OPB608V OPB608 Laser 20% Black 0 Inkjet Magenta OPB608V OPB608R Copier 20% Black OPB608 Reflective Response Reflective Response 1200 3000 1000 2500 800 2000 600 1500 400 1000 200 Thermal Paper 0 OPB608 OPB608R 500 Black Thermal Paper Silver Tape 0 OPB608V OPB608R Reflective Response White Plastic OPB608 OPB608R Relative Response 5000 100 4500 90 4000 80 3500 70 3000 60 2500 50 2000 1500 1000 500 0 40 30 20 Laserjet Black 10 Inkjet Black 0 OPB608V Copier Black OPB608 OPB608V Gray 18% OPB608 OPB608R OPB608R General Note TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specificaƟon without noƟce or liability. All informaƟon is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at Ɵme of going to print. © TT electronics plc White 90% 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, TX 75006|Ph: +1 972 323 2200 | www. Issue D 05/2015 Page 5
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