Over 67 GHz bandwidth hybrid silicon electroabsorption modulator

Over 67 GHz bandwidth hybrid silicon
electroabsorption modulator with asymmetric
segmented electrode for 1.3 μm transmission
Yongbo Tang,* Jonathan D. Peters, and John E. Bowers
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
93106, USA
Abstract: A distributed III-V-on-Si electroabsorption modulator based on
an asymmetric segmented electrode has been developed on the hybrid
silicon platform for the 1.3 μm transmission window. The measured
modulation response shows a 2 dB drop at 67 GHz and an extrapolated 3
dB bandwidth of 74 GHz. Large signal measurements show clearly open
eye diagrams at 50 Gb/s. An extinction ratio of 9.6 dB for back to back
transmission and an extinction ratio of 9.4 dB after 16 km transmission
were obtained with a drive voltage of 2.2 V.
©2012 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (250.4110) Modulators; (250.5300) Photonic integrated circuits; (250.7360)
Waveguide modulators.
References and links
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Received 21 Mar 2012; revised 26 Apr 2012; accepted 26 Apr 2012; published 4 May 2012
7 May 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 11529
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1. Introduction
Silicon photonics is an interesting research direction due to the possibility of high quality, low
cost and high volume production of photonic integrated circuits (PICs) in CMOS foundaries,
as well as the potential for low power, high capacity interconnects on future electronicphotonic integrated circuits (EPICs).
Pushing silicon PICs to a higher speed is desirable for many applications that need large
capacity data transmission (e.g. high speed, low power consumption optical interconnects [1])
or long distance delivery of the microwave signal (e.g. radio-over-fiber link enabled
milimeter-wave communication [2] and the optoelectronic oscillators for low phase noise
microwave generation [3]). However, it is a challenge to realize a high speed and high
efficiency modulator on the silicon platform. Manipulating the carrier concentration in silicon
by carrier depletion can offer a fast but weak phase tuning and recently 50 Gb/s operation
based on this machnism has been demonstrated with limited extinction ratio [4]. Alternative
approaches based on Ge [5], polymer [6] and graphene [7] etc. have also been proposed on
silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafers and show potential ability for modulation beyond 50 Gb/s.
To date the highest speed modulators on silicon were achieved by transferring a III-V epitaxy
stack to an SOI wafer to realize a hybrid silicon electroabsorption modulator with 42 GHz
bandwidth [8]. More importantly, with this hybrid silicon technique, the hybrid silicon
modulator can be integrated with high performance semiconductor lasers [9] and high speed
photodetectors [10], and hence enable the feasibility of complex on-chip photonic submodules
and systems on silicon substrates, e.g., the hybrid silicon transmitter, similar to those
developed on the InP substrate [11–13].
In this paper, we will report a distributed hybrid silicon modulator designed for a higher
speed and a longer transmission distance. The improvement mainly comes from two aspects:
first, an asymmetric segmented transmission line has been designed as the distributed
electrode configuration [11, 14–16] to reduce the microwave reflection and improve the
modulation bandwidth; second, we utilize a new InAlGaAs quantum well stack and shift the
operation wavelength of the modulator to the 1.3 μm transmission window for datacom
2. Device design and structure
2.1. Epitaxy
Material and Composition
P Contact
P – 1e19
0.1 µm
P – 2e18
1.5 µm
In0.5339Al0.283Ga0.1831As, 0.05%,CS
n. i. d.
150 nm
In0.5721Al0.187Ga0.2409As, 0.3% CS (12x)
n. i. d.
9 nm
In0.4688Al0.29Ga0.2412As, -0.4%,TS (13x)
n. i. d.
6 nm
In0.5339Al0.283Ga0.1831As, 0.05%,CS
n. i. d.
75 nm
N Contact
N – 3e18
110 nm
Super lattice
In0.85Ga0.15As0.327P0.673 (2x)
N – 3e18
7.5 nm
InP (2x)
N – 3e18
7.5 nm
Bonding layer
N – 3e18
10 nm
Guiding layer
n. i . d.
400 nm
n. i. d.
1 µm
n. i. d.
740 µm
Fig. 1. Detailed structures of the III-V epitaxy stack and the SOI wafer.
The hybrid silicon electroabsorption modulator (HSEAM) uses a III-V epitaxy stack
originally grown on an InP substrate that is transferred to a pre-patterned SOI wafer by O2
#165067 - $15.00 USD
(C) 2012 OSA
Received 21 Mar 2012; revised 26 Apr 2012; accepted 26 Apr 2012; published 4 May 2012
7 May 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 11530
plasma-assisted low temperature wafer bonding technique [17]. Figure 1 shows the detailed
structure of the III-V epitaxy stack and the SOI wafer used for our fabrication. We chose
offset InAlGaAs/InAlGaAs multiple quantum wells (MQWs) (offset relative to the silicon
guiding layer) as the absorption medium. The InAlGaAs MQWs, due to its larger bandgap
offset compared with InGaAsP MQWs, gives a stronger quantum confined Stark effect
(QCSE) and hence a better modulation efficiency. The MQWs contain 12 compressivestrained wells and 13 tensile-strain-compensated barriers, with a total thickness of 186 nm. It
is designed for transvese electric (TE) polarization, compatible with conventional
semiconductor diode lasers. The photoluminescence (PL) peak of the MQWs has been shifted
to 1247 nm by tuning the compositions of the MQW. This configuration allows the modulator
to work in the 1.3 μm transmission window. We also applied a gradual-doping profile of 2e18
to 1e18 to the p-InP cladding layer in order to reduce the series resistance. The SOI wafer
consists of a 400 nm guiding silicon layer, a 1 μm oxide layer and a 725 μm thick silicon
substrate. We use a substrate with a high resistivity of 1000 Ω·cm for small microwave loss.
2.2. Electrode
Z S= 50Ω
Frequency [GHz]
Reflection [dB]
Modulation [dB]
Modulation [dB]
Z S= 50Ω
Z L= 18Ω
Reflection [dB]
Frequency [GHz]
Z S= 50Ω
Z S= 50Ω
Z L= 50Ω
Z L= 50Ω
Fig. 2. Calculated modulation responses and reflections for 100μm long modulators using (a) a
lumped electrode, (b) a traveling-wave electrode with a matched load of 18 Ω, (c) a travelingwave electrode with a 50 Ω load and (d) a segmented electrode with a 50 Ω load. The insets
show the schematics of the electrode configurations.
The electrode design is very important for an electroabsorption modulator. It will affect the
modulation bandwidth, the microwave reflection and the modulation efficiency (via the
voltage across the intrinsic junction). Figure 2 shows the calculated modulation responses and
the reflections for four modulator designs with different electrode configurations based on a
common 100 μm active modulation segment. The calculations are based on a transmissionmatrix-based model as derived in [16] for a general distributed electrode and a lumped
electrode with an open end is equivalent to a distributed case terminated by an infinite load.
As shown in Fig. 2, the lumped electrode gives the best modulation efficiency since the
forward voltage and the reflection at the open end are added constructively and give a double
total voltage compared with that with a matched load. However, the bandwidth of a lumped
EAM is seriously limited by the RC penalty, where C is mainly the intrinsic capacitance and
R includes both the series resistance and the source impedance. Using a distributed electrode
with a load ZL at the end, the part of the RC related with the source impedance ZS will be
eliminated and the bandwidth can be greatly increased. If ZL equals the characteristic
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Received 21 Mar 2012; revised 26 Apr 2012; accepted 26 Apr 2012; published 4 May 2012
7 May 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 11531
impedance Zm of the active segment, the impedance matching at the end of the active segment
can be achieved and leads to a real ‘traveling-wave’ (TW) operation with no reflection
coming back to the active segment from the load. However, for a preferable active structure,
Zm is usually less than 25 Ω and in our case it is only 18 Ω. The TW operation requires a nonstandard low value load to match Zm. As shown in Fig. 2(b), it shows an obvious drop of the
modulation efficiency in the low frequency range and significant reflection back to the source
across the useful frequency range. Simply replacing the low value terminator by a standard 50
Ω load as shown in Fig. 2(c) can improve both the low modulation efficiency and the
reflection in the low frequency range, however, at the expense of a reduced bandwidth (while
it is still much larger than the bandwidth of the lumped configuration) [8].
A segmented electrode with low impedance active modulation segments and high
impedance passive transmission line (TL) segments being alternately cascaded emerges to be
a better method regarding the overall consideration of the modulation bandwidth, the
microwave reflection and the modulation efficiency. The segmented electrode was first
proposed as an impedance-controlled electrode in [14] and then extended to the case with
multiple active segments in [15]. Here, due to the use of a short active length, we use the
configuration with only one active segment to avoid additional optical loss [15]. The benefits
of this segmented electrode come from the freedom of tuning the lengths of the passive TL
segments and also the use of a standard 50 Ω load. As shown in Fig. 2(d), a well-designed
segmented electrode can achieve a wideband impedance match at the input port and gives a
flat feed-in efficiency across a large frequency range. The segmented configuration with a low
impedance TL segment being sandwitched by two high impedance TL segments also
introduce a positive ‘standing-wave’ effect in the low impedance region where the reflected
microwave is constructively added to the forward microwave, leading to an enhanced drive
voltage. When this enhancement is tuned to appear at a high frequency range, it can
compensate the roll-off of the modulation response and extend the modulation bandwidth
2.3. Structure
2 μm
Light out
RF in
Si ridge
Si substrate
Light in
air trench
RF out
Fig. 3. (a) Schematic of a distributed HSEAM. Inset: enlarged taper part without the probe. (b)
Cross section of the modulation waveguide. It was exposed by an ion focused beam and the
SEM image was taken with a 52þ tilt angle. (c) Top-view SEM image of a final sample.
Figure 3 shows the schematic structure of our distributed HSEAM, as well as the SEM figures
of the cross-section of the modulation segment and the top-vew of the final device. We
employed an asymetric segmented electrode consisting of a 100μm-long active segment, a
165μm-long passive TL segment on the input side and another 490μm-long passive TL
segment on the output side. The cross section of the active segment is shown in Fig. 2(b). An
undercut process based on selectively wet etching has been adopted to narrow the intrisic
layer to a width of around 2.35 μm while keeping the p-InP mesa width of 4 μm as defined by
dry etching. A small silicon ridge width of 1 μm was chosen and the main part of the optical
mode is confined in the intrinsic region, giving a confinement factor of 24% in the wells. The
optical input and output are through the silicon waveguide and 70 μm long multi-level tapers
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Received 21 Mar 2012; revised 26 Apr 2012; accepted 26 Apr 2012; published 4 May 2012
7 May 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 11532
(see the inset of Fig. 3(a)) are used for the mode transition. The active segment has a
characteristic impedance of around 18 Ω. Low loss coplanar waveguides (CPWs) with a high
impedance of around 90 Ω are used as the passive TL segments. The strip width and the gap
width of the CPW are 8 μm and 15 μm, respectively. Compared with the microstrip used in
[11, 15], the CPW offers the flexibility of the control of the impedance based on the metal
pattern (up to the mask and the lithography accuray) rather than the thickness of the dielectric
layer (up to the process accuracy). Furthermore, the CPW design moves most of the metal to
the top surface of the dielectric layer and hence empties the space underneath for the photonic
components. We picked up the lengths of the CPWs based on an optimization procedure as
described in [16] for a maximal modulation bandwidth. The final asymmetric configuration
reflects the influence of the microwave loss due to the passive CPWs, i.e., the fact that only
the loss of the input CPW will reduce the drive voltage on the modulation segment.
3. Device characteristics
Fig. 4. Bias dependent transmission curves at different input wavelengths.
Figure 4 shows the measured transmission curves as a function of the bias at different input
wavelengths. The data is normalized by the insertion loss of a reference silicon waveguide.
The insertion loss of the modulator is around 4.9 dB for a wavelength larger than 1300 nm.
Moving to a shorter wavelength, the insertion loss will be increased but the extinction ratio
will be enhanced. For the demonstrated 30 nm wavelength window, this hybrid silicon
modulator can give a static extinction ratio from 10 dB to 20 dB with a 2 V bias change.
S21, S12 [dB]
S11, S22 [dB]
Frequency [GHz]
Fig. 5. (a) Measured scattering parameters of the segmented electrode; (b) the measured and
calculated modulation responses.
Figure 5(a) shows the measured scattering parameters of the asymmetric segmented
electrode. This measurement is calibrated to the probe tips of both the input and the output.
We can see that the electrical reflection to the RF source (S11) is less than −10 dB for the
range from DC to 65 GHz. It indicates that the input impedance at the input port has been
raised to 50 Ω and a wideband impedance matching has been reached by our design. Note that
the difference of the S11 and S22 is due to the asymmetric configuration. The transmission (S21
#165067 - $15.00 USD
(C) 2012 OSA
Received 21 Mar 2012; revised 26 Apr 2012; accepted 26 Apr 2012; published 4 May 2012
7 May 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 11533
or S12) shows a drop of 4.5 dB at 67 GHz, mainly from the microwave loss of the active
segment and the long CPW on the output side.
The small-signal modulation of the HSEAM was measured by using a lightwave
component analyzer (LCA, Agilent N4373C), where a GSG probe capped with a DC block
and a standard 50 Ω off-chip terminator was attached to the output port of the device. Figure
5(b) shows the measured electro/optical (E/O) modulation response. Only a 2 dB drop has
been observed up to 67 GHz, which is the upper limit of our LCA. The extrapolation based on
simulation (assuming an intrinsic RC time constant of 1.3 ps) gives a 3 dB bandwidth of ~74
GHz. With such a large bandwidth, theoretically this device is able to support a non-return-tozero (NRZ) transmission bit rate close to 100 Gb/s.
The large signal transmissions at a bit rate of 25 Gb/s, 40 Gb/s and 50 Gb/s were carried
out on a device under a bias of −4 V. 231-1 NRZ pseudorandom bit sequence (PRBS) patterns
were amplified to a level of around 2.2 Vpp and applied to the modulator. The eye diagrams
of the drive signal after an additional 15 dB attenuator are shown in Fig. 6(a). For the
measurement, the input wavelength was set at 1300 nm and the optical power reaching the
modulator is around 4 dBm. A semiconductor optical amplifier, as well as a 1 nm bandpass
optical filter, was inserted after the modulator to compensate the fiber-to-chip coupling loss.
Figure 6(b) and Fig. 6(c) show the eye diagrams measured by a 53 GHz photoreceiver module
(Agilent 86116A) in a digital communication analyzer for the back-to-back (B2B)
transmission and a 16 km tranmisssion through a single mode fiber (SMF), respectively. All
of these eye diagrams are very open, presenting more than 9 dB dynamic extinction ratios.
Thanks to the low dispersion of the fiber at 1300 nm, no obvious degradation of the extintion
ratio has been observed when the signal is delivered through the 16 km SMF. The reduction
of the eye height is due to the loss of the SMF and the difference of the scale.
(a) EE
15dB atten.
Eye Amp.=426mV
Eye Amp.=407mV
Eye Amp.=388mV
(b) B2B
20 ps
10 ps
10 ps
(c) 16km
Fig. 6. Measured 231-1 PRBS NRZ eye diagrams at 25 Gb/s, 40 Gb/s and 50 Gb/s for (a) 15 dB
attenuated drive signal, (b) back to back optical signal and (c) optical signal after 16 km
tranmssion. The modulator under test was biased at −4 V with an input wavelength at 1300 nm.
Assuming a square pattern input, the power consumption (P) for this distributed modulator
can be calculated by:
1 Vpp
+ I averageVbias ,
4 Z in
The first item presents the extracted RF power from the source where Vpp and Zin are the
drive voltage swing and the input impedance at the input port of the modulator, respectively;
The second item denotes the DC power consumption, where Vbias is the bias voltage and Iaverage
is the averaged DC current during the measurement; B is the transmission bit rate. For the
large signal measurement shown above, the current is around 1.55 mA, mostly coming from
the photocurrent, Zin is around 50 Ω and the Vpp is 2.2 V at 50 Gb/s. The power consumption
at 50 Gb/s is around 608 fJ/bit for this HSEAM during the measurement.
P ×=
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(C) 2012 OSA
Received 21 Mar 2012; revised 26 Apr 2012; accepted 26 Apr 2012; published 4 May 2012
7 May 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 11534
4. Conclusions
In summary, we have demonstrated a 1.3 μm distributed III-V-on-Si electroabsorption
modulator based on the hybrid silicon platform. The improved performance arises mainly
from the new quantum well design and the asymmetric segmented electrode design. The
measured E/O response shows a 2 dB drop at 67 GHz and an extrapolated 3 dB bandwidth of
74 GHz. Large signal measurements show clearly open eye diagrams with an extinction ratio
of 9.6 dB for the back to back measurement and an extinction ratio of 9.4 dB after 16 km
transmission at 50 Gb/s. These are the fastest modulators on silicon substrate demonstrated to
date and the performance is similar to the best modulators on InP substrates.
This work was supported by the DARPA MTO EPHI program. The authors thank Scott
Rodgers, Urban Westergren, Daoxin Dai, Doug Baney, Hui-Wen Chen, Siddharth Jain, Daryl
Spencer, Ling Liao and Matthew N. Sysak for useful discussions and help.
#165067 - $15.00 USD
(C) 2012 OSA
Received 21 Mar 2012; revised 26 Apr 2012; accepted 26 Apr 2012; published 4 May 2012
7 May 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 11535