www.orangeshowsociety.org.au EMAIL orangeshowsecretary @ gmail.com SECTION CC – WOOL FLEECE 2015 ORANGE SHOW MAY 2ND & 3RD CHIEF STEWARD: Ben Watts 6366 8706 or 0428 668 706 Waidup Homestead, Mitchell H/way, Molong PRIZES: 1st $5, and ribbons to 3rd place ENTRY FEE: $1.00 ENTRIES CLOSE: 1pm Friday 1st May at the Secretary’s Office LATE ENTRIES: at the discretion of the Chief Steward SPONSORS: RULES 8333 1. Containers to be marked clearly with growers name and address. All fleeces to be lightly skirted (unless otherwise stated) of not more than 12 months growth and produced from sheep the bonafide property of the exhibitor at time of shearing. 2. All overgrown fleeces will be penalized. 3. The judge shall have the power to change class, or to disqualify and mark as disqualifi ed, any exhibit which does not comply with the regulations and shall enter the reason for such disqualification. 4. On a protest being upheld the next in order shall be rewarded the prize. 5. Ram fleeces to be shown only in Ram Classes. 6. All fleeces shall be weighed and classed by the stewards before the judging takes place. 7. Fleeces to be collected at 4.30pm on the last day of the show. EXHIBITS TO BE DELIVERED TO THE SHOWGROUND NOT LATER THAN 1pm on Friday 1st May 2015 JUDGING will take place on Friday 1st May 2015 PLEASE NOTE: Fleeces must be lightly skirted and will be judged in the point score system as follows: JUDGING TO BE ON THE FOLLOWING SCALE Except Carpet Wool Top & Noll............... 30 Colour...................... 8 Character.................. 10 Density..................... 8 Eveness.................... 10 Length...................... 10 Trueness to Type...... 8 Softness.................... 8 Soundness............... .8 P39 OPEN CLASSES Entry Fee: $1.00 C78.00 MERINO Ultra Fine Ewe or Weather C79.00 SUPERFINE WOOL, Ewe or Wether C80.00 FINE WOOL, Ewe or Wether C81.00 MEDIUM WOOL, Ewe or Wether C82.00 STRONG WOOL, Ewe or Wether C83.00 EXTRA STRONG WOOL, Ewe or Wether C84.00 MERINO RAM’S FLEECE Merino Commercial Value Class POLWARTH C85.00 RAM’S FLEECE C86.00 EWE’S FLEECE COMEBACK AND CROSSBRED C87.00 COMEBACK FLEECE 60/64’s, Ewe or Wether C88.00 COMEBACK FLEECE 58/60’s, showing distinct comeback characteristics C89.00 FINE CROSSBRED FLEECE, 56’s C90.00 CROSSBRED FLEECE, 50/46’s BRITISH BREEDS Longwool C91.00 RAM’S FLEECE C92.00 EWE’S FLEECE SHORTWOOL C93.00 RAM’S FLEECE C94.00 EWE’S FLEECE C95.00 MOST VALUABLE N.B If competition is available, other classes will be included, e.g Carpet Wools C96.00 R.A CROSSING MEMORIAL TROPHY. For the most successful exhibitor in the Wool Section. The prize will be determined by allocating three points for each fi rst prize, two for second and one for third. Points will not be awarded in any class unless there are three or more exhibits. P40
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