The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation Context Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration Numerical examples Conclusion Daniel Alves Paladim Sundararajan Natarajan St´ephane Bordas Pierre Kerfriden Institute of Mechanics and Advanced Materials Cardiff University May 12, 2015 1 / 24 The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation 1 Context 2 Blending 3 Ill-conditioning 4 Numerical integration 5 Numerical examples 6 Conclusion Context Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration Numerical examples Conclusion 2 / 24 Context The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation Context Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration Numerical examples Diffpack is a commercial software library used for the development numerical software, with main emphasis on numerical solutions of partial differential equations. It was developed in C++ following the object oriented paradigm. The library is mostly oriented to the implementation of the finite element method, however it has tools for other methods such as finite volume and finite differences. Conclusion 3 / 24 Context The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation Context The extended/generalized finite element method is usually connected to the following issues: Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration • Blending • Ill-conditioning of the stiffness matrix • Numerical integration Numerical examples Conclusion 4 / 24 Blending The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation Context Blending Illconditioning In the extended finite element method, there are 3 types of elements. • Elements with all its nodes enriched • Elements that none of its nodes enriched. • Elements that have both type of nodes (blending elements). In those elements, there is no partition of unity and the convergence rate is degraded. Numerical integration Numerical examples Conclusion 5 / 24 Blending solution The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation Context Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration Numerical examples Conclusion Babuska and Banerjee (2011) proposed the stable generalized finite element method. In the SGFEM, the approximation has the following form X X uh (x) = Ni (x)ui + Ni (x)[ψi (x) − τ ψi (x)]ai (1) i∈I i∈I ∗ where τ ψi is the finite element interpolation of ψi X τ ψi (x) = Ni (x)ψi (xi ) (2) i∈I 6 / 24 Enriched basis function The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation 3 0.5 2 0 1 −0.5 0 −1 −1 Context −2 −1.5 −3 1 0.5 Blending 0 −0.5 −1 −0.5 −1 1 0.5 0 −2 1 0.5 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 Illconditioning 1 0 −1 1 0.5 0 0.8 1 −0.5 −1 0.6 0 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 0.4 0.2 −2 1 0.5 0 −0.5 Conclusion 0.5 1 2 −1 Numerical examples 0 −0.5 3 Numerical integration −1 −0.5 −1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 0 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 7 / 24 Remarks The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation • SGFEM has no blending problems. Context Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration Numerical examples • Easy to implement, especially when compared to the corrected XFEM. • The Kronecker delta property is still valid u(xi ) = ui . • The SGFEM enriched basis function of the absolute value, coincides with the modified absolute value enrichment proposed by M¨ oes. Conclusion 8 / 24 Ill-conditioning The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation Context Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration Numerical examples Conclusion Consider the following system of equations Ax = b If we consider a small change on right hand side, b0 , we are interested in determining how this will affect the solution. Defining e = b0 − b ex = x0 − x Then, the relative change of the solution x is |A−1 e| |b| |A−1 e| |Ax| |ex |/|x| = · = · ≤ kA−1 kkAk |e|/|b| |e| |x| |e| |x| Therefore, we define Cond(A) = kA−1 kkAk 9 / 24 Ill-conditioning solution The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation Context Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration a • Scaled condition number Let hij = √a ija . Then the ii jj scaled condition number is defined as κ(A) = kH −1 kkHk • The scaled condition number of the FEM stiffness matrix is O(h−2 ). • The standard GFEM condition number is usually higher than O(h−2 ). Numerical examples • SGFEM condition number in 1D is O(h−2 ). Conclusion • For higher dimensions, if 2 assumptions hold, the condition number of SGFEM also grows at the same rate as FEM. 10 / 24 The two assumptions The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation Context Blending Illconditioning Assumption 1 There exist L1 and U1 ∈ R and indepedent of h (element size) such that • 0 < L1 ≤ U1 • L1 [kαk2 + kβk2 ] ≤ |a(α + β, α + β)| ≤ U1 [kαk2 + kβk2 ] where α = P i ui Ni and β = P j vj Nj ψ ∀ui , vj ∈ R. Numerical integration Numerical examples Conclusion The space spanned by the standard FEM shape functions is almost orthogonal to the space spanned by the enriched shape functions. 11 / 24 The two assumptions The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation Context Let A(i) be the scaled stiffness matrix of element i. Assumption 2 There exist L2 and U2 ∈ R and indepedent of h (element size) such that Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration Numerical examples Conclusion • 0 < L2 ≤ U2 • Lkyk2 ≤ yT A(i) y ≤ U kyk2 ∀y ∈ Rk Provided that those 2 assumptions are fulfilled, the scaled condition no. of the stiffness matrix is also O(h−2 ). 12 / 24 Numerical integration The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation • Numerical integration of discontinuous and singular Context Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration Numerical examples functions must be perfomed. • The integration of the branch functions (singular functions) is performed using a parabolic mapping (B´echet et al. 2005). • Integration of discontinuous and weakly discontinuous functions is performed with subdivision of the elements. Conclusion 13 / 24 Integration algorithm The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation 1 2 The cut points between the interface and the element edges are found. A least squares plane is adjusted to the cut points. Context Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration Numerical examples Conclusion (1) (2) 14 / 24 Integration algorithm The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation 3 4 Points are placed over the plane. A polynomial interpolation in the normal direction is built and solved. Context Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration Numerical examples Conclusion (3) (4) 15 / 24 Integration algorithm The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation 5 Two sets of points are created. φi ≥ 0 and φi ≤ 0 Context Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration Numerical examples Conclusion (5) 16 / 24 Integration algorithm The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation 6 Delaunay tetrahedralization is computed for both sets. Context Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration Numerical examples Conclusion (6) 17 / 24 Integration algorithm The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation 7 Gauss points are mapped into the tetrahedrons Context Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration Numerical examples Conclusion (7) 18 / 24 Numerical Examples. Problem definition The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation Context Blending Illconditioning ∇ · σ + b = 0 on Ω σ · n = t on Γt u = u on Γu = 12 (∇u + (∇u)T ) on Ω σ = C on Ω t Numerical integration Numerical examples Conclusion b u 19 / 24 Circular Inclusion The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation The absolute value of the level set is used as enrichment function. Circular inclusion −1 10 Context Illconditioning Numerical integration Energy norm error Blending −2 10 Numerical examples Conclusion −3 10 −3 10 −2 10 h −1 10 20 / 24 Crack The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation Enriched with the “linear Heaviside” (H(x), H(x)x, H(x)y) and the branch enrichemet functions. 0 10 Context GFEM SGFEM Illconditioning Numerical integration Error in energy−norm Blending −1 10 −2 10 Numerical examples Conclusion −3 10 −3 10 −2 10 −1 h 10 0 10 21 / 24 Crack The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation 12 10 SGFEM GFEM 10 10 Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration Numerical examples Scaled condition number Context 8 10 6 10 4 10 2 10 −3 10 −2 −1 10 10 0 10 h Conclusion 22 / 24 Summary The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation • The stable generalized finite element is an easy to Context Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration Numerical examples implement solution to blending problems. • At the moment, SGFEM is not a complete solution against the ill-conditioning. • Numerical integration perfomed through element subdivision and parabolic mapping. Conclusion 23 / 24 Literature The stable GFEM. Convergence, accuracy and Diffpack implementation • Babuska, I., Banerjee, U. (2012). Stable Generalized Context • Gupta, V., Duarte, C. a., Babuska, I., Banerjee, U. (2013). Blending Illconditioning Numerical integration Numerical examples Conclusion Finite Element Method (SGFEM). Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering A Stable and Optimally Convergent Generalized FEM (SGFEM) for Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering • Gupta, V., Duarte, C. a., Babuska, I., Banerjee, U. (2015). Stable GFEM (SGFEM): Improved conditioning and accuracy of GFEM/XFEM for three-dimensional fracture mechanics. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 24 / 24
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