Préparation and characterizatîon of osmodehydrated fruits from lemon and date by-products JElxll h Abstract: dcs-scâen Manel Masmoudi 11 ', Souhail Besbes a , Christophe Blecker b, Hamadi Attia" * Food Analysis Unit, National Engineering School ofSfax, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia Technology of Food Industries Unit, Agronomie Science* Univers ity ofGembloux, 5030 Gembloux, Belgium * Correspondesctuthor, Tel: -21674274 088, Fax: -21614275 595 tablished in order lo for lodehyclrated fruits Irom Citrus and date by-pioducts ODP were conducled at 40 °C This tempera osmodehydration kinel characteristics (lower acidily, higher sugar content ) lhar led lemon by-product. Their attractive colour and their good densities glucose and glucose^sucrose solutions presented more o ;tures and Iower water holding capacities (WHC) than thé others. The! introduction LJ in some milk products. The isotonic solutio Osmodehydrated fruits préparation mposition iniluenced their physical charactenstics In lact. ODF prepared in Physico-cltemical |>r<>|)erties ofthe by-products and tht* date juicc (g/100g dry matter basis) In Tuniiia. die prnduutinti H( unn> Iruiis « jj, nujrty 235IMH) Ion* in thé 2(MI2-2()(I3 erowms «i«>n. lin tlw ollicr IIJIKÎ. dm» prudueliim u j. marly I ISIHHI t.,n. m lin. naunn. wiih 721)0(1 for Ihc "Deijlel Componcnt lliesc by-produel* aie général]y thniwn »r ni limileil K»» uwd in animal fced rir i» a lertilizer. Their hy-pruducls Dule by-prouuch Ditejui» Additifs (potassium sofbate: 0.18 % and ascorbic acid: 0.04%) 15.87 65.78 17.17 Ash 2.57 2.27 2.40 pH .1.14 5.11 5.62 Acidity (Meq/lOOg) 38.71 6.93 1.20 Proiein 7.S8 2. 84 1.79 Total sugars 13.77 87.71 85. SS Pectîii 21.56 2.27 0.53 Total soluhk solids (°Bri\ 7.38 19 (1.980 0.957 Drymutlcr(%) ui-ncrjlly Jistjriltd « |i.nli.i!ly inlcgraled in aiiinu! Iccil Citrui jnd dale> hj-proilutls cnuld hc usul'iil in UK luod mJujiry. iwing tu ihcir hijjh uunieni uf many impurUnl iwiuriil wmpound) Hwh as peclin, m™ni)Ids. tngiir jnit divlary lllier. !n Iliis sgiuc. u ide pmsptwls l'or nimnliu dehydrjtiun (<)D) in tuiitcnlralcd .solutions hâve uriscn aa j Stirring of thé mirture urgjnnlcpLic and nutiiliotiil conieiu Thcic Truil prcpattliuns ., .ii.l bc u^cJ mit nnly un Tmishud pmiluul; hul jlu) j.. tnitredicnt) fur niany fond: sud] js ii^-trcam. uiiifcctioncn' and hakcry pruducUi. The aim of Addition ofthe lemon by product without pips aller IrcaimCTl by Dl.S procui». Thc nio.<l phy.'iojl and chcmûjl {mipcrlie* of lemun by-pruiluuU an ucll Osmodehydration(40-C) Water bath (stirring 140 rpm) or Ovi Until 40 'Brix -CL a* sation (water bath : 75 °C, 10 min) Kinetic of OOP in drying oven / water bath Sludy ofthe ODP at a water bath Molt-cular sizt uf tht \ugarx ^ ODPspL-ed <j Physico-chemical properHea ofthe osmodehydrated fruits (g/100g dry niatter baxis) Colour studv of osmodehydrated fruits Isolonic solution Component Drv niailer(%) Datejuke Sucroie Glucose/ sucrose G lu eus e 41.99 4405 4] 5K 44.73 A.-ili 3.1)4 1.39 1.33 1.30 pu 3.57 3.26 3.15 307 Acidity (Mi;i]/1TOg) 17.32 14.41) 1 5 211 15.44 Protdns S 75 6.85 6.86 6.55 Total sugars 78.56 S 1 .06 82.64 82.69 Total solublc sulids 4(1.14 40 36 411.17 4068 «. 0.919 0.932 0.925 0.904 WHC (%) 67.55 6 H 74 40. .19 54.58 Dcnsiiv 1.190 ! 221) 1.230 1 230 -i -y \y <ù CieLuI) cou raina tt liotunic lolntlon Date juive SUITUSL- r 21.95 25.04 25.41 am 3.35 î 11 2 20 1.91 b' 4.16 6 15 7.09 16.47 Clucosc/sucrose Glucose 16 y-i Microstructure of thé osinodelivdrafed fruits : Betferlensurial pruptrlit : incorpui'iitiun in sumt milk pn)Ju< Conclusion Union and Jaic hy-pnidueLi *ere giioil fund mairivo fur Uw prepwaiion nf ODF u-ing ODP Kuulu ihimctl J hclUT tims innsl'cr wlicn Llic (JDP «js perlurmcd in Ihc Mjla hjth jl 4(1 'C' F!iy*liiu-i,|u:iiiii:jl Jnalysis mdiejled IhJl Ihc ODPha; httn dc.wrihcij i» u suitahlc mclhnd Inr prescrvni)j (mil <jiuli!> jnd devcliiping new lixid in^eiliEiiu Hic lulurc urihc uilulm uscd Ji,r Ui= dchydrution liulutiun (sucruse. Blucose/sucruw. glueu.<c jnd dalo juitc) inllucnvcd ihc kinclic «I llw ODP » wcll n lowerviscosity and WHC
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