Word Ranking Event Word Ranking Event Trainings Liga Norte Trainings Spanish Championship Liga Norte Spanish Championship Word Ranking Event Trainings Liga Norte Spanish Championship i ni n g Tra ining Tra i ni n g Tra “Las Tuerces” “Torquemada” “Perazancas” 24.0 .15 3 25.0 .15 3 4 “Nacimiento 23.0 .15 3 d 5 “Pinar de las arenas” 27.0 .15 3 y 2nd Ev 1st en t 2015 ara ra p ” W 20.0 .15 3 6 30.0 .15 3 ining Tra 7 “El Negral” hi h Champions d ión “Las Turinas” 01. .15 04 d” is an e Valla do li Sp Organisers 8 c ta 02 -0 5 “Compasco” ining Tra u 201 i ni n g Tra 3 1. 15 03. Trophy: “D ip León 28 -29 15 March 20 PISUERGA . Int p- ay de Vale DAYS 1 “Nogales” astill ga C la Li gue 2015 16 1st y 2nd Event a Le i ni n g Tra nal de Cast illa Ca 20 -22 15 March 20 O-FESTIVAL rthern Regi on No f o al y: ph i ni n g Tra el rnationa l Tr Inte E o R 2 Graphic design: Daniel Isla / Photo: Bret Webster 3 5 5 April 201 Organisers Organisers Club de ORIENTACIÓN Valladolid Club de Orientación Valladolid Portada A4 O-Festival 16 Días Pisuerga (inglés) Choose your competition and add some extra trainings or... Why not? TAKE IT ALL!!! Competitions and trainings Competitions and trainings Location hree Castilian orienteering clubs: ”Club de Orientación Río Carrión (ORCA)”, “Club de Orientación Valladolid (COV) and “Club Deportivo Portillo Orientación (CDPO)”, join forces to present 8 excellent trainings to complete the official orienteering events each of them organise during March and April 2015. You will enjoy 16 days of intense orienteering in a wide variety of terrains, the best you can imagine! Competitions and trainings 20 march Friday Location T3 T1 Castilla y León Location T2 C1 20-22 Spain march Palencia T4 Valladolid WRE International Trophy “Nacimiento del Canal de Castilla” Location: Alar del Rey (Palencia) Competition: Long Distance (WRE) / Middle Distance / Model Event / “Anti-oficial” races. Organiser Club: ORCA Web:.http://orcapalencia.com/web/competici ones/trofeo-internacional-canal-de-castilla/ T6 T5 C2 T8 T7 C3 23 march Monday Madrid 24 Entries Entries Entries Entries are avaiilable even for single trainings or for the pack of 8 trainings. Entries will be via the online system “OrienteeringOnline.net”: march Tuesday 25 march Wednesday http://www.orienteeringonline.net/CompetitionBasicInfo.aspx?CompetitionID=2032 Entries for the Official Competitions (WRE International Trophy “Nacimiento del Canal de Castilla”, 1st y 2nd event Northern Regional League 2015 (Liga Norte 2015) and Spanish Championship - International Trophy “Diputación de Valladolid”) should be made though their own website, and are NOT included in this pack of trainings. 27 march Friday Entry fee: 2€/training - 12€ training pack ( 8 trainings) Entry date: 1 Feb 2015- 13 March 2015 Payment: All entries must be paid in advanved. Payments will be made by bank transfer to the following account: 28-29 march Account name: Club de Orientación Río Carrión / Bank: BBVA / BIC: BBVAESMMXXX IBAN: ES78 0182 0497 0402 01553798 / Reference: O-festival 16 días Pisuerga Entries will not be taken into consideration until payment is completed. Name of person who makes the transfer bank should be indicated. Proof of payment will be necessary at the day of the pick-up. 30 +information +information +information Further information about 16 days O-Festival can be obtain from the website: http://www.pisuergaofest2015.org.es/ march Monday 31 march Tuesday NOTE: Sport insurance will be under orienteer´s responsability. Organisers decline any responsability in case of accident. Organisers Organisers Club de Orientación “Río Carrión” Club de Orientación Valladolid 1 Organisers Club Deportivo Portillo Orientación Club de Orientación Valladolid Web: www.covalladolid.org/ april Wednesday 02-05 april Club de ORIENTACIÓN Valladolid Web: http://orcapalencia.com/ Training 1: Nogales Location: Nogales de Pisuerga (Palencia) Organiser Club: ORCA Terrain desc: Mixture of woodland:pinewood, oak wood and holm-oak wood. Rock details y contours. Training 2: Perazancas Location: Perazancas de Ojeda (Palencia) Organiser Club: ORCA Terrain desc: Mixture: pinewood, oakwood and open-lands. Lost of reentrants and spurs Training 3: Las Tuerces Location: Villaescusa de las Torres (Palencia) Organiser club: ORCA Terrain desc: Plateau with well defined N-S vegetation valleys . Rock maze. Training 4: Torquemada Location: Torquemada (Palencia) Organiser club: ORCA Terrain desc: Mediterranean forest. Piles of stones y small hills. Training 5: Pinar de las arenas Location: La Parrila / Portillo (Valladolid) Organiser club: COV Terrain desc: 6km far away from 2015 SOC´s maps. Open pinewood. Complex contours 1st and 2nd Event of Northern Regional League 2015 ( Liga Norte ) Location: Montemayor de Pililla (Valladolid) Competions: Mixed Sprint Relay / Long Distance Organiser club: COV Web: http://www.covalladolid.org/ Training 6: Compasco Loc: Aldeamayor de San Martín (Valladolid) Organiser club: COV Terrain desc: Within a few km of 2015 SOC´s maps. Open pinewood. Complex contours Training 7: El Negral Location: San Miguel del Arroyo (Valladolid) Organiser club: CDPO (map provided by COV) Terrain desc: 6km far away from 2015 SOC´s maps. Open pinewood. Complex contours Training 8: Las Turinas Location: Portillo (Valladolid) Organiser club: CDPO Terrain desc: Mixuture of open woodlands and open-lands. Complex contours. Big track network. Spanish Championship - International Trophy “Diputación de Valladolid” (SOC) Location: Portillo (Valladolid) Competition: Middle Distance / Sprint / O-precision / Mixed Relay / Relay / Long Distance / Model Event / Women Race Organiser club: CDPO Web: http://www.ceo2015.es/ Web: www.cdporientacion.org Training map samples Training map samples Training map samples T1 “Nogales” T2 T3 “Perazancas” “Las Tuerces” T4 T5 T6 “Torquemada” “Pinar de las arenas” “Compasco” T7 “El Negral” T8 “Las Turinas” Contraportada A4 O-Festival 16 Días Pisuerga (inglés)
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