TICK ET O R D ER FO R M Youth 6-18 ($10 with purchase of adult ticket) ADULT* Silva SHOWS Section Qty Price Subtotal Section Qty Price Subtotal total Section Qty Price Subtotal Section Qty Price Subtotal total Section Qty Price Subtotal Section Qty Price Subtotal total Section Qty Price Subtotal Section Qty Price Subtotal total Haydn’s Creation, 6/25 Seven Deadly Sins: Storm Large, 6/26 Bach, Bruckner and Brahms, 7/2 Lord Nelson Mass, 7/7 St. John Passion, 7/9 Canadian Brass’ Family Fanfare, 7/10 Mahler’s Symphony No. 2, 7/12 159 Pick 3 Silva (Valid 5/5—6/16) Beall hall shows Halls Conducts Beethoven, 6/27 Passio, 6/28 The Beauty of Baroque, 6/30 CMNW: Beethoven’s Violin Sonatas, 7/1 Berwick Academy: Suzuki Conducts Bach, CMNW: Mozart and Ralph’s Old Records, 7/5 Piano Recital: Ya-Fei Chaung, 7/6 Pick 3 Beall (Valid 5/5—6/16) Soreng Theater 150 Kids: Let the Wild Rumpus Start, 6/27 Discovery 1: Christmas Oratorio I, 6/29 Discovery 2: Christmas Oratorio II, 7/1 Discovery 3: Christmas Oratorio III, 7/7 Discovery 4: St. John Passion, 7/8 Kids: Super Powers!, 7/11 Joe Power and Friends, 7/11 Central Lutheran/First United Methodist/trinity pdx Organ Recital: Paul Jacobs–Eugene, Organ Recital: Paul Jacobs–PDX, 7/7 Stangeland Family Youth Choral Academy, You’re invited to join us for the 2015 Festival *NEW “Pick Three” Discount Receive a 20 percent discount when you pick three concerts at either Beall Hall , Silva Concert Hall, or a combination of the two . “Pick Three” packages can be purchased from May 5 through June 16, and cannot be combined with other offers. “Pick Three” Packages contain three Section A tickets at Silva or Beall Halls, and do not apply to other seating sections. all ticket prices Please refer to the brochure for all ticket prices, information on seating sections, venue information, concert descriptions, times, dates and ticket policies. Seniors Those aged 65+ may purchase discounted tickets ($15) to all Discovery Series Programs. Youth/Student Tickets Children and youth tickets for ages 6-18 are $10 each with the purchase of an adult ticket. PAY M ENT IN F O Mark your concert choices on the other side of this page and complete the form below. Enter Total from order form: $ Your tax-deductible contribution here of $125 or more entitles you to ticket discounts and other benefits. Friends of the Festival MEMBERSHIP: Ticket Handling fee GRAND TOTAL $ $ $ 5.00 Form of Payment: Check(s) enclosed. • For tickets, make check payable to City of Eugene. • For Friends of the Festival membership, include separate check payable to Oregon Bach Festival for amount of contribution. Tickets and Friends of the Festival membership may be combined in credit card amount. Visa MC card # Discover AmEx EXP. card Holder (please print) Signature Send tickets to: Please be sure to include your phone numbers. name address city/state/zip phone work cell email YES! Include me on the OBF email list for news, alerts, and offers. seating location and preferences please indicate special seating or disabled access requests here or on a separate sheet. Wheelchair seating required. Note: Wheelchair seating not available in Silva lower balcony and Beall balcony. mail or deliver to Hult Center for the Performing Arts, Bach’s Office, One Eugene Center • Eugene, OR 97401-2680 FAX BOTH PAGES OF YOUR ORDER TO (credit cards only): (541) 682-2700 Order on the web: www.oregonbachfestival.com
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