STEM Education Professional Development - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math - Graduate Courses For Secondary Teachers Summer 2015 Be a STEM Leader in your School! Ignite and Invigorate your Practice with STEM Summer Courses Focusing on Common Core-Math, Next Generation Science Standards, Engineering, and Technology! Physics for the Next Generation Aug. 10—14 Biology for the Next Generation Chemistry for the Next Generation Aug. 3-7 June 17— 19 June 16-22 Teaching Science with Project Nano Advanced June 18 - 22 Integrating the Common Core and NGSS — through The Private Eye® July 27-31 Technology Enhanced Personalized Learning as a Pathway to STEM Success Hybrid—Face-to-Face Aug. 3-5 and Online Aug. 6 & 7 STEM TEACH Aug. 3—7 Place-Based Education: Authentic STEM in the Community Using (Vernier) Technology to Teach NGSS Fully Online OPENS July 15 and teachers can start anytime Summer term Let us know your interest by completing the Summer 2015 Course Interest Survey on July 6—July 17 Questions or Need Help? June 22—July 2 Statistics for Mathematics Teachers July 20-Aug. 13 Aug. 11-14 For Middle School Teachers History of Mathematics Arithmetic and Algebraic Structures Hybrid—Face-to-Face June 22 & 29, Aug. 11 and Online Supporting English Language Learners and Equity Practices in STEM EXPLORE Teaching Science with Project Nano Moving Science into the Next Generation Topics in Technology for Math Teachers June 22—July 9 Topics in Geometry for Math Teachers July 20-Aug. 13 Flyer Printing Courtesy of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Portland Metro STEM Partnership/Portland State University Course Highlights Focus on Common Core-Math, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Engineering & Technology Attends to both content and pedagogy and the ways in which pedagogy can support the learning of content Supports educators with varying levels of experience and prior knowledge Courses use a shared measurement system to identify teachers' increase in content knowledge and instructional practices For complete details visit: Portland State University STEM EDUCATION COURSE DESCRIPTIONS DESIGNED FOR EDUCATORS WITH OR WITHOUT A MATH/SCIENCE BACKGROUND SCI 510 Biology for the Next Generation Grades 6-12 3 credits Grant Sponsored Tuition Rate Teachers will learn how to integrate science and engineering with biology content knowledge in a Next Generation biology classroom. Practical examples of both engineering and inquiry labs that engage students in higher-order thinking skills and application of conceptual knowledge will be explored. With goals of equity and rigor, this course focuses on engaging all students with challenging, scaffolded experiences that meet the NGSS life science performance expectations. Participants use a standards-basedlearning-system and an interactive, data-based patterns approach that increase achievement for all students. SCI 510 Physics for the Next Generation Grades 6-12 3 credits Grant Sponsored Tuition Rate The Patterns Approach for Physics is driven by the recurring question: “How do we find and use patterns in nature to predict the future and understand the past?” Patterns teaches students to make predictions, plan and conduct experiments, collect data, analyze the results, argue from evidence, and evaluate their conclusions. Teachers experience how scientific practices are used throughout the course, and additional experiences show how inquiry is used to spiral the anchoring patterns to new physics concepts, helping students develop conceptual, graphical, and symbolic understanding. Each inquiry begins with an initial guess that is contrasted with a data-informed prediction, found by extrapolation of the pattern in the data using Vernier software. Teachers discuss how to enhance productive student science talk, especially in explicitly comparing low- to high-evidence predictions. Whiteboards will be frequently used to demonstrate how evidence-based reasoning and data-informed decision-making can be implemented in the classroom through Board Discussions. The importance of creating models and discussing their limitations will also be a recurring theme. SCI 510 Chemistry for the Next Generation Grades 6-12 2 credits Grant Sponsored Tuition Rate This course focuses on intertwining the disciplinary core ideas of chemistry with the science practices as described in the Next Generation Science Standards. Teachers experience means of using inquiry experiments and engineering design tasks to guide students through typical learning progressions and explore means to engage students in the scientific and engineering practices when student data collection is not reasonable, such as mining existing data and simulations. Another strand of the course centers on using formative assessments that target known misconceptions and help teachers move students along their learning continuum as assessed on a rubric. The course culminates with teacher sharing of their modified sequence implementation plan. SCI 510 Teaching Science With Project Nano (Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Opportunities) Grades 6-12 3 credits A very unique, hands-on course that is standards focused and outcomes based that provides teachers with a pedagogical system to utilize a variety of STEM technologies that integrate seamlessly into their curriculum. Project NANO specializes in the use and workings of the Phenom, (a table top Scanning Electron Microscope-SEM), dissecting and compound optical light microscopes (OLMs), and image analysis software. Through their own authentic science inquiry experiences, participants will explore objects over a range (>12,000x) of magnifications to increase inquiry questions and student motivation for learning content and scientific practices. Participants will design and test inquirybased lessons centered on the Desktop SEM use in classrooms and are eligible to have the Project NANO toolkit (including the SEM) in their classroom for 2-3 weeks. SCI 510 Teaching Science With Project Nano Advanced Grades 6-12 2 credits This is a follow up course to provide collegial feedback, refining, coaching, and supports for further implementing nanoscience and nanotechnology in trained teachers’ classrooms. Participants will share and receive feedback on their own lessons and test inquiry-based lessons from colleagues as they become more proficient on the Phenom desktop SEM. The time on the Phenom will refine and enhance microscopy skills and provide for extended applications. STEM lesson plan delivery/ methodology, classroom management, along with increasing rigor, learning targets and assessment tools for measuring student-learning gains will be emphasized. SCI 510 Using (Vernier) Technology to Teach NGSS Grades 6-12 2 credits Vernier Workshop & Fully Online After attending a hands-on workshop, scheduled with Vernier Software and Technology, students can enroll in this online course. The course goals include expanding upon knowledge for using data collection devices, developing a plan for utilizing inquiry-based investigations in the classroom, and considering how to improve data collection in the classroom. Course introduces the scientific and engineering practices outlined in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). These practices serve as the foundation for the development of a science inquiry or engineering design experience that uses Vernier technologies for data collection and for the assessment of 6-12 student-work. SCI 510: Place-Based Education: Authentic STEM in the Community 3-12 3 credits Course supports teachers to identify the connections between place-based education, STEM, and sustainability to engage students in authentic learning in their community. A variety of outdoor settings within the Portland-Metro area provide the study of nature and community from aesthetic, historic, and scientific perspectives. Content standards and practices and Next Generation Science Standards will be the backdrop to create integrated instruction across disciplines. Participants will develop an understanding of the content learning progressions and the rich experiences that can be created by using place-based practices as a pathway for student engagement and achievement. Teachers will utilize a variety of community-based resources and develop instructional materials addressing place-based education and STEM to incorporate meaningful experiences into academic learning. Participants engage in both class and field programming, receiving philosophic and pragmatic organizational strategies for student success. SCI 510 Moving Science into the Next Generation K-12 3 credits Hybrid Align to student performance expectations in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the correlate shifts in teacher instructional practices necessary to meet these new standards. Using a variety of digital, print, and collaborative learning formats (including video exemplars, student work samples and perspectives of scientists and engineers) participants increase their skills in incorporating the NGSS Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Disciplinary Ideas into their instruction. SCI 510 Supporting English Language Learners and Equity Practices in STEM K-12 3 credits Focus on the language practices that all English Language Learners must acquire to successfully engage in the Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. Identify how to implement effective instructional strategies to engage students in the scientific and mathematical sense making and language use for teaching English to ELLs. Develop formative assessments to measure student progress in the development of essential academic language skills needed for success. Incorporate research-based instructional shifts to provide equitable learning opportunities for non-dominant student groups. SCI 510 Technology Enhanced Personalized Learning As a Pathway to STEM K-12 3 credits Hybrid As instruction expands beyond traditional boundaries, technology-enhanced personalized and student-centered learning focuses on providing all students with equitable access to the knowledge and skills to achieve success in STEM. Learn how technology can provide a powerful teaching tool to help diagnose and address individual needs, equip students with the essential skills for work and life in a 21st century global society, and provide an active experience for all students. Strategies will be explored for developing a classroom, school and district culture that promotes effective technology use and the adoption of new teaching practices through collaboration. Integrating the Common Core and NGSS — through The Private Eye® K-12 3 credits Dandelions! Crickets! Eyeballs! Explore how to use this hands-on, interdisciplinary program to rev up student motivation, enrich content understanding, and heighten critical and creative thinking. Apply crosscutting ideas of analogies, patterns, scale and proportion, systems and models, and structure and function throughout science, math, and literacy. Focus on embedding the use of a jeweler's loupe and questioning strategies into literacy and art, STEM content areas, and scientific and mathematical practices. You will: 1) enhance student ability to build motivational bridges between content areas; 2) make investigations into content areas simpler, but sophisticated and scholarly; 3) develop students who naturally write-across-the curriculum with high-level results. You’ll design lesson plans that incorporate The Private Eye® process and activities to address specific learning targets for elementary students in STEM areas. And you’ll bring the Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core to life for all your students. (As part of a grant, participants receive a set of Private Eye loupes.) MTH 494/594 Arithmetic and Algebraic Structures for Middle School Mathematics Teachers Grades 6-8 3 credits Course immerses students in engaging explorations of mathematics and will include activities that can be adapted for use at the middle school level. Activities and pedagogy principles follow NCTM and Common Core Standards. Mathematics background assumed is MTH 111-112 (college algebra & trigonometry) and MTH 211-212-213 (mathematics for elementary school teachers). May be applied to the Graduate Certificate in Mathematics for Middle School Mathematics Teachers. ( MTH 495/595 History of Mathematics for Middle School Mathematics Teachers Grades 6-8 3 credits Course immerses students in engaging explorations of mathematics and will include activities that can be adapted for use at the middle school level. Activities and pedagogy principles follow NCTM and Common Core Standards. Mathematics background assumed is MTH 111-112 (college algebra & trigonometry) and MTH 211-212-213 (mathematics for elementary school teachers). May be applied to the Graduate Certificate in Mathematics for Middle School Mathematics Teachers. ( MTH 488/588 Topics in Technology for Math Teachers Grades 9-12 3 credits Topic will be on developing programming skills so to create simulations for problem solving activities in basic probability and other pre-calculus topics. A must for those thinking of starting an introductory computer science course at their high school; or those wanting to incorporate computing into their high school courses Course carries graduate mathematics credit and may be applied toward the M.S. in Mathematics for Teachers Program. MTH 482/582 Statistics for Mathematics Teachers Grades 9-12 3 credits A must for those teaching dual-credit or AP Statistics, or just come to refresh your statistics knowledge. Course carries graduate mathematics credit and may be applied toward the M.S. in Mathematics for Teachers Program. MTH 482/583 Topics in Geometry for Math Teachers Grades 9-12 3 credits
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