mm 1921 (Jnne 30, Wte Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. kttle Holds W 1 B. Large Spanish Library Given To University Meet Next Month Skiing I k the summer 10 OKi- - 3U. Tune lt can't be r east- - KnDhisticated .k southerner. But Pacific faer better. know Mwe6t".;V,n,,rnament every througn me lf feet. e ninety-fiv- C'.. ...mners throughout the JHwirt. Canada and even the to en- ...uio wesi are preparing '.I"6'...fih ''' midsummer vullpv hove sea level, in Raifcfjj feet .....I Pnrk. on the slopes . .... Rainier. The date of the lJ1UU ,mr is JulV 3. hon- women who took KT.nd , ncu .. L. I, meets held in previous eu-- Ptourna...I ntpr the coming El. .nd. in addition ETfiperts have announced their Ention of competing in thes and wL.i. others from Norway sum-fc- l. also are expected this The tournament is under the Sid Election of the Northwest annual at. lameDt P E , tht "The Heart of Maryland," the Vltagraph special, production, has, aside from Its Intensely and hlgjily entertaining value, an educational Interest which Is bound to appeal to old and young aitki Of especial Interest are such locations as General Grant's headquarters, the Briars, and the mansion t which great balls were given to Henry Clay In the ballroom Jefferson Davis, president of the Souther Confederacy, was married. There are many spectacular scenes In the production and the dramatic interes is offset by a pretty love story woven around the lives of two brave hearts, one loyal to the South, tn other to the North. The war atmosphere is kept In the background and serves only to give the story coloi The love story holds the center of Interest and bits of humor hide away the tragedy of war. Albany to Have Three Voices Swimming Pool Washington, June 29 The federal board for vocational educa- Il-- iitnow saxa-phon- New Member of Shipping Board tt band. "Poi Fought By House wives H., June 30.. Kumalae, city and nty supervisor, maker of uku- and manufacturere of poi. native staple food made from root!, recently sold ut his tk of taro to a Chinese "hui" Iwnbine, poi immediately jump pupriM and laid the founda- i for a war by the Honolulu T. Honolulu, machinery has been installed ani the cannery is in full operation. Man Sings In tion fias discovered a man whose vocation, apparently is to be a chorus all by himself. He is Joseph Kaufman, disabled veteran, and is able, the board's announcement asserts To sing in three voices at one time," sounding like "three men side by side singing in unison." Only one similar case has is ideal for good jumping ever been known in the United wet snow causes so much fric- States. Kaufman is described as "an when the jumper lands that e and versatile liable to throw him off his accomplished Wute player." Preparations have been made to indie even larger crowds at Pa ndlse Valley this summer than ev- before and it is assured that a we entry list of jumpers will be Trust" (f Joseph tfL Vl tGrllkL Albany, Ore., June 30. Swimming at the Bryant Park pool by July 4th is the slogan of those in charge of preparing the pool for the 1921 swimming season. A crew of four men are now at work erecting a bath house. Funds for the repairing and improvement of the plunge in the Willamette river have been coming in steadily for the past two weeks and only a few more dollars are needed to reach to $500 mark, Seth French announced. Work will be pushed now in order that the pool will be ready for the swimmers on the 4th. In addition to the bath house now under construction a second bath house will be erected, thus providing one for men and one for wo men. A diving tower, spring board and other diving and swimming apparatus will be installed for the amusement of the patrons of the "ol' swimmin' hole." Compositions Donated. Copies of the best products of Oregon's composers were presented to the state library, Wednesday by a delegation repiesenting the society of Oregon Composers headed by Dr. Emll Knna, president of the society. Among state officials present at the presentation were Governor Olcott, Secretary of State Kozer and Cornelia Marvin, state librarian. I wfiiStH9& ' tF HJ ies league on what its call the "noi tmuf " I Hawaiin who can't get poi 'Position similar to that of "automobile without gasoline. f else will "make him go" Unwell. Consequently, when Pwred out of the stap.. us into the of catalog "Priced delicacies, the houae- r league was arpeaied to and Ptly decided to imnnrt Tin! tie island of Hawaii in an "f to hammer 1 . a v. ,t,m i ku yt MV Ul 'nawtiiM' foii on the Island Contract Awarded. Contract for the construction of a new central heating plant at the old soldiers' home in Roseburg was awarded by the state board of control Wednesday to Yundt and Keyser of Corvallis, at a figure of $21,449. There were seven bids entered for the job. OEre-ELEVE- N Case ot Depot a. m. a. m. p. m. &A1.KM 1:00 p. m. 4:1! p. m. INDEPENDENCE STAGE 7:0 O. B. depot MONMOUTH Yick So Tong Salem Lea, m. 11:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. 8:15 a. in. 1:00 p. m. 6:15 p. m. HctM S:$9 Leave Independence . p. jn. ft. m, 1:15 p. Special trip by appointment. Seven passenger ear for hlr. J. W. PARKER, Prop. . Chinese Medicine and Tea Co, Has medicine which will cure any known disease Open Sundays from 10 a. tn. until 8 p. m. ICS South High Street Salem, Oregon. Phone 111 Leave Monmouth Hctel i:0 Re, Women's and Misses' Tricolette Waists, embroidered with yarn and novelty braids. Colors, Grey, Orange, Cadet, Nile, Old Rose, Pekin Blue. All sizes Fat? Too w9tM rd notion mihod; Mtltfyln bctur mi, plea taut, briugt tWnaei Get a mall box of health ind bitppiOMi. KorlM (pi Otttiuao! iuwww) ftt the drURgssT'd, to eat allowad Follow diroctiooa. You art weata, etc.) no itrvatioa or Btrenuooa exercising I Your Ufa bacomaa worth Hrng, wiih clearer mind. Unproved Ofure, buoyant etft cbeerfalQtaa, Lek and leal younger, Add yean to your life. Aaktcr KORttN TABULES. Brochure mailed free. Owl thin and etfcy Starter. X. New Verw. Herein OeH NH-a- ), A - YE LIBERTY Jos. Graber Phone 2054R Women's John Grabei Phone Meyer Lisner, Los Angeles Graber Bros. IBM phone (115. Business phone Women's Silk Sport Skirts, extra qual$9.75 ity Novelty Silks, at Telephone 650 Main 141 S. Liberty St. Salem, Or. PLUMBING AND HEATING - Great Western Garage al convention of 1912 Iwkonts Stationed. i!S0re-- June 30. Governor Olcott has announced Three Mouti are now stationed on the appointment of K. G. Warner of the ponies national forest, con-B- " of Pendleton as a member the watch for smoke in state livestock sanitary board. ".ana three more will go JOURNAL WANT ADR PAY. Buperinten-- I in Plumb. JOURNAL WANT ADh I 1 $1.48 Misses' Wash 3 Velveteen Coats, Black with $9.75 Novelty trimmings. Lot 1 at Lot 2 at $14.75 Women's Khaki Breeches j three-quart- 98c In Black, Dark Percale House Dresses for kitchen wear. A full range of sizes and half socks. er 35c pairs for $1.00 Children's Ribbed Cotton Socks, medium weight. Sizes 5y2 to 10, in Black, White 24c and Cordovan Women's and Misses Bungalow Aprons, brown checked Gingham. Sizes medium - and large 48c ...98c Women's Cotton Petticoats Plain black, also black with Novelty flounces ... 98e Children's and Misses' Wool Tricotine Navy Blue only. Lot 1 $9.75 $12.48 yain Fountains, Substitutes Gingham of sizes range 5c WRIGLEVS has Steadily price, kept to the pre-wstandfind to the same high ard of quality. No other coody lasts so so tittle or does long-co- sts so much for you. y 98c $2.48 WomenVs Kept Bight Crepe $1.48 tnd Misses' extra quality Flowered Crepe Bloomers Women's Percale Aprons in medium and dark shades. Full range of sizes ...98c Misses' Middy Blouses- style. Plain White - Full regulation $1.48 With Serge collars For Infant! & Invalid NO COOKING for All Ages, Tbj "Food-Drink- " Quick Lunch at Home, Office, AA for HORUCKS. & and Gcod full sizes Gowns. Full range of sizes- - Lot 2 w a v Imitations Women's $1.98 Milk jbr Avoid Misses' Dark Colored Camisoles, made of ribbons, also of silks $1.98 Children's Women's Safe mm, Bloomers. and Gaberdines. Lot 147 N. High aep i Misses' Pongee Silk Extra quality pongee....$2.58 Fibre Silk Hose. White and Cordovan Dresses. fan and Women's White Wash Skirts in Piquets Lot 2 WRIGLEY5 Sea led Tight Women's Women's When your- car needs help Starting Sunday at your service. After Every Meal and Misses' and Children's and Misses' Pongee Waists, pleated fronts, the famous Ford style. Good quality pongee $3.98 Women's Women's at- of $1.98 knitted Sport Coats, in Browns, Reds and Navies. Broken line of sizes ..$2.98 1162W Women's figure torney and prominent a member of California apopinted Presithe new shipping board by was a dent Harding. Mr. Lissner nationthe to republican delegate and 128. - Women's and Misses Georgette Waists, in White, Flesh and Dark colors....$3.98 a. The Sherwood cannery is prostrawberries. The new cessing unw mo. E. T:00 11:00 6:00 O. L. M. HUM Annual Bargain Day Offerings m i lawaiian Salem STAGS Leave Silverton New stand S:15 a, m, o . , u""1 . tut year nuncueua'ui Lnt to Paradise Inn arid from km viewed the ski Jumping ta crowds lined one side of which was marked off on L, M Vista Knell near the Inn. The wm ue umu rney ihis season ga the same course. iasi year The warm weather Lie the course sticky and the go so that new rec- g rather heavy, Ui were set up. However, i. iar L sturdy son of Norway, who m lives at Aberdeen, Wash., leap honors by a id away with high e feet. He also tap of ninety-fivtin the honorary prize ror style nd length of leaping and an ex 4a prize of a silver trophy, which iktst be won two years in success- of the jta to become the property Miner. This is one reason for the itense Interest in the tournament Ittb season. Larson must win the m again and will make every ef- fat to take the trophy home with to tor permanent keeping. This trophy is given for the best a Hid man in the tournament. Leaps do not count unless the Attestants retain their footing, W many of the jumpers have dif- itilty maintaining an upright po pon after the leap. Icy, smooth JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT. SALEM SILVKKTON SHIPLEY' & i county to determine how much damage they are doing to the fruit and berry crops. Leave Salem Stage Line Bc"nJ Robins, woodpeckers and crow are under investigation in Wasco JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT. Portland of good pull off stunts, that make the .. .nd "kh!" a8 the par- - '"..... m sailinK works on fine arts, among them a book on tapestries In the royal palace at Madrid by Torino, and some recent works on agriculture, medicine and sociology. Hispano-America- plenty F7nd onhavewhich to i Page Three one of the early Spanish translations of the Sacred Book printed in 1569; set of "Sermon Books" of the 17th century; facsimile reprints of manuscripts of centuries earlier than the 16th; 200 volumes completing a set of all the publications of the "Real Academia Berkeley, Cal., June 30. From last 120 de la Historla" for the the heart of Spain, Madrid, across words onyears; a large number ot n Spanish and the Atlantic Ocean and the Ameri a few Bibliography; can continent, has come to the Si University of California the uni que gift of four centuries from Mr. Juan C. Cebhian, a resident of Hour on the Hour at San Francisco, at present sojourn Both Ends in his more of native country, ing Leaves 10th and Alder at than one thousand volumes of Seward Hotel every hour Spanish works, printed from 1540 Leaves Salem Bligh Hotel to 1920, embracing nearly all branches of knowledge, and vary- First Stage 7 a. m. ing from a set of "Sermon Booke" Last Stage 7 p.m. of the 17th century to some recent works on sociology. Stating that he expects to present the State University this spring a few more hundred volumes of the same kind and that it is his endeavor "to make for the University of California the largest, richest and most valuable collection of Spanish books In .America." Mr. Cebrian has written to President David P. Barrows that the latest donation to the university comprises among others the following interesting books Fifty-twworks of tte 16th and 17th centuries, mostly in their original bindings, in pressed lea ther or in vellum the "Blblia Regia," the second Polyglot Bible, of by order printed in 1569-7King Philip II., of Spain, under the editorship of Avals Montano, one of the translators also of the dramntt original texts; the "Biblia del Oso," Dresses. Good .. 98c $1.98 Women's Novelty Vestees to wear with Tuxedo coats, in Lace and Lace and Mull 98c combinations : Children's White Pleated Skirts to wear with Middy blouses 98c Women's 2 button Chamoisette in White, Black, Tan and Grey Gloves, 98c ar 10 the forests of and te kettles - Mki during the last -- umated at 14,500,- - w7 UUCO n" 4k "SVedrvf W rrFH U L "D..1- 1V",K? lfcfc l that's .efaew f SBMr uu. 17? dnrm COATS Handy to carry beneficial of ftavor- -a lo effect-f- ull as?s J breakfast old. THE FLAVOR SUITS OFFERING WOMEN'S AND MISSES' DRESSES U.C. SHIPLEY CO. solace and comfort for yOonfi and " EXTRAORDINARY J QUALITY MERCANDISE Where It Pays to Pay as Yen Go VJANTADmm PAT JOURNAL WANT ADS PAi WANT ADS JOURNAL ADS PAY. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT. WANT JOURNAL 1 POPULAR PRICES I
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