Thursday, January 20, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Locals Take Game From Irrigon J. G. Barratt motored to Portland Monday morning, accompanied by Mrs. W. V. Crawford and R. A. Thompson. Mrs. Crawford went to the city to join her husband and to assist in locating a residence where the family will live while Mr. Crawford, recently transferred from San Francsico, is employed with a casualty company there. Their daughters, Nan and Jo Ann, remained here with relatives until living quarters are established in the city. Four copies of the booklet "Are Young Drivers Good Drivers?" issued last year by Secretary of State Earl Snell were mailed recently to the Arkansas Automobile club for use in its safety reference library. Two copies of the. Teacher's Manual, similarly prepared, were also enclosed. The Arkansas organization is about to introduce a course of study in automobile driving in the state's high schools. Rhea Luper arrived from Portland yesterday evening for a visit with relatives and friends. Carl Bergstrom was a business visitor in town Tuesday from the farm in Gooseberry. At a bargain for quick sale, 209 acres near Lexington. Write P. O. Box 394, Heppner. 46p. R. B. Rice was in town Tuesday from Artesian Well farm north of Lexington. Ralph Jackson and daughter of Lexington were visitors in the city Tuesday. Cecil Thome was up from the Morgan farni Wednesday, transacting business. Team Possessing an enviable record of ten straight wins and one defeat, the latter number was increased last Saturday as Hpner edged out a 24 to 23 victory over the championship-labelled Irrigon squad. This game gave Heppner its second win in two nights, a decided change of basketball menu for local fans. Irrigon put up a better battle against the Mustangs than did Fossil the night before, but they were still unable to match the speedy play of Heppner's surprising squad. Van Marter didn't have quite the eye for hitting the basket that he did the night before; none of Coach Knox's hoopsters did, for that matter, but the Mustang center still managed to fatten his game average with 14 points. Heppner's victory came close not to being such, as their 24 to 21 lead with two minutes to go diminished rapidly when Houghton, Irrigon forward, sank a basket to just miss surpassing his host's score. LIBE OFFICERS Library officers for the coming year were nominated at a meeting AAA at the library Saturday afternoon. Wid Palmateer was a business vis- Nominated were Ruth Furlong, liitor here Tuesday from the farm in brarian; Mrs. Spencer Crawford, Corvallis N. E. Dodd of Haines, the Morgan district. He said he had president, and Mrs. Elaine Furlong, chairman of the State AAA commithopes of starting some farming that secretary -- treasurer. tee, and N. C. Donaldson, secretary, morning but found the ground too were called to Salt Lake City about CARS ACCIDENT IN frozen. There was snow in his disthe middle of January to confer with by Two Logie driven Rich cars J. Monday, which rapidly, melted trict and regional AAA officials. national ardson Coblantz and Ronald and Monday night brought about the Although no advance announcepassing on each other in hardest freeze of the season. Heppner hill Saturday evening, re ment was made regarding the busiJ. I. Hanna was able to leave sulting in damage to both cars ness involved, it is believed that Heppner hospital and return to the though occupants escaped serious progress on agricultural legislation has proceeded to the point where home on Hinton creek this week, injury. early work towards coordinating the being well on the road to recovery new plans with the 1938 agriculCALL FOR WARRANTS from a recent operation. Outstanding warrants of School tural conservation program would Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bowker are District No. 12, Morrow County, Or- be undertaken. For a number of moving their residence from the Al- egon, numbered 366 to 394 inclusive, weeks state and county officials pine farm to a place near Echo, re- will be paid on presentation to the have been marking time in connecported Mr. Bowker when in town district clerk. Interest on said war- - tion with the 1938 program, awaiting the end of the week. wants will cease January 21, 1938,. the results of congressional action. Mrs. Ruth Lasich, Dist. Clerk, Miss Shirley Wilkinson, daughter D. OF H. ELECTS Lexington, Ore. Wilkinson, Mrs. of Mr. and Frank Officers for Degree of Honor were was confined to the upper Willow G. T. Want Ads bring results. elected at Odd Fellows hall last Fri- creek home this week suffering an attack of pneumonia. NOMINATE Oregon Officials Called to Salt Lake side-swip- ed Page Five day evening. Nomed were Ruby Becket, past president; Gladys Connor, president; Mary McMurtry, vice president; Julia Hill, second vice president; Margaret Sherer, usher; r, Ellen Moore, assistant; Clara secretary; Gladys Jones, cashier; Alice Gentry, inside watch; Ida Daniels, outside watch; Mabel Chaffee, musician; Edna Coxen, juvenile director. Bea-me- The state of Rhode Island is also installing a course in safety educa tion in every grade of every public school in the state. Inheritance and gift taxes collected by the state during 1937 totalled $1,103,598.38 according to a report by State Treasurer Holman. Inheritance tax collections totalling set a new high, Holman said. all-ti- CARD OF THANKS We wish to sincerely thank our POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT many friends for their kindness and I will be a candidate for the Regifts given us after the loss of outf publican nomination for County Commissioner in the coming Prihome by fire. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ball mary Election, and if nominated and and family. elected my former experience in the office will enable me to give you the CONDOLENCE very best of service. I will appreciate Whereas, it has pleased Our Heavenly Father to call to his eternal home, Brother D. O. Justus, who was long a faithful member of Heppner Lodge No. 66, I. O. O. F. And whereas, the loss of our brother is deeply felt within our ranks; Therefore be it resolved that in recognition of our sorrow and in memory of the deceased, we drape the charter of'' Heppner lodge for thirty days and extend our heartfelt condolence to members of the bereft family; that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the lodge and a copy published in the Heppner Gazette Times. Jeff Jones, Ralph Beamer, Cornett Green, your support. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR: I will be a candidate for the nomination for the office of County Assessor at the Primary Nominating Election, May 20, 1938. If nominated and elected I will continue to serve to the best of my ability. Respectfully, (Paid Adv.) Committee. THOMAS J. WELLS. DSepafiir Experiments with a thoroughly-enforce- d city speed limit of 25 miles per hour in Providence, R. I., has proved highly successful, officials of that city say. The purpose of the ordinance was to reduce the high proportion of deaths and injuries resulting from automobile accidents. Tubes Tested Free Latest Equipment SEE THE New ZENITH FARM RADIOS Ingram Sign Service ESTIMATES GIVEN ALL WORK GUARANTEED General Painting, Paper Hanging Interior Decorating BRUCE GIBB NEON DISTRIBUTOR Leave orders at Respectfully, G. A. BLEAKMAN, Heppner,' Ore. (Paid Adv.) Co. Tum-A-Lu- m Chas. Marquardt was in town yes terday from the north Lexington farm. Having his wheat 11 seeded, he looks with favor upon present moisture conditions. Miss Harriet Heliker of lone left last week for California. She will spend the winter at Antioch and Los Angeles visiting friends and relatives. O. M. Scott was in town Tuesday from Blackhorse. With his family he had just returned from Portland after a two weeks sojourn in the city. Lawrence Jenkins, O. S. C. ex tension service worker, was in the city Tuesday assisting with the farm crops meeting at the courthouse. Miss Katherine Boon and B. Whis visitors in the man were week-en- d city from Portland, calling on Miss Boon's friend, Jack Parsons. Russell McNeill, assistant manager of the local branch, Fist National bank of Portland, was confined at home this week by illness. Mrs. Lura Case French who was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Merrill has joined her daugh ter at Fort Peck, Mont. Spe Dr. J. P. Stewart. cialist of Pendleton will be at the Eve-Sig- ht HEPPNER HOTEL on WEDNES DAY, JANUARY 26th. Chas. W. Smith, assistant state county agent leader, was in the city Saturday assisting with a farm meet ing at the courthouse. Charles Becket and Fred Akers were among farmers of the Eight Mile community in the city on bus iness Tuesday. Miss Beatrice Thomson came up from Portland to visit over the week end with her mother, Mrs. A. Q(. Thomson. Arnold Pieper, chairman of the Lexington school board, was a vis itor in town yesterday. J. E. Muserave and Orland Ste vens were transacting business in the city Tuesday from Rhea creek. Miss Margaret Farley went to this week to visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clay Clark. The STAR Reporter INVESTIGATE Friday-Saturda- y TRAPPED BY G-M- Our USED MACHINERY EN with Jack Holt, Wynne Gibson, C. Henry Gordon, Jack LaRue impersonate the undercover agent and a A country's most desperate criminals to track down dangerous killers. gang-busti- G-g- ng irl PLUS THE LADY FIGHTS BACK with Kent Taylor, Irene Hervey, William Lundigan Scenically beautiful Park Avenue comedy played against the majestic beauty of a great river in the North Woods. Also: Screen Snapshots with intimate glimpses of Hollywood stars. Sunday-Monda- y GRETA GARBO CHARLES BOYER in CONQUEST with Reginald Owen, Alan Marshal, Henry Stephenson, Leif Erickson, Dame May Whitty sepia toning fine acting make this a rare direction Outstanding offering. Interspersing of comedy lightens the tragedy of the famous romance between Napoleon and Countess Walewska. Also: Movietone News and Our Gang Comedy Tuesday hesitated to purchase new items of needed machinery because you felt you could not afford to' pay the price you may find what yuo have been looking for in our stock of used equipment, all in first class running condition. We have some mighty fine bargains in used plows and used tillers of all If you have kinds. Also NEW John Deere Disc Tillers Killefer Offset Disc Harrows and John Deere Moldboard Plows GOOD BUYS in Some Blondes Are Dangerous with Noah Beery, Jr., William Gargan, Dorothea Kent, Nan Grey Snappy prize ring yarn Also: Mysterious Pilot and Cartoon January Wednesday-Thursda- y, PAL NIGHTS OFFERINGS PAL NIGHTS 26-2- 7 PAL NIGHTS DOUBLE OR NOTHING with Bing Crosby, Martha Raye, Andy Devine, Mary Carlisle PAL NIGHTS PAL NIGHTS PAL NIGHTS Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Runnion (Heppner) are invited to present this coupon for complimentary admissions. Please use before Jan. 27. STAR THEATER HEPPNER USED "CATERPILLAR" Gas or Diesel TRACTORS Any Size -:- - Reconditioned Investigate the "CATERPILLAR' Portable Fuel ,;Tank ' """'''"L'ifns Complete 'Caterpillar' Parts and Service Morrow County's Own Store BRADEN-BEL- L Tractor 6 Equipment: Co.
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