HOOD RIVER GLACIER THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1916 DOC DC DC DC ARTHUR GEARY HAS 0 0 The 0 Warming Pan Old-Fashi- on 0 No Home Is Complete Without One uses about the home in sickness or cold weather 'tis one's best friend. We have a fine line of these goods, fully guaranteed for one to two years, ranging in price from $1.25 to 12.50. Now is the time to have one. It has many 0 . CASS Edison Phonographs and Records Pure Drugs o LUMBER MILLS WILL Valve-in-Hea- RUN FULL BLAST Buick Motor Cars d season Long before the end of the Nineteen-Sixtee- n Ninteen-Six-teen upwards of 66,000 Buick purchasers will posses Sixes. Meritorious" performances of past Buicks will have sold many of them. Buick power and Buick beauty, will have sold others. But the majority of these men will become owners of Buick Sixes primarily because they are convinced that the fourteen years of steadprind fast progress and unchanged faith in the class Buick in a placed the ciple of motor car construction has far ahead of all competition. Valve-in-Hea- d Valve-in-Hea- Six Cylinders Exclusively You can get your Buick if you act at once. By ordering now you can "get ahead" of the tremendous demand which always outstrips the supply of Buicks each spring. By the first of Hay 600 men will be given employment in the forests and lumber mills of Hood River county. The Oregon Lumber Co., operating at Dee the largest mill in the county, plans to begin work just as soon as weather conditions will permit logging. The big mill, with a daily capacity of more than 150,000 feet, will "probably be running before March 15. The company will employ 300 men. The mill of the Wind River Lumber Co., at Cascade Locks, will be operated again as soon as spring opens. This company employs about 100 men. Lumber The mill of Stanley-Smit- h Co. at Green Point will be put in operation in April. The deep snows that fall at the high altitude cause the company to get a later start than that of mills of the lower levels. This company will employ about 150 men. A half dozen smaller mills, cutting a daily average of from 10,000 to 35,000 feet of lumber, will be run this summer employing a total of more than 100 men. WIFE OFvCIVIL WAR VETERAN IS DEAD Heights Garage, Distributors Hood RlTr, Ore. Phone 3151 for Catalog Stanley-SmithLumb- er Mrs. J. H. Morse, wife of a West Side orchardist and Civil war veteran, passed away at her home last Friday night. Funeral services were conducted at the Anderson Undertaking Company's chapel Sunday afternoon, interment at Idlewilde cemetery following. The funeral services were in charge of the Christian Science church. Mrs. Morse, who is survived in addi tion to her huBband, by six children, was 69 years of age. One of the sons, 1 rank Morse, is a resident of the Heights. 5 Women of the Canby Relief Corps, of which Mrs. Morse was a member, con Company ducted ritualistic services. Sciatica's Piercing Pain To kill the nerve pains of sciatica you can always depend on Sloan's Liniment. it penetrates to the seat ot pain ana brines ease as soon as it is applied. A great comfort too with Sloan's is that no rubbing is required. Sloan's Liniment is invaluable for stopping muei ular or nerve pain of any kind. Try it at once it you Butter with rheumatism, lumbago, sore throat,pain in chest, sprains, braises etc. It is excellent for neuralgia and headaches. 25c at all druggists. Wholesale and Retail Lumber Mauritson Wants to be Citizen Ernest H. Mauritson, aged 34 years, native of Keistad, Swenden, has filed papers asking for naturalization. He will appear before Judge Bradshaw at the next session oi circuit court. Mr. Maruitson, who arrived in this country, at Boston, in 1901, Is now married and has a family of three chil a dren. Telephone 2171 or 56 1 1 Feed! Feed! Feed! Do You Find Fault with Everybody? An irritable, disposition is often clue to a disorder stomach. A man with good digestion is nearly always good natured. A great many have been permantly benefitted by Chamberlain's Tablets after years of suffering. These tablets strengthen the stomach and enable it to perform its f untions naturally. Obtainable everywhere. fault-findin- g Muir Now Bellingham's Mayor Beginning March 1st, we propose to sell feed for cash only, making a reduction in the price that will interest the cash buyer. Alex M. Muir, whose wife, formerly Olivia Hartley, is a sister of Mrs.Jesse Edgington.'was recently elected bv the city council of Bellingham, Wash., to nil tne vacancy caused by the death of Mayor George F. Raymond. Taft Transfer Company The Penalty of Overwork Many Hood River People Are ning to Feel the Strain. r. A. Biafttost A. W. Onlhtnk Oregon Abstract Company Certified Abstracts of Hood River Land Titles by experienced abstracters. Conveyancing, Mortgage Loans and Surety Bonds, Fire, Life, Accident and Health Insurance in the best companies. 305 OaK Street, Hood River, Oregon Telephone 1321 4Some Beef Like the Last" Tastes better. Old customers know it and new learn it quickly Do you want quality? Looks good. Hfe3n iff EL M. Holman The .Sanitary MarKet Phone 2134 Begin- tax of overwork the extra necessary to many trades and occupations is hard on the kidneys. The kidneys begin to fail in their work and the poisonous matter collects in the system. If your work seems hard for you if you have a lame, weak or aching back, if you seem tired and listless, if you notice sediment in the nrine, unnatural color or irregular passages and seem to be runuing down without apparent cause, beqin at once with Doans Kidney Pills, the remedy that has proven so benefical to your neighbors. It has brought strength to the backs of thousands of working men and women. Read Hood River proof : Mrs. J, S. Riser, 1111 Eigth St., Hood River says. "Heavy work while on the farm caused me to suffer from kidney trouble. My back seemed to give out and the pain and lamenessextended down into my hips. My whole body was lame and sore mornings and the action of my kidneys wasn't right. Doau's Kidney Pills helped the right away and soon my back and kidneys were in good shape. Doan'a Kidney Pills drove away all the ailments. Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for kidney remedy net Doan's Kidney Pills that Mrs. Kiser had. n Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. The heavy strain PRAISE FOR SIEG . n Arthur M. Geary, who upon his from en extensive trip through eastern markets, opened a law office in Portland, was in Hood River Thursday. I "Hood River ia fortunate." he said, "in having auch a well known man as Wilmer Sieg serving sales manager for the Association. In every fruit market center that l visited some tradesman was sure ti pop op with the instruction, 'Say hello to Sieg for me.' "The lare jobbers in some of the citiea are much perturbed over the encroachment of the auction upon the ap-Business, which they nave monopo-ise- d heretofore. In New York the state department of markets is leading the fight for auction selling of barreled apples. "It is a significant fact to me that hostility to auction selling is found only among the jobbers, and those whom they have been able to influence. The officials of the California Fruit Growers Exchange, the Florida Citrus Exchange, the California Fruit Distributors and the importing companies of Sicilan lemons and Almeiia grapes, are never heard to .even consider the thought lot returning to the private sales system in great cities like Bos ton, New York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. "Some jobbers of the middle west have just met to protest against the extension of the auction system. They claim that it interferes with their busi ness and throws some of them out of their jobs. So it does. "It is significant that the large jobbers who object to the selling of box apples at auctionjn the United States are entirely reconciled to having their apples sold in England at auction. The sooner the growers realize that the trend towarda the auction is one to their interest the better." re-tar- Is now a novelty. But the modern hot water bottle is the finest bed warmer there k Put to your feet it lulls you off to slep instantly KEIR EAST FORK DISTRICT so Foster-MUbur- Rubber 8tamp Ink at Glacier office. GIVES LAST CONTRACT Awarding the last of a seies of contracts to the Palmer-Elliso- n Co.. of Portland, the board of directors of the East Forklrrioation District haa An. iahed plana of completing the huge water system under their control and supplying a total of 13.000 acrea of orchard land on the East Side of the Uood River valley. The tost of the construction work included in the last contract, comprising the building of six milea of distributing laterala and the laying of four miles of pipeline will rcaxD approximately t,uuu. Tbia amount will bring the total sum spent on improvements since the district waa organised three years ago to more than $100,000. The Palmer-Elliso- n Co. will be reaiiirnd tn mmnleta iia contract by April 15. EMERY REPORTS SNOW 13 1-- 3 FEET DEEP Damage to local orchards from the recent besvy snowfall has been even less than estimated by the most conservative of growers. Although numerous young trees have been stripped of their branches, they will regain their full vigor and shapeliness, if carefully pruned, within a year or two. "I was kept busy cleaning snow from a number of sheds and barns on my place," says D. P. Emery, a grow-e- r of the Summit district, and was unable to clear the snow from around young trees. I waa afraid they would be ruined, but the snow has melted down, and the treea are scarcely hurt." Mr. Emery saya that he measured the snowfall, as he awept it from the flat roofs of sheds on his place, each day. "The total fall at my place." be feet and four inches." GRANGES WILL HEAR says, reached 13 NEW YORK MEN WH1TC0MB BROS. E. L. Goodsell, market expert of New York and London, will speak before the Hood River granges at the Commercial club Saturday afternoon, Feb. . 26. Mr. Goodsell's help hss been asked in working out a marketing system for some of the California producta that are glutting the market, and be is now en route to California. There is a great movement in California toward manufacturing and marketing of fruit, especially dried peaches. Mr. Goodsell's long connection with large fruit interests in Covent Garden, London, as well as his experience in New York, makes him well qualified, in Director Weinstock'a opinion, to aid the California growers with helpful information. During the past winter and fall he has been the right hand man of John J. Dillon, director of the department of markets for New York. He officiated at the barrel apple auctions held in the orchards of New York at Red Hook and Gardner, by the department of markets, last September. These auctions are alleged to have raised the price of barrel apples 75 cents to ti. Zo per barrel. Mr. Goodsell has very pronounced views concerning the possiblities of greatly developing the European mar keta for northwestern box apples. He sees a great future export business direct by steamship from the Pacific northwest, and has prepared some definite plans along this line. BUY EIICTRIC "Steuqirb to Burn Says Gen. Moreheat on the Western Front BE PREPARED Winter is concentrating for an attack and if you turn STEUQIRB about you'll find it the best defense on the market. ASK THE Transfer & Livery Co. FIRST STREET Personal Service Dentistry The material used in this office is the best grade money can buy. Gold crowns and bridge work are made from Neys 22k 30 gauge gold. None better. Why not get the best grade of material and spend your money in Hood River? 22k Gold Crowns Bridge Work, per tooth Gold Fillings Porcelain Crowns Porcelain Fillings Silver Fillings -Plates -- $5.00 $5.00 $2.00 to $5.00 $6.50 $1.50 $1.00 to $1.50 $9.00 to $12.00 - - - - 50c Art Whitcomb haa joined his brother, Vern, in the moving picture business, and the two have purchased from Walter Shay his interest in the Electric theatre. Vern'Whitcomb will be connected with the theatre as? now owned as manager. "We wish tn advise our patrons of the past," says Mr. Whitccomb, "that it will be our aim to constantly make our pictures and our music better. I desire to thank my friends for their patronage during my association with Mr. Shay and respectfully solicit it for the future. "We will welcome any suggestion that will make our pleasure house better in general and more pleasing to any individual." E. Chapman Pays Fine Although the man is said to be worth more than $75,000, Elija Chapman, an alleged miser, when fined $9 before Municipal Judge Howe last week on a charge of disorderly conduct, asked that he be allowed to serve out the sentence in the city prison. Chapman, an old man past 60 years of sere, added to the embarrassment of his predica ment oy going on a hunger strike after he had been incarcerated. When City Marshal Carson told the old man that his actiona were such as might lead to a legal investigation as to his sanity, he had a sudden change AT NEW ELECTRIC of mind and paid hia fine, demanding that be be ' immediately released Chapman's arrest followed bis running Today amuck after an altercation with'Jamea Chapters 9 and 10 of "The Goddess." Carries, councilman, over a trivial mat ler. His property ia said to consist Friday and Saturday chiefly of bonds and securities. Blanche Sweet in a picturization of the thrilling detective masterpiece, "The Clue." In "The Cule." which is MARSHALL MAKES the fourth in her series of the Lasky productions, Blanche Sweet plays the RECORD TRIP EAST role of a wealthy American girl whose lover believes himself to have been guilty of an unintentional murder, and C. K. Marshall returned Friday night who stands steadfast through the days from a record quick trip to Chicago of tribulation, never failing in courage. and New York. Although Mr. Mar understanding or sympathy. It is one shall left here Monday, February 7, he of the noblest characters she has ever spent two days in New York, two days been called upon to impersonate, and in Buffalo and two days in Chicago at one of the finest pieces of work she has tending to business. ever done. Mr. Marshall says that he called on H. r . Davidson, New York represents Sunday and Monday tive of the Apple Growers Association, "Kindling," a Lasky production in "While I was there." says Mr. Mar hve 'parts featuring trie supreme ara shall, "Hood River fruit was decidedly matic star, Charlotte Walker. scarce because of the "Kindline" which scored a tremen condition of the railways. Good prices dous hit when first producced on Broad were prevailing and the demand was way and tbrougbont Ameria, is a play far in excess of the supply." with an immense human theme the right of honorable human beings, inDon Crosby's Home Destroyed dustrious and sober, to live under such conditions that they can bring children Flames originating from an unknown into the world and give them a fair source in a bed room of the home of chance in life. Don Crosby at thecorner of Thirteenth Though the subject is specially and Wilson streets on the Heights, so to speak, the author, Charles Kenyon, handles it with that simplicity about 4 o'clock Monday morning drove family to the street in their night which dignifies it and makes it eternal the clothes. The house, the property of C. drama. E. Glaze, a West Side orhardist, was Tuesday and Wednesday gutted. The flames were extinguished by "Where the Trail Dividea." An answer to a difficult problem, produced by Hose Co. No. 3, of the Volunteer fire the Jesse L. Lasky Feature Co. in five department. is a barber on the Mr. Crosby wonderful acts of western life featuring Robert Edeson, one of the world's Heights. greateat motion picture stars. See this March Jurors play and judge for yourself. Jurors for the March term of circuit How Mr. Davis got rid of a bad Cough court, which will convene Monday, March 6 are: 'Sometime ago I had a very bad W. Blagdon, C. H. Clymer, J. cough," writes Lewis T. Davis, Black-wate- r, L. Fred Blount, Wm. Duckwall, Charles Del. "My brother, McCabe Barnes, A. Beatty, E. W. Birge, Edgar Davis, gave me a small bottle of ChamLocke, Steinbauser, A. L. Vinberlain's Cough Remedy. After taking cent. F.Chas. H. W. T. Kibbey. A. this I bought a half dozen bottles of it J. Miller, L. Blagg. C. C. Dethman, but only used one of them as the cough C. K. Benton, Baldwin, Charles Oien, Phonso left me and I have not been troubled Beal, Arthur L. Page, F. H. Dwinnell, since." Obtainable everywhere. Geo. F. Ogden, C. D. Hovt, C. H. Vaughan, T. Broderick, F. M. Peugb, Timber Cruising Held Necessary W. F. Andrews, John Wilson, Wilson O. M. Bailey, G. W. Baker, M. At the convention of Oregon assess- Fike. D. Odell. exnumerous ors at Salem last week, pressions were given to the effect that Has Used Chamberlain's Cough cruising ot timberjand was necessary, Remedy for 29 years. in order to arrive at a correct valuation for the assessment of such property. Chamberlain's cough remedy has been The policy of cruising, adopted in a used iu my household for the past 20 number of counties, was given a trial years. I began giving it to my children by the local county court last fall. when they were small. As a quick relief for croup, whopping cough and ordinary For Children's Cough Yon Mnnnt nun anvthine better for colds, it has no equal. Being free from and other harmful drugs, I never your child's cough and cold than Dr. opium felt afraid to give it to the children. I from Pine Tar mixed with healing and have recommended it to a large number neighbors, who have used soothing balsams. It does i.ot contain of friends and highly of it," writes Mrs. and speaks anything harmful and ia slightly laxative it just enough to expel the poisons from Mary Minke, Shortsville, N. Y. Obtainthe system. Dr. King's New Discovery able everywhere. is antiseptic kills the cold germs-rai- ses Free Flower Seeds the phlegm loosens the cough and soothes the irritation. Don't put Congressman innott haa sent to the off treatment. Coughs and colds often lead to serious lung troubles. It is also Glacier office for distribution among good tor adults and the aged. Get a hia local constituents a number of bottle today. All druggists. Sackagea of flower seeds.seedCitizens a package of these should tf call at the Glacier office at once. Go to Law, The Cleaner. Dr. Wm. M. Post Office Hours: 9 to Rooms 18 12, 1 to 5 and 19 Heilbronner Bide. Phone 2401 You can make big bills smaller by buying your shoes here. Our little profit, many sales policy, insures you a saving every time you make a purchase; you know the character of our shoes, at least by reputation. Know now that in this store high class is not accompanied by high prices. Visit will prove that you can buy more advantageously here than elsewhere. ' J. C. Johnsen, The Hood River Shoe Man Does Your House Need PAINTING? NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT WE HANDLE Sherwin-William- Paint s "The Best On Earth" THAT'S ALL storm-blockad- plain-spoke- CHAS. N. CLARKE The Glacier Pharmacy n, Oregon Lumber Co. Dee, Oregon ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SHINGLES SLAB WOOD, ETC. CAN FURNISH CEDAR SHIP LAP, ANY QUANTITY Both Phones Estimates Furnished For Building Purposes frame houses, scaffolding, shoring timber, or any work that calls for lumber, come and pick it oak Yoa can have your choice. If yon don't find what you're after in our yards, you might jnst as well stop looking. Our prices are low B.ridal Veil Lumbering Co. Bailding Material Phona md BoUhoob 2181
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