Professional Development Oregon PDUs for Summer 2015 Washington Clock Hours Available Summer Regional Institute “Close Reading” Deborah White Tuesday, June 23, 2015 Pendleton Thursday, June 25, 2015 Bend Summer Institute “The Writing Thief: Using Mentor Text to Teach the Craft of Writing” Friday, August 7, 2015 Eugene Ruth Culham CLOSE READING STRATEGIES: Practical Ways to Help Students Use Analytical Reading Strategies to Meet the Rigorous Common Core State Standards Strong and proficient reading and writing skills are fundamental for success in school and in the new Common Core State Standards for literacy. Students are expected to read and understand more complex text at much higher levels of analysis and application. Close reading strategies can greatly help your students to read with purpose and identify key evidence in text that will increase their comprehension. These critical reading strategies impact students’ thinking skills while they read, and give students the tools to observe and analyze text for both content and craft. During this fast-paced day with outstanding presenter, Deborah White, you will learn what close reading looks like and how you can teach the strategies to your students. You will leave with specific “how to” steps and a wealth of ideas to make it happen in your classroom. Deborah White is an educator with the Dallas School District and author of Assessment First: Using Just-Right Assessments to Plan and Carry Out Effective Reading Instruction (2008) published by Scholastic. Deborah also presents around the country for BER. The Writing Thief: Using Mentor Texts to Teach the Craft of Writing It’s been said that mediocre writers borrow, but great writers steal. Writing thieves read widely, dive deeply into texts, and steal bits and pieces from great texts as models for their own writing. Ruth Culham admits to being a writing thief—and she wants you and your students to become writing thieves, too! Ruth will lead you through a day-long presentation that features the traits, the modes, and how to use fiction and nonfiction mentor texts to learn from the pros how writing works. New picture books, chapter books, young adult books, and everyday texts will be shared. Ruth will inspire you to work confidently with the craft of writing in the era of the Common Core. She will show how to work with standards to create a high-quality and successful approach to writing using the 4Ws: writing process, writing traits, writing modes, and writing workshop. You never know what’s brewing next with Ruth Culham, AKA “The Trait Lady.” She’s either on a plane traveling to present her latest thinking about how to use the six-trait model for assessment and instruction, or at home creating new Scholastic resources for K-8 writing teachers. Ruth spent 19 years in the classroom, the highlight of which was being named Montana’s English/Language Arts teacher of the year. She worked as Unit Manager for the Assessment Program at Education Northwest. She finished her doctorate. She wrote her first book: 6+1 Traits of Writing: The Complete Guide for Grades 3 and Up. And the rest is history. But there is always more—in her heart and in her mind. Her connections to teachers and students keeps the work fresh. Her home office keeps her comfortable. Her friends keep her in wine. Her cats keep her company. Life is pretty good. Registration Form - Register for a single event or two events with this form Schedule for Pendleton & Bend 8:00 Registration 8:30 Presentation 11:30 Lunch (Included) 12:30-2:30 Presentation Summer Regional Institutes featuring Deborah White Location (check one) Pendleton - June 23 Bend - June 25 Red Lion Hotel 304 SE Nye Ave Pendleton, OR 97801 541.276.6111 Registration Fee ORA Member $100 $________ Non-Member $125 $________ Riverhouse Hotel 3075 N Business 97 Bend, OR 97701 541.389.3111 Summer Institute featuring Ruth Culham Eugene - August 7 Schedule for Eugene 8:00 Registration 8:30 Presentation 11:30 Lunch (on your own) 12:30-2:30 Presentation Registration Fee ORA Member $100 $________ Non-Member $125 $________ Total Due $________ The Valley River Inn 1000 Valley River Way Eugene, OR 97401 541.743.1000 PLEASE PRINT CAREFULLY: This will be used for your confirmation. First Name ________________________ Last Name _________________________________________ Home Address __________________________________ City __________________________________ School Dist. _______________________ Phone Number _______________________ State _________________ Zip Code _____________ School ________________________________ Grade ______ Email _______________________________________________________________________________ MAIL REGISTRATION FORM TO: Check or Money Order (payable to ORA) ORA Registrar 1880 Tabor St. Eugene, OR 97401 Purchase Order MasterCard Visa Discover AMEX Card # __________________________ Expiration Date ____/_____ Security Code ______ visit to pay with Pay Pal Questions? or 971.645.0609 Cancellations will incur a $25 charge. Professional Development _ for 2015 2016 Winter Institute Fall Institute Feb. 12 & 13, 2016 “Notice & Note” Nov. 6, 2015 “Assessing Writers” CA RL autho A N D E R r of H ow’s S O N It Go ing? asses si wrinteg rs Kyleen Beers Robert Probst Carl Anderson “With Rigor for All” W heth erSEI sh C al OlNtu that sta E D IT IO NDrn out to be the hero tion w ill be he of my ow ld by an n life, or ybody whether else, th ese page s must show. W IT M H R IG “Connecting Comprehension & Technology” Stepha nie H arvey ■ Conne eeting Good Comm Night, Good on Cor night! e Stan that I sh Partin dards all say g is such for Rea good ni sweet so ght till ding L rrow, Life ap it be iteratur pears to morro w. e me too short to animos be spen ity or re t in nu gisterin rsing g wrong s. 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