ORF 401 Lab 5 Beyond HTTP Chenyi Chen Today Background needed for doing the next assignment (Lab 5): Guide through the examples provided in the website http://orfe.princeton.edu/courses/orf401/handouts/ handout6.pdf START EARLY! Background Everything we have done to-date uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol, one possible type of communication protocol between client and server) It works like this: Client Server “Please Send me index.html” Client Server Client Server <Twiddle Thumbs> Drawbacks of HTTP Stateless protocol: each request is treated as an independent transaction that is unrelated to any previous request. This means: Forgets who the client was; Have to re-initiate the transaction for each “batch” that is sent back and forth. We tried some work around: see PHP/mySQL, cookies. BUT: Consider a complex transaction state… (see also the assignment for Lab5) How to go beyond this? want to establish a persistent connection that allows data to be sent back and forth. For example, something like this: We Client Server Client Server “Hey, my name is Jimmy and I am at IP, can I be your friend? Hit me up at port 6957.” “If you’ve got the cash I’ve got the trash” 6957 Client Server <Send stuff back and forth all day until the connection breaks somehow.> Two Ways of Connecting UDP (User Datagram Protocol) Connectionless protocol (same as stateless protocol) Just send the data fast, no hand-shaking Good for: Streaming Video, Music, Games Connection-oriented protocol (same as stateful protocol) TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Send, wait for acknowledgement, send, etc. Good for: File Transfer, Most things where you need 100% reliability Source: http://www.skullbox.net/tcpudp.php For your own information Difference between stateful and stateless protocols: http://ironracer.hubpages.com/hub/Is-UDPStateful What is a PORT? http://whatismyipaddress.com/port UDP: Example GOAL: implement a UDP transmission in your own computer. Both sender and receiver are java programs running in your machine. Two files provided: First of all, compile them: Server side: vmReporter.java; Client side: vmListener.java. javac vmReporter.java javac vmListener.java To execute them, you need to find what your IP address is! Google ‘my ip address’. Choose a port number. Ex: 55555 Run simultaneously in two different terminals: java vmReporter 55555 java vmListener 55555 TCP: Example GOAL: implement a TCP transmission in your own computer. Both sender and receiver are java programs running in your machine. Files provided: Server side: LenseServer.java, LenseRequestHandler.java, contacts.dat; Client side: LenseBuyer.java. First of all, compile them. NOTE: In this case the IP address (same for server and client, of course) is determined by the LenseBuyer program at runtime, and the port number is fixed to 8190 by both programs. Run simultaneously in two different terminals: java LenseServer STORE (STORE can be any name, e.g., CVS, Walmart, ORFE) java LenseBuyer "New Vues", where, instead of "New Vues", you can use any name of a contact lens brand stored in the file contacts.dat (e.g., "New Vues", Acuvue). Real Task Assume there is a big autonomous taxi (aTaxi) station, we need to build a system to get gate information (assigned according to destination) from the fictitious aTaxi service providers, CarmonCar and VandeRides, then display on a screen. Not as easy as previous assignments! Give it plenty of time please! IP address: e.g. 51000 e.g. 51001 IP address: Your Computer CarmonCar aTaxi Company TCP: • Register/de-Register yourself TCPSocket #1 TCPSocket #2 UDP: • Listen on a socket and receive data from each of the servers. UDPSocket #1 UDPSocket #2 VandeRides aTaxi Company The Above in Words You are going to use TCP to send and receive registration information to the servers. You setup UDP sockets on your computer to receive data directly from the servers. The TCP and UDP connections are independent of one another. Which means that you should.. Setup your own UDP sockets to receive data from the servers. Use TCP to tell the server your own IP address and the UDP ports it should connect to. Collect and process the UDP data from the sockets, display it on the board. De-register with TCP when you are ready to. Sockets and Data Transfer Java has lots of built in functions and objects for handling TCP and UDP, you just need to create the right ones and know what to pass to send and receive data. One example: Type Socket Constructor Sends Receives TCP Socket(address, port) String println() String readLine() UDP DataGramSocket (receive_port) DataGramPacket send() DataGramPacket receive() myTCPSocket = new Socket(serverAddress, TCPport); out = new PrintStream(myTCPSocket.getOutputStream(), true); out.println(“XXXXXX”); in = new DataInputStream(myTCPSocket.getInputStream()) reply = in.readLine(); Refer to the TCP/UDP examples for details on how to use those Java classes and functions Setting up your Java Environment Build on your own PC, not need to use cPanel. You need the following files: DisposableFrame.java (provided) Logo.java (provided) GateKeeper.java (framework provided) GateListener.java (framework provided) GateInformationBoard.java (framework provided) Be sure to import the required Java libraries: import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.net.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; Java Files to Create GateKeeper GateInformationBoard Get IP Addresses of Your machine and the Servers Setup the Object for GateInformationBoard Draw the Windows Setup the Object for GateListener Setup TCP Connection to Negotiate with the Server Display the Information that is Received GateListener Listen for UDP input from the Servers Process the UDP input for Display GateKeeper.java Determine your own IP address. String myAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); make sure it returns the real IP, otherwise, you need to type in your IP manually Know the IP Addresses of the Servers. CarmonCar: String ipAddressc = ""; VandeRides: String ipAddressv = ""; Create GateInformationBoard objects GateInformationBoard boardv = new GateInformationBoard(….) GateInformationBoard boardc = new GateInformationBoard(….) Start the objects boardc.StartUp(); GateInformationBoard.java Create the UDP Listeners with GateListener Establish the TCP connection: Register yourself with the server at startup Tell it your IP Tell it where your UDP port is Deregister yourself on close Close the TCP connection and clean-up Specific Tips: Server Messaging (in TCP connection) You communicate with the server through a few key messages… ADD [your IP] [your UPD port] You should receive HELLO [your IP] [your UPD port] DROP [your IP] [your UPD port] You should receive BYE [your IP][your UPD port] e.g. ADD 51000 GateListener.Java Open a UDP port to receive the data. Receive the data. Process the data. Display the data on the GateInformationBoard GateListener.Java aTaxi message format: “company,destination,SEAT,number,GATE,number” company: VandeRides or CarmonCar destination: name of a NJ town SEAT and GATE are fixed key words followed by the corresponding numbers e.g. VandeRides,Princeton,SEAT,4,GATE,12 Specific Tips: Ports/IPs Make sure you use your own IP (actual one, not Try switch to a cable Ethernet if the wireless does not work. Remember to use different incoming ports for the different servers (in UDP listening). e.g. 51000 and 51001
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