Teaching World History at College Level: orias.berkeley.edu June 5

ORIAS summer institute for community college and AP faculty.
Teaching World History at College Level:
Continuities and Change
June 5-6, 2015
10:00AM - 4:00PM
University of California Berkeley
This institute invites community college faculty to join scholars and colleagues
in an exploration of current research, primary sources and methodologies
for teaching about the process of change in ancient and modern global studies.
• Alan Karras (Associate Director of U. C. Berkeley’s International and Area Studies
Academic Program) will lead this two-day institute with guest lecturers including:
• Munis Faruqui (History, U. C. Berkeley)
The Muslim Experience in South Asia, 620s-1947
• Robert Knapp (Classics, emeritus, U. C. Berkeley)
Roman voices: primary sources from the ancient world
• Martin Renner (IASTP, U.C. Berkeley; Half-Wild Farm )
Industrialization in World History: through the lens of food production
• Daniel Sargent (History, U. C. Berkeley)
U. S. in the World: the Cold War
• Paula Varsano (East Asian Languages and Cultures, U. C. Berkeley)
Uses of poetry in teaching early Chinese history
Further information and REGISTRATION
Free and open to all Community College Faculty
and AP World History teachers.
Contact: Michele Delattre