(Released for publication on November 16, 1932) Moisture Content, Specific Gravity, and Air Space in Wood BY J. D. MACLEAN,1 MADISON, WIS. contains volatile substances that distill at the drying tempera ture, the term moisture by definition will also include these dis tilled volatile substances in addition to the water. In the fol lowing discussion, therefore, the terms “water in the wood” and “moisture content” include these volatile materials as well as the water. When the weight of the oven-dry wood is used as a base, the moisture percentage shows the number of parts of water by weight to the number of parts of oven-dry wood by weight. For example, if a piece of wood has a moisture percentage M of 75, there are by weight 75 parts of water to 100 parts of oven-dry wood, or the water weighs three-fourths as much as the ovendry wood. Again, if a timber has a moisture content of 100 per cent, the weight of the water is equal to the weight of the ovendry wood. If the moisture content is 125 per cent, the water weighs one and one-fourth times as much as the oven-dry wood, or in other words the moisture is five-ninths and the oven-dry wood is four-ninths the total weight. Since seasoning takes place most rapidly longitudinally, samples taken from near the ends of timbers that have been seasoning may show a moisture content considerably lower than samples taken at a point where end-drying would not affect the results. Furthermore, samples containing more or less sapwood may have a moisture content widely different from that of the heartwood. Samples should be weighed immediately after they are cut from the timber and as soon as they are taken from the drying oven. Plants impregnating wood with preservatives treat both round and sawed timbers, and it is therefore desirable to know the moisture content of the sapwood separate from that of the heartwood. Table 1 has been prepared with that in view. The moisture content values given in Table 1 were obtained at the Forest Products Laboratory and are average values determined as soon as possible after the trees were cut. These values prob ably show very closely the average moisture content of the living trees from which the samples were obtained. Individual timbers of any particular species, or timbers obtained from a given lo cality, however, may have a moisture content varying consider ably from the average value given in Table 1. Variability in moisture content will also be found in wood from different parts of the sapwood and of the heartwood of the same tree. Table 1 shows in general that the differences in the moisture content of the sapwood and heartwood are much greater in the softwoods, or conifers, than in the hardwoods, mainly because the heartwood is usually drier in the conifers than in the hardwoods. An exposition of the physics of wood is given in the paper. It describes the cell structure of wood and the physical changes that take place as it is dried to oven-dry condition or impregnated to maximum absorption. Formulas and graphs give the relation that exists between percentage of moisture content, specific gravity, water content, total weight, and percentage of air space. The data are of in terest to those engaged in wood research or wood physics or in kiln drying, wood preserving, or fireproofing. T HE material wood contains wood substance, moisture, and air or gas. The wood substance includes both the cellular structure and extractives of the wood and usually has a variable quantity of water absorbed in the cell walls. When wood is green or wet, the water also occupies a part or all of the cell cavi ties. In addition there is usually more or less air in the wood cells depending on the density of the wood and the moisture con tent. In the present discussion the volume occupied by air or gas will be designated as air space. The purpose of this article is to present graphic methods and simple formulas worked out at the Forest Products Laboratory from which the relations among moisture content, specific gravity, and air space in wood may be better understood and applied by the wood user to the many practical problems arising daily in the routine treating and seasoning of wood. For example, the amount of preservative that can be forced into the wood will be limited by the amount of air space, and when the moisture con tent and specific gravity are known, the approximate amount of air space can be computed. When this air space is known, it becomes possible to compute within reasonable limits about how much preservative can be absorbed as a maximum. MOISTURE CONTENT The amount of moisture in wood, which is designated as mois ture content, is commonly expressed as a percentage of the weight of the oven-dry wood. For example, if W is the weight of a sample before oven drying and D is the weight after oven drying, then the moisture percentage M is (W - D)/D × 100. In order to obtain the weight of the wood when in an oven-dry condi tion, a small sample of the wood is heated at approximately 100 C (212 F) until the weight becomes constant. If the wood 1 Senior Engineer, Forest Products Laboratory, Branch of Re search, Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. (The Forest Products Laboratory is maintained at Madison, Wis., in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin.) The author is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin in mechanical engineering. His degrees re ceived at the university include M.E., M.S. in mathematics, and Ph.D. in engineering and mathematics. During the last 13 years he has been at the Forest Products Laboratory engaged in research work on various problems, such as a study of the relation of treating variables to the penetration and absorption of preservatives into wood, heat conduction in wood, and related subjects. He is the author of a number of publications relating to wood preservation, heat conduction, and similar investigations. For presentation at the meeting of the Wood Industries Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, Jamestown, N. Y., November 15 and 16,1932. All papers are subject to revision. NOTE: Statements and opinions advanced in papers are to be understood as individual expressions of their authors, and not those of the Society. SHRINKAGE AND FIBER-SATURATION POINT Water contained in the cell cavities of wood is commonly called free water, whereas that in the fiber walls is known as imbibed or hygroscopic moisture. The cell walls remain saturated until the free water has been removed. Any reduction of moisture in the cell walls causes the wood to shrink, and the amount of shrinkage will depend upon how much of the hygroscopic moisture is removed by seasoning. The fiber-saturation point is defined as the moisture content of the wood when the cell walls are still saturated but no free water is present in the cavities. This moisture value varies for different 1 Discussion of this paper is solicited and will be received for publication as late as one month follow ing date of presentation. Address a11 communications to Editorial Department, A.S.M.E., 29 West 39th Street, New York, N. Y. 2 TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS TABLE 1 AVERAGE SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND MOISTURE CONTENT VALUES FOR 28 SPECIES species and is also influenced by temperature, but for practical purposes it may be assumed as about 25 per cent. The shrinkage2 of wood occurs largely in the radial and tangential directions-thatis, at right angles to the growth rings and parallel to them, respectively-andis generally negligible in the longitudinal direction. Tangential shrinkage is greater than radial. The difference in shrinkage in the two directions varies for different species and even in different boards or timbers of the same species. An average ratio of tangential to radial shrinkage for the various species is about 1.8 to 1. The shrinkage in the volume of wood going from the green to the oven-dry condition is usually about 12 to 18 per cent for the hardwoods and 8 to 14 per cent for the softwoods. If seasoned wood is soaked in water until all the fibers are wet, it will swell until the fibersaturation point is reached, or in other words, it will regain the dimensions it had when green. During the process of seasoning there is a moisture gradient from the surface to the interior part of the timber. The interior of a timber may have a moisture content well above the fiber-saturation point while the outer portion is below. The distribution of moisture will depend on variables, such as species, size of timber, seasoning conditions, original moisture content, and whether sapwood or heartwood. On account of these variable factors the moisture content at different distances from the surface may vary considerably from the average value for the whole cross-section, and most timbers, particularly the larger sizes, will not shrink uniformly from the fiber-saturation point. In many cases, however, the average moisture content is of particular interest and is the moisture value most easily found. SPECIFIC GRAVITY Specific gravity is the ratio between the density of the material and the density of pure water at 4 C (39.1 F). In the C.G.S. system the numerical values for density and specific gravity are the same. For the English system the density of water is 62.4 lb per cu ft, while its specific gravity is still unity. 2 Data on the volumetric shrinkage from green to oven-dry condition, average weights per cubic foot when green and air dry, and specific gravities based on the weight of the oven dry wood and vol ume when green, may be found for various species in U. S. Department of Agriculture Tech. Bull. 174, “The Air Seasoning of Wood.” Since wood normally contains a variable quantity of water, the specific gravity of wood is commonly based on the weight of the water-free wood and the volume at the moisture content under consideration. In other words, the specific gravity is the ratio of the weight when oven-dry of a given volume of wood at the current moisture content to the weight of an equal volume of water at its maximum density. When the volume of the wood is in cubic centimeters and the weight is in grams, the specific gravity S is equal to the weight of the oven-dry wood per cubic centimeter. If the volume is measured in cubic inches and the weight is in pounds, S is the weight of the oven-dry wood per cubic inch divided by the ap proximate weight of a cubic inch of water at maximum density, which is 0.0361 lb. Weights of wood are commonly expressed in the United States in pounds per cubic foot, and the specific gravity based on this unit is therefore the weight of the oven-dry wood in pounds per cubic foot divided by 62.4. The value of S will of course be the same whichever system of units is used, since it is the ratio of the weights of unit volumes of wood and water. Wood is at its maximum volume for any moisture content at or above that corresponding to the fiber-saturation point. The specific gravity based on the weight of the oven-dry wood and volume when green, therefore, will apply for all moisture-content values above the fiber-saturation point regardless of the amount of water present. As wood seasons, however, the weight of the oven-dry wood per unit volume will increase in proportion to the moisture lost below the fiber-saturation point owing to shrinkage and the accompanying increase in the amount of wood substance per unit volume. For this reason the specific gravity of wood will increase as the moisture content decreases below the fibersaturation point, and the difference in specific gravity for any two moisture values will depend upon the degree of shrinkage. Obviously, then, the term specific gravity when applied to wood has little significance unless the moisture conditions at which the volume was measured are stated. Since volume changes occur between zero moisture content and the fiber-saturation point, the specific gravity of any timber will vary between that based on the weight of the oven-dry wood and the volume when oven-dry and that based on the weight of the oven-dry wood and the volume when green. Averagefigures 3 WOOD INDUSTRIES for these maximum and minimum values are given in Table 1 for the species listed. Since the specific gravity is computed from the weight of the oven-dry wood, based on unit volume at the current moisture content, the weight of the water in the wood has no bearing whatever on the specific gravity as herein defined. The only effect the water has is its influence on the shrinkage or swelling which occurs between the condition when the wood is oven-dry and that when the fiber-saturation point is reached. In addition to changes in specific gravity caused by shrinkage or normal moisture changes below the fiber-saturation point there is a condition which sometimes develops during seasoning known as collapse. In this case the cell walls become collapsed to a greater or less extent, thereby causing a reduction in the amount of air space in the lumena or cell cavities. This condi tion would tend to increase the specific gravity, since there would be a greater amount of wood substance per unit volume. It must be clearly understood that the specific gravity of wood may vary to a greater or less extent for different timbers of the same species. This is mainly because of differences in growth conditions, but may be due also to variations in the amount of shrinkage if the timbers are partially seasoned. Even samples taken from different parts of the same timber may show more or less variation in specific gravity values. It is therefore evident that specific gravity values, like those of moisture content, are only approximate even when the determinations are made from wood samples taken from the timber under consideration. Specific Gravity of Wood Substance. In addition to the spe cific gravity of wood based on the weight of the oven-dry wood and volume at the moisture content under consideration it is of interest in making certain computations to know the specific gravity of the wood substance itself-thatis, the specific gravity of the oven-dry wood without any air space or water in it. A given volume of oven-dry wood normally contains a large propor tion of air space in the cell cavities and cell walls, and the volume occupied by the wood substance itself is considerably less than the total volume. The specific gravity of wood substance has been found to be fairly constant for all species, and various methods of measurement indicate that it is commonly between 1.50 and 1.58. This indicates that if oven-dry wood could be com pressed so that no air space were present, a given volume of the wood substance would weigh something over one and a half times as much as an equal volume of water. An average value of 1.55 for the specific gravity of wood substance is used for com putations given in this paper. The specific gravity of wood substance should not be confused with the specific gravity of wood as commonly known and which is designated as S in the present discussion. In the specific gravity of wood, the wood is assumed to have its normal cellular structure, and as a result a given volume of the oven-dry wood contains both air space and wood substance. The specific gravity S will therefore always be less than the specific gravity of wood substance alone. Relation of Specific Gravity and Moisture Content. Although it is not always true that the change in specific gravity S with change in the volume of the wood going from a green to an oven-dry condition is directly proportional to the moisture loss below the fiber-saturation point, it is sufficiently close to assume that this proportional relation exists. If then it is desired to find the specific gravity at some moisture content K below the fiber-saturation point, the specific gravity Sk at the moisture content K can be computed, as indicated by formula [10] given in the Appendix. For example, from Table 1 the average specific gravity Sg (based on the weight of the oven-dry wood and volume when green) is shown for loblolly pine to be 0.50, and Sd (the specific gravity based on weight of the oven-dry wood and volume when oven-dry) is 0.57. The computed specific gravity at 10 per cent moisture content would be, or approximately 0.54. The percentage shrinkage in volume to this moisture content would be (formula Appendix) or approximately 7.4 per cent. Fig. 1 has been prepared so that approximate values of Sk can be determined directly for the various species given in Table 1 and is based on the values of Sg and Sd given in the table. FIG. 1 RELATION OF AVERAGE SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND MOISTURE CONTENT Specific Gravity Measurements. The specific gravity for any particular timber may be determined within reasonable limits from samples cut from the piece. Where this is not practicable, a hole about 1 in. in diameter and 2 in. deep can be bored to obtain the sample. The volume of wood removed can be computed from the diameter and depth of the hole, and the boring chips can be oven-dried in a paper bag. Samples cut from the timber should not be much over 1 in. in length (in the direction of the grain), as longer pieces require a considerable time for seasoning to the oven-dry condition. The samples should be taken far enough from the ends to avoid the influence of end-seasoning. Samples or borings must be weighed immediately after they are obtained and immediately after oven-drying to avoid unobserved moisture 4 TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS changes. The moisture content and specific gravity may be determined in the same operation. For example, assume the original weight of a sample with dimensions 3 by 8 by 1 in. is 0.53 lb and the weight when oven-dry is 0.49 lb, the moisture content is then 0.53 minus 0.49 divided by 0.49, or approximately only average values, the indicated weights would of course be only approximate. The maximum weight of water the wet wood can hold per cubic foot and the maximum percentage of moisture possible are found from Fig. 3 by reading the weight and moisture con tent corresponding to the point where a vertical line from the given specific gravity intersects the maximum moisture line which slopes downward-to the right. To illustrate the use of Figs. 2 and 3 by a concrete example, assume the species under consideration is loblolly pine, for which Table 1 shows an average specific gravity of 0.50 based on the weight of the oven-dry wood and the volume when green. For this specific gravity Fig. 2, or formula [2a] of the Appendix, shows the weight of the oven-dry wood to be 31.2 lb per cu ft of the green volume. At fiber-saturation point (25 per cent moisture) Fig. 3, or formula [5a], Appendix, shows that with the assumed gravity of 0.50 the wood has about 7.8 lb of water per cubic foot, and the maximum amount of water the wood could hold, assuming all the air space filled, would be about 42 lb per FIG. 2 RELATION BETWEEN WEIGHT OF OVEN-DRY WOOD PER CUBIC FOOT AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY (The volume in each case being taken at the current moisture content.) 8.2 per cent, and the specific gravity, based on the weight of the oven-dry wood and volume at 8.2 per cent moisture content, is 0.49 divided by the weight of 24 cu in. of water (0.49 24 times 0.0361), or approximately 0.57. If the volume of the specimen is measured after oven-drying, the specific gravity based on the weight when oven-dry and volume when oven-dry can also be determined. For example, if the volume of the specimen, which was 24 cu in. at 8.2 per cent moisture content, is found to be 23 cu in. ,after oven-drying, the specific gravity based on this volume will be 0.49 divided by 23 multiplied by 0.0361, or approximately 0.59. By substituting 0.57 for Sk, 8.2 for K, and 0.59 for Sd in formula [10] of the Ap pendix, the specific gravity Sg, based on the weight of the ovendry wood and the volume when green, is computed as about 0.53. Relations Between Specific Gravity, Weight of Oven-Dry Wood, and Weight of Water in Wood. Figs. 2 and 3 have been prepared so that the weight of oven-dry wood per cubic foot and the pounds of water per cubic foot can be readily determined for wood having a known percentage of moisture and a given specific gravity. Since both moisture content and specific gravity are FIG. 3 RELATIONS BETWEEN WEIGHT OF WATER IN WOOD, SPECIFIC GRAVITY, AND PERCENTAGE OF MOISTURE (Specific gravity based on the weight of the oven-dry wood and volume at current moisture content.) cu ft. The volume occupied by the water (25 per cent moisture content) is found from formula [6] of the Appendix to be about 12.5 per cent. From Fig. 3, or formula [4] of the Appendix, it is also found that the maximum possible moisture content is about 135 per cent. The total weight of wood and water (formula [7a], Appendix) is the weight of the oven-dry wood per cubic foot found from Fig. 2, plus the weight of water per cubic foot found from Fig. 3. WOOD INDUSTRIES A previous computation showed that if this species having a specific gravity of 0.50 based on the weight when oven-dry and volume when green were seasoned to 10 per cent moisture the specific gravity would be about 0.54. With this specific gravity and moisture content it is readily found, as in the preceding ex amples, that the weight of the oven-dry wood (based on the vol ume at 10 per cent moisture) would be about 33.7 lb per cu ft; the weight of water, 3.4 lb per cu ft; the volume occupied by the water, 5.4 per cent; and the total weight of wood and water, 37.1 lb per cu ft. If in making moisture-content computations the weight of the oven-dry wood is computed from the specific gravity (formula [2] or [2a], Appendix), it is important that the proper specific gravity figure be used. This specific gravity must be based on the weight of the oven-dry wood and the volume of the wood at 5 content is above the fiber-saturation point or not. This can be done by using the average specific gravity based on green volume (Table 1), assuming the moisture content at fiber-saturation point to be about 25 per cent, and computing the total weight by formula [7a] of the Appendix. With the specific gravity figure given for red oak, the weight at the fiber-saturation point is found to be 0.56 × 62.4 × 1.25, or about 44 lb per cu f t . With a weight of 50 lb per cu ft, the average moisture content is evidently well above the fiber-saturation point, and is found by means of formula [3a] of the Appendix to be about 43 per cent. Fig. 4 makes it convenient to determine approximately these moisture percentage values for variations from the fiber-satura tion point to the maximum amount of water the wood can hold. The maximum weight line is the greatest weight (in pounds per cubic foot) the wood can have for the specific gravity given. LEGEND that is, the volume at the mois NO NO. GR NO NO. W H I T E OAK 059 6- SHORTLEAF P I N E 0.49 11- SOUTHERN LOWLAND WHITE F l R . 0 . 3 7 ture conditions when the sample .... .... 15IsmA is taken. . 16-WESTERN WHITE BEECH _ _ _ _ _0.56 A M E R I C A N E L M . For example, assume a green timber weighs 65 lb per cu ft, the specific gravity based on the weight when oven-dry and the volume when green is 0.53 and the specific gravity after air seasoning is 0.59. The weight of the oven-dry wood based on the volume when green is then (0.53 × 62.4), or 33.1 lb per cu ft, as can also be found from Fig. 2. From Equation [3a] of the Appendix the moisture con tent based on the weight of the oven-dry wood is found to be about 96 percent. This can also be checked very closely from Fig. 3. Subtracting 33.1 from 65 gives 31.9 lb of water per cubic foot. By reading across from 31.9 on the vertical scale (Fig. 3) to the specific gravity FIG 4 RELATION OF WEIGHT OF GREEN WOOD AND MOISTURE CONTENT 0.53, the chart shows that the The specific gravity figures in Fig. 4 are based on the weight of moisture-content scale gives approximately 96 per cent. If, on the other hand, the specific gravity based on the weight the oven-dry wood and the volume when green, since the wood is of the oven-dry wood and volume when air dry of this timber had assumed at or above the fiber-saturation point. Fig. 4 shows weights and moisture content values for differences been taken, the weight when oven-dry would be 0.59 × 62.4, or 36.8 lb, and the computed mooisture content based on this in specific gravity of 0.05 and can be used for species other than weight would be about 77 per cant. The latter is an incorrect those listed by interpolating between the lines connecting the value, as it does not give, as in the first example, the same mois different specific-gravity values shown on the maximum weight ture content that would be shown if a sample were cut from the line. The dotted lines are for species that may have specific green timber and the moisture content computed as indicated gravities higher than those of the species listed. If, for example, a wood had a specific gravity of 0.63 based on the weight of the in formula [3] of the Appendix, where oven-dry wood and the volume when green and weighed 60 lb Relation of Moisture Content and Total Weight of Wood. Fre per cu ft, the average moisture content is found to be approxi quently it is inconvenient to take samples for making a computa mately 54 per cent, a value lying between the lines for species tion of moisture content and specific gravity. In such cases a having specific gravities of 0.60 and 0.65, respectively. If weights of sample timbers are taken at intervals, Fig. 4 will rough estimate of the average mositure content can be made for moisture content values above the fiber-saturation point by also be found useful for estimating how fast the moisture content weighing representative timbers, finding the weight per unit is changing during the seasoning period. The moisture content volume, and computing the average moisture conten t from the indicated from the weight of the timber will of course be only specific gravity data based on the weight of the oven-dry wood an approximate average value because of the uncertain influence and the volume when green given in Table 1 for the species under of such variables as size and shape of the timber and amount of consideration. For example, if red-oak timbers have an average shrinkage at the surface where the moisture content may be be weight of 50 lb per cu ft, it might be of interest to know about low the fiber-saturation point. Furthermore, the specific gravity what the average moisture content would be for this weight. It of the sample timbers may depart more or less from the average would first be necessary to estimate whether the aberage moisture for the species. 6 TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS The change in weight of oven-dry wood per unit volume below the fiber-saturation point offsets to some extent weight variations caused by changes in moisture content. On this account a considerable change in moisture content below the fiber-satura tion point may cause only a relatively small variation in the total weight per unit volume. AIR SPACE IN WOOD In a given volume of wood the air space is the proportion of the total volume that is left after subtracting the volume occupied by the wood substance and the water which the wood contains. The volume occupied by the wood substance will be the weight of the oven-dry wood divided by the weight of an equal volume of the wood substance. If, for example, a cubic foot of wood at 15 per cent moisture content weighs 36 lb when the wood is in an oven-dry condition, the volume occupied by the wood substance FIG. 5 MAXIMUM PER CENT OF AIR SPACE IN A GIVEN VOLUME OF WOOD HAVING A MOISTURE CONTENT M AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY S (Specific gravity based on the weight of the oven-dry wood and volume at current moisture content.) is 36 divided by (62.4 × 1.55), or about 0.372 cu ft. From for mula [5] of the Appendix the weight of water equals 36 X 0.15, or 5.40 lb. The volume occupied by water is 5.40 divided by 62.4, or about 0.087 cu ft. The air space is then, by formula [8] of the Appendix, equal to [1 - (0.372 + 0.087)], or about 0.541 cu ft, or 54.1 per cent. Fig. 5 has been prepared so that the percentage of air space can be found directly for a given moisture content and specific gravity. For example, with the loblolly pine having a specific gravity of 0.50 and moisture content of 25 per cent, the air space is found to be about 55 per cent, while at 10 per cent moisture (specific gravity = 0.54) the wood has about 59 per cent air space. The air space for intermediate moisture values can be found suf ficiently close by interpolating. Fig. 5 can also be used for finding the maximum percentage moisture content the wood can have, which is equal to P/S, where the value of Pis the percentage air space, the value of which is found opposite the zero moisture content line, and S is the specific gravity based on the weight of the oven-dry wood and the volume when green. For example, when the specific gravity equals 0.50, the maximum air space is found from Fig. 5 to be 67.5 per cent at zero moisture content. In this case the green volume condition is assumed without any water in the wood. Dividing 67.5 by 0.50 gives 135 per cent moisture, which as pre viously noted was the moisture content shown in Fig. 3 as the maximum for this specific gravity. It may be of interest to ob serve that if, in formula [8a] of the Appendix, the moisture per centage M is zero and both sides of the equation are multiplied by 1/S, the result gives formula [4] for finding the maximum possible moisture content. The point where a given moisture-percentage line intersects the abscissa (Fig. 5) is the average specific-gravity value of the species (based on the weight of the oven-dry wood and the volume when green), which would have the moisture content shown on the intersecting line as a maximum. For example, wood having a specific gravity of 1.0 could not have, at most, a moisture content of more than about 35.5 per cent even if com pletely saturated. In most growing trees, however, the heart wood has more or less air space, and this in many cases is also true of the sapwood. In the wood-preserving industry computations based on the amount of air space may be of assistance in determining whether the wood has been sufficiently seasoned to obtain a given absorp tion of preservative or whether the specified absorption can be obtained, considering the moisture conditions at which the wood must be treated and the proportion of the total volume that can be impregnated. If, for example, the loblolly pine timber having 10 per cent moisture content (specific gravity = 0.54 at 10 per cent moisture content) were treated with a preservative oil, the moisture con tent would not change, assuming the preservative does not con tain water, and as far as the effect of the preservative is concerned there would be no appreciable change in volume, since the swelling caused by the oil absorbed is very slight. For this reason the absorption of preservative would depend on the amount of air space and how much of this air space was filled in treatment. Assume for illustration that the specific gravity of the preserva tive oil is 1 at the treating temperature, that all of the wood volume can be impregnated, and that all of the air space can be filled with preservative. When the air space (59 per cent) is completely filled, the maximum absorption that can be obtained is 62.4 X 0.59 = 36.8 lb per cu ft. On the other hand, if the wood at the same moisture content (10 per cent) were treated with a water solution, water would be absorbed in the cell walls as well as in the air space, and the volume would increase up to the fiber-saturation point, while the specific gravity would de crease to that based on the weight of the oven-dry wood and volume when green. The increase in volume would be about pro 0.54 - 0.50 portional to the change in specific gravity; that is, = 0.54 0.074, or roughly 7 per cent. Since a cubic foot of the wood at 10 per cent moisture was found from Fig. 3 to have about 3.4 lb. of water, the amount of original water per cubic foot after treat ment would be 3.4/1.07, or about 3.2 lb. From Fig. 3 it was found that the maximum quantity of water the wood could hold would be about 42 lb per cu ft. Then 42.0 minus 3.2 gives 38.8 lb of solution that could be absorbed as a maximum when the specific gravity of the solution is 1, or the same as that assumed for the preservative oil. As another illustration, assume that at the time of treatment the sapwood in a charge of Southern pine poles averages about 60 per cent of the total volume, the average moisture content of the sapwood is 50 per cent, and the average specific gravity based on the volume when green is 0.50. A specification calls for a WOOD INDUSTRIES net absorption of 18 lb of coal-tar creosote per cubic foot, and it is assumed that only the sapwood is penetrated. The question arises whether it is possible to obtain this absorption without further seasoning. From Fig. 5 it is found that with a moisture content of 50 per cent and a specific gravity of 0.50, the sapwood has about 43 per cent air space, but since only 60 per cent of the timber is to be treated, the air space in the treated portion is equivalent to 0.6 × 43, or approximately 26 per cent based on the entire volume. The absorption is in pounds per cubic foot, and the specific gravity of the preservative at the treating temperature will be assumed as 1.03 for the purpose of computation. The maximum gross absorption possible if the air space were filled would be 1.03 X 62.4 X 0.26, or about 16.7 lb per cu ft. Furthermore, the net absorption is generally less than the gross absorption, even when a so-called full-cell treatment is employed, and under ordinary treating conditions not all of the air space in the treated portion could be completely filled. This is particu larly true in the case of preservative oils which penetrate the cell walls only to a very slight extent. With the conditions as sumed it is evident that it would be impossible to meet the speci fication requiring an absorption of 18 lb per cu ft. If it is assumed that 80 per cent of the air space is filled with preservative, the percentage of air space necessary, based on the total volume, is evidently (18 X 100) divided by (1.03 X 62.4 X 0.80) = 35 per cent. Since only the sapwood comprising 60 per cent of the total volume is impregnated, the required air space in the treated portion is 35 divided by 0.6, which equals approxi mately 58 per cent. Fig. 5 shows that to obtain this amount of air space the timber would require seasoning below the fibersaturation point if the specific gravity is 0.50. A close estimate of the moisture content and specific gravity giving this air space can be made by using Fig. 1. Assuming the species is loblolly pine and that the moisture content is 15 per cent, Fig. 1 shows the corresponding specific gravity for this moisture content to be nearly 0.53. With this specific gravity and moisture content, Fig. 5 indicates that the air space would be about 58 per cent. Except in the case of sapwood or easily treated heartwood, only the outer part of the timber is impregnated. A simple calcula tion like the foregoing, however, shows the limitations of gross absorption which sometimes are not considered in the preparation of treating specifications. It may also be of interest to know how much of the air space is filled with preservative for a specified treatment. For example, assume that a loblolly pine tie (all sapwood) has an average moisture content of 20 per cent and is to be impregnated by an empty-cell process with a net retention of 6 lb of creosote per cubic foot. At 20 per cent moisture content formula [10] of the Appendix, or Fig. 1, shows that the specific gravity would be about 0.514, or approximately .0.51. Fig. 5 shows that with a specific gravity of 0.51 and a moisture content of 20 per cent, the wood has about 56 per cent air space. If this space were all filled with preservative having a specific gravity of 1.03, the gross absorption would be 62.4 × 1.03 × 0.56, or about 36.0 lb per cu ft. Since the tie is to be impregnated by means of an emptycell method, there will be a "kickback,"that is, a quantity of preservative rejected by the wood after pressure is released. This kickback may vary from about 50 to 65 per cent of the gross absorption. Assuming the kickback to be 60 per cent, the gross absorption would need to be 6 divided by 1 minus 0.6, or 15 lb per cu ft. That is, only 15 divided by 36, or about 42 per cent of the available air space would be filled during the treatment. Similarly only one-sixth, or less than 17 per cent, of the air space would be filled when the treatment was completed. Computations such as the foregoing, of course, apply whether a full-cell or an empty-cell process is used. 7 Appendix FORMULAS FOR COMPUTING RELATION OF MOISTURE CONTENT, SPECIFIC GRAVITY, AND AIR SPACE IN WOOD
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