Aluminium welding 09 2008 FACTS ABOUT 1 FA_Aluminium_welding_UK.indd 1 01/09/08 13:32:07 CONTENTS Introduction ...................................................................................... 3 Physical properties ........................................................................... 3 Heat treatment. ................................................................................ 4 Strenght of weldment ....................................................................... 5 Filler metal ........................................................................................ 6 Surface preparation .......................................................................... 7 Reducing distortions ........................................................................ 8 Flame straightening.......................................................................... 8 Corrosion .......................................................................................... 8 MIG welding ..................................................................................... 9 Equipment ....................................................................................... 9 Pulsed MIG welding ........................................................................ 9 Welding procedure ........................................................................... 9 Starting the welding procedure ...................................................... 9 Procedure ........................................................................................ 9 Ending procedure ............................................................................ 9 TIG welding..................................................................................... 10 Equipment ..................................................................................... 10 Welding procedure ........................................................................ 10 Plasma arc welding......................................................................... 11 Variable-polarity plasma arc welding ............................................ 11 Laser welding .................................................................................. 12 Shielding gases ............................................................................... 12 Selecting shielding gas ................................................................... 13 Work environment .......................................................................... 13 Weld defects.................................................................................... 15 Solidification cracking ................................................................... 15 Incomplete fusion ......................................................................... 15 Porosity .......................................................................................... 15 Inclusion ........................................................................................ 15 Detection ....................................................................................... 15 2 FA_Aluminium_welding_UK.indd 2 01/09/08 13:32:08 INTRODUCTION / PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Introduction Physical properties Aluminium is a rapidly growing material and has found many new applications as an engineering material. Growth is taking place mainly in the transport sector i.e. cars, buses, trains and marine vessels. Joining is a key technology in many cases and especially welding of aluminium, which is shown by the growing interest in aluminium welding. Many fabricating facilities are used to welding steel and the lack of knowledge about aluminium welding has often hindered the use of aluminium in many cases. The physical properties of a material have a significant influence on the welding properties. A comparison with steel is shown in Figure 1. Aluminium suffers from large deformations when subjected to heat and this is due to the large thermal conductivity of the material. Aluminium has properties that differ substantially from those of steels. The most interesting aspect of aluminium usage is the weight saving that becomes possible. Weight savings of 40-60% are often mentioned in many cases, reducing fuel consumption in transport vehicles. The possibility of using profiles also offers new possibilities in design. The excellent corrosion properties also motivate the use of aluminium. Property Aluminium Steel Melting temperature >570°C >1500°C Density 1/3 1 Modulus of elasticity 1/3 1 Thermal conductivity 5 1 Linear expansion 2 1 3 FA_Aluminium_welding_UK.indd 3 01/09/08 13:32:08 HEAT TREATMENT Heat treatment Pure aluminium has poor mechanical properties and is therefore not used in load bearing constructions. The metal is therefore usually alloyed and heat treated or hardened to obtain the required properties. The main groups of aluminium alloys are: Al-Cu, Al-Mn, Al-Si, Al-Mg, Al-Si-Mg, Al-Zn. In Europe, the most common type of classification for base materials is the AA classification. The different types can be seen in Figure 2. The lXXX, 3XXX, 4XXX and 5XXX alloys are strain hardened while the 2XXX, 6XXX and 7XXX alloys are heat treated. A so-called temper designation is put after the alloy to show how the hardening has been performed. The most common temper designations for wrought alloys are: “H” -strain hardened. Applies to products which are strain hardened through cold-working. The “H” is always followed by two or more digits. The first digit indicates basic operations and the second digit indicates degree of strain hardening. “T” -thermally treated to produce stable tempers. Applies to products which have been heat-treated, sometimes to produce a stable temper. The “T” is generally followed by one digit indicating the specific sequence of treatments. Common designations are the T4 (solution heat treated and naturally aged) and the T6 (solution treated and artificially aged). AA Terminology Alloy type Typical applications 1xxx Non-alloyed Packaging, decorative applications 2xxx Copper Aircraft sheet construction 3xxx Manganese Generalpurpose applications, strip 4xxx Silicon Filler wire 5xxx Magnesium Marine components, pressure vessels, railroad cars 6xxx Silicon + Magnesium Automotive frames 7xxx Zinc High strength aircraft applications 8xxx Other alloying elements Figure 2. The AA classification for aluminium alloys. 4 FA_Aluminium_welding_UK.indd 4 01/09/08 13:32:08 STRENGTH OF WELDMENT Strength of weldment The heat from welding has great influence on the internal structure of the aluminium material. The strength in the HAZ (heat affected zone) is reduced, sometimes by as much as 50%, due to the thermal treatment the material receives during welding. The width of the HAZ depends on the degree of metallurgical change which in turn depends on thickness and geometry of the joint, the welding process, the welding procedure, preheat and interpass temperature and the thermal effects of backing and fixtures. The HAZ in MIG or TIG welding seldom extends more than 13 mm from the weld centreline, but for design purposes it is often assumed to be the double. The type of alloy plays a role as to how the strength decreases and to what degree. Figure 3 shows the hardness distribution for two types of alloys in the 6XXX and 5XXX series. Observe how the hardening method affects the distribution. Figure 3. Hardness distribution 5 FA_Aluminium_welding_UK.indd 5 01/09/08 13:32:08 FILLER METAL Filler metal MIG welding is always conducted with filler metal and TIG welding is conducted with or without. Filler metal is chosen in accordance with Figure 4. The main factors which influence the filler alloy selection include the following: • Freedom from hot cracking • Weld metal strength • Weld metal ductility • Corrosion resistance The filler metal is not in itself hardenable, which implies that no hardening procedure can harden the weld after welding. When a good colour match is needed between the weld bead and the surface, AlSi5 should be avoided. Not much work has been done on developing filler metals for aluminium for the last 20 years. An increased interest has been shown during the recent years due to the increased amount of welding that is being performed on aluminium. New filler metals will be commercially available that offer increased strength and reduced mis-match, which in turn reduces material consumption and allows new possibilities in design. • Weld performance at elevated temperatures • Weld metal fluidity • MIG electrode wire feedability • Weld metal colour match with base material after anodising Base material AIZn5Mg1 AISi1Mg AIMg4 AIMg5 AIMg2.5 AIMg1 AIMn1 AI99.5 Properties 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 AI99.5 AIMn1 AISi5 AISi5 AISi5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AISi5 AISi5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMG5 AIMG5 AIMG5 AIMG3.5 AIMG3.5 AIMG3.5 AIMG3.5 AI99.5 AI99.5 AI99.5 AI99.5 AI99.5 AI99.5 AI99.5 AI99.5 AI99.5 AI99.5 AI99.5 AI99.5 AISi5 AISi5 AISi5 AIMG5 AIMg5 AISi5 AISi5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMG5 AIMg3.5 AIMg3.5 AIMg3.5 AIMg3.5 AI99.5 AI99.5 AIMn1 AIMn1 AIMn1 AIMn1 AIMn1 AIMn1 AIMg1 AIMg5 AIMg5 AISi5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AISi5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg3.5 AIMg3.5 AIMg3.5 AIMg3.5 AIMg3.5 AIMg3.5 AIMg3.5 AIMg3.5 AIMg2.5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AISi5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg3.5 AIMg3.5 AIMg3.5 AIMg3.5 AIMg4 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AISi5 AIMg5 AISi5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AISiMg AISi5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AISi5 - AIZn5Mg1 AISi5 AIMg5 AIMg5 AISi5 Properties: 1. Highest strenght 2. Best weldability 3. Best corrosion resistance 4. Best colour match after anodising Figure 4. Filler metal selection for welding aluminium alloys 6 FA_Aluminium_welding_UK.indd 6 01/09/08 13:32:09 SURFACE PREPARATION Type SS-EN AW Rm base material (MPa) Welding method 1100 >70 >70 - >70 >70 AISi5 4043 >150 >150 AISi12 4047 - - AIMg3 5554 >200 >200 AIM4.5Mn 5183 >280 >280 AIMg5 5356 >280 >280 AI99.5 AI99.5Ti Figure 5. Common filler metals Surface preparation The cleaning of the surface is necessary in order to achieve the best welding results. Dirt, oil residues, moisture and oxides must be removed, either with mechanical or chemical methods. Hydrogen bearing mixtures represent the largest problem because they are broken down into atomic hydrogen in the arc, causing gas porosity in the weld. Normal shop practise is to mechanically remove the oxide layer by brushing with a rotating stainless steel brush, scraping or peening. Light pressure should be used when brushing. Excessive pressure might lead to locally overheating and distortion of the metal surface. Chemical treatment includes cleaning with alcohol or acetone. The chemical treatments may demand access to costly equipment which often impedes this treatment. The amount of cleaning necessary largely depends on how much care has been taken to keep the metal clean and dry in storage and in subsequent handling during fabrication. 7 FA_Aluminium_welding_UK.indd 7 01/09/08 13:32:09 REDUCING DISTORTIONS / CORROSION Reducing distortions The following practical hints are good to keep in mind, in order to reduce distortions due to shrinkage. • Use highly productive welding methods with the lowest heat input as possible. • Use maximum welding speed. • Aluminium does not change colour when heated, which makes it difficult to know when the right temperature is reached. Therefore the temperature must be measured. Brazing flux, small pieces of wood or measuring instruments can be used for this pur pose. When flame straightening non-hardenable aluminium alloys, which are less sensitive to cracks, thermal crayons or templesticks can be used. • Allow the sheets to move freely. • If longitudinal and transverse joints meet, weld the transverse first. • The gap between flame straightening temperature and melting temperature is small. This means that the heating must be done very carefully, or there is a risk of melting. • If butt and fillet joints meet, weld the butt joints first. • Begin welding in the centre of the structure and proceed symmetrically outwards. • Aluminium has very high heat conductivity, which means that heat is rapidly led away from the heated area. This must be compensated by using a large nozzle. • Use fixtures that provide even cooling. • Weld as little as possible. These rules are the basis of the welding plan, i.e. the order in which the weld should be performed. The key words are low heat input and symmetrical welding. Flame straightening Even if the above mentioned measures are taken, it could be difficult to get welded parts completely free from distortions. One efficient and long-established method of correcting distorted parts is flame straightening. In flame straightening an oxy-fuel flame is used to quickly heat a limited area of a component or assembly until the material in this area becomes plastic. The temperature when this happens is 350 -400°C for aluminium. The material within the heated area expands, but the expansion is limited by the surrounding cold material. Upon cooling, the material in the heated area contracts more than it expanded when heated and the component or assembly is straightened out. By using external restraining devices the straightening effect can be reinforced. Other things to bear in mind when flame straightening aluminium are to clean the area to be heated and to use some kind of restraining device to prevent cold parts of the workpiece to move when the heated metal expands. Corrosion The heat input the welding causes sometimes reduces the normally so superb corrosion properties of aluminium. It is the area next to the weld and the weld bead that loses corrosion resistance due to the creation of a coarse-grained structure. Solidification cracks that have not been repaired represent a big problem because the corrosive media easily opens the cracks and results in a corrosive attack. The 6XXX and the 7XXX alloys are most sensitive to corrosion after welding. Pure aluminium and the non-hardenable alloys are more resistant or are not affected at all. Prolonged service at elevated temperatures (>65°C) causes 5XXX series alloy with more than 3% magnesium to be sensitive to stress corrosion. Aluminium is suitable for flame straightening. As it has a high thermal expansitivity the straigthening effect is good. The surface is not so sensitive to the flame and aluminium can be cooled quickly. But the following factors complicates flame straightening of aluminium: 8 FA_Aluminium_welding_UK.indd 8 01/09/08 13:32:09 MIG WELDING / WELDING PROCEDURE MIG welding MIG welding is an arc welding process which utilises a wire as combined melting electrode and filler metal in a direct current (DC), electrode positive arc and inert shielding gas. Neither alternating current nor direct current, electrode negative arc has any practical application. The welding current, arc length and electrode wire speed are controlled by the welding machine and set by the operator: Equipment The following equipment and consumables are used for the process: • A DC power source designed for MIG welding. • An electrode feeder and gun combination. The feeder is often of push-pull type, which means that the wire is pushed through a feed pipe and at the same time is drawn by the gun. • A shielding gas supply with pressure regulator and flowmeter. • A supply of cooling water when required. • Aluminium and aluminium alloy electrode wire. Pulsed MIG welding Pulsed MIG welding is a variation of MIG welding. It maintains an arc at low current and superimposes short periodic pulses of high current in order to detach and transfer drops of molten metal from the electrode to the weld pool. The pulses are usually set to give one drop per pulse. The result is that a thicker electrode can be used in thin material together with less spatter, less deformation and less posttreatment. The average current becomes low, but the metal transfer occurs at high current, which is necessary for spray transfer and for a stable arc. Other advantages that can be seen when welding aluminium is that pulsed welding enables slower welding speed, which can be an advantage on complex joints where extra time may be needed for torch manipulation. It also enables better control of the bead shape. Pulsed MIG welding requires a power source which can supply the twodifferent current levels. Modern power sources for pulsed welding have a “built in” set of parameters that follow the wire feed speed setting (synergetic power sources). This implies that it is much easier to use this technique in practise compared to older types of power sources where all pulse parameters had to be adjusted by the operator. Welding procedure Starting the welding procedure When start and stop plates are not used, the arc should be ignited approximately 25 mm in front of the starting point and is then returned to the starting point where the welding commences. This pre-warms the material and results in better penetration and minimises the risk of coldflow and porosity in the beginning of the weld. Another method is to ignite the arc beside the starting point and then move it to the starting point. The extra weld bead that this creates can thereafter be machined. Figur 6. Schematics of MIG welding Procedure Developing a qualified welding procedure requires establishing an optimum setting for each parameter; and the maximum setting for each parameter. The sequence of steps in the development process usually approximates the following: • The average welding current should principally be related to the metal thickness, although the joint type may also have a support backing. The current determines the heat and hence the penetration. 9 FA_Aluminium_welding_UK.indd 9 01/09/08 13:32:09 TIG WELDING • The arc length has an effect on penetration. Long arcs are somewhat less penetrating than short, but give wider weld beads. • The welding speed for semiautomatic MIG welding is to some degree reliant on the welder, but speeds in the range of 5-13 mm/s are most common. Automatic MIG welding has been reported at speeds up to 42 mm/s. • The gun angle is influenced mainly by the welding speed, i.e. the higher the speed, the greater the angle from the vertical, all to ensure adequate gas shielding of the arc and weld pool. Angles from 5 to 15° are normal for semiautomatic welding, but up to 30° can be used with automatic welding. Ending procedure To minimise the risk of cracks at the end of the bead when start/stop plates are not used, the welding speed should be increased so that the weld pool is reduced followed by a backing of the torch before the arc is extinguished. TIG welding The TIG welding process uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode with either alternating current (AC), direct current with positive electrode or direct current with negative electrode. Alternating current is mainly used for aluminium. The TIG process was developed earlier than the MIG process and was earlier applied to all metal thicknesses and joint types. Today, TIG is limited to thin plates of aluminium up to 7 mm, although the DC mode is suitable for thicknesses up to 26 mm. Equipment • An AC power source designed for TIG welding. • Shielding gas supply. Figure 7. Schematics of TIC welding. Welding procedure • The welding current used is related to the thickness of the material, because the arc must be hot enough to give the required penetration. Normally the pool is ready for filler addition after 3-4 seconds. The average welder is most comfortable at welding speed of 4 to 5 mm/s when using AC-TIG welding. • The electrode size must be chosen to suit the current level. An electrode which is too small will overheat and the molten tip will become unstable and can lead to droplets of tungsten being transferred into the weld pool. It is crucial that the electrode is not covered with thorium. Electrodes covered with zirconium are preferable. • The electrode size and the current level affect the arc and the size of the weld pool. These factors will in turn influence the selection of the gas cup diameter. A too small gas cup will not give the necessary gas shielding. A too large gas cup is wasteful of gas and interferes with the welder's view of the weld pool. The inner diameter of the gas cup should be approximately 4 times the electrode diameter. • Welding torch with all necessary cables and hose for power, gas and coolant and with a gas cup. • A tungsten electrode of suitable type and size. • Filler metal is usually in straight lengths but occasionally as spooled wire. 10 FA_Aluminium_welding_UK.indd 10 01/09/08 13:32:09 PLASMA ARC WELDING Plasma arc welding Plasma arc welding (PAW) was a development of the DCTIG process, when it was discovered that reducing the gas orifice size not only increased the gas velocity but also increased the arc temperature and concentrated the arc energy. Severe constriction of the arc plasma produced a cutting arc which resulted in the plasma arc cutting process (PAC). By moderating the constriction, it was discovered that the arc was suitable for welding, even with some advantages over the TIG process for aluminium. One difference between the processes can be observed visually: the TIG arc is conical and the plasma arc is cylindrical. The plasma welding arc produces a very hot and well defined column of ionised gas. This is normally used to melt completely through the base material, to form a “keyhole”. The arc moves slowly forward to melt the leading edge of the keyhole and molten metal flows around the perimeter of the hole and solidifies behind the arc to form the weld. Filler metal can be added at the leading edge ofthe keyhole. The vertical upward welding position is preferred for this process. It is possible to weld up to 6 mm thickness in all positions, but in vertical upwards position up to 20 mm thickness can be welded. Plasma welding is practically always mechanised or automised. Two gases are supplied to the arc: a plasma gas and a shielding gas. Argon is often used in both cases for aluminium. Variable-polarity plasma arc welding The variable-polarity plasma process combines the advantages of plasma arc welding with the additional benefits of arc cleaning, provided by periodic bursts of positive electrode energy. Variablepolarity plasma welding has relatively low arc-travel speeds when compared to other arc welding methods and especially compared to MIG welding, but the fact that a single pass will replace multiple passes needed by other methods sometimes motivates its use. 11 FA_Aluminium_welding_UK.indd 11 01/09/08 13:32:10 LASER WELDING / SHIELDING GASES Laser welding Shielding gases Laser welding has been used on steel for some time, but laser welding of aluminium is a rather new application. There are essentially two types of lasers used for sheet metal welding: CO2 and Nd:YAG lasers. The Nd:YAG laser emits light in the infrared range with a wavelength of 1.06μm with a maximum, continuous power of lkW. The low wavelength enables the light to travel in fiberoptic cables, which in turn makes the Nd:YAG flexible, making it suitable for robotics applications. If the power is pulsed, power up to 10kW can be reached. The Nd:YAG is usually used for precision work on thinner sheet. The CO2 laser is a gas laser using CO2 together with N2 and He as laser medium. The wavelength is longer than that of Nd:YAG, 10.6μm which implies that the light can not pass through fiberoptics. Besides protecting the molten metal and the electrode from the oxygen in the air, the role of the shielding gases is also to provide a stable arc and help avoid defects being introduced into the weld. For aluminium welding, inert gases are used i.e. argon and helium and mixtures of these two. The advantages that can be reached with helium are a result of the higher arc power combined with the better heat conduction that helium provides. This influences the penetration (see Figure 8). The penetration when welding with helium is deeper and broader than with argon. This can be utilised either by using the good penetration to weld thicker material or by increasing the welding speed in thinner material. The most common solution is to use argon for MIG and AC TIG welding because the process is usually easier to control with this gas. Pure helium is seldom used except in DC TIG welding where the increased heat is necessary to break up the oxide film. Helium is more expensive than argon and the flow rate must be increased because helium is lighter than argon (a factor 10) due to lower density. The process is characterised by high welding speeds, deep penetration effect and low heat input. This makes the laser suitable for welding overlap joints. The high welding speed is preferred for long, one dimensional welds. Another advantage is that the process only requires one-sided access. Frequently used shielding gas mixtures when welding thicker aluminium plates are: (Ar/He) 70/30, 30170 or 50/50. Very small additions of oxidising components such as CO2 and NO can be used without affecting the quality adversely. They can actually improve arc stability. CO2 is suitable for welding AlMg alloys with MIG, but cannot be used for TIG welding since this rapidly destroys the tungsten electrode. The addition of 0.03 % NO can also be used for TIG and MIG welding in order to reduce ozone levels. Figure 8. Penetration profiles in aluminium welding. TIG welding at 225 A. Travel speed: 500 mm/min. 12 FA_Aluminium_welding_UK.indd 12 01/09/08 13:32:10 SELECTING SHIELDING GAS / WORK ENVIRONMENT Selecting shielding gas Work environment As mentioned, inert gases such as argon and helium or mixtures of these are used as shielding gases in MIG and TIG welding of aluminium. It is very important that the purity of the gas is preserved all the way to the arc. If there is any leakage in the welding equipment, the gas will be contaminated. Holes in the hose package or water leakage from water cooling systems create large problems. The different shielding gas alternatives are shown in Figure 9 together with their European Norm designations. The intensity of the arc when welding aluminium is much greater than when welding many other materials. The emission of particulate fume and gases depends on welding method, filler metal and type of alloy. TIG welding produces less fume than MIG, due to the lower energy of the arc and the fact that the filler metal is not placed in the extremely hot centre of the arc. When MIG welding, the highest amount of fume is produced by AlMg5 filler metal. The arc welding processes also induce an environmental load on the welder and people working close to the welding workplace. Dust is created in the form of fumes and particles. The particles are often large in size and fall down close to the workplace, but fume particles are smaller and can travel far from the workplace. Much effort is directed towards minimising air pollution. One of the largest problems encountered when welding is the large amounts of ozone that are created. The ultraviolet light created when welding strikes molecules in the air (a single oxygen molecule, O2 consists of two oxygen atoms, O) splits the oxygen molecule to form two separate oxygen atoms. (O2 becomes O+O). When the single oxygen atom encounters a new oxygen molecule, it combines to form ozone, O3). MIG welding of aluminium produces more ozone than TIG welding. The amount is also dependant on welding current, arc length, welding time and type of alloy. Silicon filler metal produces the largest amount of ozone, followed by pure aluminium (15-20% lower) and magnesium alloyed wire (3-4 times lower). MISON, should be used together with other measures in order to reduce the ozone level, such as ventilation etc. Shielding gas ISO 14175 group AGA Designation Argon I1 Argon Helium I2 Helium Argon + 300ppm NO Z MISON Ar Ar + 30%He + 300ppm NO Z MISON He30 Ar + 50% He I3 VARIGON He50 Ar + 70% He I3 VARIGON He70 Figure 9. Shielding gases for aluminium welding. 13 FA_Aluminium_welding_UK.indd 13 01/09/08 13:32:10 There are five ways of reducing the ozone concentrations in the welding working environment: 1. Lower the ozone producing UV intensity (130-240mm) 2. Increase the ozone reducing UV intensity (230-280mm) 3. Increase, or add the amount of catalytic dust (i.e. increase the amount of welding fumes) Of these alternatives only 1 and 5 are practically possible. The first alternative is to lower the ozone producing intensity through using helium. The wavelength in which ozone is produced is then somewhat changed. This means that less ozone is created in the remote zone. The ozone close to the welder is not removed. The second alternative, using a shielding gas that reacts with ozone, is a method AGA has chosen. It includes adding nitric oxide, NO, (275ppm± 25ppm which equals max 300ppm or 0.03%). The NO dissociates the ozone molecules into oxygen nitrogen dioxide, NO2. 4. Increase the thermal decomposition 5. Add a shielding gas that reacts with ozone Figure 10. The relative amount of ozone formed during MIG welding of different alloys. 14 FA_Aluminium_welding_UK.indd 14 01/09/08 13:32:10 WELD DEFECT Weld defects Defective welds are those that contain discontinuities serious enough to affect the weld strength or corrosion resistance. The defects are the results of incorrect metal preparation, welding procedures or techniques. Common types include cracks (longitudinal, transversal -not so common - or crater cracks), excessive porosity, incomplete fusion, undercuts and inadequate penetration. Incorrect weld size and shape are also considered as weld defects. Solidification cracking Solidification cracking is the result of high thermal expansion combined with a brittle alloy structure at, and just above, the solidification temperature. The metallurgical weakness may result from the wrong filler alloy, too little filler metal in the weld, too small weld for the base material thickness or too low welding speed. If the correct filler metal is selected which increases the plasticity in the critical temperature range, the cracking can be avoided. Another way to reduce solidification cracking is to reduce transverse stress or increase the amount of edge preparation, or sometimes both. The 6XXX alloys are particularly sensitive to solidification cracking. Incomplete fusion Incomplete fusion is perhaps the most serious of the different defects, since it is difficult to detect, and weakens the joint considerably. It is the result of weld metal failing to coalesce with the base metal or with other weld metal. Incomplete fusion may result from insufficient current, insufficient edge preparation, too long arc or attempting to weld over oxidised surfaces. The latter is avoided by cleaning off the oxide properly before welding. Method Radiography Incomplete Pores Cracks fusion X X Penetrant Ultrsonic Eddy current Porosity Porosity causes much concern despite the fact that, unless it is severe or aligned, it usually has less effect on weld strength than other defects. It is rather easily detected through standard radiography and thus has become a highly regulated defect. Porosity is caused by hydrogen gas trapped in the metal as itcools. The sources of hydrogen are many, such as moisture and dirt (oil and grease). To control porosity, it is essential to eliminate these contaminants by correct metal preparation and control of the welding procedure. Welding procedure is important; the longer the weld remains fluid, the greater is the opportunity for the hydrogen to escape. For this reason, TIG welds usually have less porosity than MIG welds. The shielding gas, regardless of composition, should therefore have a purity of at least 99.95% with the lowest possible moisture and hydrogen content. Inclusions Inclusions in aluminium are usually metallic. The most common is tungsten, transferred through the arc when TIG welding. Nitrogen can also be a problem because it readily forms nitrides with aluminium which reduce the mechanical properties. Detection There are several methods of detecting weld defects in aluminium. Radiographic, penetrant, ultrasonic or eddy current are all nondestructive (NDT) detection methods that are readily used on aluminium. Figure 11 shows what methods are suitable for detecting different types of defects in aluminium. Ultrasonic testing is the most effective and used testing method, but it is important to realise that visual inspecting is by far the easiest and most inexpensive method. Frequent visual inspection during welding can often detect faults early enough to allow corrective action before a weld is welded over, and thus minimise repair welding at a later stage. Incomplete penetration Inclusion X X X X X X X X Figure 11. NDT detection methods and what they can detect. 15 FA_Aluminium_welding_UK.indd 15 01/09/08 13:32:11 Getting ahead through innovation With its innovative concepts, AGA is playing a pioneering role in the global market. As a technology leader, our task is to constantly raise the bar. Traditionally driven by entrepreneurship, we are working steadily on new high-quality products and innovative processes. AGA offers more. We create added value, clearly discernible competitive advantages and greater profitability. Each concept is tailored specifically to meet our customers’ requirements – offering standardized as well as customised solutions. This applies to all industries and all companies regardless of their size. Sweden | AGA Gas AB | 08-706 96 50 | Finland | Oy AGA Ab | 010-2421 | Norway | AGA AS | 23 17 72 00 | Denmark | AGA A/S | 32 83 66 00 | Iceland | ISAGA ehf. | 577 3000 | Estonia | AS Eesti AGA | 6504 500 | Latvia | AGA SIA | 70 23 900 | Lithuania | AGA UAB | 27 87 788 | FA_Aluminium_welding_UK.indd 16 09-2008 AGA – ideas become solutions 01/09/08 13:32:06
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