Contacts: - Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

93LA710 - Orthopaedic Clinical Elective
Ortho Office: Diana Gauthier, Coordinator, at 317963-1965 or email
IUStudent: Dennis Deal (317-274-1970 or or Nancy Mitchell (317-274-1973
or In the Dean’s Office, Medical
Student Affairs
Guest Student: Students from other medical schools
can request this course via the VSAS website.
Contact at IUSM is John Keller (317-274-2264 or ).
Other Faculty: IU Health Physicians –
Orthopaedics/IU Orthopaedic faculty
This course is a clinically
oriented rotation introducing students to
Orthopaedic Surgery as a specialty. Clinical exposure
varies between hospitals. Wishard Hospital is
primarily trauma, Veteran's Hospital - general and
adult reconstruction. Riley - pediatric orthopaedics,
IU Health West - general and adult reconstruction
and University and Methodist Hospitals – adult
reconstruction. Students are assigned to the resident
orthopaedic staff for clinic, ward and surgical
disciplines as well as attend conferences and formal
hospital rounds, and serve periodic night duty in the
Emergency Ward at Wishard Health Services.
Course Director: Dr. J. Andrew Parr
Prerequisite for the course is typically
fourth year medical student, however, with
permission you may take the course if you are a
third year medical student.
IU Students have some freedom to arrange
the elective to get exposure as they feel would
benefit them the most. The student may spend the
month all at one location or divide the month
between two to four services.
Guest Students will rotate through four of
the five locations in one week blocks for the best
exposure to the program. Hospital assignments will
be made based on availability and student
preference. Please contact the above contact for
Students are expected to
gain a firm grasp of general orthopaedics from a
clinical perspective. Emphasis is placed upon clinical
evaluation, diagnostic testing, diagnoses & treatment
plan for patients presenting in a typical clinical
setting. Intimate involvement with operative
intervention is anticipated. Grades are based on
subjective evaluation by faculty and residents.
Wishard Health Services,
Veterans Affairs Hospital, IU Health University
Hospital, IU Health Methodist Hospital, Riley
Hospital at IU Health