Hollywood Bollywood Art Science “Ranbir has been a very special person for me in my life. I am glad that we share an on- screen chemistry. I am looking forward to doing more films with him” Rhythm 06 Pg QATAR TRIBUNE Publication Saturday June 8, 2013 Henry Cavill in red cape RY O T S R 02 VE PG CO Saturday, June 8, 2013 Cool Cavill finally gets to play Superman IAN SPELLING NYT SYNDICATE H Henry Cavill ENRY Cavill thought he had Superman within his grasp, but the iconic superhero managed to escape him. The British actor almost played the legendary title character in Superman Returns (2006). He screen-tested for the role and was reportedly director McG’s top choice, but then McG left the project and was replaced by Bryan Singer, who chose Brandon Routh as his leading man. Though by no means a disaster, Superman Returns didn’t live up to expecta-tions. As for Cavill, he went on to star in Red Riding Hood (2006), The Tudors (2007-2010) and Im-mortals (2011), in which he played another classic action hero, the Greek warrior Theseus. Then Cavill once again looked up in the sky. Warner Brothers announced plans to relaunch Superman, Zack Sny-der signed on to direct Man of Steel and Cavill – who, in the meantime, also had come close to portraying James Bond in Casino Royale (2006) and Edward Cullen in Twilight (2008) – immediately threw his hat in the ring. “It’s been so satisfying,’’ says Cavill, who turned 30 on May 5. “Going into the room for the first time, way back when, for McG, was an enormously nerve-rack-ing experience. I wasn’t quite sure what was going on. I was very new in town at that point. Walking into the room this time? It was different alto-gether. I knew what was going on. I felt right auditioning for it. “I have to say, I didn’t think, ‘Ah, I got it this time,’’’ he continues. “It was more like, ‘OK, great, this is a wonderful opportunity.’ I approach a role, any role, like it’s a fresh and new thing every time, but, if you put too much hope into every audition and screen test, you can end up being heartbroken and a broken, bitter Henry Cavill in Man of Steel. man by the end of it all. “But this time it worked out.’’ Set to open on June 14, Man of Steel tells the origin story of Clark Kent, born Kal-El of Krypton, who grows up on Earth and becomes its greatest protector. In addition to Cavill, the cast includes Russell Crowe as Kal-El’s Kryptonian father, Kevin Costner and Diane Lane as his adoptive human parents and Amy Adams as Lois Lane, the intrepid Daily Planet reporter who wins his heart. The cast also includes Michael Shannon as the villainous General Zod and Antje Traue as the equally dangerous Faora-Ul. The character is a complicated one to play, Cavill says, in large part because he’s called on to portray three facets of the same person. There’s the noble Superman persona known to the world, there’s the private, lonely and secretkeeping Kal-El and there’s Clark Kent, his very human alter ego. “When you’re at home with your wife and kids, you’re yourself, naturally, and when you’re at work in your office, doing your job, you’re yourself, but you are not necessarily exactly the same per-son,’’ Cavill says, speaking by telephone. “There are characteristics you allow yourself to have at home which you don’t allow yourself to have at work and, when you’re at work, you allow yourself char-acteristics, or force characteristics upon yourself there, that you do not bring home. “This story, it’s about his personal experience and his journey and the deci-sions he has to make that matter,’’ Cavill says. “It’s discovering. It’s learning about oneself and one’s own capabilities, for the positive and the negative, I suppose.’’ The Man of Steel shoot was, no sur-prise, long and intense, not to mention physically grueling for Cavill. He trained hard before filming commenced, then spent months on end running, jumping and fighting, suspended on wires and so on. Heightening the stakes, he was No 1 on the call list, meaning that all eyes were on him at all times and it was up to him to establish the mood on set. Such weighty responsibilities might unnerve some actors, but not Cavill. For one thing, he’d waited his entire career for that moment. More to the point, he simply didn’t have the time to be over-whelmed. Saturday, June 8, 2013 A still from the film Man of Steel. Cavill admits that, while he’s thrilled by the possibility of Man of Steel resulting in a steady flow of great parts in memorable films directed by the finest filmmakers, he fears losing his anonymity “It was all about training, getting my-self in shape and focusing on the role,’’ Cavill says. “I wasn’t focusing on how difficult it was or how big a deal it was. I couldn’t do that. I was just focusing on getting it right. All my attention had to be on making sure that I nailed it, or that I did my best and made an attempt at nailing it.’’ Audiences will decide if Cavill got it right. If he did, well, to the victor come the spoils. Surely Warner Bros and Sny-der are already thinking about sequels. There are whispers about a big-screen adventure for the Justice League, the DC Comics superteam that predates Marvel’s Avengers, subjects of a 2012 blockbuster. Even if none of that pans out, Cavill – in his guise as Superman – already is everywhere right now, from bus posters and Pop-Tart boxes to action figures and razor packages. Whatever his life is like in days to come, it will be different from the one he knew. “I think sequels and a Justice League film could be a very exciting prospect,’’ Cavill says, “if everything is put together in the right way. I don’t know anything yet about sequels or Justice League. No one’s said anything and I’m not privy to that kind of information just yet. It sounds like a wonderful thing, as long as it’s done right and it stays true to the source material and the story that we’ve created. “Everything else you’ve mentioned, it’s crazy insane,’’ the actor continues. “I’m sort of shocked by it. Family mem-bers keep on sending me notes and pics. They’ll say, ‘Oh my goodness me, I was just looking at this and I found your face.’ All of it makes me chuckle. That’s the moment when you think, ‘Oh, wow, this is going to be huge.’’’ There’s huge, though, and there’s super-huge. Cavill admits that, while he’s thrilled by the possibility of Man of Steel resulting in a steady flow of great parts in memorable films directed by the finest filmmakers, he fears losing his anonym-ity. He appreciates fans recognising him, for example, but if Man of Steel should result in his being unable to visit his favourite coffee shop without an hour of signing autographs and posing for photos, that appreciation might turn to frustration and a total avoidance of that coffee shop. “There’s an apprehension,’’ the actor admits, “because, if it is that success that people will hope it to be, then ... Life will change, and life will change quite dra-matically. At the same time it’s enor-mously exciting, because I’ve worked really, really hard to find the opportunity to be in a job like this and I worked really hard at that job. So I’m excited for every-body to see it as well. “Yeah, it’s very much a mixed feel-ing, excitement and just that awareness of not knowing how things are going to change,’’ Cavill says. “The pros and cons are too vast to name and to number, but ultimately this is a major moment in my life and I just have to be as prepared as possible for everything. “I have to take advantage of all the pros and roll with all the cons.’’ Saturday, June 8, 2013 Paris Jackson now in spotlight she can do without AP U NTIL he died in 2009, Michael Jackson was fiercely protective of his children (save for that one balconydangling incident). He cov-ered their faces when they went out with him so they might enjoy the kind of normal childhood he missed out on as a member of the Jackson 5. But Prince, Paris and Blanket Jack-son stepped onto a world stage without masks when they appeared at the King of Pop’s public memorial. Paris, then just 11, delivered the most poignant words of the star-studded service when she ten-tatively took the microphone and said, “Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine.” Since Jackson’s death, Paris has become the most visible of his children, granting interviews to Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres, appearing in magazine articles and amassing more than a million followers on Twitter. She has also expressed interest in starting a singing career and has plans to star in a movie. But on Wednesday, Paris became a trending tabloid topic all too familiar for the Jackson family after she was rushed to a hospital for unspecified reasons. All fire and sheriff’s officials would say is that they transported someone from a home on Paris’ suburban Calaba-sas street in the middle of the night for a possible overdose. They did not release any identifying information or additional details. The Jackson family would say even less about what happened. “Being a sensitive 15 year old is dif-ficult no matter who you are,” Jackson’s mother’s attorney, Perry Sanders Jr, said in a statement on Wednesday. “It is especially difficult when you lose the person closest to you. Paris is physically fine and is getting appropriate medical attention. Please respect her privacy and the family’s privacy.” Sanders declined further comment on the teenager’s condition or the circum-stances that led to her hospitalisation. Yet on Tuesday, Paris hinted at her state of mind on Twitter, posting, “I wonder why tears are salty?” followed by lyrics from the Beatles’ song Yesterday: yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away now it looks as though they’re here to stay. A 20-minute video of the teen ap-plying makeup was posted to YouTube last week. It shows Jackson in what she describes as her bedroom playfully dem-- Since Jackson’s death, Paris has become the most visible of his children, granting interviews to Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres, appearing in magazine articles onstrating how she does her eye makeup. She receives and replies to several texts on her phone while offering cosmetics instruction. She also reveals that she watches the film Tangled three times a week and, as a child, fantasized about marrying a cowboy. She also makes goofy faces and says, “I need serious help. I’m crazy!” Paris wrote on Twitter that she doesn’t know how the video, in which she repeatedly asserts, “I am so weird,” ended up on YouTube. “I hope you guys liked it tho and didn’t think i’m too crazy,” she wrote. “i get weird when i’m not around people lol.” Katherine Jackson shares guardi-anship of her son’s three children with the singer’s nephew, TJ Jackson. Messages left for TJ Jackson’s at-torney were not returned. “We appreciate everyone’s thoughts for Paris at this time and their respect for the family’s privacy,” said a statement from Eric George, an attorney for Debbie Rowe, Paris’ biologi-cal mother. In recent months, she has reconnect-ed with Rowe, with whom she has had little contact for most of her life. Paris’ uncles Tito, Marlon and Jackie echoed that sentiment in their statement Wednesday: “Thank you for the outpour-ing of concern and support for Paris - she is safe and doing fine. We truly appreciate you respecting our family’s privacy at this time.” The children are listed as plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed by their grandmother against concert giant AEG Live LLC, who she claims is responsible for her son’s death. Katherine Jackson’s lawsuit claims AEG failed to properly investi-- gate the doctor convicted of causing the singer’s death, and pushed the superstar to rehearse and perform a planned series of 50 comeback shows titled This Is It. Paris and Prince are listed as potential wit-nesses in the case, which is in its sixth week of trial. Marvin S Putnam, a defense attorney for AEG Live, said Paris and Prince Jack-son were deposed in the case because they are named plaintiffs and may be called to testify. He said Paris Jackson’s testimony was not a “grilling” but urged privacy for her and her family. “There’s a real person involved here,” Putnam said. “There’s a 15-year-old girl and something incredibly tragic has happened that none of us know why and I think it would really be in everyone’s best interest and particularly in her best interest if rather than blow-ing this up into something else, that they were given a little bit of privacy to deal with something that has to be a tragic, tragic moment for all of them.” “She’s 15,” he said. “Someone should Paris Jackson HOLLYWOOD Saturday, June 8, 2013 I worry for Justin Bieber: Channing Helena Bonham Carter goes glam to play Elizabeth Taylor IANS CTOR Channing Tatum fears teen singer Justin Bieber will struggle with the responsibil-ities of adulthood because he lacks the experience of the real world, especially since he has spent his growing up years in the spotlight. Tatum worries the Baby hitmak-er’s early success could cripple him in later life, reports contactmusic. com. “I don’t remember who said it, but I do believe that whatever age you become famous, you end up staying that age. Because from that point you’re not asked to be a normal citizen. I broke through at 24 or 25. I had lived a pretty diverse life. When I was finally making money, I knew exactly what I needed, the 33-yearold told Vanity Fair magazine. “I worry about Bieber, man. That kid’s wildly talented,” added Tatum. He hopes for the best for Bieber, who has been in news for the wrong reasons lately. “I hope he doesn’t fall down into the usual ways of A (famous) young kids because it’s so hard for someone to be responsible when they’re not asked to be. We’re not asked to do things ourselves. You have someone there with a cof-fee. (They say,) ‘You want food? I’ll get you food.’ Tatum became a first-time father last week when his wife Jenna Dewan-Tatum gave birth to a little girl, Everly. Channing Tatum REUTERS RITISH actress Helena Bonham Carter B will play late screen icon Elizabeth Taylor in a TV movie that will explore Taylor’s tempestuous relationship with actor Richard Burton which captivated audi-ences and headlines. The first photograph of Bonham Carter as Taylor and British actor Dominic West as Burton was released by BBC on Wednesday, ahead of the premiere of Burton and Taylor on BBC America in fall this year. The film’s central focus will be on Tay-lor and Burton’s appearance as co-stars in a 1983 Broadway revival of Noel Coward’s 1930 risque comedy play Private Lives. In the play, which brought Taylor and Burton together seven years after their second divorce from each other, the former couple portrayed a man and woman having an affair while married to other people. Taylor, who died from heart failure in 2011 aged 79, became one of the most rec-ognisable Hollywood actresses in the 1950s, famed for her beauty and violet eyes. She was married eight times, twice to Burton. Private Lives would be Burton’s last performance. He died in 1984 from a brain haemorrhage aged 58. Last year, troubled former child star Lindsay Lohan played Taylor in the Lifetime TV movie Liz & Dick, which also chronicled Helena Bonham Carter (right) Dominic West. her stormy life with Burton, and was panned by fans and critics. Bonham Carter, 47, began her acting ca-reer in British period dramas, such as 1992’s Howard’s End, before progressing to grittier roles. She starred in 1999’s Fight Club and played a chimpanzee in 2001’s Planet of the Apes. More recently, the actress, who is in a long-term relationship with director Tim Burton, has starred in the Harry Potter film franchise and the 2010 remake of Alice in Wonderland. She landed an Oscar nomina-tion for her role as Queen Elizabeth in 2010’s The King’s Speech. West, 43, is best known for his roles in HBO’s cult drama The Wire and BBC’s period newsroom series The Hour. SCENE UNSEEN Brad Pitt gifts Angelina Jolie lingerie on birthday HOLLYWOOD actor Brad Pitt has gifted his actress-girlfriend Angelina Jolie £3,000 worth of lingerie for her birthday. The actress recently underwent double mastectomy to re-duce her risk of breast cancer. The 49-year-old ac-tor made an extra fuss Angelina Jolie (left) and Bradd Pitt. about her birthday and bought her a stack of knickers and bras from Agent Provoca-teur - as well as other designer brands, reports thesun.co.uk. Pitt handed over a load of the gifts while they were in Paris for the premiere of his horror film World War Z. A source said: “Since Angie has recovered from the sur-gery, she and Brad have been acting like a couple of loves-truck teenagers. They can’t keep their hands off each other.” “It was her birthday on Tuesday, Brad arranged for the French fashion designer Heidi Slimane, from Saint Laurent in Paris, to sort her out with a whole wardrobe full of new clothes. Angelina was so touched by Brad’s gifts ... She can’t wait to marry him this summer,” the source said. Isla Fisher writing thriller Liam joins Twitter, not following Miley AFTER spending more than a decade in Hollywood, actress Isla Fisher is trying her hands at writing a script. She is creating a thriller with her mother. The 37-year-old actress’ mother, Elspeth Reid, had helped her publish two novels Bewitched and Se-duced by Fame when she was 18-year-old, reports contactmusic.com. She said: “My mum and I have actually been writing a script for a thriller together. It’s really fun. She doesn’t understand the rules of screenwriting, so I’m often like, ‘What?! Mum, you can’t kill off the protagonist on page 10!’ She breaks all the rules, which makes it original at least. We’ve had a scream doing it.” ACTOR Liam Hemsworth has joined Twitter and he has set up his own verified account, but he is not following his fi-ance singer-actress Miley Cyrus. Hemsworth got over 20,000 followers on his first day, but he is only following five accounts and none of them belongs to Cyrus, reports femalefirst.co.uk. He wrote on his Twitter page: “Kicking it off on Twitter for the first time. Glad to be on board. Liam Hemsworth Thank you for following.” Meanwhile, actress Amanda Bynes praised the actor, call-ing him “gorgeous” on her Twitter page. She wrote: “Liam Helmsworth is the most gorgeous man on the face of the earth other than Tanz Watson. Fyi! (sic)” Hemsworth and Bynes were reportedly dating in 2009 when the actor and Cyrus were on a break. Meanwhile, Cyrus and Hemsworth have yet to confirm or deny their reported split. Isla Fisher BOLLYWOOD Saturday, June 8, 2013 Ranbir has been very special for me: Deepika T IANS HEY were a couple who parted ways but mended their relationship and reunited as friends. No one really knows what exactly happened be-tween them but Deepika Padukone candidly admits that her ex-boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor has always been very special to her. The two have reunited in real life and reel life after five years and, interestingly, their sec-ond film together, Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani (YJHD), is reaping gold at the box office and au-diences are loving their on-screen chemistry too. “I have always believed that chemistry can’t be created between two people. You either have it or you don’t. The script can only enhance it. I am glad that Ranbir and I do,” said Deepika, who was seen with Ranbir in 2008 hit Bachna Ae Haseeno. “He has been a very special person for me in my life. I am glad that we share an on- screen chemistry. I am looking forward to doing more films with him,” the 27-year-old said in an inter-view. Among the newcomers, Deepika is one of the top notch actresses in Bollywood but she believes in competing with herself. “I think it completely depends on what each one’s understanding of competition is. For me, competition is good; that is what keeps me on my toes and keeps me going. I am always trying to better my own work, do better than my earlier films...do films that are challenging and exciting for me. That is my competition,” she said. What does success mean to her? “At some level, I feel it is nice to know that a film of yours is doing well at the box office and has also got great reviews. That feels like suc-cess,” she explained. “The best feeling is when you are remembered for the character you play on the screen and people associate you with that character. There is no better feeling than that feeling,” added the actress of hits like Love Aaj Kal, Housefull, and Cocktail. Coming from a sports background, the ac-tress, who started her career in Hindi films with runaway 2007 hit Om Shanti Om, says that the position she enjoys in the industry didn’t “just land in my lap”. “I have worked really hard with a lot of com-mitment, dedication and sacrifice. But it is not like a race. I am not looking at the finishing line. The opportunities in this industry are limitless and the idea is to always do some-thing new and exciting and enjoy your work,” she added. In most of her films, Deepika has por-trayed roles that are close to today’s youth. If her character Veronica in Cocktail was appreciated by the audiences, her popularity has multiplied manifold after her perform-ance as Naina in Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewnani. “In terms of what was more challenging, it was Veronica. But I think I have got more appreciation for this film (Yeh Jawaani...),” she said. “While I feel like a lot of people have loved me as Veronica, they love this (Naina) even more, which I find surprising as for me Ve-ronica was more challenging and is completely against the type of person I am. For me, Naina Talwar is the person I am. I completely identify with that character,” she said. The actress is playing special roles in her forthcoming films Chennai Express and Ram Leela. “The next two films are very special. I play a south Indian girl in Chennai Express and a Gujarati in Ram Leela. I won’t go into the details of the characters or the films. These two films will be different from what we have done before,” she said, and signed off saying: “I want to enjoy the success of YJHD”. Ranbir Kapoor (left) and Deepika Padukone. Poonam Pandey effortless in front of camera, says Nasha director IANS IRECTOR Amit Saxena praises Poonam Pandey for being effortless in front of the camera and says she made his work easier while shooting Nasha. Poonam, is making her Bollywood debut with Nasha. “I was completely blown by the talent she (Poonam Pandey) has, by the talent D Poonam Pandey that was on display and it was effortless. She was absolutely effortless,” Saxena said on Wednesday during the first look launch of the film. “There was not a single moment when I felt that I am working with a newcomer or I have to be extra careful - nothing! She made it such a wonderful ride for me,” added Saxena, who had earlier helmed thriller Jism. Produced by Aditya Bhatia, Nasha, an adult film, is a passionate love story between an 18-year-old boy and a 25-year-old girl. Saxena calls Nasha “a coming of age movie”. “The whole film is from the point of view of an 18-year-old boy. It is as innocent and as sensuous as an 18-year-old boy would imagine it to be. Nothing more, nothing less,” Saxena said. Nasha is slated to release on July 26. Saturday, June 8, 2013 I didn’t try to impersonate Milkha Singh: Farhan PTI CTOR Farhan Akhtar, who plays legendary sportsman Milkha Singh in Rakeysh Ompra-kash Mehra’s Bhaag Milkha Bhaag, says it was a huge responsibility to take up the iconic role and he has not tried to mimic the sprinter. “To do a role like this you have to interpret the character as you don’t want to go into im-personation of somebody or do mimicry act. You have to make the character your own for that you have to start becoming that person. I did focus on this aspect,” Farhan said in an exclusive interview. Also, while working on this mega project, Farhan met the ‘Flying Sikh’ and observed him closely. “I had couple of meetings with him where I just heard him speak about his life and did not want to ask him any specific questions. To hear someone talk about their life - you get to know the way their eyes moisten up, how big the smile is or how comfortable their body language is while talking to someone. So that is how you pick up things and you focus on when you act,” he said. “To do this character was a serious responsibility as that is the big thing. To say whether it was difficult or easy is subjective because when you are excited about A something no matter how hard it is it becomes fun and easy. There was a huge responsibility to play Milkhaji,” Farhan said. Considering, the film is a biopic on the sportsman, so most of the creative inputs mainly came from him and the writers to which Farhan was not privy. To look the part, Farhan built an admirable athletic body besides long hair and beard push-ing himself beyond limitations. He was religiously following a fitness regime that athletes follow for two years. He has report-edly been through various training sessions, which only sport-persons undergo. The actor-filmmaker insists when Milkha Singh would watch this film he would will feel proud as they have stood by Singh’s philosophy which was to push himself, work against almost all odds and achieve the kind of status that he has, in the film. The film also stars Sonam Kapoor and the makers are looking for a July 12 release this year. Meanwhile, the 39-year-old has been roped as the brand ambas-sador by electronics maker Intex Technologies for its range of smartphones. Farhan is a gadget freak and his work keeps him heavily dependent on technology. “As filmmaking involves lot of technology. So fortunately because of that you have to stay interested, try and stay ahead of everything as it is beneficial,” he said. Farhan Akhtar Vidyut’s action stunts extended for Bullet Raja IANS CTION hero Vidyut Jammwal is shooting an additional action sequence with Saif Ali Khan for Tigmanshu Dhulia’s Bul-let Raja. Post his display of highoctane action scenes in Com-mando, Vidyut was signed to play an action role in Bullet Raja. His bit of shooting was wrapped up in about a week in Etawah in Uttar Pradesh a month ago. But now he is back on the movie’s set. “Tigmanshu was very impressed by what he saw Vidyut achieve in the one week that they shot. He wrote an additional action sequence for Vidyut and invited him to Nasik to shoot it,” said a source. Apparently, Vidyut’s role has now gone from being a mere cameo to a full-fledged part. A Vidyut Jamwal SCENE UNSEEN Big B is demanding: Anurag Kashyap Anushka Sharma’s zipping around ACE filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, who will soon be directing Amitabh Bachchan in a fiction TV show, says the 70-year-old stalwart is ‘very demanding’ but in a ‘good way’. It is for the first time that Kashyap and Big B will be working together in a full-fledged project, after shooting a scene for Bombay Talkies. Anurag Kashyap “He is very demand-ing in a good way and especially when he decided that he wants to break new grounds and do some-thing new. He is extremely demanding and has a lot of questions,” Kashyap told reporters at the launch of the show on Wednesday. The director of films like Dev D said that one should be prepared with their research and home work before working with Big B. The yet-to-be-titled show will go on floor next week and is co-produced by Bachchan’s Saraswati Creations and Endemol. It will be aired on Sony. EVEN though she’s recently treated herself to two swanky new cars, Anushka Sharma has had no time to enjoy her rides. So, at the first chance she got last week, the lanky actress took out her new sports sedan and was seen zipping around South Mumbai. Anushka’s shoot wrapped up in the early hours of the day, so she decided to go behind the wheel, while she had the opportunity. Usually, her driver is on call, but that morning, she asked her staff to sit with her, while she drove the car back home. Anushka Sharma Shruti Haasan has no air about herself: Girish Kumar GIRISH Kumar, who is all set to make his Bollywood debut with Ramaiya Vastavaiya opposite Shruti Haasan claims her to be a through professional co-star. On being asked about Shruti Haasan, Girish said, “Shruti Haasan has no air about herself or the fact that she has achieved suc-cess down South.” “Shruti is profes-sional, very supportive Girish Kumar and patient with me. Prabhu Deva thought we both look good together in Ramaiya Vastavaiya,” concluded Girish. Ramaiya Vastavaiya is a romantic film directed by Prabhu Deva all set to hit the theatre on 19th July 2013. ART Saturday, June 8, 2013 He captured modern art, and now is letting it go The absence of captions and a lack of storage space have discouraged several institutions from accepting the archive D James Dee NYT SYNDICATE H ELP yourself to D James Dee’s luscious, sprawling photo-graphic archive of the modern New York art scene. He has about 250,000 colour trans-parencies and slides, ranging in size from 35 millimeter to 8 by 10 inches, documenting the work of almost every important artist of the past 40 years and installations at some of the most influential galleries. And, yes, he’s giving them away. All you’ll need is a truck large enough to hold 65 cardboard file boxes. It would help if you represent a nonprofit organisation, because Dee hopes to receive a tax deduc-tion for donating his life’s work. But that’s not a deal breaker. You should, however, be conversant with modern American art history. Really conversant. Almost none of the transparen-cies and slides are labelled. Dee, 68, has retired after a 39-year career as the SoHo Photog-rapher, documenting work for art-ists, galleries, exhibitions, books and portfolios. He is leasing his space at 12 Wooster St, just north of Canal Street, and moving with his wife, Sarala, to Miami. The moving vans will arrive on July 24. The photo collection will not come with him. “It has value to someone,” Dee said last week. “Not to me.” The absence of captions and a lack of storage space have discour-aged several institutions from accepting the archive. The National Gallery of Art, Getty Images, and the Fales Library and Special Collections of New York University have declined his offer, Dee said. With that, he illustrated the strengths and weaknesses of an unlabelled archive by pulling stacks of 4-inch-by-5-inch transpar-encies from a box marked “1984-85 Trans.” and dealing them like playing cards onto a light table, identifying each one as best he could: “Basquiat. Julian Schnabel. Don’t know. There was an artist, Mierle Ukeles; this was an installation she had at the sani-- Colour transparencies of photographs taken by D James Dee, known as the SoHo photographer, in New York, recently. tation transfer station. Joel Shapiro. Basquiat. I remember doing this shoot, but I don’t remember the artist. This is a Frank Gehry. Joel Shapiro. Nam June Paik. This was for the Chase Bank; it’s 45 feet long. Oh, who’s the artist? Vincent Arcilesi. This, I have no idea. I like it, though. I like it. This is probably an installation; it’s subversive enough, it could be Ronald Feldman.” The informality of the filing system is a bit shocking at first, until Dee explains exactly what these transparencies and slides are. They were just-in-case exposures: just in case a frame was damaged during processing, just in case it was badly exposed or slightly fogged or a little too cyan. “If someone wanted four transparencies, I’d have a fifth shot,” Dee said. “If they or-dered 10 slides, I’d shoot 12. It was cheaper to shoot extras than to go back and reshoot. Instead of throwing them out, I put them in a box.” One box followed the next, until there were 65, not counting all the blackand-white negatives, which are also yours for the taking. Graham Nickson, the dean of the New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture, said of Dee: “He worked with so many artists in the ‘70s, ‘80s, ‘90s and up to the present. The people he has shot and helped, in terms of documenting their work, are legion.” “He was literally the best photographer in town in terms of dealing with colour,” Nickson said. “For artists, that density of colour is very important, and he was very good working with anything large.” That in-cluded paintings by Nickson himself, which can range up to 20 feet long. Dee said his strength was translating three-dimensional sculpture into two-di-mensional imagery. “My goal is to find an angle that summarises the piece and then the light that will describe it,” he said. “My goal is that when someone looks at the photograph, they will say, ‘That’s a great sculpture’ - not, ‘That’s a great photo.’” Dee entered into his specialised calling in 1974 after earning an MFA from Ohio University. He was invited to photograph a George Segal sculpture for a monograph. Segal suggested that Dee get into the busi-ness of photographing artwork. Borrowing Segal’s Sinar 4-by-5 view camera, Dee set up shop at 72 Wooster St. “I grew with SoHo,” he recalled. “As it ex-ploded in the 1980s, my business did too.” He worked with artists and with gallery owners like Brooke Alexander, Mary Boone, Paula Cooper, Feldman, Ivan Karp, Louis K Meisel and Annina Nosei. He bought a five-story building at 12 Wooster St in 1982, converted it into a coop and occupied the first and second floors. A decade later business began plummeting as the art market collapsed and galleries stopped documenting artists’ portfolios. A decade after that, digital photography upended what business remained. Now Dee wants to pursue his own pho-tography without the distractions or de-mands of a commercial studio. His artwork is focused on the intimate details of the human body, both anatomical and imposed - tattoos, piercings and scarification. RHYTHM Saturday, June 8, 2013 This was the second stop on Tomahawk’s first East Coast tour in more than a decade, and the crowd was well primed to absorb its artful antagonism. The band is often pegged as some kind of experimental heavy-rock super-group because of the past or present affilia-tions of its lineup Mike Patton and Trevor Dunn (right) of Tomahawk performed at the Best Buy Theatre, in New York, recently. With bellows and growls, a band gets back to work NYT SYNDICATE T OMAHAWK sent up a distress flare as its first song at the Best Buy Theater on Sun-day night, but with a typically mordant twist. The song was Mayday, and against both the coiled tension of its verses and the volcanic release of its chorus, Mike Patton bellowed or warbled or growled, with all the pique and derange-ment expected of him. He didn’t sound marooned so much as cynically above the fray. The joke’s on you, he sang in his curdled falsetto, quickly adding, in a gut howl, But now you’re laughing at me! This was the second stop on Tomahawk’s first East Coast tour in more than a decade, and the crowd was well primed to absorb its artful antagonism. The band is often pegged as some kind of experimental heavyrock supergroup because of the past or present affili-ations of its lineup: guitarist Duane Denison, of the Jesus Lizard; Patton, of Faith No More and Mr Bungle; drummer John Stanier, of Battles and Helmet; and bassist Trevor Dunn, of Mr Bungle and the Melvins. But Tomahawk has always had the durable rapport of a working band, despite long periods when it wasn’t working as a band at all. The most recent drought ended last year, after Tomahawk enlisted Dunn as a replacement for its original bass player and recorded its fourth album. The Members of Tomahawk band. band named it Oddfellows - one of the pithiest acts of titular self-appraisal since Cyndi Lauper’s She’s So Unusual - and released it early this year on Patton’s label, Ipecac. The odder stuff on Oddfellows, which often sug-gests heat-warped Ennio Morricone music, mostly didn’t make it into the set. What did make it was more feral and declaratory, like the title track, with its heavygauge riff in 7/4 (an odd meter, naturally); Stone Letter, with its disarmingly earnest chorus; and White Hats/Black Hats, with lyrics that complicate its own binary, seeming to hint at illicit border crossings. On South Paw, over a thrash-punk churn, Patton aired a characteristic grievance: “You rub me so wrong.” (The kicker, a moment later: “Please keep your clothes on.”) Patton is the main fount of eccentricity in any band he touches, but Tomahawk often puts him in an almost gridlike frame. For all the revving heat of its engines, the band is largely defined by a sense of compression, whether in the form of Denison’s terse guitar parts or Stanier’s clenched-fury drumming. It all forms a taut canvas for Patton’s chameleonic outflow, all those glot-tal smears and goblin cries. There was room for his brand of mischief in the en-cores, which featured a gleefully committed Bad Brains cover and a more sardonic genuflection to George Jones. But the smarter unruliness came in Birdsong, which, like Mayday, comes from the band’s second album. Starting with a busily syncopated drumbeat and feedback drawn from Dunn’s amplifier, it kept build-ing momentum until the wave crested, and the tempo halved. Patton’s wail sounded essential then, however precisely it was deployed. SCIENCE Saturday, June 8, 2013 Freed from a glacier’s hold, ancient moss grows again The glacier is now retreating, expos-ing the mosses to air and sunlight for the first time in centuries, and they are grow-ing green and healthy once more NYT SYNDICATE I N one of nature’s more astonish-ing never-say-die stories, clumps of frozen mosses that were en-tombed beneath an advancing glacier more than 400 years ago have revived. The glacier is now retreating, expos-ing the mosses to air and sunlight for the first time in centuries, and they are growing green and healthy once more. The discovery was made by a team of researchers from the University of Alberta who were conducting a biodiver-sity study of mosses and vascular plants in an area around the retreating Tear-drop Glacier in the central mountains of Canada’s remote Ellesmere Island. “As we walked up to the edge of the glacier, we could see patches of mosses The Tear Drop Glacier in Nunavut. that seemed to be coming out from un-derneath the ice,’’ recalled project leader Catherine La Farge. “They were blackened, but there were also tints of green in there as well. As I looked more closely I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, what’s this? Either this has some-how managed to retain a vestige of its original colour or it’s just started to grow again after centuries under the ice.’ The thought of that just blew my mind.’’ A laboratory culture of moss brought back to life after 400 years beneath a glacier. Moss, Interrupted Ancient Survivors Back at the laboratory in Edmonton, a microscope confirmed what the human eye suspected: The desiccated centu-ries-old mosses had indeed come back to life and were sprouting tiny shoots after many, many years buried beneath thousands of tons of ice. Just how many? Radiocarbon dating revealed the speci-mens to be in the range of 400 to 600 years old. Intrigued, La Farge and her team ground up stem and leaf tissue from some of the samples they had collected, placed them in petri dishes filled with nutrient-rich potting soil, and waited to see what happened. Sure enough, about six weeks later a telltale green tinge could be seen emerging from the soil. The researchers were ulti-mately able to propagate four different species of mosses from seven potted samples. A year later the regenerated mosses are still growing, essentially resuming lives that had been interrupted long ago by the advancing glaciers of the so-called “mini Ice Age,’’ a global cooling period that began around the year 1550 and lasted until 1850. The mosses’ ability to regenerate after so much time under the ice, and so swiftly – for the ground had been uncovered for not much more than a year – is giving scientists insights into how an ecosystem can rebound as an ice sheet retreats. Of course, mosses have always been some of nature’s true survivors. Belong-ing to an ancient group of plants called bryophytes – which also includes liver-worts and hornworts – they date back more than 400 million years to the dawn of terrestrial life on the planet. They not only possess the ability to shut down in lean times and revive themselves later when conditions im-prove, says La Farge, but their cells can also behave very much like stem cells so that any one cell can “clone’’ or regener-ate the plant. The centuries-old mosses, now flourishing in a lab in Edmonton, and their wild cousins sprouting along the foot of the Teardrop Glacier, are by no means the oldest plants to have been regenerated in the 21st century. Last year researchers in Siberia success-fully germinated ancient seeds of the narrow-leafed campion flower (Silene stenophylla), found well preserved deep in the permafrost – at the ripe old age of 31,800 years. Germinating those Siberian flower seeds required quite a bit of high-tech human intervention, Le Farge explained. Scientists had to extract the placenta from the seeds, then artificially coax them to life. Not so the humble mosses found along the edge of Teardrop Gla-cier, buried for centuries beneath the ice. They required no special techniques at all, needing little more than potting soil and a gardener’s TLC. Saturday, June 8, 2013 Best on TV Tonight 7:00 pm CNN: WORLD SPORT 8:05 pm Disney Channel: SHAKE IT UP 8:00 pm Fox Series: MASTERCHEF ALL STARS TV Prime Time Guide 7:00 pm WORLD SPORT 7:30 pm MAINSAIL 8:00 pm INTERNATIONAL DESK 8:30 pm INSIDE AFRICA GOOD LUCK CHARLIE AL QALB AL MAFTOOH ON SURFARI AUSTIN AND ALLY MASTERCHEF ALL STARS BONDI RESCUE DISNEY CHANNEL FOX SERIES NAT GEO ADVENTURE HD SHAKE IT UP CNN Television Listing 22:55 23:20 23:50 AL JAZEERA 05:00 NEWSHOUR 06:00 News 06:30 101 East 07:00 News 07:30 Talk To Al Jazeera 08:00 News 08:30 News 09:00 Witness 10:00 News 10:30 Inside Story 11:00 News 11:30 Listening Post 12:00 News 12:30 Counting the Cost 13:00 NEWSHOUR 14:00 News 14:30 Inside Story 15:00 Head to Head 16:00 NEWSHOUR 17:00 News 17:30 South2North 18:00 NEWSHOUR 19:00 News 19:30 People & Power 20:00 News 20:30 Inside Syria 21:00 NEWSHOUR 22:00 News 22:30 Listening Post 23:00 Al-Nakba ANIMAL PLANET 05:20 Echo And The Elephants Of Amboseli 05:45 Animal Airport 06:10 Animal Airport 06:35 Wildlife SOS 07:00 Meerkat Manor 07:25 Dogs 101 08:15 Crocodile Hunter 09:10 Growing Up... 10:05 Escape To Chimp Eden 10:30 Dick 'n' Dom Go Wild 11:00 Bondi Vet 11:25 The Really Wild Show 11:55 Wildest Islands 12:50 Monster Bug Wars 18:20 Mutant Planet 19:15 Mutant Planet 20:10 Into The Lion's Den 21:05 Charles & Jessica: A Chimp Tale 22:00 My Cat From Hell My Pet's Gone Viral My Pet's Gone Viral Untamed & Uncut BBC WORLD NEWS 05:00 BBC World News 05:10 The World Debate 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 Fast Track 07:00 BBC World News 07:30 Perfume 08:00 BBC World News 08:30 Middle East Business Report 09:00 BBC World News 09:30 Click 10:00 BBC World News 10:10 Weekend World 10:30 BBC World News 11:10 World Features 11:30 BBC World News 12:10 My Country 13:00 BBC World News 13:10 World Features 13:30 Newsnight 14:00 BBC World News 14:30 Our World 15:00 BBC World News 15:10 Weekend World 15:30 Spirit Of Yachting 16:00 BBC World News 16:15 Sport Today 16:30 Fast Track 17:00 BBC World News 17:30 Dateline London 18:00 BBC World News 18:10 The World Debate 19:00 BBC World News 19:30 Our World 20:00 BBC World News 20:30 Perfume 21:00 BBC World News 21:15 Sport Today 21:30 Fast Track 22:00 BBC World News 22:30 Click 23:00 BBC World News 23:10 World Features 23:30 Dateline London BOOMERANG 05:00 Bananas In Pyjamas 05:25 05:45 06:00 06:25 06:50 07:15 07:40 08:05 08:30 08:55 09:20 09:45 10:10 10:35 11:00 11:25 11:50 12:15 12:40 13:00 13:25 13:50 14:15 14:40 15:30 16:20 16:45 17:10 17:35 18:00 18:50 19:15 19:40 20:05 20:30 20:55 21:20 22:10 22:35 23:00 23:50 Gerald McBoing Boing Jelly Jamm Ha Ha Hairies Baby Looney Tunes Cartoonito Tales Krypto: The Super Dog Lazytown Gerald McBoing Boing Bananas In Pyjamas Jelly Jamm Ha Ha Hairies Baby Looney Tunes Cartoonito Tales Krypto: The Super Dog Lazytown Ha Ha Hairies Gerald McBoing Boing Baby Looney Tunes Jelly Jamm Tiny Toon Adventures Tiny Toon Adventures What's New Scooby-Doo? 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Tom And Jerry Tales The Looney Tunes Show The Looney Tunes Show Taz-Mania Taz-Mania The 13 Ghosts Of Scooby-Doo The 13 Ghosts Of Scooby-Doo Tom And Jerry Tales Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries Moomins Duck Dodgers CNN 05:00 05:45 06:00 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:15 08:30 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:30 Quest Means Business CNN Marketplace Africa The Situation Room World Sport Inside The Middle East World Report CNN Marketplace Africa Backstory World Report CNN Marketplace Middle East Art Of Movement Eco Solutions World Sport Living Golf 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 23:30 The Best Of The Situation Room World Report The Brief Amanpour Inside Africa Talk Asia Business Traveller World Report CNNGo News Special Backstory International Desk African Voices CNN Marketplace Europe CNN Marketplace Africa Art Of Movement Eco Solutions World Sport Mainsail International Desk Inside Africa International Desk Inside The Middle East Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown World Report News Special CRIME & INVESTIGATION 05:00 Crime Stories 06:00 Crime Town USA 06:30 Crime Town USA 07:00 The FBI Files 08:00 Fred Dinenage: Murder Casebook 09:00 Crime Stories 10:00 Crime Stories 11:00 First 48: Missing Persons 13:00 First 48: Missing Persons 15:00 First 48: Missing Persons 17:00 First 48: Missing Persons 19:00 First 48: Missing Persons 20:00 Evil Up Close 21:00 Curious & Unusual Deaths 21:30 Curious & Unusual Deaths 22:00 My Ghost Story 23:00 Mobsters DISCOVERY SCIENCE 05:15 The Gadget Show 05:40 The Tech Show 06:10 Voyage Dans L'espace-Temps 07:00 Storm Chasers Saturday, June 8, 2013 Best on TV Tonight 8:30 pm Fox Movies: TAKEN 11:00 pm MBC Max: INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 7:00 pm OSN Cinema: THE VOW Television Listing 07:50 08:40 09:05 09:30 12:10 13:50 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:55 17:45 18:35 19:00 19:30 20:20 21:10 21:35 22:00 22:50 23:40 X-Machines The Gadget Show The Tech Show Engineered Robotica How Do They Do It? 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09:15 Slot Sale 09:30 Dil Daar - The Arya 12:15 Slot Sale 12:30 Zindagi Ek Juaa 15:15 Slot Sale 15:30 Slot Sale 16:00 Dharmadhikari 19:00 Love U Mr Kalakaar 22:00 Ladies vs Ricky Bahl Saturday, June 8, 2013 Beetle Bailey Blondie Popeye For Subscriptions Contact us at: Phone: 44666810 : 44654975 Post Box No: 23493 : Spiderman Learn Arabic Sooq Market Sahah Square Sayyarah Zits Car Shahenah Truck Raf Shelf Zoboon Client Hoy en la Historia June 8, 1928 Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist army secured the surrender of Beijing during the Chinese Civil War, which broke out in 1927 and essentially ended in 1950 1973: General Franco appointed Luis Carrero Blanco as prime minister of Spain after ruling alone for 34 years 1993: Rene Bousquet, French police chief during the wartime Vichy regime, was shot dead in Paris 2009: U.S. journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling were sentenced to 12 years for illegally entering North Korea 2010: Benigno Aquino III, son of former president Corazon Aquino, became President of the Philippines Picture: Getty Images © GRAPHIC NEWS Saturday, June 8, 2013 SUDOKU Thursday’s Answer Star Talk By King Features Syndicate, Inc. ARIES [mar 21 – apr 19] TAURUS [apr 20 – may 20] GEMINI [may 21 – jun 20] CANCER [jun 21 - jul 22] LEO [jul 23 – aug 22] VIRGO [aug 23 – 22] This is the best day of the year to think about how clear you are in your communication with others. Do you listen to others, and vice versa? The New Moon makes today the day to make resolutions about how to improve your money scene. What can you do to earn more? What can you do to save more? The only New Moon in your sign all year is taking place today. Take a realistic look in the mirror to discover what you can do to improve your appearance. It’s important to be aware of your beliefs. What gives you guidelines? What do you do to balance the busyness of your days? Friendships are important. Studies indicate that friends even improve our health. What kind of friend are you to your friends? Think about this. What is your relationship to authority figures? Do you resent authority? Do you accept it? The New Moon today urges you to think about this. LIBRA [sept 23 – oct 22] What further education can you get to improve your job or enhance the quality of your life? Think about taking a course or traveling to expand your horizons. SCORPIO [oct 23 – nov 21] This might be the best day of the year to think about how to reduce your debt. You also might ponder how to redefine the boundaries of shared property. SAGITTARIUS [nov 22 – dec 21] Today is the only New Moon all year that is opposite your sign. This means it’s your chance to make resolutions about how to improve your partnerships and close friendships. Any ideas? CAPRICORN [dec 22 – jan 19] What can you do to improve your job or get a better job? What can you do to improve your attitude to your job? Happiness is liking what you do. AQUARIUS [jan 20 – feb 18] Our society places much emphasis on work and the success of earning money. But this is no guarantee of happiness. How well do you balance your work with fun and play? Pisces [feb 19 – mar 20] This is an excellent day to think about how to improve your family relationships and also how to improve your home. When things are solid at home, your world feels better. MOVIES IN QATAR Saturday, June 8, 2013 After Earth (Action) A crash landing leaves Kitai Raige and his father Cypher stranded on Earth, a millennium after events forced humanity’s escape. With Cypher injured, Kitai must embark on a perilous journey to signal for help. I Give It A Year (Comedy) A look at the trials and tribulations of a newlywed couple during their first year of marriage. CITY CENTRE CINEMA VILLAGGIO CINEMA AFTER EARTH (ACTION): 10.30 AM, 12.45 PM, 3 PM, 5.15 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.45 PM, 12 MN NOW YOU SEE ME (THRILLER): 11.30 AM, 2 PM, 4.30 PM, 7 PM, 9.30 PM, 12 MN. [VIP GOLD]:10.30 AM, 1 PM, 3.30 PM, 6 PM, 8.30 PM, 11 PM FAST & FURIOUS 6 (ACTION): 11 AM, 1.45 PM, 4.30 PM, 7.15 PM, 10 PM TATTAH (ARABIC): 11 AM, 1.30 PM, 4 PM, 6.30 PM, 9 PM, 11.30 PM THE HANGOVER 3 (COMEDY): 12.15 PM, 2.30 PM, 4.45 PM, 7 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.30 PM HUMMINGBIRD (THRILLER): 11.30 AM, 1.30 PM, 3.30 PM, 5.30 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.30 PM I GIVE IT A YEAR (COMEDY): 11 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM, 5 PM, 7 PM, 9 PM, 11 PM, 1 MN IRON MAN 3 (ACTION): 11.15 AM, 1.45 PM, 4.15 PM, 6.45 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.45 PM AT ANY PRICE (DRAMA): 12.30 PM, 2.45 PM, 5 PM, 7.15 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.45 PM EPIC (ANIMATION) (3D): 11.45 AM, 2 PM, 4.15 PM, 6.30 PM, 8.45 PM, 11 PM YAMLA PAGLA DEEWANA (HINDI): 11.30 AM, 2.30 PM, 5.30 PM, 8.30 PM, 11.30 PM YEH JAWANI HAI DEEWANI (HINDI): 11 PM, 2 PM, 5 PM, 8 PM, 11 PM IDDARAMMAYILATHO (TELUGU): 12.45 PM, 3.30 PM, 6.15 PM, 9 PM, 11.45 PM FAST & FURIOUS 6 (ACTION): 10.30 AM, 12 PM, 1 PM, 2.45 PM, 3.45 PM, 5.30 PM, 6.30 PM, 8.15 PM, 9.15 PM, 11 PM, 12 MN AFTER EARTH (ACTION): 10.30AM, 12.45 PM, 3 PM, 5.15 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.45 PM, 12 MN NOW YOU SEE ME (THRILLER): 11.15 AM, 1.45 PM, 4.15 PM, 6.45 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.45 PM THE HANGOVER 3 (COMEDY): 12.30 PM, 2.45 PM, 5 PM, 7.15 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.45 PM TATTAH (ARABIC): 10.45 AM, 1.15 PM, 3.45 PM, 6.15 PM, 8.45 PM, 11.15 PM HUMMINGBIRD (THRILLER): 11 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM, 5 PM, 7 PM, 11 PM EPIC (ANIMATION) (3D): 11 45 AM, 2 PM, 4.15 PM, 6.30 PM, 8.45 PM, 11 PM YEH JAWANI HAI DEEWANI (HINDI): 11.30 AM, 2.30 PM, 5.30 PM, 8.30 PM, 11.30 PM IRON MAN 3 (ACTION): 11 AM, 1.30 PM, 4 PM, 6.30 PM, 9 PM, 11.30 PM THE GREAT GATSBY (DRAMA): 12.30 PM, 3.15 PM, 6 PM, 8.45 PM, 11.30 PM I GIVE IT A YEAR (COMEDY) (3D): 11.15 AM, 1.15 PM, 3.15 PM, 5.15 PM, 7.15 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.15 PM AT ANY PRICE (DRAMA): 12.15 PM, 2.30 PM, 4.45 PM, 7 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.30 PM LANDMARK CINEMA MALL CINEMA FAST & FURIOUS 6 (ACTION): 3 PM, 11 PM TATAH - ARABIC (COMEDY): 2.30 PM, 5.30 PM, 9.15 PM MUMBAI POLICE (MALAYALAM): 8 PM EPIC (ANIMATION) (3D): 5 PM, 7 PM NOW YOU SEE ME (THRILLER): 11.30 PM AT ANY PRICE (DRAMA): 2.30 PM AFTER EARTH (ACTION): 5 PM, 7 PM FAST & FURIOUS 6 (ACTION): 9 PM, 11 PM I GIVE IT A YEAR (COMEDY): 11.15 PM YAMLA PAGLA DEEWANA 2 (HINDI): 2 PM, 5 PM MUMBAI POLICE (MALAYALAM): 8 PM YEH JAWAANI HAI DEEWANI (HINDI): 11 PM I GIVE IT A YEAR (COMEDY): 2.30 PM TATAH - ARABIC (COMEDY): 4.30 PM, 7 PM AFTER EARTH (ACTION): 9.15 PM, 11.30 PM EPIC (ANIMATION) (3D): 3 PM AT ANY PRICE (DRAMA): 5 PM FAST & FURIOUS 6 (ACTION): 7 PM NOW YOU SEE ME (THRILLER): 9.15 PM, 11.30 PM ROYAL PLAZA EPIC (ANIMATION) (3D): 2.30 PM TATAH - ARABIC (COMEDY): 2 PM, 4.30 PM, 6 PM HANG OVER 3 (COMEDY): 7 PM NOW YOU SEE ME (THRILLER): 9.15 PM, 11.30 PM I GIVE IT A YEAR (COMEDY): 2.30 PM FAST & FURIOUS 6 (ACTION): 4.30 PM, 7 PM AFTER EARTH (ACTION): 9.15 PM, 11.15 PM AT ANY PRICE (DRAMA): 4 PM YAMLA PAGLA DEEWANA 2 (HINDI): 8.15 PM, 11 PM NOTICE: Timings are subject to change without prior notice. OVER THE WEEK IN QATAR ENTERTAINMENT JULIA DOMNA LIVE IN QATAR mix of drama, dance, and expressions, to take the audience outside the framework of time and place to feel the depth of Arab history, through highlighting the life of an Arab princess, Julia Dumna. SUMMER ACTIVITY SUMMER MULTI-ACTIVITY WEEK AT SHERBORNE QATAR ART TRADITIONAL AND CONTEMPORARY ART OF UZBEKISTAN When: June 30 to July 4, 2013 Venue: Sherborne Qatar Venue: Building 13, Katara Venue: Drama Theatre, Katara Time: 8pm Date: Thursday June, 6 to Sunday, June 9, 2013 Katara’s presentation Enana Dance Theater (EDT) featuring Julia Domna attempts – for the first time – in Qatar through a Time: 10am to 10pm Date: May 31, 2013 to June 16, 2013 The Cultural Village Foundation Katara invites you to at-tend the exhibition of traditional and contemporary art of Uzbekistan. Experience the Uzbek culture without a passport. Time: 8am to 2pm Sherborne Qatar will hold a Summer Multi Activity Week from 30 June to 4 July 2013. The fun packed week covers exciting activities including sports, art & craft, cookery, and iPad movie making. Booking in advance is essential, QR1,250 per child per week or QR300 per day. For more information, contact nhudson@sherborneqatar.org or call 6654 0129 or visit Sherborne Qatar’s website. For events, opinions and suggestions contact: chillout.qt@gmail.com Phone: 44422077
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