Official Use Only Meets Co-curricular requirements: Y N Associated Student Government F reshman Leadership F orum ( F ormerly known as F resh H O GS) Coordinator Application - 2015-2016 The application period for Freshman Leadership Forum (Formerly known as Fresh HOGS) Coordinator starts Monday, M arch 30th and will close F riday, A pril 10 th at noon. This position is open to all University of Arkansas students and they will serve for one academic year. Any questions regarding can be directed to the Freshman Leadership Forum Advisor, Jamie Wangler at All information must be accurate and complete or your application will not be processed. A pplications must be returned to the OSA O ffice - A R K U A665. As applications are submitted, interviews will be scheduled and conducted. Name: Student ID: Phone Number: Classification: FR SO JR Anticipated Graduation Date: SR ________ E-Mail: ____ ___ Cell Phone Number: ____ ___ Major/Minor(s): ____ ___ ___ GR LAW Semesters enrolled at UA-Fayetteville: Did you Complete the Fresh HOGS Program:__________________Top Five Strengths:________________________________ T-shirt size Local Address: College of Enrollment: Street City _________ State ____ ___ Zip Code Please attach a resume. Please submit your responses typed and on a separate piece of paper. 1. Freshman Leadership Forum exists to educate and engage freshmen in the process of shared governance at the University of Arkansas. With that in mind, why do you want to serve as the coordinator? 2. In what ways are you qualified for this position? Please describe experiences that have prepared you for this role. 3. This year the program had two cohorts, but next year Freshman Leadership Forum will return to one cohort with a timeline from mid-September to mid-March. That being said, how will you adjust to this change, and what ideas would you like to implement with this new timeline? 4. What is your biggest strength and how will you use it to help ASG? What is a skill you need to work on, and how will you overcome it when serving as Coordinator? By signing this document I acknowledge and agree to the following (please note the dates & commitments to attend the following): 1. I hereby give my consent to the Office of Student Activities (O S A) and the Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct (OAIS C) to exa mine my academic and disciplinary records for the purpose of verifying that I meet the requirements for participation in co-curricular activities. 2. I understand that if selected, I must abide by the requirements for my position as specified in this packet. 3. I understand that if selected, I will carry out the duties which will be identified LQWKHSRVLWLRQ¶VUHVSRQVLELOLWLHV document should I be offered an appointment. 4. I understand that as an appointed representative of A S G I am held to a higher standard and I will abide by the AS G Standard of Ethics (AS G Constitution, Article VII) the Code of Student Life, and the University Mission. 5. I attest that all information is accurate and represents my candidacy. 6. I understand that I will abide by various Office of Student Activity polices and timelines as it pertains to my position. These will be explained at the All AS G Retreat. 7. I understand that I will be required to attend the all-$6*5HWUHDWDVZHOODVP\UHVSHFWHGSRVLWLRQ¶VVZHDULQJ-in ceremony (dates and times will be provided) S ignature of the Applicant Date F reshman Leadership Forum (F L F) Staff Structure Coordinator Assistant Coordinator of Education Deputy Coordinator of Administration Deputy Coordinator of Membership Assistant Coordinator of Outreach Assistant Coordinator of Events Assistant Coordinator of Retreats Coordinator ± Update a bi-monthly report template for the upcoming academic year. Serve a maximum of 15 office hours per week for a total of 105 summer hours prior to their term, if they choose. Serve 6 office hours per week during the school year. Select 2 Deputy Coordinators (DC) and 4 Assistant Coordinators (AC). Plan and facilitate staff meetings. 2YHUVHH'&¶VDQG$&¶VWRHQVXUH)/)LVRSHUDWLQJVPRRWKO\ Cannot serve in another elected or appointed position within AS G. Deputy Coordinator of Administration - Maintain FLF budget. Maintain Freshman Leadership Forum calendar. Create office hour schedule for fall and spring semesters. Record all attendance and process absence excuses. Create agendas and take minutes at meetings. Cannot serve in another elected or appointed position within AS G. Deputy Coordinator of Membership - Create marketing and recruitment plan. Table at summer orientation sessions, New Student Welcome, and Razorbash. Organize applications into sortable database. Schedule interviews. Track and calculate interview scores. Assign FLF on fall and spring committees. Assign FLF into Small Groups. Assign FLF upperclassmen Mentors. Assign FLF Fellows. Tracks engagement with committees, Small Groups, Mentors, and Fellows. Cannot serve in another elected or appointed position within AS G. Assistant Coordinator of E ducation - Plans two meetings per semester that educate FLF members about the process of shared governance at the University of Arkansas such as simulations. Will also serve as a small group leader for ten FLF members. Can serve in another elected or appointed position within AS G. Assistant Coordinator of O utreach - Plans 2-3 meetings per semester that build leadership skills and increase awareness of diversity. Will also serve as a small group leader for FLF members. Can serve in another elected or appointed position within AS G. Assistant Coordinator of E vents - Plans 2-3 events per semester with the objective of creating environments where FLF members can network with fellow students, ASG members, and the community. Will also serve as a small group leader for ten FLF members. Can serve in another elected or appointed position within AS G. Assistant Coordinator of Retreats - Collaborate with the Chief of Staff and Chair of Senate to plan the All-ASG Retreat, and will be responsible for developing a FLF track. Will also serve as a small group leader for ten FLF members. Can serve in another elected or appointed position within AS G.
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