i^ Government of Odisha Women and Child Development Department r r:_ t r-L;l No l_6 t'> I /w&cD., Dare wcD-cw+1rsc{ 199-20t3 \L'1 ' l) NOTIFICATION In accordance with the provisiion under section-29 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 and its amendment in the year 2006 read with rule-24 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of children) Orissa rules,2002 and its amendment in the year 2009 the Child Welfare Cornmittees are constituted in following districts for exelcising the powers and discharging the duties connt'erred on such committees in relation to Children in need olcare and protection rrnder these Rules 2. -l-trc Conrmittees are constituted with the following members. SI Districts. No. L Angul SI No. I 2. J. Constitution of the CWCs Sri/Smt./Ms. Dushrnanta Kumar Garnayak, At/Po: Hakimpada, Near Chaulia Nivas Naba Kishore Behera, At: Tamrit Colony, Qr No: 121249, Po/Dist: Ansul-759122 Santosh Kumar Dash, At: Bikalpa Bikash Orissa, Kharadagadia, Qrlear Tasty Bread Members Chairperson Member Member Factory), Post: Karadagadia 4. Dist: Ansul Anil l(r,rmar Mishra, Member Flati bandhapada, Post/Dist: Angul 5. 1591?2 Reeta Mishra, Member At: Debarapalli, Po: Luhamunda, 2. Balasore L,/ 2. J. 4. 5, 3 Bargarh n--" 1. .2. Ansul-759121 Lina Panigrahi, Chaka Jagannathpur, Balasore-7 56043 Satrughna Mallick, B haskargan j -A, Balasore Priya Ranjan Mohanty, B idyr-rtmarg, Telaanga Sahi, Balasore-756001 Bhubanananda Dash, Rani patna, Balasore-75600 I Harish Cirandra Raj, Kal ipLrr, Fulr.r,ar l(asaba, Balasore-756003 Praf ulla Kumar Behera, At: llack of Rotary Public School, Bhatli Road, l3argarh Dr. Rabindra Nath Pradhan, Shahti Nasar. Ward No-13. Barsarh Chairperson Member Member Member Menrber Chairperson Member 1 ,I 4. Dr. Sr-rdhir Kumar Panda, Garbhana, Ps: Sohela. Barearh-768033 Member Pradeep Kumar Meher, Member Kushanpuri, Via: Barpali Barsarh-768029 5. Lili Member Sahoo, C/o: Arjr,rn Sahu, Bhatli, Bargarh-768030 q Boudh -r.,r I 2. 4. 5 Deogarh vz 1 2. 4. 5. b Dhenkanal v 2. Dharanidhar Pradhan, At/Po : Biranarasinghpur, Boudh Damodara Sahoo, Mulimunda, Po: Baunsuni, Dist: Boudh Rajeeb Kumar Nayak, At/Po: Padarpada, Boudh Khageswar Mahakud, At/Po: Laida. Dapala. Via: Baghiabahal, Dist: Boudh Chairperson Sairandri Pradhan, Deogarh iown, W/o: Purusottam Biswal, Dolamandap Sahi, Po/Dist: Deogarh Manoj Kumar Padhi, Collese Road. Deogarh Janmajaya Das, At: Bhitiria Sahi, Deoearir-768 i 08 Kumuda Chandra SatapathY, At: Tala Vitiria Sahi, Po/Dist: Deogarh, Email: kum uda.youn gindia@gntail.com Chairperson Fr. Johny Antony, Catholic Church, Raj amunda, Deogarh-768 I 08 Member Dhaneswar Sahoo, A-12, Bhagi rathi Bihar, Dist: Dhenkanal-75 900 1 Antaryami Rath, At: Kar-rungo House, Behind Muktadeipur UP School, Chairperson Dist: Dl"renkanal-75900 3. Member Member Member Member Member Jtr) \/ .-Y ,.€ Member +d a1 Member 1 Email : rathaslr is5 3 [Dredi l-lmai Lcom Dr. Premananda Sahoo, At: Kunjaltanta. I/f of Chandrasekhar Press, Dhenkanal Town, Dhenkanal S-t / Member -zb #L u ff / 4. ,i t0{, Ganjam Jagatsinghpur_,, Member Subash Chandra Das, At: Gajapati Nagar, Line-5, Po : Berhantpur,Dist: Ganj am, Chairperson 2. Pin:760010 Dr. U. Sridhara MurtY, rrohoii rhnte qtreet Rerhamour-1 Member 3. B Bairagi Patra, Member 4. At: Mosiakhalli, Po: Krupasindhupur Sasan, Via: Ni nrakhun!l:29199!Dr^Shy*-l Clrana Biswal, Member Santi souda, CooPerative colonY, 1tt lane. BerhamPur-4 Ranjita Dash, LIPICA, r\lok Nagar, AmbaPua, Berhampur- 10 5. OB Pradyumna l(umar MahaPatra, At: JyotiNagar, Po: GovindPur, Dist: Dherrkanal-7 59027 oY to' "x "-^r q,-^/ Member Chairperson Raghunath .lena, '.. Ohala, Badabazar, Tooqfcinolr r-rr r-754 1 03 1 w r Member 2, J, Aatamala. .l agatsinghPur Abanikanta Moharana, Baii anga, .l agatsinghp 4. Siba Prasacl V!;1199 Majhi, Member Member Alinineal. .l agatsinghPur ry.!!\ Kalahandi.-"r' 5. Binapani RoY, Balisahi, Balikuda, Jagatsinghpur-754 1 08 Member I Ajaya Kuntar Mishra, Lane-|Z, Ilri gation colonY, Bhawani Ptttua, Kalahandi Chairperson 2. SatyanaraYan Seth, Member Gandhi Cl-iowk, Bhawanipatrra. I(alahandi 3. SatyanaraYa Ir PattanaYak, C/o-Seba .[aar, At: GurujiPada, 5. Saroj Kur-nar Dash. Mahabimad a. B hawaniPatna Puspa Mitra Kauungo, C/o: Debaraj lr4ohanty, Ramnagarpara, bru q -uL ^ ^ d\F Member Member Bhawanipatna. I(alahandi Kendrapara,/ ***$ Member Via: M Rat't.tpur, Kalahandi-7 66f02 4. #& I Shisir Kumar ltoutraY, At/Po: Indalo. Via: DanPur, f)iqr'Kendr'anarA Chairperson 2. Alyala Kutlat'lla[, Member At: MahiPal, Po/Dist: I(endrzr Dr. Aparna MohantY, At/Po: Kapaleswar, Via: ThakuraPatr-]a, Kendra Minati Prava BliLrYan, At: Khamol, Po: .lanhimul, Via: Chandol, KendraPara Dr. Bholeswar Panda, At- Plot -146412462, Nuasahi, Siripur, Unit-8, BBSR-3 Arun Kumar Pradhan, At: HIG-C-1 19- Baramunda, BB SR, Emai I arr.rnl@Ygla. in Member Chairperson Member : Benudhara SenaPati, 3731-A, Sri Ran"r Nagar, Old Town, BBSR, En-rai I : benudhar. ruchiB4@€rng!'cgtx i)r. Jharana Slvaitt, At: VIM-200, Sailashree Vihar, C S Pur, BBSR, Emai I:i swai n I 2 3 @fgliff-etlgql Nirupama llatha. At:E-1, Institutional Area, RRL, Gangadhar Meher Marg, BBSR-13, Member Email : nin-rPama@c)'sd'org Nilamadhab Dolai, C/o: Ramesh Chandra Sahu, Power House, I.B Road, Po: Jevpore'764001 Uma Charan Cl-rotldhr"rrY, Housing Board colonY, Po/Dist: KoraPttt Jayadev Pradhan, Plot No: 8911311' At/Po:Semiligr-rcia, Dist: I(oraPut-764036 iagu NaYali, At: Bondaguda, Via: Borigumma, Po:Biiapur, Dist: KoraPut Ashalata I(hadangaC/o: Sri R C Rath. BidYabhusan Nagar, Raitr Street, Po: JeYPore, Dist: KoraPut Malkangir Santosh Kt-trnar NaYak, At: Sialia, Po: SENDTIRA, Dist: Bhadrak Nalini Kutlari f)evi. C/o: Saswati Rout' APD, DRDA, Chairperson Member Member!l :r,il '::1. ii Member Chairperson I t, 3. saswati.mba(@grnai Lcom Sanjukta Pradhan, Member At: Sambayagr,rda Qrlear Satsangh Vihar), O.o-DNI(, Malkangiri-7 64048 q\ Bij aya Kumar Chor.rdhurY, Chairperson 2. At: R K colony,NawarangPur-764059 Lalit Mohar-r Pattanaik, Member .3. Nuabandha Sahi, At/Po: NabarangPur Saroj Kunrar Bidhar, Member Nawarangpur \ 4. \l 5. wb Nuapada *,r' 2. New Tank Street, Po/dist: NabarangPur Sridhartha Sankar Behera, Pani ia Street, At/Post : Nabarangprtr Meenakhi Padhi, C/O: P K Panda, Iswar Mandir State, Nawarangpur Member Member Dr. Bajrang Bali Jagat, Chairperson Nuapada Fanidam Deo, Member Principal, I(hariar College, Nuapada 3. 4. 5. qb Sambalpur,-z 2. 3. Biranchi Panigrahi. Nuapada Sonali Panigrahy, Shiv Mandir Road, I(omna, Nr-rapada-7660 I 6 Nilima Mishra, Bijupattnaik special school for n-rentaly cl-ranl ler-rged tanwat, Nuapada-766105 Member Madhuri Purohit, At: Dolaipada, SsambalPur Chairperson Rameswar Padhi, Modipada, Near Padmakeshari Park Surya Kumar Panigrahi, At: Govindtola, Po: DhanuPali Member Member Member Membgr :1 sBP-768005 4. 5. wtF Subamapur*rz' 1 Giriia Sankar Sharnra, At/Po: Baripali, Dist: Sambalpur Membei Jogindra Padoshi, At: Chaitanya Nagar, Dist: SBP-768001 Chandra Sekl"rar Mishra, Membei At: 2. il Chairperson Baghar-nari, Po: Biramaharajpur, Dist: Subarrlaptrr Gourishyant Panda, At/Po : sonepur(Ghocl aghatPara) Dist: SubamapLlr Member { \1, 1/' /,, !i i,' Bijaya Kumar Pujahari, Via: Tangarasahi, Po; Biramaharajpur PS : Biramaharaipur, Dist: Subarnapur Utam Charan Dehuri, At: Bhursapalli, Po: Lachhipur, Dist: Subarnapur-767068 l. Member The appointment of any member of the committee may be terminated, after holding inquiry, by the State Govt. if a) He/She has been found guilty of misues of power vested under this Act. b) He has been convicted of an offence involving mora turpitude ad such conviction has not been reversed or he has not been granted full pardon in respect of sucli offence. c) He fails to attend the proceeding of the committee for consecutive three months without any valid reason or he fails to attend less than three-fourth of the sitting in a year. 2 3. 4. The committee shall function as a Bench of Magistrates and shall have the powers conferred by the code of Criminal procedure, 1973 on a Metropolitan Magistrate, on as the case may be, a judicial magistrate of the first class. The committee shall meet at such times and shall observe such rules of procedure in regard to the transaction of business at its meetings, as may be prescribed. All previous notification relating to constitution of CWC in respect of the above districts are hereby superseded Commissioner-cti Memolqo. ISISS /WCD., n Date: I )-'?' retary to Govt. 13 , Copy forwarded to the Director, Printing & stationary, Madhupatna Cuttack for information. He is requested to publish it in an extra-ordinary issue next Gazette and cupply 100 copies to this Department. A' no t-@N ' Memo wo. I g lS 6 / ta,-q"yol1 Under Secretary to Govt. /wcD.. Date: 1 >'q' 13 Copy forwarded to Chairpersons/ Member State Level Committee for selection of members of CWCs and JJBs for information and necessary action. 4. 4o lr"-^,t. ,{ 1^"q.x011 Under Secreiary to Govt. / 'l Memorvo. *!91- twcD., Datc,: t>'q ' 13 Copy forwarded to All Collectors/ All DSWOs/ All DCPOs for information and necessary action. He/she is requested to inform all the members accordingly. The testimonilas and information given in the Biodatas of Chairpersons/ Members. notified herein shall beverified by the disticr administration before they resume the office. It- nf dr^a17 14'1'>ol9 Under Secretary to Govt. MemoNo. lStsg /WCD.,Date: IL'g'13 Copy forwarded to the Superintendent, Observation Home/Special Home, Rourkela, Berhampur/ Superintendent, Central Home for Women, Berhampur for information and necessary action. 4 " *Kr:{ Under Secretary to Govt.
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