Oregon School Facilities Management Association P.O. Box 1474 Scappoose, OR 97056 Phone: (800) 799-6159 Email: OSFMA@aol.com Annual Business Meeting Minutes 2015 Annual Conference April 17, 2015 Albany, Oregon I. Opening Remarks ~ 2014-2015 OSFMA President Jon von Behren Jon von Behren opened the meeting at 12:10 PM. Jon von Behren thanked everyone involved in planning and participating in the conference. He thanked the Board for their hard work this past year and after reading the surveys OSFMA can hopefully start to take steps to make some helpful changes. II. Secretary/Treasurer Report Jon thanked Melinda for taking over the Secretary duties. Melinda Shumaker explained that there was a $10K deficit last year which prompted the Board to raise vendor booth fees by $50. The Board decided to have a reserve of $60K for emergency fund for situations pertaining to the conference. Jil Webber asked if the $60K included all of the OSFMA accounts. Melinda commented that the reserve includes all of the accounts. III. Zone Reports Zone 1 - Jim Peterson reported there were 16 members attending the Zone Meeting, including 3 new members. Zone 1 has 59 members. Zone 1 members would like to see some workshops repeated at the conference, the suggestion was to ask the membership prior to the conference which workshops they plan to attend and asked if the committee could send a survey asking the membership what types of workshops they would like presented at the conference. There was a suggestion to restructure the conference timeline, move the Zone Meetings to Thursday to include more of the membership. The vendors were packing up to leave before 4 PM, members would like to see some type of incentive to keep vendors booths open until 4 PM. Zone Meetings: Fall – Ryan Hahn, Astoria SD; Winter - Timothy Ford, OCDC; Spring – Terry Taylor, Gresham Barlow SD. Zone 1 is looking at an informal monthly roundtable meetings, and would like follow up presentations from the conference. They talked about mentorship programs for new members to OSFMA. Zone 2 – John Gilbert reported there were 11 members attending the zone meeting with 3 new members. There are 41 members in Zone 2. John thanked Jim Jenney and Laura for planning the Mini Conference. There were 8 vendors and 50 plus people attending the Mini Conference. The members suggested we need outreach to the more groups (OASBO, Superintendent’s Association, etc). John is planning zone meetings around Zone 2 in 2015-16. John Gilbert was reelected Zone 2 Director for 2015-2017. Zone 3 – Jennifer Snyder reported there were 5 people attending the Zone Meeting, there are 18 members for Zone 3. There were 11 members from Lane Community College attending the conference. Members talked about needing more time in workshops for Q&A, and workshops directed towards community colleges. Buck Potter volunteered for the conference committee. Zone 3 is looking at an informal monthly roundtable meetings. Jil Webber mentioned Todd Smith commented OSFMA should add a Zone 6 Director that represents Community Colleges. Todd Smith, Lane Community College was elected Zone 3 Director. Zone 4/5 – Leland Bliss reported, (for Dennis Whitehouse). Rich Long and Leland Bliss volunteered for the conference committee. Rich Long volunteered for the Legislative and Membership Committee. There were 3 zone meetings in 2014-15, in Prineville and The Dalles. There are 4 meetings tentatively planned for 2015-16: April Conference, September, January and March. Dennis Whitehouse was reelected as the Zone 4/5 Director. IV. Recognition of Out-Going Officers Jon von Behren thanked the outgoing officers and presented them with a plaque: John Gilbert Zone 2, Jennifer Snyder Zone 3, Deen Hylton Zone 4/5 and Dennis Whitehouse Zone 4/5. John Gilbert and Dennis Whitehouse were reelected Zone Directors. V. Election Committee Results The annual election for Vice President was sent to members via email using Survey Monkey. Jon thanked Timothy Ford, Oregon Child Development Coalition, for volunteering to run for Vice President. Laura Nichols emailed 114 ballots, 36 responses were received and the votes were unanimous for Timothy Ford. VI. Conference Committee Report Conference Information: There were 129 vendor booths for 2015; there were 122 booths in 2014. There will be discussions about revamping the layout to accommodate more vendors. There are 143 members in 2015 and there were 124 in 2014. There were 131 signed up to attend the conference. Membership is important to this organization and we need to continue to add members. Members should send the 30th conference theme to Terry Taylor. VII. Committee Selection Members interested in volunteering for standing committees should contact the Board. Jon asked Jennifer Snyder to draw the name tag for the evaluation form winner – Lynn Weathermon, Stanfield SD. Laura will mail the gift card to Lynn. VIII. Passing of the Gavel Jon von Behren presented the gavel to incoming President Joel Smallwood. Jon thanked Joel for the efficient Conference Committee meetings, and has enjoyed working with Joel, Terry and the Board. Joel thanked everyone and commented he appreciates everything from the Board. The Board is looking forward to looking at the member surveys, the Board has no intentions of making any sweeping changes to the conference, the Board only wants to improve OSFMA and serve the members better. IX. Jil Webber asked if there is a way to put Board Minutes on the website. Joel asked the attendees if they want to see a synopsis of the Board minutes or the entire record of minutes. Member’s commented they would like to see both a synopsis and the entire record of minutes. Tana Stewart asked if the By Laws require posting of the Board minutes. The Mini Conference will be in Zone 3 this October. The conference is directed towards current facilities employees that are interested in becoming Lead or Supervisory professionals. Joel asked Zone Directors to be sure and send zone meeting information to all members. Joel thanked Jon for his term as President and presented Jon with the Past President’s plaque. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Laura Nichols, Executive Assistant
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